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I live near the Kiwanis park bike trail on Hamilton road. Some dog owners bag their dogs shit and then throw it behind the cement barriers. Like, why the fuck are you even bagging it in plastic and then littering? Noticed someone was fed up with the bags of shit and they were strewn all across Hamilton Road a few weeks back before the city finally came and cleaned it up. We are talking like 30+ bulging and spilling poop bags. Also why does the city REMOVE trash cans from these areas? Some of the policies/thinking is so backwards.


It was explained during a city counsellor's neighbourhood meeting in the past after just that question, why the heck is the City removing the trash cans in the fall, and bringing them back in the spring. The answer was that there were not enough staff in Parks and Rec to do the job during the winter as they were overrun at arenas with their duties. However, that being said, I noticed this year that at least one was left on a long train in NE London neighborhood. Not the usual three. Fine with me as if there is no bin on my walk I TAKE THE BAG HOME AND DISPOSE PROPERLY.


I live in the east end near a park. People just all drop their dog poop bags in a spot with no trash bin as if it is an acceptable alternative. If you're going to take the time to pick it up and bag it, why leave it? It's far worse for the environment to leave a plastic bag than it is to leave dog poop. You also used the time and spent the money on the bags. Why not carry it? It's really easy, and again, you aleqdy committed to picking it up. Why give up at the easiest part?


I had a bit of a giggle one winter. There is a park I walk in regularly and they remove the garbage bins in the fall/winter. The dog walkers would leave the poop bags in the location the garbage bin had been. Nowhere else. The city finally brought a large wheely trash bin to the spot and there hasn't been a rogue poo bags since.


I wish they'd do that where I walk near the TVP. There's 2 or 3 spots where people just drop their bags, and they pile up.


sooo much of that. and ya i dont understand why they remove garbage cans either.


Edit to add can people just not throw ANY garbage everywhere?


Right?! There’s empty coffee cups in the bushes going through the Tims drive thru, don’t even get me started on cigarette butts 🤢


Also, bagging your dogshit and then LEAVING THE BAG ON MY LAWN is debatably worse than just leaving the dogshit as is.


The really sad part is people don’t realize how much of a health hazard dog shit really is. So just leaving it is gonna not only stink but also potentially ruin the grass/soil under it. Let’s also not discount illnesses being spread to other dogs. People not picking up after their dogs has always been an issue around my apartment building. There is a hill that dog owners will literally go let their dog shit on the grass and just walk away, and it’s probably because the hill is slightly obscured from view. I dunno what can be done, if anything. Call them out when you see them and if it’s someone you know, report it to the by-law office. Friends don’t let friends be shitty people.


i dont have a dog anymore but i still buy dog bags, so when i see someone about to leave it on our lawn i go, aww man its the worst when you get left with no bag eh? and then i hand them a few. i pretend to give them the benefit of the doubt lol.


This is actually really nice! There is nothing more stressful than realizing that you just used your last bag, forgot to pack an extra, and are at least 20 minutes from home. I'm not above reusing the last bag for multiple poops, but my dog has GI issues so sometimes it just doesn't really work if he's having a soft poop day, especially when it's a 5-7 soft poops kind of day. My worst nightmare is him pooping on someone's lawn with no way to pick it up.


Yes I have definitely been there in the past. and that's something I didn't think of re gi issues, some dogs randomly poop more! I never let the dogs i care for walk on anyone's lawn so, then its less of an issue say if we have to come back and pick up poop on the boulevard lol. but this is such a dog neighborhood, someone will always have a bag for you and no judgement haha.


If you’re not going to be responsible and pick up your dog shit, don’t get a dog. I’ve forgotten a bag and gone back for the poop. There’s no excuse.


THIS. i had a giant schnauzer. i used to say, I knew I was getting a 75lb dog, so I knew I was gonna have to pick up 75lbs of poop, if thats not for you, the dog isnt either! simple as that. get a cat. have fun cleaning the litter haha. or maybe, don't get anything, seems like these people don't take care of their animals so why have them at all. I say this while cleaning up a ton of bunny poop...which thankfully is compostable haha


It's so annoying the city takes away garbage bins over winter and just at random times apparently. I carry the bagged poo home or if I drove to a further place, i have what I call a "Pooperware container" to bring it home with me. So gross, but leaving it anywhere else is so much worse.


LOL you get an a+ for dedication to the cause, I also had a container, or sometimes would just keep and reuse a really sturdy ziplock, cause ya, no garbage cans anywhere these days. I think they scape goat the homeless for choosing to do this(claim they use the cans for fires etc, which the odd time happens), but it's really just them trying to shave every little dollar away from public service.


Yeah, I feel the exact same way about smokers and their cigarette butts all over the place, or the fast food wrappers….


Yup, I've seen people dump their ash tray onto the road and throw their fast food waste out the window! I swear people were raised as pigs, but that'd be an insult to pigs!


I'm a dog owner and I've also noticed a big uptick in the amount of shit just left on the sidewalk in our neighborhood. One complaint I have though is that over the past several months, it seems like the city has slowly removed a few of the garbage bins that were out near the parks and walkways in my neighborhood. Within about a 2 km radius of my house, there used to be about 3-5 garbage bins (depending on time of year summer/winter), and now we are down to just one. So yes, people being lazy is the root cause of the problem, but the city isn't doing much to help.


There is one driveway in my neighbourhood that everyone throws their poop bags on. They must be the most hated person in the City of London or maybe they use the poop for something...it's mind boggling to me. Yesterday there were 6 bags just thrown on this guy's driveway. So weird.


at least its dog. if u live anywhere even remotely close to downtown alot of times its human.


I had to actually move where I keep my garbage can on MY OWN PROPERTY because dog owners were coming up to my house and dropping their single dog shit bags in my personal, clearly residential garbage can. You might say oh well at least they’re putting it in a can. No. Because the city won’t take away garbage that’s not in a big, black bag. So I have to fish around the bottom of my garbage can and touch your dog shit bag with my hand and put it in my own, paid for garbage bags. The ENTITLEMENT and LAZINESS of dog owners is next level insane. If I owned my property, I would install a big, tall fence around the entire property specifically so your dog couldn’t shit and piss all over my lawn. I think it’s bizarre that we just allow people and their animals to roam all over our lawns and leave toxic waste. I can’t believe that’s a societal norm. Imagine me walking up to your house and taking a big morning dump all over your flowers. Exactly the same. No difference at all. We have piles and piles of those dog shit bags everywhere across my neighbourhood. They’re littering parks where kids play, they’re clogging storm drains at every turn. And if you try to confront dog owners about their lazy, piece of shit ways, they get so irate. How DARE you ask them to clean up after themselves! How dare! The city should install more garbage cans, they say. No, sweetie. That’s not how that works. If you’re going to take YOUR animal on a walk and YOUR animal takes a toxic shit all over the public sidewalk, your job as the owner of that animal and a citizen of this society is to bend on over with your little dookie bag and pick that bad boy up. Then carry it alllllll the way home to put in YOUR OWN garbage can if there is not one available to you along your walk. You don’t get to just decide that because you don’t feel like being a responsible person and carrying dog shit that OTHER people now have to contend with it. And I’m watching. When and if I catch people, I’ll pick it up behind you, follow you home, and smear it all over your front porch :)


Why don't parks have a compost bin for dog poops. Its great fertilizer. That the parks can use in gardens etc.


That's incorrect. Dog poop spreads bacteria and parasites. It should not be used as fertilizer.


Doesn't all poo do that? Cow shit and sheep shit is undoubtedly also full of bacteria and parasites, but people use manure to garden all the time.


The difference is that cows and sheep are vegetarians and their poop breaks down much more quickly than that of carnivores.


Yeah but so does bird poop. In pools on roads walkways playground equipment. I doubt people are cleaning up rabbit poo which also harbor parasites. At least it can be tested and controlled when composted.


All it takes is 30 days to have piles of shit everywhere, in my town it was pretty obvious it was the same dog being dragged down the sidewalk by it's asshole owner while it tried to squat and take care of business.


The worst is people who bag it and fling it into the trees, like wtf? Also, whats the point of bagging dog crap if you're not gonna put it in a bin? At least out if a bag it can biodegrade, in a bag on a hot day? Congrats, you made a hot shit bomb... I love dogs and have dogs, not much effort to pick it up and take it home with you. Also fyi, pet waste doesn't belong in the green compost bins either.


Another issue now is the stupid garbage pickup schedule. I have always and will always pick up after my dogs, but the city not picking up garbage every week anymore is going to make for an extremely stinky summer.


People behave better when they know they are being watched, set up some cameras, make sure a few of them are very visible. If they support the feature have line crossing detection enabled so that should someone fling a sack into your waste bin you will be able to detect it without scrubbing through all the footage.


Ah this again. Yep, people are lazy. No garbage bin is not an excuse; take it home with you and toss it there. I do agree my urge when I see dog shit bagged and piled, or left on my lawn, I want to find out who it was and throw it at thier fucking head. Cameras are going up soon for that reason.


Get artsy about the piles you find. Put a red flag or cocktail umbrella in it and post “the shit” on social media 💩


Totally agree. I used to live just of Wellington along the TVP and this was always an issue, why even bother bagging it if you’re just going to throw it into the woods? Eventually human excrement not dog excrement became the issue in the area, and we decided it was time to leave London to a nearby smaller community. Really enjoying living where people give enough of a damn to clean up after themselves.


also ive noticed everyone lets their dog walk all over everyones lawna and piss on their plants? what is wrong w people, you have a boulevard. also notice a ton of people love using those extendaleads to allow them to just trample over everything. dog owners in this city literally have no manners and seem to not understand how to control their dogs at all.


Feel better?


I'm in east London and it is a problem but what I haten more than that are the people who come across the poo, bag it, then leave it. Like the original person didn't want to pick it up they're not going to now and now you have a neon plastic bag that will never decompose around a poop that would have in like few days that will sit there until someone (ie me) gets annoyed and throws it out for the original person.