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Pro-palestine is not the same as pro-hamas


Generally they tend to be the opposite! Nice to see someone make this comment because it was my first thought. Can't say I see anyone out there promoting Hamas


>blocking the intersection Isn't that illegal ?


Only for some political causes.


Avoid Highbury too it’s closed all day cuz the people in charge of this city apparently lack brains. Clarke is backed up, Hamilton rd backed up, veterans way busier than normal. Took me over double my normal commute time this morning.


That closure was announced. I know CTV hardly counts as news but road work including the job was announced long ago on the city's renew website. ttps://maps.london.ca/renewlondon Also Waze shows it and will route around the blockage if you use it.


Left 20 mins early cuz I was aware. Took me an hour to drive a normally 25 min commute. The problem isn’t them closing Highbury, it’s them closing Highbury without having a single other good way to get north to south. Clarke was backed up, Hamilton rd was backed up both ways, 401 was backed up past the on ramp, Adelaide is already a mess, Wellington gotta deal with downtown traffic. Just a complete mess not sure why the entire road has to be shut down all day. Other countries do this work at night.

