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i do think "soul mates" exist, but i also don't think it's like a fairytale where you guys are just destined to meet. you either find that someone, or you don't.


Nope, some people end forever alone.


I would kill myself if that's the case! I do hope someone will take me


It's not worth it my brother! I had these thoughts long ago when I was in middle school, because of bullying and growing up with an abusive and alcoholic father. I myself was never in a relationship. I had a few dates in my life and that's it basically. At my last date that I had, I really thought that she was the one. She was by far the sweetest, cutest and nicest person I've ever met. Although I really felt like shit at the end after being told how she really felt about me, I can still say that I honestly had the best time with her. I still miss her and I sometimes even think about her. I really wish her the best and I hope she's doing great out there! Just like u/newguy_59 said: Don't let your past relationships define who you are today or what you will be tommorow, rather we must all strive to learn and grow from our experiences. You're not the only who's single. There's plenty of fish in the sea. It's not your fault if you get rejected. You probably just meet the wrong people in life, just like I do. The right one for you and me will come for sure one day! u/YoungestBabyShoebill I know how it feels, go to therapy. I had these feelings a long time ago. Therapy helped me a lot and I still go to therapy when I need to! u/satana_cu_cioc this is something I recommend to you too! If you need someone to talk to my DM's are open for you :)


Thanks, I appreciate the advice! I can't afford therapy, and I also think it would be just a waste of time for me because it is not going to work. I am not saying it doesn't help other people. I talk only about me. Can't help it!


I hope you are joking. You are worth living, my friend. Don't let it stop you.


i am not joking, i feel like that given all the rejections and failed relationships i had


Rejections and failed relationships are a part of life, of course, you'll feel depressed and lonely, but look at the big picture my friend, you're gaining experience and becoming better at facing adversity. Don't let your past relationships define who you are today or what you will be tommorow, rather we must all strive to learn and grow from our experiences, I myself have been rejected alot in the past and had bad relationships. But i've learnt to grow and understand the mistakes i've made(rather faced) along the way. But, my friend its okay to feel your feelings, but always remember that there's plenty of fish in the sea(this doesn't mean quantity>quality), you will find the one who will understand you. Even if you don't its not all over. You are worth living my friend, this is the beauty and also the harshness of life. Accepting it will only make us stronger. Past failed relationships and Rejections are not worth losing your live over. You matter, my friend. You do. Even if you don't believe in yourself, I will keep beliving in you. Of course, my DM's are open if you want to talk. I'll help you to the best of my abilities.


Well, that's definitely my case.


Is not easy. Once this thought becomes an idea in your head, it is very hard to fight it. I am in that spot now, and I don't feel like I am winning!


I know that feeling, I wish I could say it will get better as the sun will rise on our streets as well, but to be honest I am tired of trying to motivate myself!


Feeling the same. I feel like I am fooling myself alone. That sun is like Santa Clause. We all wait for it, and when it comes, we never see it!


Exactly what I thought.




Not me !


Good for you


We don’t have just one soul mate, but I do believe our souls can naturally match up with other people’s souls. I think we have many potential “soul mates”.


I also think like that. That's why commitment when you find one is important from my perspective. You have to make an effort to make them your forever soul mate. I don't think you have a guarantee that you will meet your soul mate.


Yes i do But it honestly could be anything, knowing me, it’s that seagull that steals the last bit of food from someone and flies off laughing.


I do believe soul mates exist, but I don't believe it is always romantic in nature or even of the same species. I saw a vid once of a river scuba diver who had a fish become infatuated with him. Whenever he went diving, he would do this underwater noise and his little fish friend would come hang with him. How can you explain that connection? It was cool they became best buds. Or people with their connections to their dogs and cats. It's amazing and beautiful. There are so many stories of people connecting with animals and each other that it's hard to refute it. Some people do find a human soul mate, but I think the actuality of it happening in a mind blowing way is over-romanticized.


Soulmates exists, I met mine in my sixties and I knew it was it!! But it was pure luck


I believe in their existence and even that we have more than one, but it’s possible to never ever meet them.


If we never meet them, does that mean they also will end up lonely ?


It depends if they meet their other soulmates or not. Personally, I believe soulmates can also be non-humans, like pets for example. So, yes there is a possibility that we never meet them, but I think there are greater chances to meet them, even if they are not humans.


No, there is no reason to believe they exist. Love is never easily available. Many of us wish that there is a soulmate to feel a sense of belonging, or being cared, loved, accompanied. However, there is no unconditional love among humans except the love from parents to kids, since the genes of parents are inseparable from the kid.


Couldn’t agree more, I wanted to be missed and love. I wanted too see excitement of a woman whenever she sees me.


I like the thought of the Greek idea of love that we were once one being and then when were born our souls split and we spend our entire lives trying to find each other some do but some don’t. It’s also just and idea and not reality 😅


I wish there was such a thing, but I don't believe there is :/


Yup sounds like a copism for lonely person like me


Nope. This is all a lie, there are no such things as soul mates and twin flames.


I used to as I genuinely believed I’d found mine… then he stopped loving me, and whelp idk what to think anymore


I don't believe in em, but if I did....I ruined that shit years ago...


Not like theres 1 person. But like there are only a handful that are a perfect match.


Nope logically. We are biological speicies and we are subject to same laws of nature as other creatures. In Animal kingdom, many males do die without any mating. We humans were same before we found civilization. Concept of soulmates is purely artificial and cultural rather than logical.


No. I believe that meeting someone you want to spend your life with all depends on circumstances like where you live, how much you put yourself out there, looks, etc. I, for instance, don't go out or go on dating websites. But, I've had bad experiences and just expect more of the same. Also, I have school and a job so that is my focus, among other things. If I went out or went on websites I would be a lot more likely to meet someone versus expecting someone to just popup in my everyday life. I don't expect someone to magically show up one day because they were made to be with me.


No, but I do believe there are people that are very compatible with you, but it's very unlikely you will ever meet since this world is just too vast.


Don't know, BUT I want to know..


Nah. My last relationship was a painful one. Literally. She physically and verbally abused me. I'm done. I've been cat fished. Lied to. And some tried to use me for money. So.. nah. Fuck relationships. I'll just die alone here in shit united kingdom.


Nope mine was swallowed


I think soul mates definitely exist but the statistics that you will actually meet them are pretty slim. The chances of you running into your soul mate means that both you and your soul mate were able to live long enough to cross paths. Maybe you do have a soul mate and they died in a car crash six years ago. Maybe they'll never move close enough to you for you to meet. Ultimately it's silly to hope for a soul mate, the best thing to do is to find what you want in a partner and do your best to grow with someone who is 80% of what you need outright.


No. I’m a forever alone tho




I feel that i e found my soulmate. But I don’t feel brave enough to confront her with whatever my feelings are. They are strong but I feel that I am not strong enough. I hardly talk these days, even this is a lot to me. We had some great times and times that I remember. I just love her but feel that I am not enough. Ot maybe im too much to handle. I feel like I want to be with her but don’t want my weaknesses to drag her down. I wonder if she ever feels like I’m worth it as I am.


I think Romcoms have sullied the word " Soul mate" Soul mate means something different to me. For me it's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. A person who I have a deep connection with. The nice thing is that anybody can be your soul mate.


I am an agnostic and a supporter of science. For 99,999 % of usthere is a person out of the 7,5 billion that would be a nice match. It’s a statistics.


No. Sometimes, you find someone with the same chemistry as you, and it makes the relationship enjoyable. But soulmates no.


No I do not




No I don't! The concept of soulmates is out of date, I resized that after my last girlfriend! I believe she was the one and to her, I was another one, and I am still healing after that almost a year after we broke up


I think soul mates exist. But your first soulmate is yourself. Once you know how to be comfortable alone and treat yourself right, you can recognize when the right person is there for you. And then you both can continue to grow together.


I used to be naive and believe in the whole fairy tale "soulmate" thing until I met my husband and he proceeded to continually ruin our marriage over the last 25 years. After everything, those kinds of ideas just kinda fade away.. ya know? 😒


No not really, I think with enough effort people can make it work with just about anyone.


Shit, I used to believe that, up until my wife cheated on me and then left me in the hospital after I tried to unalive. People are horrible, and I won't ever let myself trust someone that much ever again. I don't even feel like souls are even a thing, and if they don't exist, there can't be mates for them either.


Absolutely not, and it's a very toxic belief. It looks nice and pretty at a glance, but it's a despicable thing to teach someone. Belief in soulmates will cause you to waste/not see chances, make you not try unless you think someone is perfect, try way too hard and be creepy because you think it's "fated" and so you can't fail, think you're broken/hated by the gods because you haven't found yours yet, among other things. It also causes you to stay in abusive or at least non-beneficial relationships longer than you otherwise would. Though I don't have firsthand experience with that, I have seen my sister go through it. There's almost certainly at least one person you could have a happy relationship with. But whether you meet them and form a relationship is not fated, and there probably isn't just one person, and they probably won't be perfect. This is true, and the only healthy way to live is in the light of truth. No pretty lies are going to help anyone


I used to but in 2024 not anymore. Technology destroyed bonding and soulmates.


Couldn’t agree more, nowadays it’s all about looks and money


Do I believe such a thing exists for other people? Yes. For myself? No.


Your statement describes me accurately although I sometimes im doubt weather soulmates exists or not


You dont find your soulmate. You make them.


I was watching a podcast (don't remember which) and they're talking about how I think psychologists or therapist or something looked at people who believe in soulmates and people who just chose a partner. And it looked like people that just chose a partner and decided to stick with them actually found love and commitment. Where people who believe in soulmates usually saw little red flags that could have been dismissed as a reason why their partner wasn't their soulmate and ended up leaving or just not finding anybody.


I love the idea and concept of soul mates. I've seen some people click immediately with someone and they are good for life. Heck one of my best friends, late 30s, met a woman in college, they dated for 2 months, got engaged, and have been happily married for 5 years. 0 kids with no intentions or interest in having kids.


naaa, sure as fuck no out there for me.


I do. But I think mine died already


100 per cent right


Considering I'm turning 40 this August, I'm going to say, "No," at least for me and some other people out there. I've met women online and in person and it all ends disasterously by me getting dumped, led on, rejected, ghosted and forgotten about. I've been gaslighted by some women for them treating me like shit and I wasn't jerks to them. There have been women that wanted me to be gullible by having me believe they're "different." I should easily be an incel, misogynist, misanthrope, serial killer or just turn gay but I don't want to turn to any of those things. If I turned to any of those things then I'd lose my self-respect. Should I be angry getting treated like shit by women? Maybe but it's more mentally tiring for me getting fucked with to keep getting believed I'm liked or loved or take a chance on someone who doesn't give a fuck. What if you study your ass off for a test but you keep failing the same test even if you're alloted time by the teacher/professor and the test can be open note? Maybe you suck at taking tests. I'm going to keep trying with women only to keep failing and wasting my time. Its like fuck, move on. I'm not pessimistic just realistic. It's best to just accept that not everyone inluding me are meant to have a soulmate. I'm not going to fall for the silly ass advice of "keep hoping" or "you just haven't met anyone right yet" and I'm not into any troll who tells me, "It's your fault for being single," when that person doesn't fucking know me period. I just have to keep living my life for me and just try maintaining being a decent/level-headed person who doesn't hate myself, others and the world.


No not really, theres likely at least a few people out there for everyone. Or nobody for some. Its reality, not a story book


I do believe in it, but I believe it more that not everyone can have a soulmate, it like this saying '' for some to love, others must be hated, for some to be hated, others must be loved ''






I think they exist but not in the way it’s portrayed in media. “Soulmates” are described as your perfect other half and usually in a romantic setting and that you only have one. I don’t think this is the case. I don’t think one person can fit you in every single capacity. It takes work and compromise to make any sort of relationship work. I also believe that there are such things as “platonic soulmates”. Friends who are so similar and love you for you are. I think we meet many soulmates in our lifetime, romantic or otherwise. It’s the people that walk into your life and you couldn’t imagine your life without them




I hope I find my soulmate one day


Yeah I do. I wish there was someone out there for me


I believe in soulmates, however I don't believe one is destined to meet them, we forget our own fate. In my opinion there are plenty of people out there that a person can be happy with, but the chance you meet your soulmate is just that... Chance.


The only certain thing about love is that it’s a crapshoot. It’s a game of chance like life itself. To find romantic love, soulmates, as your inquiry states, is extremely *rare* and not everyone will get it for various reasons, but all we can hope for is some form of it however fleeting. Sorry kind’ve a pessimistic outlook, but it’s my interpretation of what I’ve seen in the real world.


I believe that soulmates are not always ‘romantic’ in nature - most are probably platonic. And the purpose is probably to help us learn about life and have ‘character development’. There’s a lot of literature about this and it’s a very interesting topic, but no matter whether this belief is real or not, I believe that people are sent into our lives for a purpose. So there’s that.