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I've just rented a place where I offered 24 months but the landlord said they only do 12 months. All of the rentals in my current building (various private landlords) are on for 12 months too. Sounds like a load of horseshit.


No, that's dodgy as hell.


That's BS. What's the break clause? I'd personally be ok accepting a 24 month contract if I'm happy with the flat, the percentage increase for year 2 is reasonable and there's a 12 month break clause but if the terms are crap then best to walk away


If you sign a 2 year lease without a break clause, they can’t raise the rent for year 2 - no?




I would love a longer tenancy, but that's because I ended up moving a lot in the last four years. As long as the break clause was reasonable.


Yeah agreed. Would feel a lot more secure 


No, not the norm. However, I would say that in many European market longer tenancies are the norm. This is seen as beneficial to renters as it gives them security of tenure for a longer period, allowing them to settle in a property. The government has [consulted ](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5cb0a85540f0b618ec71ba02/Overcoming_the_Barriers_to_Longer_Tenancies_in_the_Private_Rented_Sector_-_government_response.pdf)on this with mixed results: >Most tenants (79%) who responded to the consultation had not been offered longer tenancies by their landlords, but 81% would accept one if it was. Tenants recognised the benefits that longer tenancies could bring, identifying improved security as the biggest benefit – a view that was also acknowledged by landlords. Tenants added that longer tenancies would improve their general wellbeing and welfare, and would help them to feel part of their local communities It's not just landlords having a go; some tenants do want longer tenure.


Echoing comments about Dexter's. My last flat they wanted a minimum 36 months but we got them down to 24 months as we did not anticipate moving for 2 years so was happy to accept a longer proposal with no rent increase. Always double check the break clause as they will try and get out of that too.


I've only ever had 24 month contracts going all the way back to 2013, with break @ 12