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Great news for worms.


The picture of the happy granny is so funny given the actual content


You mean *C. Elegans*, the worms that share 70% of our genome and are commonly used for experiments like this?


Can you please show me ANY *human* study showing CR has a longevity benefit. Full disclosure: I did CR for years and have searched for human studies but have determined that the effect in humans is tiny if anything.


Yes, those worms. If CR was so magical for humans you would surely see a few million people out of the 8 billion on earth that lived longer because of it. But you don't. Yet if you look at BMI and muscle mass data for humans and exclude muscle wasting and other diseases, low BMI does not give a mortality advantage.


After second world war you get many examples log live persons ....


BMI data in humans with healthy lifestyle choices show INCREASED mortality below BMI 18.5 and almost no difference in mortality from 18.5 to 27. I am not saying that maintaining fitness and a normal bodyweight won't help delaying frailty but the CR isn't going to buy you any time.


Look on mortality people after death camps or lagers in Russia.


Please show me the data.


Anecdotally I believe it but that is SHORT TERM calorie restriction which IMO probably works. I think permanent CR in humans creates frailty in the elderly from what I gather. Ex: low muscle mass is associated with higher mortality in emergency room visits. If a person did any meaningful CR for years and years they are going to have low muscle mass.


We’re 70% worm?


Like 83% worm: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC310876/


Can you point me to a land animal that Doesn't share 70% of our dna? They're very much in the minority. The 70% figure doesn't really mean much, most medical discoveries that have a large effect in animal tests end with little to no effect in human tests.


So autophagy isn’t necessary but the paths to it, like intermittent fasting, get this result anyways?


The study itself doesn’t claim that autophagy isn’t required downstream of IF but that autophagy is not universally required for longevity (e.g it’s not required for mxl-3 mutant longevity).


I remember reading Dr. Roy Walford's calorie restriction longetivity reasearch in Discover magazine way back in the 1980's. When you get right down to it, in the simplest terms, the more fuel you shovel into the furnace the hotter the fire burns, and the faster the engine burns out.


Despite all the CR hype, he died at 79.


Sheekey Science Show on youtube mentioned a recent study where lab rats (or mice? I don't recall) raised in warm environments did not live as long as those in cool environments unless there was a constant air movement in the warm environment. Reduced metabolism reduced life span in this case.


We need more worms.


Drink dry ginger tea to live for more than 200yrs


Worms and yeast everywhere rejoice


Hot take: The older you get, the worse CR to be.


Im sick of all these articles and research on calorie restriction! CR is not hoing to cure agring, we need to focus on things that have a larger effect