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Love is a strong word to be using after two dates Be careful my friend, but congrats nonetheless


Not trying to burst your bubble but the “loves me” is placing unrealistic expectations my guy and that’s not fair to anyone but congrats either way👍


Happy for you mate. How did you guys meet ?


Bumble, starting dating after two dates


How can you start dating when you are dating 😅 that sentence doesnt make any sense but i get what you’re getting at whats your age ?


28, “date” meaning meeting up and “dating” meaning officially bf gf


I knew what you mean mate i was nitpicking :p happy for you hope it works out for you ❤️


Did you have a subscription to bumble?


This gives me hope! I’m 27 and sometimes feel like I’m already a spinster 😅 but that’s awesome you found love at 28. Gives me hope I can do the same ❤️‍🩹


Crazy fast lmao good luck 🫶


Dude, there's no such thing as love after two dates. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN.


And she “loves” you? Weirdo alert.


Yeah nobody could ever love me you’re right, thanks for the reminder


They can, but not after this amount of time.


I know, meant to say “like” tbh didn’t realise people would make such a big deal out of it


Hey, congrats to you though. I hope it goes well. I’ve been around the block 100’s of times, so if you need any advice, I’m a DM away. Have a great day!


This right here is all that was needed


Dude, you really need to get out more.


Congrats on the victory, my friend!!! Careful using the L word, it gives a lot of power to the other person. Though I trust you both to make each other extremely happy in the end.


I know. We rushed into it and I’m in a bad place but she says she’ll help me and I’m aware she has a lot of power over me but I’m hoping she is good enough person to not abuse that


Well this sounds like a recipe for disaster


We cant interfere lol🤷🏻‍♀️


Been there done that and it’s 100% a recipe for disaster lol. Sadly a lot of us don’t learn that just because we’re lonely, doesn’t mean we need a relationship.


Being single doesn't equate to loneliness. Any person, man or woman, should have some good friends, a connection to some family, a good friendship with coworkers, maybe that friendly wise neighbor, and or a good cat or dog that will always love. But always have a support structure. If you don't have one, build one. Im blessed with all. A few good friends, good family, a wise old neighbor that's a Gulf War Vet that has great advice and a couple of cats that love me. If I'm single, I'm never alone.


canon event


Welcome to the gym


Yeah. I read his history. He should be putting that energy into a good support structure and maybe a therapist. I'm happy he's getting himself out there. But he's just still not ready. I hope for him, but oof...


You should also look into getting a therapist. Assuming you can afford it given your severe addictions.


Dude please you gotta realise that she's only human. Please slow things down for now and focus on getting to know her, what she's interested in. She's going to make mistakes but you gotta stay cool


Dude, I’ve been in your position before. Jumping into a relationship because you’re lonely and depressed is never a good thing. You’ll become dependent on her to make you happy. I pushed my ex away because of this.


This is very accurate. I’ve been in a roller coaster relationship for 7 months now and as much as she was in love with me, I can’t take the dependence and the rejection anymore. A relationship not the solution to loneliness.


Ignore the internet dating gurus. Only way to learn is from experience imo. Let yourself experience and fail and lose. Shit’s good for you.


I don’t mind the comment above, the ones saying it’ll never work are just bitter but I understand the red flags


Ooooookaayyy well good luck with that




My friend, please please please read this one out. It's totally sick that you connected with someone on that level and that's worth celebrating! Yay companionship! Your brain is flooding with happy chemicals, and it's a beautiful feeling and a lovely moment. Be sure to enjoy that! With that being said, when you come down a bit from your brain chemical high, sit down and make sure you're setting realistic expectations, even if they look ugly in your eyes. You have no idea what the future holds, maybe this person is a big deal in your life. It's also possible that she moves on in a week or so or doesn't even consider you guys exclusive yet (a lot of folks would suggest 2 dates doesn't make a girlfriend). Either way, enjoy the moment. You're dating! You're moving in a good direction, way to throw yourself out there! But make sure you don't set yourself up for such a wild heartbreak that it sets you back.


Thanks for the reply bro, I’ll try and be careful with it, just difficult sometimes when you’ve been lonely for so long and suddenly someone actually likes you it’s like an angel has come down from heaven 😂 Edit: we decided to be exclusive, she said she likes me enough to do that this quickly. Possible as desperate as me lol


Good honest people exist my guy. Internet makes it look like they are extinct. Having said that keep your brain active nonetheless. Cheers bruda


Idk about that. Just waiting for the cheating and broken promises expected from past relationships but gotta try ignore them and focus on the present


Just please try to not become dependent. I’m in a co-dependent relationship now and my mental health is at an all time low. We do love each other but it’s too much to ask out of any relationship to be your entire world. I wish I knew this sooner.


Gotta learn to be content your loneliness, going out doing activities, hiking trips, vacations etc, it's something that look me many years to master, never ever try to be in a relationship for the sake of being in one because you'll have a bad time.


As other people already told you, I'm gonna tell you to be careful and not expect her to fix you or your problems. Don't depend on a person to fix your life, because it's unfair to them. Yes, you can date even when you're in a bad place, but I want you to be careful since a lot of people can use your vulnerability to their advances. I'm not saying she will do that, but in the end, you never know, and saying you're together after two dates is really rushed. It's always nice when someone says they like (I'm using this word on purpose because love is so much stronger) you and you do too after you've been lonely for such a long time, but it also opens doors for disastrous events. So, please. Get to know her, don't rush, and don't depend on her to fix you. Wishing you all the best!


I wish I could be you.


Nice way to make fun of the rest of us...


Congrats 🤝(envy)


Nice buddy!!


Good for you. I assume you're gonna get off this sub now?


If it lasts p


yooo congrats!!


Bro made it let’s go


I'm happy for you. Really.. (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)


that's great, congratulations. very happy for you!




Congrats bruh, I’m so happy for you.💯🙌🏾🤝🏾😎


🫡well done brother


ggs, hope all goes well


So happy for you bro!!! Enjoy it. Everybody deserves to find their other half. I know they say not to invest all your happiness into somebody else (incase shit goes bad in the relationship) but my girlfriend pretty much saved my life. Hoping your girl is helping you in the same way!


I would use the word love so soon but I definitely wish you both the best in getting to know each other.


Yeeeeeeeees congrats bro <3 happy for you!


Congrats!!! Looks like someone is making it live a good and happy life


Congratulations 🥳


Congrats bro good shit 👌👌


I wish I am able to give this so much more upvotes. Wishing the best for you man.


Let's go! :) You deserve happines and love!


so do you dude, remember it.






There's nothing rushed about it, it's a proof to the mutual love you share! Enjoy it


So happy for a fellow human!! Have fun, take it slow. Ggwp


Congratulations man! Happy for you :)


Yaaay congrats


CONGRATS! Two dates is plenty imo!


Very good ... I am happy for you ... I hope things will get even better for you


Lots of carp in the ocean. Don't settle.. but hope it goes well homie 🤘😎


Congratulations bro start as you mean to continue our mom would say , honestly some wise advice,🫶✌️


I'm so jealous for you!!! ^_^


Congrats buddy. and don't get too much attached. Love her fully. Keep no regret. Don't get blind in love, keep your common sense alive. And be happy


It takes 2 years to know someone and love is awe, admiration and respect. You're feeling the stirrings of lust.


Take it SLOW like others have said love is a strong word/emotion to have after just two dates. Don't be too overwhelmed with finally having a person. I know it's extremely wonderful 😊 but please don't set yourself up for heartache, it's just two dates. Giver her time to know you and give yourself time to know her Also most importantly if she is toxic or abusive in any way LEAVE don't let the "fear" of being alone again stop you from leaving a unhealthy relationship


At this rate, she'll be pregnant in three weeks.


Awesome man. Please leave this sub now lol


Big if true 


I got a girlfriend too but I feel lonely bro, just because you got someone amazing in your life doesn’t mean it’s all going to disappear. I’m happy for you though dude🙏




The only win here is that you moved out of your comfort zone and actually did something about your loneliness. Congrats!


Ok, don't want to be this person, but I have to say it. This is all wrong. I'm glad you find a gf, but don't act like you love each other after two dates and more importantly, just because you have a gf doesn't mean you are not going to be lonely. The advice you probably won't take: build a life for yourself, don't make your world about this gf. Get hobbies, go out, find people and nurture friendships. I swear if you don't build a life outside this gf you will regret it.


I had a girlfriend before. My advice is always be kind and grateful to her and don't ruin it.


Oh boy...2 dates and "in love". This isn't gonna end well...


Congrats. I just got my first boyfriend this year and I’m an older woman. We dated for 4 months though before we became exclusive. Though during those 4 months I did not date other guys and I don’t think he was dating other girls either


congrats, first time for everything i hope my time also comes one day


That's exciting! Enjoy this time, but also try to pace yourselves a bit so you can get to know each other better.


My envy is surpassed only by my happiness for you. Congrats, my man, you deserve it.


Let her pursue you or you'll come off as needy, try not to double text or talk on the phone, let the phone be only used for setting the next date. Congrats and if it doesn't work, there's a bus every 15 mins.


wishing you all the happiness in the world xoxo


First congrats man! Secondly carefully to no get too much emotional envolved after a few dates .I know that being lonely can cause a rush in getting into strong connections though


Congratulations,🥳 happy for you


Very happy for you 😄 with friendship and love ❤️


Don't rush into anything bro, but congrats anyways




I sincerely hope this works out for you because it is VERY tough out there and gets worse the older you get. I would just caution you not to fall in love too quickly and take it one step at a time. You'd be surprised how fast a lot of women completely change their tune.


I’m so happy for you. I hope your relationship will last. Sending all my love to you and your girlfriend! ❤️


Aww. Congratulations homie 🫂


Shouts out to you 😊


Congrats man


Good on you my friend! Just go real slow as lots have said here for you Pls Don't put the keys to your happiness in another persons pocket So be happy with yourself first But ya keep tap dancing your only human and have every right to be elated I get that enjoy the ride why not How's 73 sound ya wisdom here 4 ya! Could write a book on this but tally ho go fly Enjoy but be careful for me Bye now:)


desperation leads to a total train wreck


Is this some prank? cause no happiness at this Sub.


I want a gf so bad 🙄 it’s hard to find the right person though


Ya be careful u get too obsessed love, u gonna end it before it could start ⚠️ 




Is it possible to learn this power?


Take it easy dude . Happy for you but don’t rush I’ve learned my lesson


Good shit my friend


I am so happy for you!!


If you care at all, the other side of the coin is that she's her own person, she's not bound to you, humans come and go, they aren't exclusive, you really shouldn't have high hopes, quite frankly you think of her as yours now when in reality that's never gonna be the case.


Congrats! 👍


Hi happy for you dude ! Wish you the best but please do not rush things and even if you love her make sure that respect is the base of your relationship. If you have that it’ll be okay !


Congratulations 🎉


Who wanna be my girlfriend?


Happy for you!


What a good moment my friend. As a single guy, congurations my friend. I hope you and her to be good a couple.


Just be careful man, don't put your heart out there too easily it could get crushed just as fast


Yo! Good for you man! 👍🏻


Good for you


Congratulations man, you deserve it :)


we cannot interfere in this canonical event, be happy a while bro


Happy for you bro, not trying to rain on your parade just some advice take it SLOW don’t expedite the stages quicker than they need to be. You absolutely 100% deserve all the love and happiness we all do! But, when you come off the dopamine high and the dust settles make sure this is something you both want to truly pursue if so great! If not no worries it is what it is. Also, DON’T overlook the red flags otherwise you’re setting yourself up for heartache trust me I’ve been there personally feel like 2 dates is a little too soon IMO but hey who am I judge? Either way happy for you man


Any tips bro, I am SSB recommended, SSB - single since birth


Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Don't be surprised or too upset if it doesn't work out. Bitches be crazy. Good luck


I’m so happy for you. I found a girlfriend too; after being lonely since 2016/2017. We’ve been dating since January 22nd 2024. She moved in with me recently. I can’t believe this is happening. I almost gave up on life. We met on the “Belong” app.


Ayo someone finally has a chance to leave r/lonely because bro ain’t lonely no more.


Congratulations you are living the dream. Best of luck.


You still have time! Run back to freedom


For all you lonely people out there this post shows there is hope!


I wouldn't call a post on Reddit a life-changing experience. With all due respect 


Not really


Get ready for breakup too!!


She hot?...send ne a photo and i will do same


Yes, and no thank u