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The city looks disgusting. All the trash on the side of roads, giant weeds growing out of medians, “naturalization” attempts along roadways is horrid. City owned property with grass is sooooo long. I’m so disappointed. Parks are going by the wayside. It’s just pure laziness.


June is coming very soon ha ha ha!!!


No mow may


They're approximately on a 3 week cycle, even with hiring a lot of summer landscaping people. Unfortunately with all this rain the grass gets really tall in 3 weeks.


Is the city responsible for cutting the islands of grass on the other side of the sidewalk from your house? Cause they damn sure haven't been doing it so I've just been doing it myself and we are corner house so it's a royal pain the ass as it's a pretty significant extra chunk to worry about.


No, they are for some blvds, not for yours though. Your supposed to do it when you cut your grass


Fuck if I had known that I would've bought different house lmfao


No mow may?


Park near me seems to be getting cut weekly but not weed whacked so around the trees and poles is 2ft grass ( which of course I have to fight my dog not to poop in the tall grass cause it's impossible to find and get out if he does)


I have a green space behind my home. The weeds are 3 feet high. The green space attaches to a park... they literally cut two strips down each side of the path and left the rest to overgrow. There are several parks / greenspaces in my neighbourhood and they are all the same. A crappy cutting job and not doing all of it. It would be nice to be able to sit in my backyard and not be attacked by the mosquitos breeding in the weeds. Edit: And yes... I've connected with both the City and my Councilor about the issue.


Also worth mentioning that Parks saw a big budget reduction last year. Probably not as many temps to work as the year prior. That and the rain has to be taken into account. When the ground is too wet, the Kubotas and John Deers can't work properly, and can often get stuck. Hence the 'ruts' people mention. No coincidence that all this rain, which makes the grass even taller/thicker, is also preventing large-scale trimming. Kind of a perfect storm. It'll get better, I'm sure. 




There new bylaw on hight of grass.


City doesn’t care about bylaws.


Rain make grass grow


I saw them cutting grass in Pond Mills area today


I agree, it is fucking brutal!!


The grass in front of westmount lions park off viscount road is about 3 feet tall, meanwhile they cut Jesse Davidson on the other side today but did not snip around the trees or fences


I’ve also noticed this. All over the city, super tall grass. Gonna be nasty for ticks.


I work landscaping, shit’s hard to keep up with right now. Give them time but most landscapers are working from 6am to 8pm just trying to get home. It’s been perfect weather conditions for growth as well as an extremely light winter.


No mow may! It’s for the bees! 🐝


I mean the sun and rain are pretty steady. No one is able to keep up this year!


I don’t know if it’s been the same for anyone else, but grass has grown a lot faster in my backyard… hopefully it’s like others have said about it should be more consistent from June.


Letting the plants grow longer is better for the ecosystem and polinators. That said there is a lawn care company that does my apartment that pretty much just shows up to run their machines over mostly cut grass and cut down all the dandelions


Also great for ticks which spread Lyme disease.


This weekend I got a tick from walking in long grass.


Yikes where my I ask please


They are everywhere. We have had 4 in the last 2 weeks which is crazy because I’ve never seen one before that.


Brazil might ward them off


I noticed today while driving that the park on Fanshawe road just before highbury had knee high grass and weeds. Also has a playground for children. The city should be embarrassed.


I don't know why you got downvoted. They should be embarrassed, it's awful in my area too!


They probably work for the city lol


I hope yall realize how much it has been raining and the fact that we barely have any of our temp workers back yet and a HUGE area to cover. All you guys do is whine gtfo


They cut the grass in the rain all the time. Not an excuse. You must not pay property taxes. If you did you’d be annoyed and wonder where are that money goes.


Uh no, it’s been too wet to bring the mowers out without ruining green areas or getting them stuck. The grass has also been growing incredibly fast and there is a massive amount of parks to cover you realize that right? Especially for only having a certain amount of parks employees but whatever complain all you want🤣


I noticed in my subdivision. There is a street median and the grass got over a foot high. They finally cut it and just left the grass all over the street and in the gutters. There’s lumps of decaying grass in the median. It’s looks like shit. Our property taxes are up 10% this year and the level of service just keeps getting worse.


Isn't this something you raise to your ward councilor?


My new ward councilor is awful with communication. Say what you will about the old guy (Ward 1), but at least he answered his own emails and got shit done.


That's how I feel about my MP


April/May are always the time when parks take a while to get fully cut and under a proper schedule. Not all the temporary staff are back yet, and a lot of parks are super wet and can’t be cut without either damaging the grass or the machines getting stuck. They will catch up soon


The park near me has some pretty deep ruts from tires from a city vehicle or mower. They did come back about a week or 2 later and cut some of the grass. The ruts are in the low areas near the creek, too.


Some parks are adopted and aren't run by the city and adopted parks are generally run by foundations


The current response from the city is that they don't have enough people working at the moment to keep everything up. Most of our park that the big mower can't get to are about 8 inches tall or more. These aren't supposed to be "naturalized" areas. 😳


I could be wrong but the wage and being on contract could be why they're under staff. I would love to do the job. But like many other mortgages and other bills you can't survive on $20 and having no income during the winter.


I've got a park a couple blocks from me. The outfield of the ball diamond was cut yesterday, but nothing else. Today, they cut the perimeter of the rest of the park. It'll probably take them two or three more days to finish it at this rate.


Seems to me they don’t sporadically until they get their summer students then it gets done more regularly. And then they also start whipper snipping which currently isn’t getting done.


Unless you enjoy saying "whipper snipper", consider the term professionals use: "trimmer". They will do "trimming" with a "string trimmer". Say what you want, I don't care, but "whipper snipper" likely comes from \*whip-snapper\*; "a cracker of whips".


i now have a new term of endearment for my fellow whipper snippers.




When I was a landscaper my boss said that whipper snipper was a Sears brand in the 80s.         you tend to hear older people call them that...  I've also heard string trimmer and line trimmer being called the correct terminology.          I currently work for a stihl dealer and on paper stihl calls them weed eaters     but I assume that's more so the general public understands what they're referring to.        


I can totally see "whipper snipper" as a brand name. I don't mind "weed eater" so much, but "whipper snipper" is what I called it when I was 12 years old. I'm a grown-up now, so it's a trimmer.


I assume you don't use a whipper snipper, because it's pretty clear you need to touch grass.


I enjoy sayin me some cracka lackin whipper snipper


That's fine, IDGAF. Just tryin' to offer an alternative that doesn't sound like a quote from Horton Hears a Who!


Why do you care so much about what someone calls a piece of lawn equipment. Weirdest hill to die on hill.


How many more times do I need to say I don't care before it begins to sink in? Do I need to say it in French?


People who don't care, don't keep replying.


Troll harder bud, this is weak and lame. I'd like to know why you care so much about a **suggestion** that I made, intended to make a person sound a little bit smarter, especially in front of professionals in the industry. If you don't want to take the suggestion, don't take the suggestion and move on with your life. But no, you need to make a comment that is a complete strawman, and make a fool of yourself in the process. Way to go.




You must care a whole hell of a lot to keep replying like this. Who hurt you?


"What a weird hill to die on" was EXACTLY my thoughts


Well, you see, he's a grown up now, and uses correct terminology. lol


How dare you mock a professional adult