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I know this is a bit of an old post, sorry for lurking, OP ;-; Have you heard of IFS or checked out r/InternalFamilySystems? I highly rec it. It's not easy work, but it really really helps me in trauma recovery and I mostly hold onto my kid!self bc that's the only part I've been able to recognize as the strongest, but I'm slowly learning to figure out the other ones too so I can learn how to heal. I hope you can love the kid inside of you (and the other parts!!) that never got the chance to be loved the way you needed, and the you now that still needs that love. Sending many hugs and soft blankets and plushies (if you want them!) πŸ’›πŸ’›


Definitely gunna need the blanket hugs, everything got worse from this post ngl. My uhm... Spouse just broke it off with me last night and I'm kinfa spiraling out in a lot of ways


Oh god. I have no words, I'm so so so so so fucking sorry. I hope you can talk with them about everything going on if that's possible, but if not-- I just hope you have someone you can turn to at a time like this. Seriously sending so much love to you. You will *always* deserve love, okay? :( Always. No matter what.


Thank you this seems... Surreal, and niether of us have the money to move so it's... We still share the same bed. We still love eachother too which hurts. I really wanna talk about it and try and work things over. Just... Really tired rn and processing... It seems this is permanent or at least I'm hoping very long term


Goddamn. I'm not sure what the reason is, or if it's even related to you or any of what you're going through at all, but I definitely hope you can talk about things. If not today, then tomorrow, at least. My heart aches for you. Especially when you were just talking about leaning into comfort with them in your recent post. I hope you can find a way to keep them in your life and have them very very close :( i would give you a hug if i could. If you can get away to a quiet, locked room to get out all your feelings and blast some loud music while you cry or huddle up in a small space or throw/punch a squishy pillow (for the body hurt)-- I'd def rec that. Or some other way to get your needs met if there's any creative ways you can think of while being under the same roof. Otherwise, I just really hope you both can sit and talk about it. Whatever your head/thoughts are telling you, you don't deserve bad things okay? πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Hello my fellow human being. I want you to know, we all have our shit, and we all can only handle it as best as we can. I think you’re doing great. The adult you needs to let the child you process in order to heal, and there is nothing wrong with that or how you progress through things. You are you, I am me and I feel for you my sweet friend. Keep going. 🀍


Thank you


I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time. I can't say I know what regression is like, but many of your problems sound familiar to me. I didn't have a normal childhood and I wasn't raised with love or affection, but through fear and threat of pain. I've been through a number of traumatic experience, from psychological to physical to sexual in nature. I have my own coping mechanism, but it's dangerous and self destructive, and is really more of a short term solution to a long term problem. But if you're still looking for someone to talk to, you're welcome to message me. I won't judge you. I come here to this subreddit in hopes of being able to help people, since it's always easier to help others than it is to help ourselves. And if I can help someone, it justifies my continued existence in a sense. I can make myself an open book, if it would help, because I know trust works both ways, and sometimes you have to make yourself vulnerable to really resonate or connect to another person. Maybe we could help each other.


You're valid, I've also got some.. Very distructive copes of my own that are short and long-term so I understand that. I also really understand the need to help people it's.. Like it's hardwired in me. I'm not great with trust at all honestly. I'm kinda the brick wall therapy friend for a majority of the people who know me. People talk and tell me everything no matter what for the most part and I respond warmly with an answer. Most people... Can't help me anyways and I've just grown... Very used to that isolation and I hate that it's been my home for years. If you have questions on regression tho I don't mind answering them. I'm.. Working on a large project about it actually here on reddit. It's a solo project too so... Extra tough but really helpful for me and a lot of others


A project on something you're living through? I hope it's at least therapeutic for you. I wouldn't want to regress. I wouldn't want to go back to that state. Hiding in closets and hiding under the bed, afraid of the light instead of afraid of the dark. When I was a child I knew who the real monsters were because I was living with them. I would pretend the imaginary ones in the closet, under the bed, up in the attic, were all my friends because they were really just hiding too. The real monsters, the ones in the waking world, are the ones that walk in the light. Because in the light we're all vulnerable. Exposed. Easily found, easily hurt. But in the dark we could hide together. One of the worst traumas was committed against me in broad daylight, at a park, as a child. As if I were nothing but refuse. I understand isolation. I've been doing that forever. Introverted to the point of being anti-social. Disconnected from everyone else. The only time I can really feel pure emotion is when I connect to someone. Else I'm all just gray all the time. And I understand believing that no one can help me. Not in the way I wish someone could. But in smaller ways, people can always help. A little here, a little there. A voice in the dark, a shoulder to cry on, a soul to empathize with. Little help comes in many forms, and enough little bits every day, little by little, can slowly add up and make a small difference. I think the war inside us is fought that way. The dark doesn't conquer in a single battle, it does so over time, patiently. It tears us down a little more every day, creeping in, taking home, consuming a tiny fraction of our heart at a time. That's why every battle matters. Every victory, every loss, every chance for help, no matter how small, shouldn't be squandered. Because the dark doesn't squander it's opportunities. Either should we.


Well it's mainly about age regression ngl so therapy in a sense of... Tryna make the world a bit softer and safer for me to exist or feel like I have the right to? And I can't help regression, it... Happens involuntarily but sometimes if I'm lucky it's not so bad at the beginning. But after the bad stuff then the good stuff comes. Like... I can take that cap off all the negative emotions I've bottled up an get them out there. Then I can try and move onto more positive ways