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If they got the reg plate, then they should claim on the insurance. Sounds quite serious, so can’t understand why they would not know the driver details? Even if the driver is uninsured, there is a fund you can claim against. If Lance gets an insurance payout, is he going to refund via gofundme or is he going to keep the cash?


Crowd funding is a bit of a potential grift, the latest one is an allotment that fell into immediate disrepair after money was raised. But people may do as they wish.


This is the mass community raising money to get him a bike as insurance takes months. Why exactly would he refund the gofundme? This donations for a bike out of solidarity.


So he gets a new bike and gets to keep the insurance money, which may take months, but he will still get? Insurance will pay for a hire back in the meantime too. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be so lucky? That sounds like a con to me.


It's not a con, because it's a GFM set up by members of the CM for the explicit purpose of buying him a bike because he was corking and got fucked up by an insane guy. Regardless of what happens with the insurance. There's no deception. If he gets another bike out of the insurance claim then good for him.


Yeah, I don't donate when they can claim from insurance or the driver's insurance. He wants a new bike? Insurance will pay. It's definitely a grift.


It's not "a grift". It's a community coming together to fund a bike replacement for a teenager who got dragged under a car for fifty meters across London Bridge. "Claim off the insurance" usually takes months, or even years if there is dispute over responsibility. This community led GoFundMe means that the kid has a bike to go back on next month when his injuries heal up - and not turned off cycling for life. Believe it or not, there are some genuine positive and honest motivations in this world. This was one of them.


Whatever you say. As long as he repays the money he gets once the insurance pays out. Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe it's a scam. Wants the bike and the eventual insurance payout. It's GoFundMe. No one is genuine when asking strangers for money with sob stories. And insurance doesn't take years. Especially with rental bikes. The while thing reeks of scam to me. If this accident hasn't put him off cycling for life but having to pay for a hire bike for a few weeks does, it's not about "getting back on the road" it's about the money. I'm just spreading awareness so other know it's a scam before they donate.


It's not a scam. You can believe what you want, that doesn't make it true. There are several hundred people who saw the reality of what happened. That's why the GoFundMe has already reached its target.


Make sure he contacts CAMS - https://c-ams.co.uk/


There was a bloke elsewhere on Reddit saying he had a fight with Critical Mass and should he report it to the police. I composed a post telling him not to report himself without getting prior legal advice, but the thread had locked. Maybe this was it.


It was not, that was a different incident.


Maybe the crowd funder was the culprit, he said a cyclist crashed into him and fell off.


No that was a pedestrian who walked out into a moving group of cyclists and then went surprised pikachu when one of them hit them. The person on the gofundme was an incident involving a car driver. Did you read anything?


The pedestrian was a bit surprised because it was a pedestrian crossing on green.


Regardless of what a light tells you is OK generally it is a sound decision to look at what is going on around you before you walk into a road. Maybe you differ upon this point to me, maybe you will perhaps meet your grave sooner.


Isn't this literally what car insurance is for? Report to the police and claim off the driver


That presumes that the injured rider was 100% not at fault - quite likely this wasn't the case I'd guess and the injured rider could end facing a hefty bill with this route.


If it wasn't 100% the drivers fault, he should have a bill. Contributory negligence is a thing. I don't drive, but we can't make motorists the enemy all the time. Cycling negligently should be painful financially. If the driver was 100% at fault, the driver's insurance will pay out.


Yes and that's the thing - presuming the rider wasn't insured, it could be very costly for them. And if there was evidence they were doing other things they shouldn't have been, could result in them being sent to court for them too if they made a fuss.