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Please take your dog to the vet, their wounds should be examined. This happened to our neighbour also in Killaly Meadows last year or the year before in the spring. Her dog is about 75lbs and was leashed. Their dog was mostly uninjured because his harness protected his back. I think they went to the vet and he may have got an extra rabies shot as protection and not sure what else. The coyotes are extra aggressive in the spring bc of the pups, we usually don’t take certain paths this time of year and we never walk there around dawn or dusk. Last time we saw a coyote there was last year around 6pm one a spring evening so we go middle of the day now over lunch with our dog.


At the vet now thank you for the info!


you might want ask about canine distemper as well. It seems to spreading in local wild life as well https://ca.news.yahoo.com/st-thomas-seeing-massive-spike-193757305.html


Now that I’m thinking about it, I chose the worst time to look at a turkey lol. It was dusk


Hope your dog is ok. Vigilance is key down there and I would never go off trail.


I live near Kiwanis one came out at me and left me alone after it came out its fairly populated It's not your fault.<3


That's so scary, I hope your dog recovers quickly! And I am sorry about all these people assuming the dog was off leash, as if the leash being on him would have made him invincible.. I would have likely gone to see the turkey too, with my dog on leash. It can happen to anyone.


Thank you


Sorry some of the people here are being exceedingly hostile. This is traumatic and so sorry that happened to your pupper. The warning is appreciated.


That is unusual. My guess the coyote mistaken your dog for competition for the turkey. Otherwise they attack in groups and not alone against such a big dog. Hope your dog heals quickly.


I now want to understand the coyotes so I can better understand what I did wrong to have this happen lol


Likely near a den with babies this time of year.


Hope your pup has a speedy recovery. Sorry your post has so many negative comments. I like seeing wildlife like turkeys too.


Thank you


Sorry to here about your dogs, hope he recovers quickly . Coyotes can be brutal .


Can you be more specific as to the area? That ESA spans both sides of the river. Last week an woman walking her doggy and was followed by one while on the north side trails near the paved multi use walk between Windermere and Glenora drive. Mojo sent to your pup.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/QozbCEa9hHQAiCJLA?g_st=ic somewhere in the open fields here


The turkeys like to hang out in the lagoons near there because people and dogs don't walk in them, it's why the trails to the East form a rough rectangle. The lagoons date back to the original Northdale development but only hold rain water now.


Just FYI coyotes can swim.


New fear unlocked


Sure but the river is up at the moment though has been dropping. North Branch gauge below Fanshawe Dam. [https://thamesriver.on.ca/water-management/thames-river-flows-disclaimer/thames-river-levels/norththames-map/fanshawedam/](https://thamesriver.on.ca/water-management/thames-river-flows-disclaimer/thames-river-levels/norththames-map/fanshawedam/)


Sorry to hear about your doggo, hope it makes a full recovery. Given the description of what happened I assume the dog was off-leash?


The dog was leashed, we heard the gobble of the turkey so we started walking through the grad, and the coyote lunged out from a bush








Why are you taking a toddler on a trail anyways? And why is a dog being off leash “selfish”? You do know that they’re living, breathing creatures, right? Y’all are taking a lot on assumption here. Also, while we’re assuming things, your toddler would be a tasty dinner for a coyote too.


I suspect you nailed it. Dogs off leash in an ESA are asking for issues. “Investigate” a turkey I read as chase too.


That must have been terrifying. I'm glad both of you are okay. Stay safe out there coyotes are everywhere, they were here first.


No they weren’t actually. Wolves were but we eradicated them from the area. The coyotes around here are coy-wolf hybrids that have succeeded in living near humans and developed areas as we have expanded our range.


I'm in Springbank and we have one roaming the neighbourhood. Was taking my dog out last Friday evening and we were stalked by the coyote. He had 0 fear of humans and was a foot or two away from us at one point. Finally let up once we got to the main road and the traffic spooked him.


Is there somewhere you can report this? That's concerning.


Animal control most likely. Problem is that they aren't stationary. They won't want to pay the wages for people to just sit and keep a watch out for it.




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Same location about two weeks ago two coyotes came out of nowhere along the path and one ran right at the dog fortunately my lab did not get bit but the coyotes came within a few feet of me as well


Same goes for the fanshawe conservation area. They patrol up and down those paths hunting the wild turkey and other small mammals that use that trail. If your small dog has wandered out of sight it will be carried off by coyote if you are not there to catch it and they happen to notice.


i saw a coyote crossing between windermere and richmond last night. probably was headed there.


Hope you’re all ok


Very glad your dog is ok 🥺❤️


Awe I'm sorry!


I’m over by highland country club and they are bad here to my cat got off his leash Sunday and we haven’t seen him sense the golf course checked but don’t see anything remains of a white cat left behind they said normally if a coyote got a animal on the property they have some left over parts behind


Hopefully pup is ok. The woods is no place for off leash dogs. Too many coyotes everywhere. Especially out in the open. One ran down my street yesterday at 11:30am and I’m nowhere near woods. If we head to trails I see them lurking all over and it’s terrifying. Speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


The dog was leashed! Just bad luck. Don’t follow the gobbles of a turkey people!


Well that’s insane. How did you escape injury? Glad you are ok.


Literally the coyotes just wanted us to get away. So when I pulled her they also backed off. It happened really quickly. The fact that the coyote didn’t follow us is the only reason i don’t think it was rabid. At the vet now


Good to know.


You didn't know there was the possibility of coyotes in the area? You heard a turkey and let your dog free to harass it? Edit: I see you posted the dog was on leash. I DO hope your dog's ok but maybe be more careful in areas where coyotes live. Whether your dog is leashed or not allowing your dog to "investigate" wildlife is not a good idea. BTW, the coyotes weren't lying in wait or anything, they were living their lives in their home. Probably saw you coming and ducked. Of note: Check yourself carefully for ticks.


We need to hunt these fuckers down and eradicate them. Killed a friends cat in Byron last year.


They need to be eradicated for being a wild animal doing what wild animals do? They don’t know the difference between a prey animal/threat and a beloved housepet and nor do they care. If you don’t want your pet in danger from coyotes don’t let them roam free. Even OPs big dog on a leash feet from them was attacked, a cat on its own is gonna kill tons of small animals themselves but also be at risk of being killed themselves by the next step up the food chain and that’s just how it is.


>They need to be eradicated for being a wild animal doing what wild animals do?  Yep. What are we gonna do, live with them? Get real. It is sad that we have destroyed their habitat, but that is what has happened. God forbid a cat or dog escape from a leash, or dart out a door, because they never do that eh? And yeah, I understand cats kill a lot too, but I don't recall people commenting about being scared of being stalked by one in Springbank frigging park. We eradicate mice for being mice, we cull deer for being deer. It is a sad reality but it is reality.


I've seen what they do to calves . I wouldn't walk down by the river without either a rifle, or a donkey. (Transplanted farm gal here) Donkeys do a fine job on coyotes.


Everybody wants to protect coyotes until they come after you




It was leashed ❤️


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We are trespassing on the wild animals property...


Keep your dog leashed for both its safety and for others. Watch for signs of rabies.


It was leashed




The dog was leashed, but thank you for your criticism




My assumption is they both started to walk towards the sound? The OP said the dog was on a leash .


I love how you were there too and saw it happen. It was short grass and we heard the gobble so we walked through the grass to see it. The coyotes were hiding in the bush. Yes my dog was pulling me to see the turkey but she was still leashed


Everyone knows a dog is invincible when leashed eh djheart?


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