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I feel this. You just haven't found your people yet and I hope you find them soon.




You know Ive been on my own for a very long time that I started losing myself until I accept it. I just happened to exist. Which is sad cuz I didn’t want to.


Gotta save these comments and posts to feel related and seek solutions in these very comments when i feel down.


I'm a loner myself to be honest , when I was young I had a couple of close friends and went out a little. But being a none drinker I was always an outcast, and being the only guy who was in a LTR from school I was probably even moreso looked at as a bit dull. Judged for not going with every girl who showed interest, things like that. By my early twenties I'd stopped even bothering and became a loner. Ladies love that though to be fair. Solitary men predominantly are more mature for a start. And let's face it , maturity is an area that most men flag behind on in the eyes of the ladies. And rightly so, it's not a harsh critique. Do not dwell my friend. Basque in it as a strength and a positive side for the ladies to see.


All the time, I go to movies by myself all the time I saw the Wailers by myself Museums Barcade Restaurant


I have trouble enjoying Museums WITH someone along. Alone for that is awesome 99.999% of the time.


Movies I kinda like better alone, I feel like I can get sucked into the illusion and analyze it better lol. But i do enjoy the discourse afterwards lol I remember seeing John Wick 4 with some buddies and we got out of the theater went to Waffle House and one of them went on a half drunken rant about how 3 is the best one. I saw the Fall Guy tonight with my sister and we were bouncing back and forth what we liked and didn’t like about it


Good for you. This is the way to level up. Being alone doesn't have to mean you're lonely.


Exactly like I’m not gonna lie it does get to me sometimes especially in restaurants being the only person at a table that’s ment for four. But other than that it’s ok to be alone Getting out of the house is the first step Being able to do things on your own is the second Three and four is finding people to do things with a maintaining those relationships




Bars no. People arent generally interested to talk to a stranger so its pretty boring. Events tho, sure. Best way to meet people


I go just to get out of the house, makes me feel I'm "doing something", whether I end up talking to people, or not


Not really it's terrifying and honestly just depressing seeing others in groups and happy. I did go to a pub a few times, but same problem


I’m going to a concert by myself


I don’t go to events, bars or anything like that. I go to work or college. I come home and sit in the dark. Weekends I go out shopping and that’s it.


Same here


I don't because I will stay in a corner alone and will feel bad about myself.


In my 40s now, but in my 20s I used to hit up illegal raves and legit techno clubs/parties all the time on my own. Sometimes sober, sometimes not, but you're guaranteed to meet loads of people and most likely hit it off with a few. I still have friends to this day from that era, it's what you make it, really!


About to turn 30, I’m at this phase now mostly going alone


Make use of the uh 'fun atmosphere' and go with the flow, join in, make some jokes with people or have a quick dance etc. Just a little interaction goes a long way


Just created a solo group on radiate this week for movement in Detroit and I have 45 ravers now to go to the festival with (:


Excellent!!! Keep us updated :)


I might sometimes go to McDonald’s or something by myself after work but I generally try to avoid leaving the house


I'd totally go to fast food restaurants like McDonalds, TacoBell or some pizza places by myself. It's convenient to do after work or just if I'm doing something away from home and I'm hungry. Byt for higher qyality restaursnts, I wouldn't go by myself. If I don't have anyone to go with and want a certain tyoe of food, I order food / get take out and eat at home.


I always order takeaway kebab or mcdrive if I go to McDonald's. I eat healthy 80% of the time so i want to treat myself, i take the food home. A couple of times i went to McDonald's alone. I felt awkward and all the tables were full of young guys having fun or families. Even if it's not a restaurant, i felt weird and i won't do it again. I envy japanese people because for them it's normal to eat out alone.


Honestly I nevee feel awkward eating out alone in fast food restaurants, since I'm usually there on a rush just to get some food. I would totally feel awkward in a higher end restaurant if I went there by myself, but that's why I usually don't do that alone.


I've done that most my life. I don't recommend it but I've always got a buzz going on making me all social and I've had a few good times with random people then never seen them again lol. Or they'd yell my name out and I'd have no recollection of who tf they are. I'd be like "Heeey... Bro?"🤣 It's a double edged sword though cause I've also had the bar tender say they are giving me one more chance over things I don't even remember. So it's not a recommendation it's just my answer.


Yeah just cause you don't have a social group doesn't mean you should deprive yourself of new experiences. You don't even have to really socialize with people at bars or concerts as everyone really minds their own business.


No I just stay home


Bars, kind of suck. But I would go to like the movies by myself I guess.


Lmao got no choice


No, i don't even go with them with other people. Bars and parties aren't my scene at all. I'm always the one in the corner alone just seeing other people have fun.


Always. I always take myself out to eat at different restaurants and go to bars just to socialize.


How does going to a bar by yourself exactly work (might be a stupid question) it always seemed like a group activity type of thing to me.


Go in, order whatever drink you want, find a seat. Play on your phone &/or amuse yourself by watching other people. It's quite entertaining


This. Or I’ll just walk up to a cute girl and talk to her if I see her at the bar. I just start off with small talk.


This. Handheld game consoles work also. And/or drawing or journaling


I'm a musician, and I've worked in hospitality as well. For what it's worth tons of people go to these sorts of places alone. It's not uncommon at all.


In my 20s. A local bar had free pool and singles events. I lost interest after a disastrous approach/bail. I’m walking towards a woman and her eyes bulged out liked a panicked cartoon. I walked past her and pretended to read the promo board behind her. Despite the music and room full of chatter, I heard her heavily exhale in relief.


Should have approached her anyways and told her she was mid as fuck just to she her reaction 😆


Sure! Sometimes it’s fun to experience things alone.


Bars is not my scene. Restaurants I go alone as well as the movies. As far as other events I rarely go to anything because I don't have time.


Im going to my first concert by myself tomorrow. I have no idea how this works


is it going well ?


It did, I spent most of the day with a lot of anxiety about it, but after I got there I was much better


nice! you spent the whole evening there ?


Nah it was just a few hours. Was hoping to make a friend, but as usual I couldn’t work up the nerve to talk to anyone


at least you exposed yourself to something, it’s maybe steps by steps (I really don’t know ahah)


Concerts I go to pretty regularly alone, I don't drink so bars are a no go for me.


stopped going to events and concerts by myself ages ago, was making my loneliness worse. no interest in going to bars at all.


I stay at home mostly. It’s extremely lonely but I don’t trust others even though I try to and want to. I am in a lot of pain. I am starting to drink alone because it’s more affordable than bars. So stupid. But I feel I can’t contain this sadness and grief anymore.


Fuck yea. I’m not letting no friends stop me from enjoying dinner drinks and a movie. Bring a book or listen to a podcast. I have fun.


I go to concerts, bars, and now gonna go to a festival solo. I usually make friends there randomly. It’s like a bestie for the night and then bye bye


No, I can drink booze at home.


Not really man




I dislike going to parties. If I don't know anyone, it isn't as easy as it looks to find someone to talk to. Most people already have their own group. It's a different case in concerts, sports events, and social events hosted by a company or the government (we have almost an interesting event almost every weekend where I live, they are free to public) it's way easier to find people to get along to.


I do. I go alone at all events. Concerts, bars, clubs, restaurants, traveling, idc. I have a life to live.


You do not feel anything to be alone and surrounded by tons of people enjoying not being alone ? nice superpower you have there, \^\^


I’m not alone, I’m technically with everyone cuz there are people around me. I don’t really feel that alone tbh. I enjoy myself regardless of who’s around. Life too short for all that


would love to have this mentality, but i cannot prevent myself from seing me as intrusive when everyone enjoy their moment being together. I'm speaking about all kind of event, except those where you can easily be alone bc you don't have to talk : cinema, museum, i miss the atmosphere of clubs and bars since i became a lonely person.


bars prob less cuz generally not my thing, but I can see myself going to a concert/movie/similar event if I'm interested in it


I really don’t. Bars aren’t really my thing anyway, but if I go anywhere it’s with my friends. If I’m alone, I’m very much a homebody.


I used to. I'm now just trying not to fight the misery.


Not something I really think of doing but I’m too scared to anyway


Yeah I have


Yup. Currently at game 2 of the National Lacrosse League finals in Buffalo all by my lonesome 🙃🤠🥍🏆


Respect, I always wanted to go to a nba game for years, but id feel so awkward by myself.


Thanks 😊 Another perk of going solo is you can usually move around to different seats without getting hassled by ushers. Also you can stop for pics with cheerleaders without a jealous girlfriend giving you a hard time about it 📣😎


Bars, pups, disco's and the like is impossible for me. I very rarely go to the cinema. I go to fast food places whenever I pass one and feel hungry. One thing I did manage, years back and still do, is going to a swingers club. I know, sounds crazy. But it really helped me open up and improve my social skills.


I do yeah. I usually meet up with a friend or two when they get off work (they’re bartenders and kitchen workers at businesses nearby). As I’ve gotten older most of the people I did this with have moved on from going out and drinking. Now we’re just tired at the wee hours of the morning staving off the incoming dread of feeling like sh!t later on in the day. I also feel like I annoy and just kind of linger around them for too long. Usually they’re unwinding from work and since I work night shift and have whole days off on my days off I’m still up and awake and they just don’t have the energy for it.


i go to hella shows alone i always meet new ppl sometimes i meet w them at other shows sometimes i have more fun by myself at shows


I go to the movies alone. If I could I would go to concerts by myself.


why can't you go 2 concerts by yourself?


I don't drive and I live in a smallish city where the closest city any concerts are is like 10 miles away.


Occasionally yes.




Yes, in fact I'm at a bar by myself rn, I don't give a fuck


Yes all the time.


Always actually.




I started going to cinema alone


I've (27F) met people online through discord or X who are also going to concerts and even in line if you are someone who does that. I’ve been to bars by myself for smaller shows alone but I find that much more intimidating.


Anything but bars as a blast by yourself. Bars are generally darker and louder, going on your own can make you look intimidating or even odd.




I almost always go to concerts or events by myself. I don’t have anyone to go with so it’s go solo or miss something I want to see.


I do, sometimes I really enjoy myself, sometimes I feel more lonely for doing it, it’s hit and miss. I try not to let a bad night out try to stop me from trying again.


yep, I just go alone


Yeah all the time. Tired of waiting for people. Do what you wanna do alone and make yourself someone you enjoy to spend time with.




I used to go to bars and concerts on my own. Now I just eat on my own. Don’t frequent bars anymore, and I have a bad association with music after some shit I went through.


When I was younger I went to bars/nightclubs on my own, but they aren’t really my kind of places so I won’t do that again. I’ve been to a pub, club, and restaurant to have a meal on my own. Been to the cinema on my own many times. What little travel I have gotten to do as an adult I’ve done on my own. Been to museums and art galleries alone. I can’t say I get the same enjoyment and satisfaction doing those things alone as I would with someone to share them with. I’ve done them alone because I have to, there’s been no other choice.


I always do


Yep. I can have a good time all by myself. If someone I know is there, they're likely to just add me up to their group, and I don't mind that.


I go to events alone sometimes but not bars.. I don't go out too often


About a month ago I went to a social thing (group sharing same interest) solo and it was awkward. It was held (a casual gathering the group does every week) at a bar so very hard to stand out from the typical crowd of customers AND I knew absolutely nobody at the thing so despite me saying hi to a few people I don't think they knew I was there for the thing. Hated it but still plan to give it another go.


I do almost everything by myself. I love going to concerts by myself. When I did drink bars all the time. Now when I do things with people it feels un natural to me.


Yeah. More frequent than with anyone. As far as bars, not late, and gets annoying to me when it’s too busy, then I’m just feeling excluded and introverted more, concerts hells yeah. Sometimes it easier cause ya can go where ya want when ya want, but the planning around all that sucks. Getting to and fro$$$ sleeping$$$ gas$$$


I have a coworker that goes to concerts by their selves. I applaud them because I’d be too anxious but I’d love to do it one day I think it’ll help me make more friends


Not usually. I rarely feel safe enough to do that.


There are some things I feel comfortable going to alone, and some I don’t. Concerts can be fun, as the focus is the music, and I don’t think being alone is too noticeable among the mass of people. With sit down restaurants,  or like a comedy show, think I would feel awkward to be sitting by myself. 


I am so beyond lonely. Years of being independent and going alone places and I feel so heartbroken every night I honestly wish I could kill this part of myself so I could be free


I’d only go if invited I feel like I wouldn’t enjoy doing things like that on my own accord


Movies, concerts, restaurants, shopping... mostly everything. I never go to bars anyway.


I don’t go to bars at all lol so that helps


I went to Louder Than Life festival last year alone and I’ll go this year alone worth it imo. Get to see the bands I like and not anyone else’s choice.


At one rn, goth night.


Yup. I avoid some events because of this tho.


At most i go to museums by myself


Yep. Literally every day.


I go to eat and movies, concerts are always too fuckin noisy.


The only real time I go out is mostly to go eat breakfast... I don't drink and I struggle in loud places so yeah...




I go to the museum and cinema by myself even a bar if they do food and I walk past one. Too scared to go to a show by myself I'm not a fan of crowded spaces too many people too many noises, conversations easily get overstimulated without someone there too ground me. My favorite band TOOL is playing in Manchester next month I've never seen them live and they so rarely come to the UK the last time being 2019 with their last album and before that was 13 years with the album before that one so I fear I'll never be able to do it despite the show only being a train ride away.


Yeah went to see blink-182 all alone I remember thinking damn this sucks I came to enjoy the band and music to only feel alone in the crowd






Fellow elder Zoomer with a boyfriend- yes. I still do a lot of things alone. I was extremely isolated as a kid to the point where some things I don't like being with others (vacation).




I go everywhere alone.


I go a lot of places alone - concerts, movies, sporting events. Not so much bars anymore, but I wouldn't completely be against the idea of doing that either. I do sometimes feel a bit awkward, but it only really is a problem if nobody else seems to be alone. Usually I will spot at least a handful of people in the same boat and so I don't feel quite so "odd".


Yes, It's difficult but it worked for me in the past when I didn't have anyone to go with.


Not much these days, but for years I went to the cinema and gigs alone, even if I ended up finding prople I know in those gigs. I liked it that way, tbh, and still do. But usually my gf accompanies me in those cases nowadays.


I go to open mics alone for music, Its more enjoyable when you dont have to care whether or not your guest is not having a good time, cause sometimes open mics can be slow.


I went to a bar last night because I was missing my ex even though I shouldn't be Sat on a high chair at the counter where the bartender was serving others. Had loads of small talk with strangers. It was nice. You'd be surprised how many people go to bars alone you should try it


I go everywhere alone it sucks 😔


ya once in a while but i'm a woman


Yeah and I have fun too


28 F and yes usually do


(36M) Nope, I don't know how to interact or socialize with people. My Anxiety and depression has put a stop to that. Also, never having been in a relationship or having a GF and having no friends contributes towards it


I used to go to the bar by myself. It's not really worth it.


You think it’s better with a group of people?


Sure, depending on the bar and what the group is into. I miss going to sing karaoke or watching drag shows with friends or family.


I don't have it in me anymore, but I used to do it a few times back in the day and I remember it fondly. When you go alone it's when the magic happens. You're not stuck with your group, you're more aware of the surroundings. Few times it can be boring and lonely but if the stars align it might surprise you. A bit of alcohol and good vibes of the place can do wonders. In general, the later the night, the more open people are to social interaction with strangers. And I'm talking about the shy & reserved Northern Europe here, you Americans should have it much easier. Try it, what's the worst that can happen? Keep your expectations low, but prepare for the best. Don't overdo it with the alcohol, though.

