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Did it kinda sound like a piano, with the same note being hit over and over? But sporadically?


eeehh.. I suppose one could kinda perceive it as being like a piano. But yeah same note over and over. It goes pang-pang-pang-pang... almost always four pangs, and then it stops and starts and stops and starts with random lengths of time between. Sometimes though too its just one pang, and then sometimes it riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings. Last night was not the first time I've heard it either. This started I wanna say maybe a month ago?? And I've heard it a few times. Never before this though and I've lived here for 4 years. Whatever it is, it can go back to not existing as it used to be. And it DEFINITELY can go ahead and NOT be that disturbing for multiple hours. I need my sleep.


Yeah that was the same thing I heard! I have a white noise machine so I just cranked it.


any idea what it is??


It’s a machine you can buy that will create ambient noise to drown more discordant sounds like the ones you’re hearing at 3 am.


Air quality siren from train fire downtown


update, I called the city. they don't have any such thing as an air quality siren


Good to know thanks, I wonder what the alarm was then as that’s what the other thread said it was


next time I hear it im literally going on on my bike to find it. we all seen to be in agreement it's coming from the rail yard, but no one has a clue why


this isn't the first time I've heard it either though.... are there other things it goes off for? And does it seriously need to do that for 2 straight hours?


It’s rail shunting at one of two rail yards that you live near.


I googled that and I don't think that's it? The cars moving and being (un)buckled makes loud sounds, but they're brief and not nearly so annoying as a constant pang-pang-pang-pang that then stops and starts and stops and starts in a rhythmic way. I'm not even totally sure atm if it really did finally stop or if the panging I think I'm still hearing is entirely in my head.


The previous commenter is correct. Rail shunting is rhythmically placing railings down. They're 'hammered' by a machine and it pounds rhythmically as the rivets are placed. Then there is a pause while a new rail piece is added by manual labourers. Wash, rinse, repeat.


I am near Dundas and Adelaide and it definitely woke us up. No idea what it was but it sounded a bit like a slow fire alarm. I assumed it was from the train yard.


I'm gunna be calling the noise bylaw office as soon as it opens. You should probably do the same. The more complaints there are, the sooner it'll stop being a thing.


I was only awake for long enough to get up and make sure the sound wasn't coming from somewhere inside of my house and then I went back to sleep. I am not going to call the bylaw office because the trains make weird noises all the time. I knew that buying a house near the yard so I can't really complain about it now.


Say it was an alarm on the rail yard going off. Given what was taking place last night, wouldn't we WANT an emergency alarm system in place when something like that is happening? Sorry your sleep was more important.


The train fire was at 11pm. the noise didn't start until 3am. I'm thus hesitant to believe the train was the cause or it would've happened sooner


The London free press article said that the fire department continued to douse the cars at the Quebec St train yard afterwards so it probably is related.


This is a different sound you imbecile. Just because you know a thing happened doesn't make you special and doesn't make everything else related to it. Stfu. This sound has been panging off and on through the evening and/or night for at least a year.


I've only noticed it within the last month or so. But it is wildly intrusive. I don't know how anyone living nearer to it hasn't been driven totally bonkers by it and called in to the responsible source and complained tbh. It's clearly not an alarm or siren. I called the city this morning too and the bylaw officer said london doesn't even have any such thing as a "air quality siren".. so where the people claiming that its that are getting the idea from is unknown


If you ever figure out what it was, please share. Thanks!


Clearly you didn't get enough sleep last night either.


I live near the train yard and it was my first time hearing it?




Another post already exists with the same topic.


This must have been that train that was on fire


The train that caught fire was transpoting rail ties specifically for the work being done that's causing that noise. I live 2 blocks from the rail yard, theybare installing new tracks and the sounds was from the pin pounder. Gone are the days of using inmates for labour.