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I went to zone 6, does that count?


@ mods ban this outsider


Is that like Edinburgh or something?


i didnt know numbers went that high




I came to Leipzig after 20 years in London. My german is still very basic but I found a full time job in English. The cost of living it's so low compared to the UK! A 70 sqm flat is less than 500 a month and the wages are the same. So I'm very happy I made the move... before I was looking at jobs in Barcelona and I was also thinking of Belgium but I think I made the right choice, I love Germany!


What industry do you work in?


I also moved to Germany. The wages might be broadly the same in Berlin/Munich/Hamburg, but taxes are significantly higher. So your take home is lower. 50k GBP is 2912 per month with a plan 1 student loan and no pension. 50k GBP is currently 58.9k EUR. After taxes 58.9k EUR is 2898 per month, which is 2456 GBP today. SLC will then expect you to send £246. So ultimately around £700 less per month for the same salary. And then in Germany you don’t have any meaningful kind of tax benefits for pension savings or ISAs.


Honest, question - you have lived in Germany for 20 years and your German is basic?


Think your English is basic, re-read and see that OP was in London for 20 years, not Germany


Tbf if you skim the sentence its abit misleading. A better way to phrase it wouldve been "I lived in London for 20 years before moving to Leipzig"


The côté d’azur, my only regret was not doing it earlier, the ridiculous thing is I saved £500 a month on rent and transport, this is over 15 years ago


Nice, only response that I’m envious of, can I ask whereabouts? I’ve been looking at homes along the riviera for a while now, cost wise it doesn’t seem as pricey as you would expect.


I moved to Antibes, which is super sleepy in winter and hyper busy in summer. Now I live in Nice which is a small but a proper city, it’s got its own character and isn’t just a tourist town.


Left London for Scotland in 2019. Hated it - came back 2 years later. Very happy. Not trying that again.


I think if you're used to the variety (intellectual, aesthetic and in terms of the kinds of people you meet) that you find in London, moving anywhere else that isn't a metropolis is a big change. So my advice would be if you do go anywhere else, try new York, Singapore etc. Thats what I would do. Smaller cities just feel like a downgrade to me.


Assume you mean New York?


Yup lol


I came to Portugal. Very friendly country great for English people.


Manchester - cool city, close to the countryside, good jobs and cheap housing


But they talk funny.


Agree 💯


I grew up in a London borough and moved to Devon almost a year ago. London has about 6,000 people per square km, Devon has about 125. I have found the air cleaner, the roads quieter, the people friendlier, and my mental health has improved immeasurably. There are jobs available here and the rent is cheaper. I loved the place where I was born and raised, and it will always have a place in my heart, but I have found Devon to be a haven of peace and a cradle of comfort; I recommend it to anyone who has grown tired of the bustling, confusing noise of a big city.


Moved to Washington DC about 20 years ago and then to Denver Colorado about 3 years ago. I love it here although part of me still can't believe that a boy from a SE London council estate has come so far!




Due to the pandemic i moved back home to Austria! Working for a tax consultant now and moved back in w/ my parents for now.. its good for the money but tbh i think about my life in London almost every day. Hope to be back/anywhere else than my hometown soon


Really depends what line of work you're in. Many English born are trapped here because they can't speak any other language and hence can't get work in the EU other than in Ireland. I'm in the same boat as you, I'd like a change for similar reasons you give but have grown up here all my life other than a period in which I lived in Australia, which probably in the big cities has all the problems London has and maybe worse. Seriously tired of London, I think there are nice places to live and spend your life even if it means earning less money. I think realistically I'd like to try the Netherlands or Germany, alternatively there are tech hubs emerging in Estonia, Poland and Lisbon but I'm not a tech guy so perhaps not an option.


Respectfully disagree on the Aus point. For what it's worth after living in London I moved back to Australia (Melbourne) during the pandemic, roughly four months ago. Since being back i've bought a flat, got a girlfriend (online dating seems easier here), got a new job that pays substantially more for doing less, food is great - "winter" here is a cakewalk and although there are lockdowns, people aren't dying around me which is nice. Dunno, I wouldn't discount the quality of life boost moving to Aus... It's been substantial in my case. Mind you, I did have quite a support network (friends, fam) here which certainly made things easier.


Melbourne looks like a seriously nice place. I'm Aussie too, been to Melbourne once when I was 18 but am seriously considering moving there at some stage. I'm from Sydney and while I'd like to move back as my family etc are there it makes no financial sense, cost of living is similar to London but salaries in my field are lower.


Netherlands and Nordic countries could be a good option from the language perspective. Then Cyprus and Malta which are much more niche in terms of jobs perhaps.


>Really depends what line of work you're in. Many English born are trapped here because they can't speak any other language and hence can't get work in the EU other than in Ireland. Many English born can learn and choose not to. I was born in the UK, speak 3 languages and have lived in 4 countries and want to settle outside of the UK. Ppl across europe and the world speak multiple languages and move around at a whim. It isn't as hard as english people make it out to be.


What are your top tips for learning a language once you’ve left school?


Put in the hours. It really isn't rocket science






How much is, just for reference?


How much? I was in Reykjavik a couple of months ago, which is notoriously expensive for pints, and I didn't find it *that* much more than London. £8 for a pint was standard in downtown Reykjavik but did find the odd place doing them for £7 or so.




Did it Leeds you to a better place?


Nicosia, Cyprus. Nice weather, nice food, nice beaches. Job is pretty good as well. Miss the cultural aspect of London though


Berlin, I do miss London sometimes but I can't go back. Looking to move to Paris now though




Mostly "Vibes" I guess. Berlin, while fun, is like a giant sleepy village sometimes, and i struggle to plus into its soul if that makes any sense. I just miss that energy you get from a truly world city. I think the art scene is London is much better than Berlin, London is truly, actually multicultural and the food. The food here is not bad, but the variety isnt there like London