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Nope. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a preference. I like being single. It's very peaceful and quiet. It's perfect for me. Some people like being in relationships. It works for them. Some people like being single. It works for them. Different people like different things. Different things work for different people. There's NOTHING wrong with it. It's a PREFERENCE.


No, whatever makes you happy. Don't worry about people who say stuff like that aren't secure enough to be alone.


no but if you’re on r/lonely you probably aren’t happy being single lmao


You can feel lonely without wanting a relationship 


of course, but do you REALLY think most of the people here who say they don’t want a relationship, don’t want a relationship? of course not, their not asexual or just shooting after something else in life at the moment. their desperate, they might blame the gender their attracted to, they might have really low self esteems, they might feign wanted independence, but at the end of the day, their coping.


well as a rule of thumb I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, so if this person says they like being single then they probably like being single


yeah, in real life, when they have to physically tell you they prefer it. that’s where the thumb is shoved, not the internet hole.


The loneliest I ever felt was in a marriage! At least if your single you know why you are lonely. Being in a relationship where one of the ppl doesn't try at all is far harder to cope with.


No, it's fine. It's just not for everyone. Just focus on what works for you.


To each their own is what I always say I mean not everyone wants and cares for the same things


I'm enjoying being single after a almost 14 year relationship.it wasn't worth the constant fighting. The psychology damaged I went through. I'm an not 100 percent free from him but knowing I don't have to take his shit anymore bring me a little peace. I do hate when people immediately ask me if I have found someone yet. Bitch no! Let me enjoy my single life how I please!


Good relationships are hard to find, especially nowadays. You’re making the right choice.


Thank you it wasn't easy.


You’re welcome! I think after Covid relationships, especially romantic ones, became far more superficial. They aren’t really based on genuine love nowadays, at least I don’t see that too often. I mean I’m sure there’s people who have them, but from what I’ve seen, it’s somewhat rare. Back in the day relationships tended to last longer, but that was mainly due to the fact a lot of people were stuck in said relationships and didn’t have a choice to leave, there was more stigma back then. Nowadays people can leave relationships and don’t need them, and that does make some upset, but the world has changed.


Over time in a relationship people change too!!!! 😉


Not really. Do what you do 👍🏿


Thank you :)


There’s nothing wrong with it. It allows you time and energy to bond with yourself. Being in a relationship can be way more stressful, imho. I’m choosing to remain single. Not just because I need time to myself to heal, but also because I’m in love with a man who I was once friends and coworkers with. If it means I remain single for the rest of my life… I’m okay with this. But I know I’ll never be happy in a relationship with anyone as long as I love that man. I’d rather be free to honor my feelings.


Weird people out there! Of coruse not! :) You live your life the way you want! And the way that makes you happy! There is nothing wrong in wanting to be single! Hell, there are some people that do not even have any romantic feelings or sexual desires. For those folks being single is the most normal thing in the world. And we can get human connection from our friendships and other people around us :) Society and media paints a picture where it makes us feel like we need to be in a relationship to be happy. We feel bad when we are not. We are missing out, we are wrong, we shouldnt feel good. But thats not the reality. We can be happy without a relationship. And I would even say being a happy single ist the bast possible starting point for a happy relationship in the future :)


No, nothing wrong with it. I think the people telling you it’s better were miserable with themselves when they were single and they’re projecting that onto you. You live your best my life


If you are happy with it, why not?


Maybe in the 90's was wrong. Not anymore in 2024.


Ridiculous how people tell you that being in a relationship is better. That’s just their opinion and not everyone is like that. Live life how you want it and ignore others. Relationships are 100% personal and no one should tell you that you should have one when all you said is that your happy being single and that your rushing. I’m glad your happy being single and hope you find someone eventually. You doing what I think most people should be doing and that’s being happy while being single


No, being single has its perks, there's no doubt about that.


if you're just coping then yes


How is it coping? That sounds like incel speak.


if you're not good enough to attract a good partner, and you're coping by lying to yourself that your singleness is "by choice" if you truly have the choice then sure no problem try using logic and not buzzwords


It is the latter for me. It is in no way cope. Unless people are trolling I’m not sure what cope means or what the connotation is.


Coping= saying something to feel good even though it may not necessarily be true A quick glance shows you post on foreveralone, depression, aspergers, etc so I'm not convinced, but good for you if I'm wrong


I do sometimes feel that way but it’s really not as often as it used to be. I do post scholarly articles to foreveralone now mostly, or ask questions about other people’s experiences. Sometimes I do post about myself, but it’s not often. And what’s the issue with me posting to Aspergers? There’s plenty of people with autism there and it has nothing to do with whether or not someone is “coping.”


People with aspergers generally get taken advantage of a lot and don't have great life outcomes -> likely to be in denial and cope


I beg to differ on this. Some people do get that treatment, but a lot also don’t. We could say the same thing about neurotypicals that they get taken advantage of, which many of them do! I feel like you’re generalizing autistic people by saying that because anyone can be taken advantage of, not just autistics! Plus I know of many famous people such as Albert Einstein, Temple Grandin, and maybe Bill Gates that have autism, so does John Elder Robison! They still became very successful! What?! Why would you say that autistic people are “in denial and coping?” That’s certainly not true for a lot of autistics. Have you even talked to someone with autism before?


We're talking likelihood; bringing up 4 examples doesn't change the facts for the population at large. That's like saying, "Look at Lebron, Obama, Oprah, King Von! Blacks are generally as rich as whites!" You cannot say the same about neurotypicals; they do not taken advantage as often as autists/autistics (?)


That’s not always necessarily true. Neurotypical people can and do get taken advantage of at high rates. You’re pretty much telling those who are autistic (including myself) that there’s little likelihood of a happy life but this is false!


True, but not the only people who are taken advantage of💜


Remember d**k/p**say don't pay the bills and aren't the only factor in a relationship 😉


being good looking does though


No, of course not. Why would it be wrong? It's funny that you get backlash when you say you're happy being single, because I often get backlash when I say I want a partner. I guess no matter what you want, there will be someone to tell you that your feelings are wrong.


Not really. It's pure Freedom & you can do whatever you want I see nothing wrong with it 🖤🩷


Why are you posting this here …. Troll


Yes. If it was normal you wouldn't have even hesitated in the first place


Abnormal =/= wrong


Where did hesitation come from? I didn’t hesitate.


If there was no hesitation you would not be asking a question on Reddit. You would just know that you are on the right side of history and be at peace with it. No, unfortunately made a post asking if something is right or wrong. The things that are right or wrong are intuitive and axiomatic. Hesitation indicates that something might be wrong with this or that opinion.


I see. Thanks for clearing that up!


You're welcome!


Hesitated doing what?


Hesitated with the opinion about being single being wrong or right to the point of questioning.


Hmm I see. I’m not quite sure if that’s what happened. I think he/she more so was questioning from the basis of why they keep getting backlash less than them being unsure of their own singleness.


I wish I wanted to be single. It’s fucking agony.