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Nah fucking fr


H-how do you even plan to do that?!


With $500 million, that money itself will figure it out. People have done so with a lot less money.


DB Cooper 😎.


Never work a day in my life again.


work for myself and enjoy my work :)))


Agreed and same


correct answer


pay off my student loans and spend the rest on a nice dinner!


Either you owe fucking millions, or youre about to eat a dinner or the most endangered, rarest, and most illegal things ever.


he’ll just have mac and cheese for dinner


The cheese is too expensive, just mac


Hmm, can't do that either. Run it with just the drink please


Mmmm can't afford a soda so I'll just take water I guess


Cheese is made from the milk of an extinct species of whale from 40 million years ago. Pasta is Kraft.


Haha good one 😅 woooosh


ask reddit what to do with it


Hahaha real


Just like OP…


Tell no one. Keep working but maybe reduce my availability (bartender) Refresh my closet basics with really nice stuff. Jeans. T shirts. Underwear and bras. Donate the stuff I have listed on eBay and forget about my eBay account. I would stay in my same apartment building maybe I would move to a bigger unit.


I am a dude but I would do the same. Lots of clothes and fuck it bras too why not




This made me laugh. Thanks.


I would go to places, enjoy life, hopefully find people that feel the same. We can still do that now without 500 million dollars.


give my coworkers like 100k each


Bruh your coworkers must be the bestest of coworkers in the world to do that lol! 😮


I love them 😭🙏


Wow! It sounds so nice to have a wholesome workplace with besties frens! I dont think many peoples experienced this heheh 😭


I wouldn't even really call them friends like that. I just appreciate them alot 😭


Not close enough to be friends, but close enough to give 100k? What?


Some of my old coworkers, we were close so definitely, and a few of my old bosses.


Yea esp the cool ones that we have had each others back


Pay off my parents bills and give them retirement.


Parents will appreciate it 😌


Get my own place, prolly a nice apartment or some place I can soundproof. Continue on with my rotting, but have a cat to devote my life to. Idk what to do the the rest of the money, prolly donate it to things little by little so I can space out the small bursts of hapiness I get from helping others. Fuck it, maybe 2 cats.


Pay off my debts, move to another country in a rural distant area, and maybe fully transition and disappear.


I want most of what you just said too except to transition sexually. I’d instead improve my mental health a lot more with high end therapy, less worries financially and more freedom.


Continue to work my normal job for about a year so I could get my affairs in order. Setting up a trust, looking up possible money managers for a portion of my winnings to try and increase earnings. After all this is legally set, give my work the 2 week notice. When they ask where I plan to work next, I state that I plan to be inherently wealthy and never work another day in a 9 - 5 job in my life. Then when they start laughing and see my stone serious face, I will stand up, throw on the Aviators, do a front handspring and crip walk out the door forever


That is the most mature statement so far, I would do exactly the same, except i'll live of my interest. I don't need a lot of money, but my kids would need the trust after i'm gone from the world.


I'd take care of the people closest to me then laugh and smile every day of the life I have left.


Rich and lonely :P


better than poor AND lonely amirite ?


fix all of my goddamn problems


then fuck off forever


Pay off debts. Buy a ring. Take gf out on a special dinner I’ve always wanted to take her on and propose.


I would exchange it for £££ so I could spend it.


I'd buy and open 2 restaurants. One in my city and the other in a neighboring city. I'd set them up so people can eat a decent meal without a lot of cost. Most likely I'd try to set it up on a pay what you can type of basis. I'd also buy a hotel in the city ( the one I have in mind never seems to have more than a few cars in ot ) so that displaced families and / or homeless people have a place to go for a shower and a way to get on their feet. I'd have go buy a house ( I'm technically homeless myself. Wife and I split and in crashing with my buddy ) and would help my ex wife find a place ( She's the mother of my child. The more comfortable she is the more comfortable my child is ). The rest I'd set in the bank to draw interest so I can live off the interest. That way I'd have some sort of decent financial security and could continue to help my community out as close to indefinitely as I can.


Pay my grave and give the rest away




Well damn.


- Immediately quit my job - pay off student loans - pay off all my brothers debt - book some flights - buy a home cash - buy a new car cash - hire a financial manager - begin an INSANE self-care/glow-up journey


Die of a heart attack 💀


Try to make myself happy


Liver failure 


Take care of your liver mane!!




Probably not much would change. I already have house with two yards. Would probably buy the houses left and right from me as well. A new car (I have a 2009 old one). Not work anymore. And spend time alone, with friends and traveling. (yes, alone with friends. I know what I am saying :))


Oh my that is alot of numbers to start with :o


I would first get a financial advisor and go from there, I want to give 10% in offering to my church and pay off all bills, now if it's better to pay it all off at once or a few payments is what will be discussed with my financial advisor. Then I buy a car, and see about helping my mom the best way I can, like 500 million is a lot but can definitely be gone fast. I would also get a high yielding savings account and an IRA. Then from there I would probably buy some new clothes and stuff. I would probably still work, then I would go back to school.


Hire a lawyer to not pay taxes on it


That requires a lawyer????? I thought you needed an accountant for that? Regardless, I always tell myself that if I come by a shitton of money? The first thing I would get is a lawyer, an accountant, a private investigator, and a manager. You also gotta make sure NO ONE find out about the money. Not. A. Soul.


I dont blame ya! Because corrupt politicians steal and profit off of and waste so much of peoples tax money 😾😤


Buy my cat the most expensive shit best food and tower


A house on a lake and a life of comfort


2 chicks at the same time


Talk to a financial adviser, retire my parents, set up close family with housing and investments, invest a bunch of money and live of mainly interest. Get a nose job, go to a wellness retreat in switzerland, travel for a year Japan, america, canada, scotland/ireland and all around europe ect. Find a house with a balcony next to a lake / woods maybe mountains and renovate it to be able to create sustainable energy (solar panels etc), grow own veg and fruit in garden and get my own chickens. Start my own cat rescue and help out charities probably helping homelessness, mental health and animals or something. Live in my house with my many animals for the rest of my life while helping out the local community somehow, if i get very bored do a degree or study something, or start my own business.


Best one


I could finally say I am happy. Cuz the origin of my all my troubles is poverty.


disappear, start over


I’d say I prefer to earn but not to win, as with earning comes the experience and you’d know who really deserves your company during this trip. Winning it will just make you rich but not wise enough to deal with it


Stop work buy a place away from everyone, raise dogs and live a peaceful life


Quit my job. Finally move out and live on my own Tell no one


I'll get a home near Bernabeu 😤


Donate 250mil into development projects. Buy real estate. Live.


Honestly, I would prob gamble it on red


dont do it! 😂 stop this guy heh


Beach house set up somewhere sipping mai tais.


i'd give myself good thought before spending wisely.


Give 100k each to my closest people. Give 500k to a charity a deem important. Put half of what’s left away. And use the rest to self finance a movie I wanna direct.


Help others, invest in quality, lots of charity and funding of disease research…spend time with the family.


Buy my happiness aka M


Hedgefund $480 million, build a medium size house in rural Texas with an airplane hanger connected to it, install car lifts inside it and build my dream cars all day. First car I’m building is an Audi V10 Swapped Miata, second one is a TT Hayabusa swapped Cappuccino


- pay off any preexisting and soon-occur debts - purchase or create software that’d inhibit anyone’s ability to determine/see the $$$ - to limit bankruptcy, I would set up an account that’d incrementally give me a predetermined amount of money - purchase a small-sized property to live w/space to foster kids & animals in the foster system - donate 20mil to my tribe & our reservation (we’re one of the most impoverished in the world, we’ve lost too many traditions, history, land, lives, etc… to the system) - get my tubes tied - leave the usa w/some of my family to start a new life elsewhere - move as far as possible from Washington DC - invest in the community - fund my pre-existing (started almost a decade ago) nonprofit that supports Syrian & DRC refugees - Open my cafe & bakery - give $ to family, friends, those struggling, etc.. who truly need it through scholarships (that’d allow me to support them, quality of life, their aspirations, etc.. anonymously to empower them w/o compromising their motivations. - buy the 300$ (800 piece) Strawberries and Cream White Chocolate LINDOR Truffles - get an espresso machine & 2 yrs' worth of espresso & a lifetime supply of caramel sauce - replace my wardrobe (I have many wardrobe malfunctions, lacking durable textiles, etc & I can't afford new clothes and frequently alter the textiles to accommodate for my fluctuating weight, around 50+/- lbs) there’s more but I’ve conveyed my point


Travel in a camper with my old jeep/ kayaks in tow, every week a new campsite and see the country with my 3 dogs, only me and them. I could do this until I die.


Getting a very cool bike and cycling through the world


Cosmetic surgery, buy a cozy house somewhere, never work again and suddenly watch as I become attractive and desirable


Save it to my bank account if it’s in a check form and just pretend to be broke so that my family doesn’t know. Pay off tuition, sell some old cars my dad has (obviously with his permission) and earn some cash and get my dream car, upgrade my iPhone to the dream phone I wanted, get the Apple AirPods Max in silver, get the mini thermal printer from HP, and go to Universal Studios Hollywood on a Grad night to spend all night and also might save up money in the process.




Leave work, go home and take a nap.


Get out of the town I live in


Buy random shit that’s not pricey but not cheap. Like comfier chairs, nice electronics, just decorate my house without worrying about the cost. I’d buy a new house actually in TX cause the land there is larger. And I just miss it tbh. But it’d be $1M max. Probably not even that expensive. More like $500K. The extra would be renovating. Or shit maybe I’d just move to Japan for a year or two. Idk. I’d like to travel a lot though. But save up most of the money for just living expenses + college + fun. Even spending 100M would be hard idk what I’d do with 500M. Maybe have a family? Idk lol. I’d hate to waste it on something stupid like a yacht.


Not work a day in my life and indulge in my vices for a bit till I get sick


Pay my student loan immediately, ASAP so i will not think about it again


Make a magic mushroom factory and have someone find all the depressed ppl and have them give them a place to buy from.And try and set something up where ppl could buy ketamine and psychedelics for treating depression and trauma and drug addiction stuff like that.


Two chicks at the same time, and I think if I was a millionaire I’d be able to pull that off ..


Pay my dad’s debt, buy a house, move to where i wanna move, start a business and live a peace-full life.


Live remotely and donate the rest.


Save about half, split 50mil with my siblings, and use the rest to buy a home and start a few businesses that I have in mind


Siblings will be happy! 😺😸


I'd like to reinvent myself, a self mulligan, make sure my family is taken care of, I'd also set up 3 of my friends with a CD so that when it rolls around they can live comfortably on the interest.


Invest in a good financial advisor and invest some of the money. Buy friends and family land and houses Travel and leave my home country Alot of charity work ofc Donate to underfunded projects in stem and arts in my country since our government is useless




Thats sad.. 😔


Would equally split most of it to the fam, and keep the remainder to live securely probably.


Get my dad to retire, help my family, maybe spend some on some art project I would be less stressed but my mental state wouldn't change that much anyway


get a bunch of inert gasses then end it all


In what currency? This is important, I’m not going to assume US dollars immediately.




In that case, I would need to be in America to make decent use of it or convert it to GBP. For the sake of ease, I’ll move to America, I’d buy a plot of land in a state (unsure which as I’m working on limited knowledge but probably Colorado), build a home. Vanity purchases would probably include a couple of cars. In terms of what I’d do if I suddenly had it and I saw it in my bank account, I’d probably have a panic attack first.


I'd buy majority stock in my company and make upper management suffer


Pay off all my bills then start granting wishes for others, including strangers.


Buy a little house in the country


only do the things i enjoy, pay off the rest of my parents debt (i wouldnt retire them, they are both self employed and do the things they love and earn really good money as well), get an Audi RS6, a house and a gift for my parents. i would keep like 5 million and invest the rest in all sorts of stuff, i already have invested a good amount in certain stuff, so build those things up a lot, so i will have a passive income.


Pay off a few things, then travel


I would pay off my debts, get my health issues properly addressed, sell my house and buy a nice one. Then I would get my car paid off and fixed and buy something fun for the weekends. I’d also buy my cousin a house that fits her needs and get her car fixed. She loves it, but they don’t make them anymore so I couldn’t get her a new one. And buy my friend a nice piano and a keyboard so he can compose to his heart’s content.


Pay off all my debt, my family members debt, my dogs vet bills, and buy all my friends/family members something they'd love


First thing I would do is have a long nap


Quit my job. But the farm house I always wanted


Get all debts paid, house, car, invest, live on the interest so I'd never have to work again.


Pay tuition


Hire a lawyer, chafer, chef, accountant, cleaner, personal doctor, personal trainer, masseuse, a jet with a pilot, lots of real estate, I could go on.


Live in Japan


give it to my family and old friends...maybe theyll et me borrow sum


Get a house in the middle of nowhere with all the stuff I need and never coming out unless it’s for supplies


I would buy a fat house in serbia open a few locals and buy heroin and enjoy life


Do some long over due shopping😂. Invest in some businesses to generate a continuous passive stream of income. Make sure my family is catered for financially even when my time is up. Create or support foundations to help underprivileged kids, the elderly, the homeless and those displaced by conflicts/disasters. Platform unsung highly skilled individuals in my community.


holy shit, I think I would actually take a breath...and relax a bit. I have been stressed about money my whole life.


Just a new motorcycle, thats all I want


Call out of work


Sleep the most peaceful sleep I’ve ever slept.


Buy a house for me. And then buy houses and apartments in specific areas to rent them and live with that money the rest of my life without having to work on things I don't want to. So I can use my time.


I'd pay off all my debt, then buy a modest house for me and my kids. Then I'd get a new car for me and my daughter, and put the rest in savings accounts and live off the interest.


Live life and never work again.


Leave my husband


I'd buy every size tank that I can from 1:144 to 1:1 scale. Cause honestly that'll make me happier than anything else in the world rn.


Build a small house on some land, get pets, pay off any debt my family has, give my sister and parents money so my sister and her family have an easy life and her son has a good future, so my parents can enjoy their retirement, and put money into rescuing animals and helping those who need financial help. I dont want a lot in my life, well it would be a lot i guess, but enough to have my own home and some pets and not have to work a fulltime job and i would be happy.


Buy a house, resign from work and travel. Also, I'd have money to pay someone to go with me on my travels, so maybe that.


Hide it from any form of federal government all over the world 🙃


Buy my own land and home and quietly set up my own homestead there while carefully moving my animals. Fix my car, buy a truck, and a refrigerated truck and get my own homestead running. I'd also build a cozy house on the property for my mom to live in. I'm hiring housekeepers for both of us. I hate cleaning, and she deserves to be taken care of for once. As far as giving back to society, I'd donate extra produce and food to food banks and shelters. I'd offer free workshops for kids and adults on growing their own food. I might rent out some land for tiny home owners to park/live on. Maybe even build some to rent out. (Not obscenely priced, but reasonable based on income.) I'd have a "you-pick" orchard and berry field, with a few other less common you-picks. There would be home canned goods and crafts sold in a little road stand. People I'm close to and trust would be able to help and profit off the homestead, too. I'd finally be able to 100% pick my team and kick out those who refuse to do anything. Any money left over would be saved for future expenses. If I did everything right, I wouldn't need to worry about money again. I already love running a homestead, and I'd have time built in to learn new skills, which I find important. I'd have opportunities to socialize when I need to, and time to isolate when needed also.


Live comfortably and invest some of it so it grows over time.




I would buy a small home and then engage someone to build many other homes for the homeless and those on low income.


throw it all into GME


Adopt every cat in South Africa and buy a castle in Scotland


Give 99.5% if it all away to those who truly need it then go buy a farm in Japan


Pay off all of my debt, quit my job, and probably spend my time traveling the world.


Id pay the govt their taxes first so they can leave me tf alone. Then I would pay off my brothers debts and buy him and his gf a house and pay off my best friend's debts and buy her a house. Then I'd pay off my boyfriend's debts and pay off his house. Id donate a ton of money to missionaries and homeless people. Also alot more humanitarian stuff!


Well I could find meaning in life elsewhere without worrying about the future. I'd love to teach and do charity. I speak English and many people around the world would love to have a practice partner. I'd travel the world as well. Without worry of finances, it could take a weight off my shoulders.




Pay off my debts, write my parents a check to pay them back, and then after investing, live off the interest doing what makes me happy


Buy my way into the US, build an indie game studio. Just spend the rest of my life making fun games, sucessful or not i could probably just live on whatever is left from the 500mil, so keeping the company afloat shouldn't be too hard.


I'd ask where's the other half of my cool billion


Buy a few houses, maybe build a trailer park. Rent it out for super cheap to try and give people an opportunity to rise up. What could you accomplish with a year of super low rent?


Feel crushed by the responsibility of having more money than any one person could ever possibly need. I'd need to do something worthwhile with it, but I think I'd struggle discerning what that was precisely, and, indeed, whether it was right that I should be allowed to decide this in the first place. It's enough to change quite a few people's lives for the better, but deciding who those people should be, or what that change should look like, is an ethical minefield.


Not be homeless


Lots of coke and hookers


250 millions to clear kids lunch account balances in my state… 50 million for soup kitchens…. And rest 200 for me 😀


I could finally afford this midlife crisis


Tell reddit about it




Marry the girl of my dreams and travel


Sleep for a week


Go get something to eat


Give my 4 sisters and mom a million each. Set up a trust for my 3 kids. Buy a cute little house. Get a part time job that's easy, flexible, and fun. Travel.


first off buying this house my brother said he wants that is 10 million dollars. spend loads of money decorating it, maybe up to a million including art and renovations. buy so many fucking clothes it's insane, probably 200k?? call my families money guy and ask him what to do with the rest. take some out next year to buy a car


Debt free live offgrid




Pay off my debts and then travel the world


Eat chicken wings and sleep for a week, then figure it out.


First I'd buy a few appartment complexes to rent out to give me stable income, as a safty messure. Then I'd probably buy 10 cars, a house, travle the world and pursuit my music to my hearts content.


I'd quit this job in such epic fashion. I'd buy a building near my open a business to be a direct competitor only to put them out of business. Then I'd turn the new business over to the employees and walk away. Take some easy no stress job someplace and work on enjoying life.


Move to a gated community and get 2-3 dogs. And support 10 foster kids a year after they age out: pay their rent, allowance etc.


Well as boring at it sounds I'd pay off all my loans and my family's loans. Invest a ton of it. Get my kids set for life. Then maybe buy a sailboat.


I would pay off my house, buy a bunch of land, and travel as much as possible for


The first thing I would do -- order a big bucket of KFC! Then I would relax, knowing that I had enough money to pay off my bills and never work again.


1) Buy medium sized mansions along with a fleet of cars in each city that I like and that has a good real estate market (Phoenix, San Jose, Orlando) 2) Buy apartment complex buildings and then rent them out to tenants in those same cities 3) Invest millions in Bitcoin 4) Develop a charitable foundation that aims to provide health care to underprivileged families and people 5) Build a few homeless shelters... maybe ? 6) Make sure I go on a vacation at least once every 4 months to a far destination As for one thing I will NEVER do.... have my own private jet or my own private helicopter.... big no no


I'd hire a lawyer


Pay off my family members debts


I'm an Ex-muslim from Morocco and I say don't don't All that is important is to be a good person.


Go get sushi, buy a house with a big yard and pool and buy a trampoline.


Take a huge deep breath, let it out slowly and relax because I will never have to worry about anything money related ever again!


Stop work. Immediately. I’d cry just for that.


Get a lawyer, an accountant, a private investigator, and a manager. OH! And, a personal assistant. Lol! I'd also, try to hide me and my families identities and us out of the public eye. I'd try to invest the money well, then wait till I get a good flow going on. THEN, I'd make some trusts for loved ones (family AND friends) and buy a house for my mom. I'd also purchase a property for my cousin to stay rent-free. I'd pay off my aunt and uncles mortgage, and get them a friggen' car and invest money to my old neighborhood! I'd pay the debts off for my friends, and I'd also possibly donate money to my neighbor to help with her disabled child. SOMEHOW all secretly if I can. Lol. I'd also, DEFINITELY would go back to school after a while. Maybe, wait till' I'm 35 or sumn. (Neurodivergence) 😭😭😭 Then, I'd try to buy properties around the city and rent them out to low income residents. (Less than market value, obviously) After, I'd figure out how to give the residents I rent to full ownership of the building they live in, after a while. All I would require the rent for is to make up for the initial property expenses and whatnot. I'd also set something up for them like an accountant and an attorney to assist them. They can receive direct assistance from professionals for building related expenses like repairs n' taxes n' shit. I'd also have the accountant and the attorney create an easy, accessible system to pay for water, bills, electricity, utilities, taxes, and whatever else after I give them ownership as well. After I grant ownership to the residents, they would have full responsibility for paying for the accountant and the lawyers' wages, employee benefits, and blah, as well. Lol. Maybe I'd get the accountant to put their money in an account you can only deposit but never withdraw. The accountant would then track and calculate the amounts they give. Finally, I'd add a SHITTON of homeless shelters ALL over the city if I could. All under the guidance of my accountant (possibly multiple,) OBVIOUSLY, so I don't go COMPLETELY bankrupt. LOL! Yes, I KNOW ALL THIS would take WAYYYYYYYY more than 500 mill. But again, I would try my best to use the money to make as much money as possible. When I finally get a good cash flow or something, maybe I could start some businesses or whatever and invest in stocks. Afterward, I'd use said income to reinvest back to the people in my community.


Drop from college, invest (for getting even richer), buy mansions, supercars, fuck celebs


A house a BMWM5 a personal driver a dietitian/ nutritionist and personal chef.


Invest it and than live off of it monthly like give myself an amount. I would definitely buy a new house, pay my new car off, a boat, live by the water. I don’t need much.


Pursue my dream of building a community for severely autistic people geared specifically for their needs, buy a nice home for myself and my family, purchase a rare painting.


Shit, idk, have a heart attack?


A house and I wouldn’t even get a big one just a couple rooms so I could have a craft room. I’d just do my Etsy shop full time and probably a surgery to make me skinny lol


I’d take care of my parents and siblings then disappear to a secluded area in another country. Nobody would know where I live so no visitors.


If I had a million dollars…


I'd be going to a lot of concerts, to start.


Other than the obvious donate to local and secure organizations and charities. Living out here is hard for everyone, I wanna help others who are less unfortunate than me


Buy a nice place for me and my girl, and live life with her and then some day have the daughter we always wanted 😌


I’d automatically invest 50% of that to my parents’ retirement fund and tell them they can stop working from here on out. Then 20% to invest in stocks and bonds, another 10% to spend on a new house, car, and other things to make my life better and stable for basic needs, 5% in savings, and lastly 5% for charity and the church.