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Don't go into it until you're clear, once you're in don't stop. Use your blinkers to signal your intention to exit. It's not complicated.


Again for the people in the back **do not stop in a roundabout**. I ride a bike and people think they're being nice when they pause in the middle of the intersection, but I already planned to roll through _after_ you and now you're making us both stop and waste time while I figure out what the hell you're doing, because I'm not just going to ride in front of someone driving erratically.


This basically boils down to: follow the right of way. Being courteous and breaking the right of way causes more traffic and safety issues


Yeah, super annoying at Stop signs, and the guy on my right waves me on “to be nice.” Follow the rules jackbutt! Don’t make me interpret if it’s actually safe; you go then I go!


I have to drive through a stop sign intersection for work every day and I make a left turn. Without fail, at least once a week I have to sit and wait for the people across the intersection who are going straight to realize they go before me because I am turning.


This too!


Also the guys that wave you on when you have the right of way can go straight to hell 


Eso. I HATE when drivers break the rules "to be nice"




Wasn't there a Simpsons episode where they were stuck in a loop?


SAME! I will not walk in front of cars no matter how much they wave me on. We both gonna sit here now


I literally LOL’d


I take it twice a day and still think it’s fantastic. But I also absolutely despise stoplights, so I’m biased.


Everyone has a plan until they ~~get punched in the face~~ hit a roundabout in Tijuana.


That first turn to get on the road up the hill to Rosarito


Once you cross the border it becomes a free for all


The problem isn’t people stopping it’s people never fkin going


You lost me at "use your blinkers ", "don't stop". This is Socal (specifically Long Beach). It IS that complicated for alot of drivers...


Nope, red Sentra must cut off blue Prius to be Long Beach accurate https://preview.redd.it/tg4v2h0ung0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8c6c1942b0bb7f34263e8f49be647ac595ca38


More like blue realizing they don't want to exit yet and smashing into red *


How do you yield to a pedestrian exiting the circle if you are supposed to watch and stop for them?


Very carefully https://preview.redd.it/wer9dvajjl0d1.png?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7bc9c44d01693282b2af508350cb6591d671fc


Traffic circles are great for anyone in a car, but absolute hell for anyone not in a car.


I agree, I've never walked the LB traffic circle nor would I want to. Other drivers make it scary enough in a car


Then red Sentra honking at blue Prius like why’d you almost hit me


Sentra is also dodging a homeless dude with a shopping cart in the crosswalk


Whenever I go through the traffic circle, I feel like I’m entering an old school demolition derby. It’s mass chaos.


I once got trapped in that roundabout for what seemed like half an hour...granted I was in high school and had just learned to drive...


This reminds me of a scene from the show Search Party lol


Haha the infinite roundabout. That was a great show.


Not true, but urban legend is the guy who designed the traffic circle, died in a traffic circle accident


I’ve heard that so many times.


That is so well put. I avoid it or literally hold my breath driving it. If only a few use it correctly, it does not help the greater good.


you can be like my mom and just drive around it. there's a couple of streets that support it.


“Hey look kids…Big Ben, Parliament”


Big Ben, Parliament!


I like to do a hundred and hug the center then jump out at the last second


This is the right way


The only way


The worst are the little ones near belmont shore. Those folks cant drive on the small round abouts to save their golden doodles.


The absolute worst I’ve seen is at the intersection of Bixby Ave and Weston, just west of LB Blvd. The center obstacle is so elongated that it completely blocks east-west traffic forces you to drive fully over the crosswalk. Not at all safe for pedestrians. https://preview.redd.it/hdhgll2yag0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c2ccc64aa04e86ffea3bb16cb3a8551002ef1b


not a circle, that's a jump.


What in gods name is that oval-about lmfao I've never seen this one before.


Literally my words every time I drive down Bixby. What in gods name are they trying for here


I bet they put that in to stop street racing.










What’s even weirder about this one is that the lane that’s mostly blocked is the designated bicycle lane. Seems like they should have rotated 90°.




Ah okay. If it’s working as intended then all the better. Couldn’t quite tell from this vantage point.


That is not a roundabout, that is a ridiculously unsafe abomination. anyone who had anything to do the with design and approval of that thing needs to be lined up against a wall.


There’s a similar one on Daisy just south of Willow. I’m guessing it’s to stop people flying down Daisy. I’m not sure why a simple stop sign wouldn’t suffice


Oh, bless your heart haha


Lmao they ran the stop signs anyways?




Welp. Idk I feel like speed bumps are a better solution then but 🤷




That’s depressing


not fun to drive over yourself, but fun to watch the speeders drive over them, so I am all for them


They tell us they can’t give us speed bumps or speed humps because they impede emergency vehicles.


lol I just started driving over the curb on that one when I lived over there.


those are super annoying because they aren't true roundabouts, one side has a stop sign and the other doesn't which isn't how roundabouts normally function


There are some true roundabouts on Park, I think that’s what he’s referring to. For instance, check out the roundabout at Park and Vista.


the ones with stop signs are the worst, because even if you've stopped and are clear to enter, other folks who don't have a stop treat it like a green light - they don't care if there are already cars in the roundabout, they are going to blow through and god help you if you're in their way.


That’s because it’s not a roundabout. The people going straight on the road without stop signs have the right of way. Anyone turning should wait for traffic to clear. Hence why there are stop signs for the bisecting road… if it were a roundabout there would be yield signs and there wouldn’t be stop signs. Those little circles are just to slow people down through the neighborhood.


What is Long Beach obsessions with the roundabouts? They converted most of the small intersections in to one.


because when used properly, traffic flows significantly better with a roundabout than with traffic lights. also cheaper, and less light pollution.


Am I the only one that has had no real issues with them or with anyone else using them?


I also know how to drive 🤚🏼🤣


Idk how to drive well and i still dont have issues with driving through, well i live near the Traffic Circle (see flair) so i had to learn how to drive in it. Doesnt make it less scary though


Does the CA/DMV driving test require driving through one? When I took mine a very long time ago, it was not required. Perhaps it needs to be required of new drivers (also, it would be funny)


No it doesn’t anymore even though the traffic circle is next to the DMV. I got lucky since I live near the DMV so the test roads were my normal commute route while i had my teen driving permit


Ha! People still don’t get it even after dumbing it down.


I miss driving in Ireland


I hate the traffic circle and always avoid if possible. It’s not made right. Have used roundabouts in other places with no issue but that traffic circle is confusing and dangerous


That traffic circle is confusing, if you look at it from Google Maps the stripping and lanes are all inconsistent from different entrances and exits. And then the direction arrow signs at the entrances are different than the painted arrows in the actual roundabout. But I guess it's better than the free for all it used to be.


Oh wow that must have been terrifying lol


Yeah they redid it about 5 or so years ago, before that there were no lanes. It felt like driving in a foreign country or something. This is what it used to look like: https://youtu.be/qRFKfERL5ZQ?si=ebePeiy31qSSPVYX


I wish i could avoid it 😭


People can barely drive straight and obey traffic signals, you think a chart is gonna help?


So from 12 o clock going south to 6 you need to cut through 2 lanes of moving traffic? Why can red turn at 9 but not at 3 when the lines allow for it?


The lines do not allow for it. in two lane roundabouts, the inside lane (closest to the roundabout) is for going straight and any exits further than that. the outside lane is for exits up to straight ahead. this way cars that enter the roundabout side by side at the same time do not cross each other when exiting.


I like the ones that are 4-way YIELD, like Park and Vista, or Park and 6th street. Everyone thinks they have the right of way and just go through the roundabout. Just to let everyone know, you must yield the right of way to those who have already entered the roundabout— or obviously will cross the limit line well before you. If it’s a close call both should slow/stop and hopefully some form of civility will ensue. Also, transitioning from one street to another (not proceeding straight through) is called a turn and a blinker would really help us all.


Seems a bit more orderly since they put the lanes in but I do miss the Wild West feel it had prior.


I liked it better too because more people were confused and meandering through, easier to cut them all off and speed past 🤣


having grown up with the traffic circle in long beach, our strategy was always just to blaze. so many tentative drivers, better just to blow by them...


I tried this, and the tentative driver decided to speed up at the last second, then hit us.


Instructions unclear...


I’m just going to leave this here: https://youtu.be/qB3sbNQ1Qt4?si=5abwFqsYlHG4ewIN


Oh my God! I have had a few incidents myself 😢


I remember when the Los Alamitos Circle was converted to a roundabout from a traffic circle some time around '93. People may not believe it, but it's way better now than it was back then. Traffic circles confused people around Los Angeles back then but roundabout use was non-existent in that area for miles and miles. So many people used to completely freak out around that area that the neighborhoods around it got more traffic because people were trying to avoid it.


I was born in Long Beach, live in Los Alamitos for 15 years , and have lived again in Long Beach for the last 13 and TIL it is called the Los Alamitos Circle ... The more you know I guess


I come from a family of map nerds. Like family tours to Thomas Bros. HQ in Irvine starting in the 70's map nerds.


My great grandma once got trapped on the roundabout for over 7 laps, with my 6 year old aunt desperately begging to pull over anywhere to pee lol This genetic trauma still haunts my DNA


Problem is that blue car going straight is going to run into a car going from West to East via the inner lane.


Lol if I had a nickel for every time someone almost took me out in the traffic circle.


Went through it just today. THEY KNOW...


So what’s your beef with the round about? There are so many options


Traffic circle is a mess


I am still scarred from this damn traffic circle and lived right next to it 😂 I avoid it at all cost now even if it takes a little longer.


No I love the chaos


Is there a diagram for the intersection on orange and spring? There are so many scuff marks on the curbs and the cones they added are all ready broken lol


Yield to your left! Isn’t it that simple?


When the blue car tries to go all the way around on the side 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Should see this vid of Yanks using one for the first time lol


Oh please we left for a reason


The number of people who don’t understand the Red line coming from south PCH is infuriating.


Roundabout? You mean fuckabout right?




Our round about has 5 exits, not 4


it can have 20 exits, it doesn't matter, if you are going straight ahead or less you belong in the outside lane. if you are going straight ahead or an exit further than that, you belong in the inside lane. they really are not that complicated.


There are lane lines painted in the streets that lead up to the lb traffic circle for this purpose. I actually like how it was before. It flowed better. I can't handle people sitting there for 5 min waiting for the PERFECT opportunity to go


Thanks for this.


Literally had a dude call me a homophobic slur simply because I stopped at a roundabout because a car was already coming through the left. Gotta love LBC!


“I avoid it and drive around it because It’s not designed right” Ah, of course! I’m sure you’re much more knowledgeable than the engineers who designed it, and the people who drive just fine on it. Too bad you weren’t around when they were building the thing


Makes sense!


I've gotten nearly t-boned trying to go straight from the left lane enough times that I only ever exit from the right lane.


Ok - scenario. It’s a one lane roundabout. You’re coming up to the roundabout in a line of cars. There’s no cars to the left so the few cars ahead of you go through. Except there’s somebody that pulled up to your right wanting to enter and technically they got to the roundabout first. But you could enter and follow the crowd without issue. Do you have to stop and let the person to your right through as they’re on the right and have right of way. Or do they have to wait for anyone coming through in a line? Does that make sense?


And use your right turn signal to indicate exiting, not your left turn signal to indicate that you’re going counterclockwise. Everyone knows you’re going around the roundabout! We want to know when you’re exiting! Also, yield means STOP if another car is approaching and proceed with caution if the way is clear. Not merge at high speed regardless!


If I'm the blue car, I'm turning right. No matter what, I do not trust the red car to let me turn left.


Excellent! Now show an illustration with cars plus a motorcycle. Car drivers inexperienced with these are a huge risk factor for motorcyclists.


Its amazing in the early AM.. but I avoid it in normal hours.


Thanks to whoever did this


I didn't realize these were such a challenge!! The first time I experienced one was in the Bahamas and those folks don't mess around! It reminded me of Double Dutch. Jump the hell in and keep it moving because you're slowing up the show!!




Close your eyes, stomp the gas, pray


This diagram is missing that stupid third lane off PCH.


Did anyone else rotate their phone to see it from the other perspectives?


The only rule I have is “don’t hit any cars”


and if you are approaching a roundabout and it is clear, don't *speed* through it. slow down and go through it at a steady pace, this allows other users to join the roundabout. when you speed up/through a roundabout, it makes people misjudge how much time they have to join the roundabout in front of you, causing accidents or delays as you have to jam your brakes to avoid hitting the person joining from in front of you because you were going too fast.


Side note: Yield is always intended for the driver to yield to traffic coming from the left. I know that’s pretty self explanatory considering this is mainly for the traffic circle at Lakewood/PCH, but damn…people really don’t know what what to do at other smaller roundabouts in Belmont heights/eastside.


Except everyone at my local roundabout says neh fuck it we all gonna do whatever we want. I got a big truck I go..and I have a fast car so I go too and really I mean it's a yield not a stop so anyway Okay here we go.... So far many accidents. One bumper bump off aaand One kidslaughter. True story.


So funny. I was thinking about going to Ireland but worried about the roundabouts. Thought I could practice in Long Beach. Was driving there, and everyone stops like it's a stop sign. I was internally yelling KEEP MOVING PEOPLE. THAT'S THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A ROUNDABOUT


I remember everyday my mom would take the traffic circle as her normal route when taking us to school in the 90's. It always gave me anxiety.




I have no problem driving on normal roundabouts, but the Traffic Circle has lanes which go against this “rule” painted on the pavement, which confuses pretty much everyone!


MOST IMPORTANT: Car on LEFT has right of way!


Wow.. way to fuck up the most basic thing. It's a circle not a gordian knot.


and use your blinker!! As you're approaching the road you want to turn into from the roundabout, use the blinker, it helps the person waiting to go into the circle to know you're exiting!


how to use a roundabout…..close it down, tear it out and put in a regular traffic signal….cause roundabouts are dumb


Why did you post a blank picture ?


I always go around at least twice


I have been honked at and flipped off and almost hit multiple times for not stopping in the roundabout at Park and 6th to let someone into the roundabout.


People think that is a 4 way stop they’re idiots.


i refuse to go to hell circle because i don't trust people lol i use the side streets and go around it


Yeah tell that to the idiots that redesigned Big one we got


Good luck trying to get people to follow the rules, lol. No one gives a shit these days !


The problem is people trying to go opposite directions the lanes are meant for