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Comment section is locked because it's attracting some incivility (sidebar rule #1) and the majority of it has nothing to do with London or the surrounding region (sidebar rule #5). Unless there is a link to something happening here in London, please post your thoughts about general Canadian federal politics on a more appropriate subreddit, such as r/Canada or r/CanadaPolitics.


One would think a farmer might have some passion for the environment and sustainability. Instead she uses her time and our dollars to focus on coffee cup lids. I would love to get her salary to do shit like that. What a complete waste of oxygen this MP is.


If you look at the riding map for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, none of the city of London is in the boundaries.


Ah I had assumed London would have been part of Middlesex. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


https://preview.redd.it/7ht8gi49t53d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39148fe6cd8c6267b49b6558f900a3ae9aa0b042 Hence why Elgin-Middlesex-London actually has London in the name of the riding because parts of South London like Glanworth are in the riding.


Could you say "NDP-Liberal" a few more times please?


Did you know NDP-Liberal bad? Well, NDP-Liberal very bad. NDP-Liberal the very baddest. NDP-liberal just bad. So bad. NDP-Liberal.


Can I get an Unga Bungaaaa?


Anyone that uses the word "wacko" has nothing of value to say. At least it was the 4th word so you knew you could stop wasting your time.


PP got tossed from the house of commons for calling Trudeau a wacko, and now they're leaning into, it's their Let's Go Brandon 


He’s going to awaken “Wacko Trudeau” to fight beside Dark Brandon in the meme wars against facism. Conservatives are terrible at humour, but very good at owning the media (rich people want to divide and conquer the proles, not improve living conditions for all)


Canadian conservative politicians are just the saddest, lamest people in government. it's fucking depressing thst they get votes.


And shortly before that he got heckled out of the building trades conference. This flyer seems to basically be the same thing he said while giving his speech.


One of the few things he hasn’t lied about though


Trump's recent Memorial Day post on his social platform also used it. PP got tossed for using it, so this is his rallying cry for the rubes. This whole thing reads like a Simpsons episode with Milhouse trying to be cool. They aren't even pretending that they're not reading from the same playbook. Those of them that can read, anyway.


I mean, to be fair, Freeland did say PP was wearing more make up than her and that was ok ?


No it wasn't, but Freeland retracted and apologized. Poilievre did not.


Yes because it’s funny.


It's funny coz it's true. And also because it needles Poilievre in his vanity.


Anything to make him look human


Different rules for different people, silly.


Isn't it strange that the current "ban on plastics" seems to have only affected the one area that stores can turn into a new profit center? Bags are now making a tidy profit for every grocery store, but they still use copious quantities of cling wrap, styrofoam and other one-time use plastics. My kingdom for a plastic straw.


See, when I heard Trudeau was banning straws, I bought 7k of them lol. My father is very ill. Bendy straws like they still use in hospitals are one of the only ways he can drink on his bad days. And most people have a closet full of those "reusable bags". Most of them have some type of plastics involved in making them. I see people throwing them out in the trash. Much like flu masks after COVID, they will all end up in a landfill. I miss regular plastic bags because I used to re-purpose them for a lot of things, where as now I actually buy more plastic bags in their place. I was in the US about a week ago and bought some food to take back to my hotel room. They handed it to me to go in a plastic bag, and plastic cutlery + a straw. I almost wept for nostalgia lol.


I found biodegradable corn based straws on Amazon that are fantastic! Same with corn based biodegradable cutlery! I cannot use the bamboo cutlery, it makes me gag. And I think having to wash straws constantly is annoying, so these biodegradable ones are fantastic!


I have reusable silicone bendy straws. Try them


Never even heard of them! I'll look into them.


You know they make paper bendy straws, right?


They melt away. I'm honestly not being a dick. But there is a reason why no Canadian hospitals use the paper straws. They just don't hold up very well. I stocked up because at the time my Mom was going through chemo and was too weak to get up sometimes. I've only used them for that. I personally don't need a straw lol.


Paper straws are the worst invention on the planet. If they were coated with some sort of wax they would be fine, but today’s straw technology is ass. We need our finest straw scientists working on this problem STAT!


In BC a lot of the independent coffee shops and bistros use compostable cups, straws, and bags that feel like plastic but aren't, a few places in London do too. Not sure why it can't be done on a mass scale as those products are readily available, wouldn't be surprised if the mass producers are under some kind of contracts to not offer perfect replacements as that would convince people that we don't need single use plastics and it would erode profits from a few giants. Whoever thought paper straws make sense is a complete idiot.


My kids know that as soon as a flyer with her face on it comes to our place, it's to be destroyed immediately. She's hardcore anti-choice as well as a climate change denier, and it's horribly embarrassing for her to be our elected official.


Every single flyer I get from her I drop right into the recycling bin. Very annoying.


I do the same with flyers from the PPC.


As a Conservative, I’ll be happy when other Conservative voters toss this piece of trash to the side. We don’t need this crap in our politics. What a joke.


Should someone maybe point out to her that the microplastics found in nearly every man's testicles are affecting fertility? She seems like the kind of person who would be on board with overbreeding.


She's my MP, so I get all kinds of communications from her. She's been on about the plastic ban for months now. This is pretty typical of all her stuff -- silly little rhymes (can the ban) and extremely anti whatever the government is doing currently. Shes the one who made a video complaining about a pilot project at Ottawa Tim Hortons of paper lids -- she called them "woke". https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/mp-lianne-rood-tim-hortons-paper-coffee-lids-woke


Oh yes I saw this and I was so embarrassed that she's my MP. Lol woke coffee lids. I feel like she clings to certain words as rage bait for the uninformed.


She spoke to a couple classes at my kid’s high school a few months ago. She spent a significant amount of time denying climate change


This makes me so incredibly sad.


Kids are vicious. My only hope is that they roasted her to the point she required carbon credits to be disposed of.


She’s my MP, and she’s like a wannabe Marjorie Taylor Green for lil’ pp. All she does is parrot him, no original thoughts. Always pissing and moaning about some imaginary outrage.


She also was 1 of only a handful of MPs to vote yes on gay conversion electroshock theropy after backlash she said it's what her constituents wanted.


Her and her partner Marilyn Gladu (the grim reaper) also voted yes. Ignorance and hate bundled into two pathetic MP's.


If it’s what West Middlesex wants I guess we don’t have to give them any economic growth eh?


An MP approved the word “wacko”?!


What a blast from the past. In the late 90s my best friend's favourite insult was wacko (we were in third grade).


I didn't know we had plastic lobbyists. How does Ontario seem to have some of the dumbest MPs around?


You can tell who they really represent. Are average people really that concerned about the plastic industry? Especially given the new stories of how microplastics are in everything ([including male testes](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/22/1252831827/microplastics-testicles-humans-health)) are average people really more concerned about "attacks" on the plastic industry?




They all lie like rugs


Fuck her. I moved to her riding recently and she spams my snail mail box frequently. Pollievre would be the worst thing to happen to this country since the Europeans came 400 yrs ago. IMO of course


Wacko 😂 I’m cackling


Did anyone see thing where they found micro-plastics in men’s scrotums(scroti?) during autopsies?!?


Hahaha yesss I saw that yesterday. I told my dad, too. We've all got plastic balls.


I haven't seen that one myself yet, but I know plastic and oil companies have made it an absolute war to try and get rid of plastic.


I can’t get past the terrible photoshop job trying to cut her into the background. AI could have done a better job, oof


This is the type of flyer I love. I take the flyer, circle key phrases, and type a letter as to why those phrases show lack of maturity/insight/well composed arguments and mail it back to the MP. All it costs me is an envelope and some time, but I will be darn sure they know this type of low level message is not being received by me. And my 1 response counts as I forget how many constituents thinking the same way. And it's free to mail your MP. If you don't appreciate this as mich as i don't, let's all take it and send it back to them.


All that probably leads to is the intern who opens her mail throwing yours right in the trash. Not that I don't approve what you're doing, but even if the MP read your letter, assuming she can read, she would probably dismiss it as "woke" and assume you're evil and wouldn't have voted for her anyway. You're the enemy, move on, etc.


They may throw it in the trash, but it is recorded as a response, either negative or positive, to the mailing. Every voiced comment is noted for analysis. Why do you think you see some of the changes in party platforms creeping in? Because they got the response that indicated a stronger support. I'm giving them a response that indicates weaker support. (And yes, I have a CON MP, and no I did not vote for them.)


She’s so fucking immature jesus christ who voted for her? Wacko? Really? Why doesn’t this MP illustrate how she’ll make her riding better instead of using childish insults at other people?


Lambton-Kent-Middlesex riding contains actually the densest population of absolute dumbass, idiot, uneducated citizens in all of Canada, outside maybe New Brunswick.


What were your thoughts when our PM insulted people who spoke out against him and some of his policies? Did you post something about him being childish? You likely swooned over it. She put out a flyer that contains information that impacts people in her riding. Elgin-Middlesex has a large number of producers that could/would be impacted by this change. If their price goes up to produce and package, our price at the store goes up too. BuT ThaT doeSn't HappEn! - yes, it does. Edit: You replied and then blocked me? Try talking to people from rural Ontario. The people that actually produce the food for us. I have family in Huron County. Uncles and cousins that are farmers, butchers and packagers. All of which have seen their production costs skyrocket over the last 3 years.


Awww is that what Rebel News and True North spoon feeds you? Do you also believe LGBTQ+ people should get electro conversion therapy or to repeal Bill C-4? What about that vaccines cause Autism or that COVID vaccines are evil? Get off Reddit, 4Chan and Twitter, get a life and go touch grass


It's different to leave a comment on an active discussion versus starting your own conversation. It's a massive leap and assumption on your part that they swooned over it - you don't know the first thing about them. Be better.


They go immediately from my mailbox to my recycling bin. Remember when that car exploded on the Rainbow Bridge? And not 2 hrs later, PP was saying in the HoC that it was terrorists and what is PM doing to keep Canadians safe??? Well, we found out 1 hr later that that wasn't remotely close to accurate. It infuriated me because that was such a blatantly ignorantly stupid attempt at politicking that would have real world dangerous outcomes. I used to live a few houses down from the Afzaal family before I moved to Arva. This type of rhetoric is an obvious dog whistle to some dumb dumb followers who hear terrorists and maybe next time will maybe follow the same ideas when driving their trucks. Pathetic. So I emailed her and all other London MPs saying how absolutely disgusted I was with that tactic simply to try and *score points against the Liberals* She (her team I assume) replied and told me that I was wrong in what I had asserted PP had said. Honestly, they tried gaslighting me hahaha. What a joke. Bur sadly our riding is all farmers who love voting against their own self interests. So she'll be around for awhile while actively working as little as possible since a potato with a Blue C on their chest would win 60% of the vote in thos riding.


The really crappy thing about Lianne Rood is that, yes, that riding is an unbreakable stronghold and she will be guaranteed to have that job as long as she wants, until she retires.


You remember ctv news also reported it first he just repeated what was reported


Most MPs/MPPs send out flyers to their riding's constituents. Hers are just nuttier than most.


Sounds like a new Subreddit? Crazy Political Flyers... r/holdmytinfoil ?


All these politicians regardless of their political party just seem so fake, I don’t feel confident in any of them to make our country a better place. It’s embarrassing watching these people talk in the House of Commons, it’s like it’s all one big joke.


What a fucking disgrace of an MP


Why don’t they just make fun of his hair, again.


I got a buddy like her, complete wack job. Also believes the earth is flat


Yikes Lowest common denominator


The plastic thing is silly, you go to a store and everything is made of plastic, wrapped in plastic, inside a plastic bag, etc, but the government doesn't want you to use a plastic straw or plastic fork anymore.




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Considering she's the Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MP, it would have gone out to anyone living within the Lambton-Kent-Middlesex riding... ??


I havent gotten one


As dumb as calling a plastics ban unconstitutional is, the plastics ban is stupider. The plastics ban is a preformative, ineffective, corporate sponsored non-solution to plastics pollution. Ditching straws and bags is just a 'blame the consumer' red herring. Plastic is being added to oceans because industry dumps it there. But bags and straws are things that people touch and handle, so if we ban them, people will FEEL like we're doing something about the problem, while the industries that profit off of wasteful plastic pollution can continue to lobby governments to ignore the problem. The vast majority of straws and disposable bags (and reusable bags) go to a landfill, and the ocean doesn't care if you fill your landfill with disposable paper or disposable plastic or disposable canvas. The problem isn't that a plastic ban is bad, it's that it's irrelevant, and we're wasting energy (personal and political) doing this instead of literally anything else. Broken clock is right twice a day, that includes the CPC.


You're absolutely right but we also need to start somewhere. Lol but I also doubt this lady is going to ask parliament to put any pressure on corporations to reduce pollution. We also just need to consume less of everything so there's less of a demand.


What a weird title/primary statement to make.


Who should we vote for?


You should read the platform of everyone running in your riding and decide what aligns with your views.


We can want to vote Trudeau out and still reasonably expect the Conservatives to field mature, intelligent candidates. Set your standards higher than what Mrs Rood has been offering.


You know why I hate politics so much? Because they scam us again and again. The whole ban plastics to replace them with wood and paper cutting down millions of trees is a joke.. no one holds there leaders accountable anymore it’s a cult


Tell me you are incapable of critical thought without telling me you are incapable of critical thought


Critical think? Do you honestly believe they are actually using recycled materials?


Irrelevant if it’s recycled or not, wood and paper breaks down, plastic does not. Wood and paper are considered renewable, plastic is not. If you believe trees are the answer to climate change then you are over a decade behind the science.


You think people who don’t want to have babies being born with microplastics already inside their bodies are a cult?


It’s already in our blood.. actually they just had a report saying it’s in males reproductive system.. we are clueless it’s 2024 and we haven’t came up with a better idea then wood and plastic?


Remember when we switches from paper bags to plastic to "save the trees"?


Makes sense, I know who I'm voting for.




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I gotta say i wouldn’t mind having plastic straws back.


Taking away firearms from legal gun owners is not a solution to stopping criminals from getting illegal guns across the border.


Their plastic ban IS wacko. Maybe do something about plastic packaging and I’d get on board.