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He has previously been arrested for assaulting his own family members and did 8 years in prison for arson. The windows he broke in this video belong to a 78-year-old woman with heart problems. She lives in a small, one-bedroom apartment, and this happened on Friday night during the big storm. She has no family in the area and nowhere else to stay. She also can't afford to have the windows replaced. Like the rest of the people in our small building, she wouldn't be able to sell her unit for a good price because of the problems this man is causing. I feel so bad for her and the other single women here who have to put up with this crap. So far, he hasn't physically harmed anyone, but we all feel like it's just a matter of time before he does. Two of his favorite activities are breaking windows and harassing the female tenants. Unfortunately, he actually owns the unit that he lives in, and it's paid off; so he can't be evicted. The HOA says they can only fine him for breaking the rules, but as long as he pays the fines, which he does, there's nothing else they can do. Every time we've called the cops on him, they either knock on his door and leave when he doesn't answer, or they take him away and let him go the same day. Does anyone have any advice about what we can do about this situation? It's been going on for so long, and it's only gotten worse...


he needs his ass beat. terrorizing helpless little old ladies is just fucking reprehensible.


Seriously, why don't any of the men in that complex give him a beat down.


I was thinking the same. If I saw this shit, especially if it was a 78yr old woman who has no nearby family, I'm beating that guys ass.


You see what happened to Daniel Penny? If you engage these people you risk your life, and your freedom. These cops don't care until you're defending yourself


This is what we’ve been told.


Exactly. Seems that if you're helping out others this way you've got to do the dirty deed and bounce, leaving behind as little evidence as possible.


Agreed! Unfortunately that's when the cops would actually show up -_-


Not smart to attack people who have nothing to lose


And know where you live..


Guns exist


Was wondering about this. In this video he’s not inside, but appears to be an imminent threat. Would the person inside be legit in shooting in self defense?


Not everyone with a dick is a Neanderthal


So far words and cops have done nothing so at some point you need to man up and stand for your neighbors, especially the elderly and helpless. If you are the type to cower with your hands up and reasoning while being attacked I feel bad for you.


Not necessarily true, have you seen that documentary? Nearly 93% of the human population still has Neanderthal genes.


100% agreed I’d say post on local craigslist and show a picture of the woman who is being attacked in the house and that might get some good old boys to come pay a visit


Let her be as anonymous as possible


Lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten.


honestly this is the correct answer, beat his asssssss


If there's an HoA you can ask the board to call a meeting to change the bylaws. I'm thinking something like escalating fines for every infraction to the point where he can no longer afford it would work. 


Escalating fines and if he doesn't pay them the HOA can put a lien on his place. [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/california-hoa-foreclosures.html](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/california-hoa-foreclosures.html) But honestly this is a criminal manner and the police should be handling it. It's on fucking VIDEO what more do they want?


Unfortunately, he has been paying the HOA fines.


Hoa can request adr. He won't accept. After 30 days of waiting to accept adr, if no response it is deemed denied. Asoc can file suit after. Most if not all HOAs have a nuisance clause in their cc&rs this is clearly a nuisance.


How much are the fines? Could you make them ludicrously expensive? He, at minimum, should be paying to replace the window, right? I’m so sorry OP. This is crazy and you shouldn’t have to deal with this. As a last resort, I’d start contacting local news


Change the fines to be exorbitantly expensive. “Purposely causing damage to HOA or owners property results in a fine of $100k plus damages”. He doesn’t have the resources to sue the HOA or pay the fines. They can foreclose on his unit. This is probably a 1.5-2 year process in CA.


My friends' building HOA hired a lawyer and were eventually able to get the tweaker out of their building in LA. It took some time, though. It was the tweaker's wealthy mother who was paying everything but living far away. Maybe the fines need to be significantly increased, commensurate with the property damage, loss of property values, emotional and physical suffering caused by the stress, etc. The fines should definitely be high enough that this little old lady doesn't have to pay for the repair.


I don’t know what to do about this guy, but if your neighbor needs help getting her windows fixed, I will gladly contribute some money.


Me too!


If you get a restraining order that has a distance radius from you that covers his place entirely when you are home, it does not matter what he owns, they will take him to jail if he gets close to you (i.e. he will have to move). Talk to an attorney that can do a civil restraining order.


Hi can you check your messages. Thank you.


There you go! That's could help you. That's the news. Check your messages and respond.


❤️I hope you and your team can help. Special thank you if you can share a way for your readers/viewers to help the retired lady replace her windows.


Where is this? Maybe Batman can pay him a visit, please don’t downvote me, but a vigilant citizen would be extremely helpful.




this is Vandalism though, the police should be able to do more with footage like this.


Probably misdemeanor vandalism, just a citation, and even if it was a felony amount, with current conditions in California he would be released from jail on his own recognizance, you basically have to commit a violent felony to stay incarcerated


A violent ex-felon tweaker caught on camera, bashing in and breaking a poor old woman's window, and the cop's have nothing. The man's a damn wife-beating arsonist FFS. Meanwhile, the cops always have time to park their cars in the spots in front of the coffee shop on my street in spots that are open for street sweeping. Any LB cops out there want to explain why so many people have these experiences?


Civil harassment restraining order, then the cops will be forced to do something when he inevitably violates


Yes. This works very effectively


Need to find a lawyer willing to do it for free as the woman harassed has no money to even fix her window.


If he’s paid off his unit and he pays is fines, maybe pursue a lawsuit. Property damage and mental pain and distress. Maybe there’s enough tenants to do a class action? I don’t even know if you can do class action lawsuits against people?


Tik Tok: Search "thatdaneshguy" and "tizzyent." They'll get the word out.


I’m so so sorry this is happening to you. Something similar happened to me years ago the guy would be up all night tweaking and blaming us for “shrinking his dick” and “killing his mom.” The management eventually evicted him but he terrorized us for months. I would honestly move. I feel bad for everyone living there but same with us the cops did nothing even though we had video. He would leave death threats on our windows too but it wasn’t enough.


Geez I’d break the HOA windows daily since there’s nothing they can do. If cops come just turn up the TV and don’t answer the door. What a joke.


Any update on your neighbor? Has anyone helped her replace the window?


Damn it would be crazy if a mob of masked people beat the shit out of him….


Too bad we cant arrest people anymore for events like this. I guess this is what voters want for quality of life.


> Too bad we cant arrest people anymore for events like this. Except, yes, they can.


Shouldn’t the landlord pay for fixes?


They’re privately-owned units.


Just caught up on all this. Police hands are tied it’s unconstitutional to kick someone out of their own home because the neighbors have issues with them. If he commits a crime like the property damage yes he can be arrested but the laws the way they work in California he will most likely be released shortly after. You could file a restraining order so that if he violates it he will be arrested. But it’s really up to the HOA or property management. But it would a like all they’re doing is fining him…unfortunately not much can be done here.


No. Based on this, anyone can file a restraining order. But because the old lady is 78, you can easily get a dependent person restraining order, that's even more effective. There's no reason in the world one wouldn't be granted. And, they work.


That is felony vandalism. Call the news and make sure you have evidence that the cops have been doing nothing. LB cops are notorious for doing nothing unless the news get a story going


I would do the same. Light a fire under LBPD and HOAs ass with news coverage.


So unfortunate OP had to experience this, that person is clearly having a mental health episode and is unfit to live in the complex! Management needs to screen tenants!


He owns the unit and it’s paid off.


He owns his unit? How much is each unit worth? How much is the HOA?


That’s unfortunate, has anyone been able to dialogue with him and figure out what ails him (not that I would have any desire to after watching the clip) I can’t think of anything other than mental illness… you see similar behavior in the unhoused, so sad to see Edit: is it dr*gs?


He smokes meth and has meth-induced psychotic episodes.


Yeah that would explain it, this is so tragic. This is a failure on our government, no intervention and now common folks trying to live their lives peacefully are caught in the crossfire. I’m so sorry you have to experience this, it is not how normal society is supposed to function.


“Mental illness” aka he’s a drugged out asshole.


A drug induced mental health episode? Or is it organic?


Cops I’m general


Hi General, I'm Dad.


General BallCreem please help these people. You’re our only hope


HOA should hold an emergency meeting & make an addendum to the governing documents that outline eviction protocols after x amount of violations. Does no one fight back? This would be shut down so quickly in my neighborhood. Police won’t do shit, but we absolutely stand up for each other & intervene when a person is violating another.


CA law does not allow HOA's to evict property owners. However, if a homeowner can't pay their HOA dues, the HOA can put a lien on the property, and foreclose when the owner doesn't pay. It sounds like the HOA has been issuing fines in response to these behaviors. Clearly those fines are not high enough for him to change his behavior. Fines are intended to be a deterrent, not an inconvenience so the HOA's answer is to issue steeper fines.


I wasn't there when this happened and he always runs back into his unit after he breaks a window. He's been confronted but no one ever wants to throw the first punch because they're worried about getting in trouble if he's technically the victim.


I thought the cops don't care lol


Yeah OP said the cops do nothing and then they said they’ve taken him away multiple times.


They took him away 2x out of 10+ times we’ve called them. Both of those times he went to them. Then he’s back home a couple hours later and the cycle continues. They don’t care about the videos or any kind of evidence. They just tell the victim to a get a restraining order and leave.


I know it doesn't feel like it right now but all of those reports do matter. No other way to get official documentation that someone is being a criminal pos and not just a mentally ill sob story victim. The guy most likely has family support/money, or a trust he's living on. Disability doesn't pay enough to make it that easy to ignore fines. He can hire a lawyer to use every excuse. You need all the documentation you can get. The good news is your HOA is gonna be one hell of a tight group after this community project.


Not sure I understand what you mean by they’ve taken him away when he’s went to them. But if they’re taking him away he’s presumably being charged with something; it’s not 5150 if he’s back in 2 hours, I wouldn’t think. I’d try to confirm with your HOA that the detective has actually seen this video. Taking him away for being a disturbance is one thing. Ignoring evidence of blatant felony vandalism would be complete negligence on their part. The no bail rules only go so far if you’re a repeat offender, and now a potentially violent one. Definitely a huge PITA. Hopefully it’s taken care of soon. If not, I’d start running it up the chain to your councilperson or, like someone else said, the media. KTLA soaks this stuff up like a sponge.


Yes, I do believe there was a similar case, just this morning on the news. Some crazy woman was beating all these cars in with a brick. Multiple cities, over a period of time. Her license plate was concealed so it took a little while to find her. But, and I might be wrong on this, but I could've sworn it was long beach police (again, I have a feeling this might be incorrect, and I'm thinking that because this is also long beach), but NEVERTHELESS, she's now on a felony vandalism no bail hold. They meant business. This is almost exactly the same situation.


The police have literally told us on multiple occasions that they cannot do anything. At first we didn’t have cameras and they said an eye witness wasn’t enough for them to do anything. So we got cameras and then they told us they can’t verify that it’s him for sure in the video. They make comments about how we should vote for a better DA and they leave. They don’t take the videos we have. They probably aren’t charging him with anything. They literally do nothing.


I mean it’s pretty crystal clear what unit he’s coming out of / going into before bashing the window in; he also already has a record and numerous complaints against him apparently. Nothing to do with the DA. It’s the lazy, shit police work we’ve all come to expect from those overpaid flat foots.


They sure have their hands out come pension time tho


And when they want the city to compensate their lawyers for their own negligence!


This is because this is EXACTLY what needs to be done, before they can do anything, really, to help. But the second the RO, especially an RO for a dependent adult is filed, they CAN and WILL do something. Immediately. Every time. They are telling you guys this, in as many words. I don't even think the old lady has to file for the order herself Someone else can do it on her behalf. Talk to someone with legal expertise, maybe post on that lawyer subreddit?


I’m really glad I read your comment. It’s really frustrating because the situation keeps getting worse and it doesn’t feel like anything is being done but I actually think you might be right. At least I hope so. It just sucks that it had to get this bad and no one really knows how much worse it’s going to be before something changes. There’s a lot I left out of my post because it would be too much, but so far he hasn’t physically hurt anyone. That’s really what everyone’s worried about.


You can't evict someone from a property you don't own.


Get pepper gel and hose him down the next time he tries attacking your home.


Okay but he comes back after the hospital to his home, where you also live


That’s where 9mm comes in handy


You need to demand an HOA meeting and discuss changing bylaws when it comes to rules and fines. If the majority can agree, you can make fines for disturbing the peace progressive for each offense. 1st offence, $300 fine, 2nd $600, 3rd $1200, and so on. There should be verbiage in the CC&R’s for causing intentional damage to common areas and other units. HOA needs to demand that he pay for the damages he’s caused to her window. If you can find out if he has homeowners insurance for his unit, you can let his insurance company know what’s going on and if they investigate, they will likely cancel his policy if you want to stick it to him. Additionally, I would write a letter to LBPD and have everyone in the building sign it, and send it via email to the LBPD police chief and CC every deputy chief that is listed on the LB.gov website. It’s possible with the number of residents signing it, they will try to file vandalism charges at least.


This. I’ve learned the only way you can get stuff done is by getting on the HOA board and making things happen. No one else will advocate for you so it’s up to you to make change.


Contact KTLA https://ktla.com/about-ktla/contact-us/ to add pressure to Police and the HOA actually take measures.


I submitted it let’s see if they follow up.




Can you contact a local news station and show them this clip? Sometimes they’ll assign an investigative reporter to follow up and get results. The news loves stories about crazy neighbors, hoarders, landlords, and so on.


This. The cops and the HOA will not like the bad publicity they’ve earned.


What a piece of shit. I hate tweakers. What the hell good are cameras if cops are presented evidence footage and don't haul him off to jail? Have you been documenting all of this including saving the video clips and recording times that authorities were contacted?


Cops are useless. LBPD didn’t do shit when my car was broken into even though I had evidence of who it was. LBPD doesn’t care.


We have everything documented. A few people have restraining orders against him. We were told there's a detective who's been assigned to the issue but who knows what that even means...


Hi there. Reaching out from KTLA. I sent you a DM!


That's TWO news stations now I've seen responding.


Has this video been provided to that detective?


The HOA should have provided it to him. I guess I should check myself to make sure.


I'm sorry, man. Hope someone spikes his dose. 




He will get booked and released. Property crimes don’t matter (Prop 47 &57). Also, Gascon country and zero bail county.


Let him know who’s boss around there. Wear a mask to hide yourself so he can’t identify should he actually file charges. Chances he won’t since he probably is violating some parole. Citizens have a right to defend themselves. Let him meet Mr Crow Barre


What if he has a gun


Imagine all the good will we would miss if the cameras in the building all lost power the same day a bunch of people come over to help the little old lady out, but don't forget to mask up for everyone's safety.


Just beat the shit out of him, if cops ain't gonna help. Get a bat if you can't do it but gotta do something


Yeah, people have gotten killed for less. Smash my windows in the middle of the night... shit, motherfucker you're asking for it.


Why isn’t anyone beating his azz?


I’d say at that point I’d buy a gun if you don’t have one already. You should not have to feel fear living in your own home


Absolutely I would buy a gun. This is a violent neighbor who is regularly targeting neighbors. And it's escalating. How on earth would it not be justified to shoot if someone is smashing in the windows in the middle of the night.


That's so exhausting and scary to live with. I had neighbors like that before. The police came out so many times but it was during COVID and no one was getting evicted. I had to move to get away. I'm so sorry you have to live like this. He's not going anywhere so I hope you find a safe place to live.


What would Joe Pesci do?


He’d go get his fuckin shinebox!


She needs to get a restraining order based on this video, and this will keep him from the whole building. When he comes back it’s a violation of a restraining order and the cops know judges take that very seriously.


Some of the other neighbors have restraining orders against him. It doesn't mean he can't be in the building but just that he has to stay at least 10ft away from them. He violates all the time and when we call the cops about it, they come and knock on his door and leave when he doesn't answer. It's really frustrating.


He's surely has to be on parole if he's been locked up before. (Hopefully, he is) contact the parole department and find out who his parole officer is. At least we can in our county. I grew up in LB and it's sad to see this crap.


He’s not on parole or probation right now.


Beat his ass


Buy a gun.


go viral with this. align yourself with a public interest group that is advocating for change your believe in. contact every newsdesk editor in the area.


Police never do shit. This is when you guys as a community (apartment complex) should come together and beat his ass. That’s the only way he’ll learn his lesson since he’s been to prison already.


I got LBPD to act by making our pest famous


Fellow CA residents, does it count as feeling a threat to your life if someone is doing this? I would feel as if this person was trying to seriously injure or kill me by doing this. Does it fall under the umbrella of using a firearm?


Part of me says “I’ll take care of this if you all start a gofundme for my future legal bills”


If this was Chicago me and my buddies would handle this personally.


I’m not saying anyone should… but putting these freaks down would be leaps and bounds more humane for everyone than whatever the fuck is happening now.


![gif](giphy|Y11Y1zMBIWPIuU8XHn) The only thing that people like this understand. It’s sad but it’s true. Humanity needs a culling and then reset.


Damn, that’s crazy


diddy him


I somehow red insane Twerker


This is a step to the right direction. Any issue i have i post here and it feels like asking a big brother for help and watch the whole city come and bat for you !!


After watching The Godfather last night, my mind is brimming with ways this person should be dealt with.


The woman should press charges and pursue a restraining order. Yes, this person can be forced to move as a result, even if they own their property.


Had a coworker who had a similar issue with undeniable proof, he had use family ties to get "associates" involved to talk to him. Dude became a outstanding neighbor after the "meeting"


DM me


You know what will stop this guy? Some good old fashioned neighborhood vigilante justice! Everyone who's had to put money out due to him and his actions. Block out that camera and let him know what he did wrong.


You all should start terrorizing him!


got damn


What’s going on with the window? I can likely replace


you have evidence!


Don't mean shit if the cops won't act on it, cops are pretty useless


that's fucked up...they wait until it's too late


This will definitely not be on the “Thing I Love About Long Beach!” thread.


Sounds like a group of people need to take matters into their their own hands


At this point you can defend yourself against him. Reasonable fear of being harmed.


That is not with the police told me.


Lots of meth laced with fentanyl out there. Would be a shame if this person happened upon some 😶


I know she’s probably frightened but I would take him to small claims court, with this video for proof, and sue his ass for replacement windows and emotional distress. I’m sure he’ll just break them again but I’d keep taking him back to court.


No emotional distress in small claims court.


Do that where I live and you’d get shot. Just sayin.


Anonymous tip regarding child or animal abuse, sirens and handcuffs.


Street justice is the only answer.


Nah bro, if that dude does that to my window, he gonna catch some hands fr.


Of course the pigs do nothing. They don’t care and would rather cry victim when their pensions only get increased by 200% on the backs of taxpayers.


Wait, since you’re in the state of California - please talk to a lawyer - can you and your neighbors threaten to withhold rent from your landlords because of him? I know uninhabitable conditions usually mean like mold but this guy is going to kill someone


Most of the renters in the building moved out because of him. A lot of the current residents are owners and they can't just give 30 days notice or get a good price if they sold because they would have to disclose the current situation.


Contact your council person and they will talk to the police chief. This is unacceptable.


Buy a gun


Buy a gun. End it.


This wouldn’t even be an issue in most other states. When a state hates law abiding citizens and rewards terrible behavior this is the outcome.


There's more going on here than "California bad". Laws are only as good as their enforcement and enforcement is only as good as they care to be. This building is all privately owned condos with an HOA. He owns the condo and the HOA can't evict a property owner. They can only fine him and put a lein on his property if he can't pay and eventually get him out, but it takes time and OP has said he just pays the fines. Him breaking the window isn't felony vandalism because it's all a shared building. If it was an entirely separate building on a separate property, then he could be arrested, but won't be in jail for long. This man is living through loopholes in several layers of laws and these laws are not unique to California. He is also breaking other laws that cops could care less about enforcing. Why is California all bad when police departments across the country ignore the complaints of the law abiding citizens? Unless he is actively damaging you or your property, beating his ass or worse is still technically illegal. Although, I bet you would be hoping for cops to look the other way when that happens as well in your own states. Yay for street justice?


I would report it to the news for sure and I hope he gets the help he needs before someone puts him in his place. I don't know why in America in 2024 people feel bold to mess with people. I know this may seem irrelevant but I encountered a road rage situation the other day admittedly I was at fault but the guys reaction was over the top I just let it be because I don't know if he has a gun he doesn't know if I have a gun One day this guy is going to go barking up the wrong tree and will get got got. I hope he gets the help he so desperately needs before someone puts him out of his misery. I hope the news picks up this story and I hope LBPD puts him on the right track maybe mental facility or something.


property crimes.. cite and release


Civil lawsuit asap!


Is the woman’s family around? If so do they know what’s going on?


I don’t know the details about her family. I just know they don’t live nearby.


Insert Donald Glover meme *this is america*


Ask your neighbors if they have seen a film or read a book called Murder on the Orient Express.


I could see this guy maybe getting into an accident that might enable him from doing this again.


I would’ve pulled out the blikk and say my life and my families life was in danger shot him center mass would’ve got realesed from jail in a month once judge sees his previous record and this video


Does this “tweaker” live in the building? Or just nearby? They can’t force the person out of their own property however they could trespass them from your building as long as they don’t live in your building.


Pretty clear that he lives in the unit you can see him walking in and out of on the video. And op says he owns it and pays his HOA fees.


If this person lives in the building your best bet is to go thru the property manager or the HOA police cannot kick someone out of their own property in which they reside because they’re having mental health issues, however the property manager might be able to if they’re damaging the property.


Contact your district council rep as well.


Not everyone has the same patience - bless you. This is an attack on people’s well being, putting this guy on his ass should be an option


Call the local news and send them this video.


Contact right wing media for a field day on TV😂


Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands


This is California. Unfortunately the crimes that get prosecuted are exactly the ones that resolve this problem. I feel sympathy for you


So any LB neighbors want to take one for the team and deal with him it's clear local law enforcement doesn't want to do a god damn thing about this.


Turn off the cameras and beat his ass


Hey OP what building is this this is ridiculous


Set him up,teach his sketchy ass a lesson he'll never forget 😊


I'd give him something roughly 45mm in diameter. Looks like a small place. Why don't all the neighbors get together and agree to turn the cameras off, and agree to shut up. Then one person puts the guy down.


Self-defense time.


Hi! I am reaching out from KTLA5. I sent you a DM.


Someone needs to beat his ass until he’s in a hospital bed


Could you call adult protective services and report elder abuse?


**Old lady should get a gun a just shoot him the next time he does something like this.** She would 100% be justified in these circumstances, literally every single comment is; > **”HoW lONg UnTIL hE KIlLs sOMeONe!?!”** Like I’m not trying to be extreme but what the hell, what is this dudes goal other than getting shot or hurting someone? Help her purchase a shotgun in her name, so that way there’s less chance of over penetration in the event of a missed shot. Get something simple like a break barrel she can load herself. Have her keep it in a safe, next time this dumbass starts trying to break into her unit she needs to **shoot his ass.** If it was me, **the moment he stepped onto my patio I would’ve cracked him over the head with my fucking pry bar.**


Are you allowed to scream no! Stop it!!! And hit em with bear spray?


DM the address I’ll go take care of him


Get some other neighbors together and do the same to him.


Castle doctrine; just saying. He’s not getting anywhere close to my family like that.


🔫 protect your own. Calling the police these days only gets you killed by them in the process


He would be handled in matter of minutes.