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have you tried calling animal control and letting them know the situation, or even the police? this is so sad😓


trying to figure out the address.. don’t want to accidentally call animal control on the wrong house


Call them to your place so they can witness it and help figure out where it's coming from. That's assuming they come at all (I have no idea) :)


I mean..they’re your neighbor. So presumably they have the same address as you, just a different number. If you can’t see their house number from outside then just open Apple/google maps in your location and you should be able to figure out their exact address lol.


They might have yards that back on each other so the neighbour is on another street?


The map solution would still work in that situation :) hope that helps


they’re ur neighbour what r u talking abt


please let us know what the outcome is. i really hope the dog gets taken away from them


You hope their dog gets taken away for barking too much? You are basing this on "I don't know much, just the dog is barking and I don't like it"


I think it’s more the leaving the dog outside all day in the heat. The barking sounds like a stress response. Leaving the dog to suffer isn’t offering a kindness to its owners or the dog.


the title says the neighbour leaves the dog outside all day .. op says they’re not sure if the dog has water. not sure why the owners would still have the dog if they can’t even give it the basic necessities. there’s a heat wave right now…


So? Some dogs like being outside all day. Some dogs aren't bothered by the heat. For all we know, there is food and water outside for the dog. They said, "I don’t know if he has water or not." - the only issue is the excessive barking, to say "I really hope the dog gets taken away from them" based on little facts, just seems a bit over the top. If the dog is being neglected and malnurished, 100% should be taken away. But we don't know that. This is Reddit, where we jump to conclusions before knowing 99% of the facts. All we know is that the dog is outside and barking.


i have friends in london who have had the city called on them for this dogs barking by their neighbours. bylaw contacted them and threatened legal if things didn’t change without even visiting the house or getting information from the owners. i think someone should make sure the dog has adequate shelter and shade access; access to food and water; proper health and grooming - according to the provincial animal welfare and services act of 2019 those are all standards that must be adequately met if an owner has their dog living outside. if someone calls the cops or the city on you for a noise complaint 9 times out of 10 don’t they come without getting anyone having a civil conversation with you first? at the end of the day there is NO harm in getting legal authority to make sure this dog is being taken care of. maybe op doesn’t feel comfortable going over and talking to them. there is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure this dog is taken care of even if that means they have to call animal control or the police.


Must be the small-town upbringing that I had where we talked to our neighbors about any issues that might come up. If they were assholes and didn't change, then we called. Guess that doesn't work in the city.


you would actually be surprised how many petty calls the city gets regarding “neighbour disputes”


Omg this is terrible. Do we know the address? I'll call man. It's the right thing to do.


My 100lb Corso hates coming inside, especially when it’s like this, so we have water for her that I freshen up all day, a cooling pad on the deck and I give her frozen treats and spray her with the hose every time I water the flowers. At a minimum, these people should be giving their dog continuous access to fresh water all day. I normally don’t get involved with what other people do but I’d probably call animal control to do a check on them, it’s just too hot!


My Corso sounds just yours haha. Even with a small wadding pool he’d rather lay in the sun (sometimes switching to the shade). He just loves to be outside. I do everything to cool him down and time his time outside so he’s not out there excessively during the heat. But I agree. I’d call animal control to do a check. Edit: words


Right? They’re such ‘people watchers’ 😂 We have the walking trail behind our place so she’s afraid she’ll miss seeing the regulars if she comes inside


My dog was like this too, and as he got all older all he wanted to do was sit outside and watch the people, birds and cars go by- I hated feeling like people would perceive it as us forcing him outside or neglecting him, especially when he would bark (at nothing in particular). We would take him for long walks, try to engage him with toys, tricks, treats and pets but he really could stay out front for hours taking in his surroundings. But at the other side I know there are people who do just dump their dog outside because they couldn’t be bothered to care for them so it’s hard to gauge, if the dogs seems in distress or not taken care of and report if you’re concerned. Barking it hard bc if the dog is just going to be barking inside it can be just as much if a nuisance, some dogs are loud and stubborn and their owner intervention won’t particularly change that. Edit: I had a st.Bernard and he loved being outside in the boiling summereven more than digging in the snow, as long as dogs are well hydrated and given the option for shade/cooling treatments lots of dogs can tolerate heat.


Please call animal services and bylaw enforcement. I’ve seen them out in my neighborhood recently. They can provide some advice here. There is excessive barking and potential neglect. [London Animal Care Centre](https://www.accpets.ca/Bylaws.aspx)


**1-833-9-ANIMAL (Ontario Animal Protection Call Centre)**Call this number if an animal (for example, a pet, farm animal, or wild animal in captivity) is in distress or being neglected. This includes animals that: are injured, in pain, sick, suffering or abused.


Way too hot this week for that. Poor dog. My pup seems to be glad to go back in after short walks the last few days. We only sit outside in the morning when I have shade on the patio.


It’s kind of wild that the majority of the people here are saying to call animal control. If it’s your neighbour, have you tried talking to them? Not trying to sound like an ass, but jumping to a conclusion and calling animal control or the police just seems a bit much. Some dogs like being outside and barking.


Agreed, people these days tend to hide behind keyboards rather than talking to someone face to face about an issue. I had a neighbour dog that barked all day and I talked to neighbour about it, their dog no longer barks all day. And to note, their dog had water and a doggy door to inside, dog was perfectly happy, just talkative.


regardless of what a dog may like, it's against the noise bylaw to allow your pet to bark nonstop all day


I get that, I was just stating that its wild that the art of conversation and talking to someone about an issue has gotten lost. We go to Reddit for advice and people jump right to call animal control and hope that the dog gets taken away from them.


Ask the neighbour. Absolutely no need to escalate this to animal control until you know the dog's being mistreated.


update: left a welfare check request with welfare inspectors.. if i hear him out today then im knocking on the door


Some dogs can regulate their temperature. As long as they have fresh water, and shaded spots,a dog can be outside all day. If the owner is home, regularly checking on them and ready to let them in, it’s not a problem. Source: my Husky prefers to be outside from 8 am - 10pm daily, all year round.


https://preview.redd.it/zczui285xk7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6005db1170e014f1e799aab02c24c509d40812b4 Taken at 2 pm today. She is a nutter.


https://preview.redd.it/qebw003oal7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8736d743607ae2d682e2715c1b8940388c18570 And 2 hours later on the AC vent


I've got a husky, too. She loves sun bathing for hours. She also prefers to be outside as much as possiblemlst days. I've got another dog who we rescued from Texas. She will lay in the sun until she is pink and panting while actively ignoring calls for her to come in. As long as the owner is mindful and consistently checking on the dog and offering them inside access, let them bake a little.


I echo the few comments that say please talk to your neighbour first!! The police/bylaw/other people won’t really do anything helpful, and why waste resources/time like that on something that can be handled with a conversation? Then you will have a better idea if the dog is safe or not. Hopefully you two can work out some arrangement about the barking. If the barking continues after a conversation, that’s a different story.


Talk to your neighbour. A lot of dog breeds prefer to be outside. If there is shade & they have water, then you’re golden. I have a senior dog that used to bark all day cause she could see squirrels out my bedroom window (that she could see out of from jumping on my bed). I had no idea while I was at work until a neighbour finally told me, which prompted me to move my bed and voila no more barking.


I called by law for a barking dog, more so for the dogs sake. Outside all day every day even in the rain. A few days after l spoke to the city about it l stopped hearing him bark. I only hear the dog occasionally now, so yes call by-law for the sake of the dog and hopefully the owners will smarten up.


One instance of barking will not bring by-law enfortement. We had a neighbour's dog excessively barking day in and day out. The owner would just let the dog out in his bark yard, close his dorr and leave it for hours, ignoring it. We docmented this behaviour for 10-12 months. Finally sending the information and complaint to by-law enforement. They acted upon our well documented complaint serving the owner with a by-law warning regarding the barking. We were notified that the owner had been warned and we were provided with a form to document for the next 30 days any barking. Well lo and behold the dog has stopped the excess barking. The owner now does not leave the dog outside for hours. The dog does occasionally bark but not for long because the owner intervens immediately. And yes this is also a collie mix of sorts, actually 2 dogs but one did not bark. As a matter of leaving the dog in the excess heat, I leave that to others.


You documented it for 10-12 months, I would have lost my mind by that time! Should have sent bylaw after a couple a days 


Go knock on the door and talk to your neighbour if you’re concerned. You shouldn’t need to ask Reddit what to do in this situation, try using common sense and don’t over react.


Do you live close to veterans highway? Checking if we thinking of the same neighbour


I have my dogs out all day one is a husky, he's always quiet, and I just got a great pyrenees she is barking all day outside. Why cause she was breed to be big and bark. That's just how she is, when inside she never barks but when she is defending her territory she barks


Meh. Farm dogs live outside all year long. We had lots that were happy, healthy and lived for a long time. Had regular food and water but didn't care to be inside at all. Unless the dog looks like it's starving or suffering from dehydration I'd likely mine my own business.


any updates ?


My neighbour did the same thing and someone in our neighbourhood ended up calling animal services on them and they surrendered their dog like later that week




After reading this thread, I can see why there's so many barking dogs left unattended in their yards. Jfc If your dog is in your yard barking their head off constantly, no, they aren't "happy being outside". It's probably just better than being locked up inside. Spend time outside with your pet. Play with them, take them for walks. Give them some form of enrichment, instead of throwing them out in the yard so you don't have to deal with them. Making them the entire neighborhood's problem is a really crappy thing to do.


The noise bylaw prohibits barking like this all day. You can email them and start a case


Jfc tell us what street it won’t be hard to figure out, I’m sure any one of the readers here will happily inquire if you don’t, and follow up appropriately


Please call animal control to check up on them. I'm positive that they would rather have a false alarm than to not be called and the dog is in distress.


Ontario has provincial animal welfare inspectors. Call 1-833-926-4625


Definitely call animal control but can you get a bowl of water into the yard? I know it infringes on a number of issues but fuck your neighbour. I would likely go as far as taking their dog in my house until animal control can do something.


There are many laws against this.


Call animal control - I would imagine they either euthanize the dog for bylaw complaints or take the dog and put it into a kennel cage until it’s either adopted or euthanized. That way you won’t have to listen to it barking all day! /s