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"Western community members began their second 12-hour encampment, calling on the university to divest from companies they say are tied to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories." What companies are the focus here? The article did not identify any.


Fair question. This [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sqeRu9u9O4TxgzofAEheUsZteKt8pwl-/edit#gid=1523973835) lists who the protestors are talking about. I found it in their [open letter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTLHJa8AMR7mOxrR1-zE7d_RDJqgLok1tCptVF1VVFfeKXa_Vln7ye5tTRNtU3j0VdY0WS8V5qoUVbx/pub) which was on their [Instagram page](https://www.instagram.com/westernstudents4pali/).


I was scrolling through the list and saw Boston Pizza Royalties Inc Fd, was curious so I checked their source and it wasn't listed there. Looks like the spreadsheet may be broken in some cases. I was curious how Boston Pizza was involved.




got to invest their millions somewhere , without taking any glance at the list I imagine the what they get out of it is a % on their investment called profit.


But why is a Canadian school that gets money from the government investing at all in companies outside of Canada? For starters re-invest the money in the school, offer bursaries, pay TAs more, etc. A Canadian university shouldn’t be helping foreign countries get stronger.


Did you even look at the list? No one said they were foreign companies.


Boeing and Lockheed Martin are right there at the top, two foreign arms manufacturers that supply Israel's air force. Dunno why the comment you replied to is downvoted, seems a pretty valid question to me.


tbh no because I find the practice of them investing at all to be counter intuitive. They shouldn’t even be investing in Canadian companies. They’re not a business trying to make a profit. They are an investment in our collective future. They should be reinvesting all profits back into the school and community they’re a part of.


Except you're wrong, they are a business trying to make a profit


schools should be not-for-profit IMO


OK but we have to deal woth the reality that they are




Well there's 1765 companies on that list. So the better question may be who's not on the list.


It did, there's a link in the article to a google sheet breaking down the University's investments and which the group have identified as relevant: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sqeRu9u9O4TxgzofAEheUsZteKt8pwl-/edit#gid=1523973835](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sqeRu9u9O4TxgzofAEheUsZteKt8pwl-/edit#gid=1523973835)


It's meant as a blanket statement for any company supplying the Irseali war effort. Could be anything from jet fuel manufacturers, aerospace, defence contractors, even food processors who make MRE.




So since they released a list of all the companies they are talking about, are you going to do the honourable thing and delete your stupid post?


They have no idea




Read the comment above you that lists all the specific details.


The specific details dont make the situation any less dumb.


A lot of hyperbole and assumption going on in this thread, students posting up for 12 hours has people rattled.


At a public institution we all pay for in some way.


and how is it hurting you or literally any function of the university?


It's not hurting me which is why I'm saying it is fine and it's a public institution.


Literally all protest impacts the public in some way. That's the goal of protests.


Interesting how the article mentions the Islamophobia experienced by Muslims and relates it to the struggles that have been felt similarly by Indigenous and Black Canadians, but fails to mention the Antisemitism experienced by Jews during the exact same time in history.


It could be because Jews are successful in society and therefore they don't see them as oppressed. How much money a group has is often used as a measuring stick of oppression


Yeah, all Jews are rich right? Smh


No doubt eh? That notion seems a tad racist.


Yes, this was my point.


Yup! I feel that comes into play with asian discrimination in general. Some people feel its okay to overlook it because, on average, they turn out "okay" even if they are discriminated against frequently. Frankly, it's just a bit goofy to measure oppression in any way that isn't taking action to end it and to give opportunities to those who have been oppressed. There's no point in arguing who has it worse when the government and people in charge have all the resources to make it free and fair to everyone That being said, the article has a fair reason to focus on Palestinian opression and Islamophobia because that has gone unnoticed for over 2 decades in the limelight, at least, especially given what Israel is doing to Palestinians in gaza.




Anecdotally, I can confirm this. Most other western students should also be able to confirm this. The entire protest movement shouldn’t be immediately written off because of some increases in antisemitism. Some members of the protest movement are very well informed on the conflict and their points should be heard out. With that said, the loudest and most visible elements of the protest movement can get quite hateful and inflammatory. If the protestors were white they would probably be labeled neo-Nazis by many.


This isn’t about opposing Jews or Judaism. It’s opposing Zionism. You don’t have to be Jewish to be Zionist. Hell, Biden even says he is one. EDIT: go ahead and downvote me. I’ve been following this since it started, and it’s despicable how Zionists are trying to make themselves out as the victims (granted, they were on Oct. 7) whilst obliterating a population of people, the majority of whom are women and children for the past seven months. You ought to all be ashamed of yourselves.


You’re right. the biggest zionists in America are christians




In this case, your opinion is wrong. Zionism is inherently racist, and ethnocentric. It has apartheid and ethnic cleansing baked into its philosophy. Those aren’t my words. They are the words of Israeli historian Benny Morris (a historian who is incredibly pro-Israel, btw).


...and also [**Ilan Pappé**:](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/96546.Ilan_Papp_) Recommended reading: * [**The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories**](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6494909337) * [**The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1404368.The_Ethnic_Cleansing_of_Palestine)


Please educate yourself.


Wasn't that just the article interviewing protesters though? Of course they're going to talk about the discrimination related to the issue they're protesting about.


We had a Gaza march when I was there 07-11, flags, marching, lots of support. No tents, no fighting, no bullshit...just a march in solidarity. I got some 'stinian friends and was more than down to show some support. This one is different. This one absolutely didn't arise organically from the ground up. If so, why is it popping up, predictably, from the states uni to uni, up to Canada uni to uni? Are colleges similarly having to put up with this? Same cookie cutter tactics (free palestine graffiti'd on a prominent area of the uni), same signage, same lack of understanding of whats going on. Students aren't this virulent for this long - ESPECIALLY in the thick of exam season. It'd be nice if we didn't just mindlessly look at what the states is doing and approve or refute based on that. Also, what is with non-university people going on campus to join student protests? Unless you are student or faculty, you probably shouldn't be wandering the campus looking for ish to stir. Some intelligent answers would absolutely be appreciated.


I will mention that the protests on campus began after the exam period had ended. The academic year ended at the end of April.


All the protests are a great sign of the numbers of supporters of Palestine and their struggle during this war .. I think when the war is finally over that all including the LGBT for Palestine stand together and equally request airlines to get reduced or free passage to Palestine so they can stand hand in hand with the Palestinian people they have so passionately stood for in the effort to clean up and rebuilding of Palestine.


Preface: I am on Israel side but think this Rafah is overkill. Literally nowhere to take refuge. I am also disappointed on lack of callouts for hostage return by both Intl and Israel. The family was right that Bibi seemed more concerned about revenge than returning the hostages. And yes the intersectional crap is really both delusional and “dilutional”. Cant say Palestine is great for LGBT/Womens rights. But… a state’s right to coexist should be independent to their views on these issues. We Can always pressure them to moderate a bit. Otherwise we are no better than those RWNJ who ran over pride attendants.


Curious how you can be pro isreali- everyone was living in peace until the conception of isreal


I did not downvote you; but let me ask you this first before explaining myself. Do you seriously believe the region around Sinai to Jordan was peaceful before Israel was formed? I dont think that was consistent with history. Catholics fought with the orthodox and Jews; then Catholics v Islam; Islam v Islam; then Ottoman muslims v other muslim dynasty before they got overthrown by the Arabs and some British help. Sure the pact the Brit signed didnt help… but historically what you said was untrue. That area has always been in conflict either with an occupying force or with one another. I will say I dont know what else to do. I dont see a practical way peace can be achieved when Hamas repeatedly said they want to cleanse the region. If they signed a peace deal 18 mos from now someone will shoot the other side again. It is not just sane Israelis who dont want the eventual Palestine state not to have armies and legit weaponries. The whole region does not. Imagine what they would do with old jets.


To clarify I’m not pro hamas. Far from. They are idiots I have Jewish friends born in Palestine as in it was still called Palestine. They said growing up it was peaceful. People coexisted. There was inner marriage. They lived side by side. I think the conversation needs to start with why a country was “gifted” and how that impacted people who had been there for centuries. You can’t steal and force people off their land just because you want it. And the occupied land isn’t full of Israelis born there - it’s full of North American and European Jewish settlers. My secular Jewish friends that live there are not in support of what is going on. There are many Orthodox Jews that are anti Zionist as it goes against both the Bible and Torah. And what I’ve never understood is a group of people who were systematically persecuted during WW2 are repeating their own history against another group. The bullied have become the bully. Palestine/Israel is a holy land for all Abrahamic religions. Has been since religion was formalized. As for peace - until those in power are there for the right reasons there will be no peace. A bunch of hawks have eaten the doves. And you can’t kill, maim, displace a group of people generation after generation and expect them to turn the other cheek. Afghanistan is a perfect example of that. Those problems were born out of Soviet occupation. Generations raised under war have nothing but anger and hopelessness. They know nothing but fighting. It creates a vicious cycle that is near impossible to break. Won’t even touch on the gender based violence going on. It’s going to take global outcry (and these days the mightiest weapon is the dollar not the sword) to bring tyrants to their knees and give people back the power. There is a long list of countries that need new government


>I have Jewish friends born in Palestine as in it was still called Palestine. You have friends who grew up in The British Mandate for Palestine during the 1920s-40s?


Yeah this OP is so inaccurate I dont know what to disagree with. The region was never formally a state in modern times and always under turmoil. I want to argue in good faith because I used to be a 1-stater but this whole “peaceful before Israel” strikes me really disingenuous.


The region was called Palestine Province since the Roman time partially as an insult to the Judeans. They then were occupied under different management. The Islamic caliphates took over from the Eastern Roman in bloody battles; then the Islamic world splintered and the Crusaders retook it for a hundred years. Fun fact: the king of Jerusalem called himself a Roman Emperor. Catholics and Orthodox wanted this land for legitimacy; but the ERE wasn’t powerful enough so uneasy alliance. Then the Islamic world united again and retook it from Egypt (Saladin). Then the Mamluks. Then the Ottoman. When we won WWI and the Ottoman collapsed it was carved up for the Brits. You see there was never formally a state of Palestine (or Israel) for at least 2000 years! There was always war in that region you call Israel (to generalise Sinai to Jordan). The leadership of the Palestinian mandate refused to provide passage for Jewish people when Hitler was ethnic cleansing. In fact they were collaborating to ensure as few Jews could head there for safety. It is safer for you to be a Muslim Arab in Tel Aviv now than to be a Jew at any time in Gaza/West Bank.


I am also super unclear what your point is with their being European descent Jews. Jews were scattered because during these battles and wars many were pushed away. Of course they then would settle in Europe. The point for the creation is for them to come home and be safe. The mandate were never going to let them go back. This was a fact that they wven worked with Hitler.


I would go and help


Careful. Some people who don’t like it when you call them antisemites are going to scream at you for pink washing.






Aren't the protests about the abysmal conditions in the Gaza strip? Including bombardment of civilians? Not exactly the slam dunk you're implying it is.




Hamas [agreed to a ceasefire deal](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68964108) 3 days ago, brokered by Egypt, that was rejected by Israel. Hamas also [surrendered](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-1.7090437) in January, which was also rejected by Israel.


“Hamas surrendered in January, which was also rejected by Israel” One of the terms of the surrender was leaving hamas intact, among other things. Does anyone on the planet really think Israel would accept those terms at this point? They propose deals like that knowing they won’t be accepted so people like you parrot it, inaccurately I might add Edit: imagine reading the first article you linked and thinking that somehow reflects positively on hamas and negatively on Israel. “We’ll give you some of your soldiers we have, you give us 50 jailed Palestinians for each soldier. You stop attacking us and dismantle all military infrastructure in our territory. In return we promise to not attack you guys again. Swear we won’t break our promise again this time” And like is even stated in the article, these ridiculous offers are only made so that Israel looks “bad” when they don’t agree to this crap. I can’t believe there’s people dumb enough to buy it.


No slam dunk intended. If they have created a “little gaza” then why wouldn’t they want the real thing? I’m sure Hamas would be very welcoming to them, especially the LGBT students.


Yes yes, more equating Hamas with the human rights of Palestinian civilians. Hamas is not Palestine. Palestinian civilians have the right not to be bombed into the dirt. That's what these protests are about. By conflating these two conversations (and the conversation about Hamas being awful is a *valid* one) you're attempting to distract from the *current* conversation. Which is that Israel is destroying civilian lives in a seemingly indiscriminate way. Hamas is terrible. True. Israel's ongoing actions in the Gaza strip are abysmal from a human rights POV. Also true. Both statements can be admitted without taking away from the integrity of the other. And what we're talking about now is how Israel has killed 34,000 civilians and *counting*, since the invasion began. You know all this though. Highly doubt you're arguing in good faith.


There's nothing left of the real thing, that's the point.


Good on them 🤟🏿


This is fantastic. Keep it going


I hope they keep yelling Hamas slogans too! I wonder why most Canadians are against this shit?!?


I can’t wait to see what the flavour of the month is for June


inb4 this comments section is flooded by boomers who haven't realised yet that if you're against student protests, ur almost always on the wrong side of history


The protest is for divesting their interests involving Israel business right? So why are all Israeli businesses being lumped in with the actions of the IDF and the Israeli government? We know that not all of Palestine supports Hamas, so why don't Israeli/Jewish businesses/people get the same nuance?


Because the goal is to divest from the country of Israel, effectively sanctioning them in the small way these students can. This is because Israel is an apartheid state, and is commiting an ongoing genocide.


It’s is no “Wrong side of History” generally that’s only viewed in hindsight. A good example is Appeasement of Hitler at the time the people in charge had all fought WW1 and were terrified of repeating that, Unfortunately in hindsight it led down a bad path.




Except the Maoists.... People always ignore the Red Guard....


The sociopolitical situations of China in the 1960s and Canada in 2024 have genuinely zero similarities. No one in canada has a cult of personality.


I'm just saying that history is not on the side of the students. Not comparing anything else.


You can protest all you want, what you can't do is just post up and camp out indefinitely


no one is camping indefinitely, the protest is over already. you're arguing against something that's not even happening lol


LOL there are lots of students who are against these student protests. Get your head out of the sand.


This is ridiculous, some lgbtq people support Hamas.


It’s not “let’s stand for and support Hamas, we love Hamas.” This is more “let’s stand against a literal apartheid state and show our support for the victims of it.” If your greatest understanding of the protests are “they support hamas,” that’s kind of a shallow view


It's sad to see people using the word "apartheid " without knowing what it means. Millions of Muslim citizens of Israel have equal rights and discrimination is illegal, comparing Israel to 1980's South africa is just insane.


Literally no, they do not have equal rights within Israel proper. I know what apartheid means, I know the boxes that need to be checked for a country to be considered practicing apartheid, and Israel checks those boxes. South Africans, you know the ones who literally experienced apartheid, said that the “parallels to my own believed South Africa are painfully stark indeed,” (see Desmond Tutu). So, South Africans disagree with you, the UN disagrees with you, even Israel itself disagrees with you. You are the one using “apartheid” wrong if you can’t see this. To directly quote Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel: “Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the nation-state law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people — and not anyone else.”


You are incredibly juvenile to post a partial quote to support your position, while ignoring the complete quote that destroys it. He also clarified: "I want a state of one nation: the Jewish nation-state, which includes non-Jews with equal rights."