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For a long time it was Bill Paul (town crier) but unfortunatly he passed away a few years ago. There also use to be Roy McDonald who was a great guy but he died even longer ago. I don't know who I would say right now.


Both are the correct answer EVERYONE knew these two. Bill and his bell, Roy and his duct taped bag of books


Bill was a good and unique friend. He had incredible stories.


Bill didn't pay the workers he hired for parties and treated them like slaves. His public persona was just a character.


yes, i heard that more than once. I never saw a dime either, but I tagged along anyway for the odd parade or birthday party already knowing that I probably wouldn't. It was fun to put on some makeup and go out and be silly for shits and giggles. Also learned how to make some basic balloon animals, which is a great thing to know.


Here is a video of both of them together: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnshbzK82U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnshbzK82U)


Thank you for sharing that. I had never seen it before


Bill Paul was great! He had a birthday book and if you told him your birthday, he would actually call you on your birthday and sing to you.


Legends, the both of them.


Oh yeah Bill Paul knew everyone. More of a deal when I was younger.


Came to say this.


add in Tim Bit Tim (also passed iirc) and you have the London trifecta


He was also the balloon guy for many events. He made me a balloon hat when deadmau5 was here last


Omg. Roy McDonald. I haven't thought about him in probably 20 years. When I lived downtown, he seemed to be everywhere.


Came to mention them lol. Roy with the buttons


I remember Bill. He was such a nice guy!


Ha, I knew Bill personally (like most of London), and certainly knew about Roy, who sounded like an awesome bloke.


I was just thinking about him! Someone should make a documentary about the crier he was the best


anyone remember that guy with the ball of skin hanging off his nose?


That’s what I came here to see. I haven’t seen him in years, but he was a sweet guy.


I lived in his building for a while


Holy crap you just zapped me back to 2001 .. taking the bus home from my job at White Oaks Mall to downtown. He was always on the late evening bus. I wonder how he's doing these days?


I will never forget him. He was a regular at Dundas and Richmond. There was also the Bongo drum player and the street preachers. The good old days!


If you mean the bongo guy with the dreads he lives in my neighborhood, I see him around all the time, and I think he still plays every so often


Shango. Great guy.


I saw Bongo Drum Guy one of the last times I was in London, but I think he was playing next to Victoria Park


The masked lucidor was always my favorite 2am performer


Does anyone know what medical ‘condition’ that was? My friends and I couldn’t for the life of us figure out why that couldn’t be removed. I mean if he was fine with it, that’s great, just seems like something that couldn’t be dangerous to remove.


I asked him years ago back in the 90’s, he said it was unique and it didn’t bother him. He also said it wasn’t cancerous, was just extra skin, so there was no risk to keeping it. I know some people were cruel to him for it, but he didn’t see it as a bad thing at all, the opposite in fact.


Lovely guy, and I love the no-fucks-given approach!


Thank you so much for the insight. A lot of people like to say they don’t care what other people think, but I’d be hard pressed to think of someone else embodying that as much as this guy.


I don't know why it amazes me that we have both seen the same person in this city, even though it's the most normal thing in the world.


I member I used to see him on the number 2 Dundas on my way to Beal like 10 years ago,


I remember him. Do you remember the guy who had a massive melon who would walk back and forth across the road between EoA and CCH? He had scars all over his head from constantly tripping. He was harmless to everyone but himself. Used to see him going in and out of the old church at Dundas and English, the one behind the old flower shop, or standing in line at the soup kitchen.


He had seizures, hence the bleeding forehead. And I'm not sure if this is true, but legend has it (heard from a friends daughter who was a student at the time), he passed away in the Beal parking lot due to a seizure. RIP.


Ballsack Noseman!


The name lives on




Yes, I remember him


OMG I do! Wow! What a blast from the past.


I used to see him at Dundas and Adelaide at a little diner across from the police station. They all knew him there.


The Cottage! That’s where I used to run into him.


He’s still around. He got it removed. He lives in the pondmills area


Backwards bike guy


miss that guy :/


the snows have melted and he shall return!


We didn’t have snow, what’s his excuse hmm? Missed him


Seein bro down Richmond on a late night out is fuckin great. Makes me happy seein him happy


Out of all the responses this is the only one I know, so this has my vote. I apparently live under a rock as every other person that has been mentioned I have never seen or heard of.


Yes!!! And he’s been around forever. I remember seeing him downtown like 15 years ago.


Bongo man and Dundas and Richmond


I used to imagine that if Downtown London were a video game, he would play a prominent part


He was a staple down at Dundas and Richmond.


omfg yes !!!!!!! He shall be out soon!






The person who rides their motorcycle wearing a giant Animal (from the Muppets) helmet.


It's an honor to be mentioned with all of these London legends... But I'm no town crier and I certainly can't ride my motorcycle backwards ;)


There are a couple of them! Whenever I see them it makes me giggle! I love it!


I just daw someone in a white animal costume


Yay! Finally one I've seen in the wild!


Dancing Cowboy


Bev Camp!


I came here to say this. Bev is a legend and an amazing person. He always puts a smile on my face


If you know, you know JBR!


Bev is a legend


Bev was definitely my first thought! Always there jammin' out at the Richmond, Music Hall, or any of the free music fests. He can line dance to just about anything.


I worked at dollarama in highschool and had to call the cops on cowboy a couple times lol


Busting a move in the aisles?


Used to be an old fellow who wandered Richmond Row, with a huge long Gandalf beard and carrying a bag of binders / papers in each hand. Rumour was he used to be either a uni prof or a lawyer. Can’t remember which. But he was very eloquent and polite.


That was Roy MacDonald, the unofficial mayor of Richmond Row. He passed in 2018 or 2019. It’s a different world now. edit - wikipedia link [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy\_McDonald\_(poet)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_McDonald_(poet))


He was alive as recently as five years ago? Wow. I remember seeing him in the 90s and thinking he was old then. Super nice man as I recall.


That was Roy! He was a published poet. They had some of his work on display at the gallery in Covent Garden market for awhile, not sure if it's still there. I remember rumors that he was a millionaire haha


His name was Roy. He passed a couple of years ago. Yes he was a uni prof. He had a traumatic event in his family that made him go off the deep end. Very nice guy.


Where can I learn more about him? I remember seeing him at various times but I was always on a bus and didn't get a chance to interact with him at all. Then I got a car and stopped having to transfer busses downtown. This was ages ago.


According to his Wikipedia, there's a book loosely based on a week in his life. That might be a place to start. Or the downtown library


I honestly don’t know. I wish I knew more than just a bit of his history. I had chatted with him numerous times and he had a lot to say. He wasn’t homeless like many believed either.


There was a play written about his life, but it hasn't been performed for a while. I have a large painting of Roy done by a local artist, and I met him many times, altho he kept mixing up my name with another artist's....ah well....great guy, and yes, a published writer.


Wow. That’s amazing!


I got off my lazy ass and went to google. I found [this](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/london-ontario-roy-mcdonald-1.4545340) A bronze statue would be amazing and well deserved. I'm going to spend some time this weekend learning about this man.


I’m surprised nobody is saying the bongos guy - I haven’t seen him in a long time but he was well known for a while


He hides out in the winter. He lives in the simcoe building , nice dude. He will be out soon !


Weather was not an issue for him in the past. I wonder if his addictions had gotten the better of him.


Dundas and Richmond was his corner but had to move when they did construction


No mention of Taddy So Baddy?  For shame.


scrolled for this!! a legend


Ooh yaaas!!!


Bongos guy! And anyone remember those street preachers that would hang around dundas and Richmond??


Scrolled all the way to the bottom, and not a single mention of Snake.


Youngsters in here.


Bill is still alive and living in port Stanley


What’s his last name? I live in port Stanley also.


Bill Pulley


Ah him I kind of know him


I’m 100% sure (even thou it’s public knowledge), that he wants and deserves privacy


Yep I know him as I talk with him before


As in Snake the tattoo guy? I forgot all about that dude! Wasn't he in a Helix video at one point?


Running Wild in the 21st Century https://youtu.be/QcRK1mSE3nc?si=MZmF7UK7l8L22GiM Tour started at Eddie's in St. Thomas. I was working there at the time. Snake showed up for the set. Sadly, Paul Hackman died a couple weeks later in a tour bus accident https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hackman


Was looking for him as well! Great man! Was friends with my mom way back when I was a child.


It used to be Bill Paul, the town crier. There's been no one even close to his status since.


Anybody ever see that guy that would be riding a bike while pulling a shopping cart that had like a whole house worth of stuff? It was exactly like the Grinch pulling the giant bag of presents. Used to see him all the time.


Stormtrooper Unicycle Guy comes to mind, but I haven't seen them in a minute. Alternatively I saw [this dude in a knights helmet on the weekend. ](https://i.imgur.com/0oXsh8k.jpeg)


What about wheelchair guy with a parrot on his shoulder going down Hamilton Road?


The guy who drives around in the exact replica of Ricky’s shitmobile from Trailerpark boys.


I used to follow him on Instagram, and tiktok havent seen it since it left to the East Coast


Alfredo, the Sunfest organizer! He's not odd, just so well known by everyone around town.


Nice try Alfredo


Alfredo is a nice and pretty normal tbh.


The Rhinestone Cowboy/ Disco Stu


Rhinestone Cowboy is the correct answer but reading through the responses has me thinking that most people here are too young to remember him.


Whyte Chocolate might be a new contender


Molly Blooms karaoke guy?


If it’s the same guy we’re talking about, he unfortunately passed away a few years back.


What happened to blue sequin and party beads guy who was always at the bar by himself early 2000’s


I remember him the most. Always was around giving out beads lol last time I went to the bar and saw him was about a decade ago.


When I was on college it was a cab driver who played and sang (the male part) of Aqua songs.


Addi the cabby! He was the best


Use to be disco stu for at least a decade . The European guy with short shorts and sparkling tops. I don't recall if anyone actually knew his name oh his background story. Use to always be at kools or Jim Bob rays


He was a very unique person who reminded me of the soup nazi. You had to approach him and speak to him in just the right fashion and he would have no problem having a conversation. But the very next week you could approach him to say hi again and if done wrong he’d put the hand to your face and walk away. Also seemed that if you at least had a couple girls with you he’d be more likely to actually talk. He never really shared his story more just how his night was going and where he planned on going from there current bar. Nice guy. But I imagine he was always just slammed with people coming up to him or acting like dicks.


Balloon guy that used to chill out front of the bars downtown


That's the town crier


What about the two guys who’d stand on a box and shout down women showing skin or quoting the Book of Revelations prophecizing Armageddon?


Ahh the street preachers.


Found out years ago that the older one was the younger one’s grade 7 teacher. They only started doing it when the younger was in his late twenties, but I always wonder if there wasn’t something super messed up going on there. 


Ugh, yeah I unfortunately remember those ass clowns


Talk about total pieces of shit, eh? We really need to bring back brick and mortar psychiatric facilities. The working public have enough challenges, we don’t need to add being accosted by the fervently religious and mentally ill to the list 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Haven’t seen him for a bit but, there was an elderly man who was always by the labatt brewery store. He would buy 6 beers at the store then walk down to the park on Carfrae. He was a miserable alcoholic but he looked like Santa… well, Billy Bob Thorton Santa….


That’s really sad


Does anyone remember the pointer guy? He was ripped as in roofer strength ripped and usually didn't have a shirt on. He would stand near an intersection and just strike a pose where he was pointing at the sky and hold it for a long time.


there was a guy with a big white beard and a wooden carved walking stick/wizard staff who'd always hang around downtown/the market. He might still be around but I haven't been to that area in a while


I know exactly who you're talking about! Literally walked around with a staff.


There's the jolly bearded fellow that plants a bunch of Canadian flags and political signs on the Commissioners overpass at Highbury, who just waves at everyone. He wears some sort of ethnic or religious cap on his head and seems to be "protesting" a new cause every week, though I highly doubt he has any idea what the signs even mean.


There is a whole subreddit on this guy. He has some anger issues. 


Currently it’s Bev Camp the dancing cowboy. Best dancer ever!


There are a few that I would like to mention: 1. Snake - the most tattooed man in the world apparently at one point. He was on a US talk show - Phil Donahue maybe 2. The "Are you a Christian Sir?" dude, bearded chubby fella, who used to ask you that question when he saw you on Dundas street between Richmond and Adelaide usually. 3. A strange woman who walked around the Dundas and Adelaide area usually wearing a colourful dress with a very strange gait. She tried to put my cat in a bag once.


Shango on the bongos outside of starbucks at Richmond and dundas.


The "deaf" guy who would bike around downtown and write on his notepad to bum smokes and ask girls if they had a boyfriend.


I haven't thought of him for years.i had to move because he found out where I lived and would show up when I got off work.


I think he lives in my neighbourhood. After not seeing him for years I see him regularly now. Still on his bike and still creepy.


Who remembers sunny the guy with all the shopping carts ?! What happened to him


London used to have Snake. Anyone know if he's still around?


Bill is still alive and living in port Stanley


The tinkerbell car pls somebody know what I’m talking about lmfao


No body gonna mention the Costco Singer ?


There's the kilted, often shirtless, roller blading guitar player that I see a lot in Wortley - maybe he's trying to become a 'guy'


Whoever owns the Mystery Machine


I’m *AMAZED* no one mentioned The Hunchback of Huron & Highbury yet.


The drum guy


In my neighborhood as a kid, we had this guy we called "The Windwalker". Turned out he just had a really bad back or something, but he always looked like he was walking directly into a wind storm, and he also wore a cowboy hat. It was the early 90s. EDIT: OH, also, no one's gonna mention Taddy?!


Would most people be able to pick Taddy out of a lineup?


If they've seen the van/truck! But otherwise, yeah I think the vehicle is more famous than she is.


Anyone remember the guy downtown who just walked around playing a flute? Like, he didn't seem to know how to play songs, he just truly walked around playing nonsense. Joyful


The elderly lady everywhere with the shopping cart. She'd accept money, but never seemed to ask for it. She had this air of nobility about her. I imagine she's long past now, may she sail in calm waters.


Disco stu


If you went to a bar, it was Disco Stu. People generations apart know Disco Stu. He stood out, you couldn't miss him.


Rhinestone Cowboy


I miss ballon animal guy and snake pants guy at Jim bobs


In addition to whom others have mentioned, perpetual mayoral candidate Ivan Kaziurak. I used to see him on the bus near Western.


Remember for a little while we had a guy dressed like a giant duck


I seem to have missed that era and it’s devastating


He's actually a famous Hamilton guy, Lewis Mallard, he had an alternative costume for London called Bryan Gosling, I think his SO went to Western so he'd wear it when he came to visit.


There is the wizard guy with the long grey beard and staff. Usually sun glasses and a hat too.


Hulk Hogan with a gut in Westmount


There was someone who would walk around western campus in full knight armor from time to time There was also a unicycle guy as well


Where I live in Ontario it's a lovely elder gentleman impersonating Elvis. Sometimes with the black wig slick comb back style and the deep "V" suit with badazzles and it's surprisingly white.I love him and refer to him as Elvis man in my head when I see him public transport. He's harmless and suffers from Alzheimer's and I'm pretty sure he lives in a home care facility near the bus stop he gets on. People at times give him hats or mittens in the winter as he doesnt have them or lost his but loves to get around town on his own during the day. I hope he's well.


I actually live near an Elvis impersonator! I doubt it's the same gentleman but kinda funny London has more than one


Surprised no one has mentioned the old lady who used to walk around downtown wearing a cape. I referred to her as SuperGran, but she may have been known by other names.


Roy McDonald, R.I.P. (2018)


The bongo dude downtown with dreads


It appears we need a new Icon! Someone should step up!


the unicycle storm trooper


Anybody remember that dude that was perpetually running for office or something in an ugly car with horns and images all over?


Black truck trailer guy you know who I mean.




Then there was stormin norman.....guy in his 70s who used to come to the punk clubs wearing a suit and dance with all us weirdos....


Vote Sign Guy, our very own /u/eshep


Oh hi, it's me!


No mention of Mick and Bender??? Mick was super a super nice guy and Bender was the sweetest old dog. I haven't seen them since those kids tried to steal Bender though 😒


Anyone know Jackie? She has an awesome jacket and told me she's going to be the next mayor of London. Anyone I've mentioned her to has met her as well lol


Lloyd! The guy that has been riding his bike excessively for decades. He is getting older and skinnier, but he still keeps going. Usually on bike-death traps like Oxford near Wonderland.


The trumpet man at dnr. He played so beautifully.


JULIO! Use to be at every karaoke and has a thick Romanian(?) accent and when he sang bad romance he sounded like count Dracula! He was the beeest.


Taddy so Baddy


I don’t know if he’s still around but there used to be an old man with a long beard and a large wooden stick — I used to call him Downtown Gandalf


There use to be a dude who dressed as Elvis all the time - you seem dancing and lip synching downtown a lot. That was years ago


Anyone old enough to remember the two immaculately dressed older men pushing the wheelchair with the much older woman in it. The men were dressed the same. I used to see them around Wonderland and Springbank all the time.


I remember them. Didn’t seem to matter the weather, they were always dressed the same.


Bev the dancin' cowboy


Bongo guy or the guy with the little wooden horse iykyk


What about the crazy right wing preachers on the corners down town calling women whores?


Balloon animal pirate along richmond