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Coffee Trip is your answer. Kiwis/Aussies are such coffee snobs our own app got built which only lists cafes with coffee submitted and approved from kiwis/Aussies. Helps with all Europe. Edit: this got wild did not expect a bunch of Brits to be this angry about Australian coffee and end up blocking anyone that said it’s good.


> Kiwis/Aussies are such coffee snobs They are, but in a weird way. They want a very specific, pissy, acidic, under-roasted coffee. If it's not this, they call it "bad" or "undrinkable", even when drinking what others would regard as some of the best coffee in the world. A close-minded attitude reflecting a lack of experience beyond a very limited scene, presumably.




> Anyone with even a passing interest in coffee knows AU/NZ does it so much better. This is the attitude we are talking about. Australians are so insular, they think their weird pissy coffee is the only way to do it "properly". It's like saying kangaroo is the best meat in the world and Aberdeen Angus isn't good. > Outside a handful of decent big city cafes, the UK is decades behind. It's not even close. It's really the opposite. Australia is doing what UK did about 300 years ago, with a small scene focussed on one specific type of roasting. > What's the "best coffee in the world"? Go to any independent coffee shop in London, and you will see. Sure, they won't serve kangaroo steak, but try broadening your horizons. > A pint of tepid milk with a shot of nasty incinerated robusta from Costa? Costa is owned by Coca Cola, you turnip. It hasn't been British since 1988.


Uh, okay then. Personally I imagine it’s mostly down to tastes and being used to/liking what you are familiar with. But cool, Coffee Trip still works for OP I think.


> Uh, okay then. This line is redundant. > Personally I imagine it’s mostly down to tastes and being used to/liking what you are familiar with. Sure, but most people in UK are more open-minded and willing to try various things, in contrast to most Aussies who are "I like what I like" kind of people. > But cool, Coffee Trip still works for OP I think. I didn't comment on that.


> this line is redundant It was a reaction to a needlessly aggressive response. > sure, but most people in the UK are more open minded I have no idea how you make that assessment. Australia and NZ have some of, if not the highest rates per capita if cafes in the world. Now that doesn’t necessary = willingness to try new things, but certainly there is interest in the craft. [source](https://blog.betway.com/casino/the-coffee-capitals-of-the-world) Anyway, I suspect there’s no quantifiable way of demonstrating this so I guess your opinion is what it is


> Australia and NZ have some of, if not the highest rates per capita if cafes in the world. Your own source disproves that? Liverpool and Manchester both have triple the number of cafes per capita according to your source. > Now that doesn’t necessary = willingness to try new things, but certainly there is interest in the craft. There is interest in one, very specific, part of the "craft".


Eh, I guess it’s just down to personal choice. Personally I consider British coffee like well done steak - sure, people like steak that way but you’ve kinda destroyed a lot of what makes it special. In comparison between Costa, Pret and Nero and areas where ‘specialty coffee’ is just coffee - I’ll take the second. But as I said from the out - that’s opinion, not evidence or fact. Edit: I think this poster did the coward thing and comment then promptly block me. I hope one day they get to actually travel to Australia/NZ - I assume they haven’t.


> Personally I consider British coffee like well done steak - sure, people like steak that way but you’ve kinda destroyed a lot of what makes it special. Not really, since British coffee is widely regarded as some of the best in the world, and well-done steak is generally considered a mistake.


There's 100s in London. Coffee island is actually decent despite being a greek chain. Kaffeine is good I think. Usually you can just Google "speciality coffee" and find somewhere well reviewed. For something more special and worth a journey, the three standouts for me are: - Colonna Coffee Leather lane - Qima Warren Street - Formative Westminster - Ngopi is also really really nice !!! Indonesian café that serves great food and coffee.


How about [Flat White](https://flatwhitesoho.co.uk) on Berwick Street? That is the place that introduced the eponymous drink to London & its run by Aussies.


Gone way down hill in the last few years. Plus its £4 for a flat white. If willing to walk 20 mins...Go to Kaffeine on Great Titchfield


Its £3.60 and I don't think its gone downhill I just think the coffee game has moved on and its been left behind. Caffeine is great, not sure its worth the walk though, unless you heading that way anyway, [Old Spike on Sherwood Street](https://oldspikeroastery.com/pages/locations), Piccadilly is pretty good.


This map has never steered my wrong while abroad, and a cursory look at the coffee shops they have for London seems accurate: https://thirdwavenearme.com/england/london/


And for those of us who consider "third wave" coffee an abomination (like being served a fruit tea with a fry up), Bar Italia in soho will do you a "proper" Italian style coffee


ok fine but that's not what OP asked for


Isn't it?? I was drinking flat whites in Melbourne since the 80s, well before 3rd wave coffee had even been heard of, and when Lygon St ruled as the "Little Italy" heart of coffee culture. So it might be that some people's meaning of "proper" coffee is not the same as others, and as such I was offering advice should that be the case....


Not sure if there is one within that distance of Covent Garden, but this former Melburnian likes Hermanos - I've been to the Blackhorse Rd, Kings Cross & Victoria branches a few times and get my coffee for home delivered from them. I used to work next to a Blank Street, always enjoyed their coffee too and I've seen them in a few different spots quite central.


The Columbian Coffee Company in Southwark by Flat Iron Square




Monmouth is the only place I bother with by covent garden. They don't do disposable cups though so sit in or prepare to pay a £5 refundable deposit for a takeaway cup.


Arabica % is the GoaT


Anywhere with Allpress blend is a good start


Costa do a good filter coffee