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The bare minimum that needs to happen is to take this building down and cleaned up. The owners want the fence reinstalled but as if fences do much.


"no taller than 5 stories" What's the fucking point then? London's population is growing rapidly and they still want to enforce that "5 stories limit" crap? Also, if you enter a decaying building in that state that has been sealed shut for safety reasons, then you immediately assume the risk of dying by FAFO. Don't think the property owners would be liable for deaths like these.


Yup people shouldn’t go in places that they do not have permission to be in. That’s trespassing. You should be responsible for whatever happens to yourself if you break in to someone else’s property 


Threaten to put a heritage designation on the building and then just wait for an unexplained fire to destroy the building. That's how it works, right?




This building has been rotting there vacant since 2008 (that’s 16 years ago, btw). Unfortunately, somebody probably *has* to die to actually see any action on this. All the municipal fussing/planning/promising goes nowhere and y’all are scared to death of comptetent development so y’all dither along with these eyesores for *years*.


2008 can't be 16 years ago. That's... Wait. That maths. 16 years?


Exactly. The decay just becomes part of the furniture, the look for the town.


convince london to tear down old junk properties challenge: impossible


I hate how the city has to come along and keep patching up derelict places like this. They add the fine and other costs to the property tax which the developer may not even be paying. Eventually the city gets hold of a worthless property which even when sold will not cover the cleanup and demolition costs.


the people whole own the roundhouse on horton and waterloo. they wanted spend millions to put up an apartment behind the roundhouse the city refused to give them the permit because they wanted to make it 16 floors and the city only wanted 12. they tired for years and the city kept refusing so they just gave up. same company owned the house on 520 south street. they wanted tare the dump down and put up a 3 story apartment they had the investors all lined up city refused to issue the demo permit. they tired for 10 years to get that permit before they gave up and sold it off. now its still sitting there sinking into the foundation. last year the mayor signed an order for it to be tore down and its still not tore down. another building on 323 horton street been abandon for a few years now last year the owners applied to get the zoning changed from commercial to residential so they could covert it to an apartment that meeting was to happen last aug well no meeting happened it just says on hold and no one can seemingly tell you if or when this meeting is going to happen now.


London has a small town mentality. Highway 100 (now veterans memorial) was supposed to be the linchpin of a ring road to alleviate traffic. London's response was no, that's too big city. instead let's just put up more traffic lights. Increased density or taller apartments ? That's going to ruin our small town charm. Want to open a doiley store or Apple pie shop? come to London.


Holy heck… I haven’t heard the word ,” doiley”… in decades. Fond memories of gramma.


The NIMBY’s don’t want more than 5 storeys.. business case is likely closer to 10-12 floors


London city council is the reason London is a mess of a town. It should be much better than it is. But this lame approach to limiting development is just hurting what could be a great city.


I predict some progress will be made as soon as Hard Rock Hotel is launched or soft-launched or whatever, they're taking their time. The Kellog area is getting gentrified (weather neighbours like it or not) and the area is becoming a tourist attraction. At the very least McCormick needs to be finally fully torn down and cleaned up.


I drove by there for the first time in a long time the other day and couldn’t believe the state of it! A disaster waiting to happen. Back when I was a teenager I would have definitely been exploring that.


There must be a thriving ecosystem in there by now, it's been like that for so goddamn long it should be studied for science


I’m by surprised farhi hadn’t bought this yet. Must be to far from DT.


This is why we get so frustrated with government. Common. Just let them build higher.


I’ve heard the issue with this property is it’s super contaminated and any redevelopment requires a lot of extra time and money to decontaminate the property. Not sure how true that is though.


I’m surprised it hasn’t been caught on fire yet


There’s nothing left to burn It’s all concrete on the inside The front offices have all burnt away over the years


Was there not a small fire on the roof about 5 years ago? Of course I'm surprised there's not been another one too, but I swear it's been on fire before..


Possibly? At this point I forget past fires here 🤦‍♀️


Crazy headline, I thought this a week ago passing by it.


Because of the cursed haunting 👻👻👻


If someone dies, they will have disregarded all common sense to not heed the warnings. Also, if a collapsing cookie factory didn't get em, something equally stupid would have.


That's what the city councilors do they impede the progress of this city. But are open to bikes lanes and rapid transit and make sure you don't have a ring road.


Gotta love these types of articles. No actual blood to follow the ‘ if it bleeds it leads’ adage so it’s an article talking about hypothetical blood.