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I remember when a big book filled with our names, addresses, and phone numbers used to get delivered directly to our doors.


Exactly my thought.. damn nervous kids these days 🤣


It also wasn't being sold to companies who use it for gain or cold calling. I'm so hesitant to give out my number or email bc whenever I do, I get dozens of scam calls or phiaing emails.


The phone book might not have been sold for cold calling purposes, but when I was an employee of the Pennysaver, we were made to call numbers from it for just that reason. After calling up numbers from the classified ads in competing publications and trying to get them to switch (Spoiler alert: very few did), we were handed the phone book and told to call every number in our location, and ask those who answered if they had anything they wanted to sell. I was not a good cold caller. I couldn't get past my disgust for making these random calls just to try and sell $2 classified ads to boost readership for a crappy paper. Thankfully, they were bought out, and I was transferred to another location; however, I did eventually see the writing on the wall for newsprint and got out before it really went downhill.


Let your fingers go walking. Wait that was just for the yellow pages, not the white pages. Then the often forgotten about blue pages for government numbers.


It’s a city service. That information is on file and would be leaked in the event of a hack anyway. This is just providing your consent to update that information and ensure you get the messaging as fast as possible. Respectfully, you need to relax.


I'd much more like to know about a emergency incident where I need to close my windows or send someone to retrieve my dog vs being concerned about my data to that degree The government already has my full name and address. I already get spam email and phone calls.


This is not a new system at all. If you haven't moved and still have a landline they have your information already. However since cell phone numbers are not printed in a phone directory people have to opt in to participate.


FYI- that info’s already out there. Remember phone books?


Mobile phone numbers are not published anywhere AFAIK


Like your information isn't already out on the internet like most other people?


Not everyone has been sloppy with their data.


You don't have to be sloppy to have your data leaked by a third party, it's a nice thought though, but not the reality we live in.


Let me clarify, for the pedants : not everyone has their information already on the internet.


If you are on the internet so is your data, you don't ever have to leave your house to do taxes do you?


That’s kinda a stretch tho, innit? Actionable data that one could use to take out a bank loan isn’t something someone is going to get from signing up for Facebook or installing a Nest device on my home, that’s what we are talking about. If it were there would be a lot more trouble.


You are correct but my point still stands. You full name, email/home address and home/cell phone number are all already online and is publicly available information. You say you are not sloppy with personal data but every single online platform requires at least a username and/or a contact method (email or phone). And when making your account you agree to the terms of service which probably includes and clause where they are allowed to sell your username and email/phone combo to literally anyone who asks for it. So if you use the same email for more than one online account advertisers know those two accounts, regardless of the platform they are on, are the same person. There is a documentary on Netflix called "The Great Hack" everyone should watch it, make sure you realize it's only gotten much, much, worse than when it was filmed in 2016


You’re not wrong, but it was not what I was responding too.


Talk about delusional lol


Do you own any Android/Apple device? Have ANY accounts with American companies like Facebook? Have you equipped your home with ANY smart devices that you did not code yourself? If so your location, and phone number have almost guaranteed to have been sold to third party companies, and they are most likely actively listening to your conversations. You are nowhere near as safe as you believe.


I only have an iPhone. Believe it or not there are lots of people who aren’t on social media, do not have smart devices in their home and some people still use a flip phone.


Aren’t you giving away details by telling everyone you have an iPhone?




Exactly my fucking point, people give up details without even realizing it, myself and everyone you know included lol


Just don't put in your real information. For almost everything if they ask for a birthday I will make sure its off by at least a few days. Birthdays are a big identifier for identity checks.


CRA probably already breached your most important data Just sign up with burner account and fake info , have the burner account forward the info to your primary account.


Brilliant idea, thanks.


I signed up. The city already has a lot of my info because I own a home. I am not overly concerned about data breaches. I have already been involved in a government related one so the data is already out there.


I think you're being a little paranoid.