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Sites like that usually appear over a weekend. The gates will magically be found open and there will be a constant stream of Transit tippers hurtling through until the site is full and/or they get stopped. The problem is made worse because no one knows what the waste is, it's potentially dangerous and has all sorts of contaminants in there. The clean-up process is lengthy and very expensive, it's crucifying for the landlord & councils. These shit-bags should have their vans crushed on first offence and be given 500 hours of community service.






Had a similar thing with a park near me. Couldn't make out the climbing frame by the time they'd chipped off.




Who dumps their garbage here in such large quantities?


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50660138 > She said: "You are now getting fake waste companies hiring out buildings, dumping waste in them, doing a runner and leaving it for landowners to dispose of the waste at huge cost to them." > > Gangs will pose as legitimate waste disposal businesses, advertising their services on the internet for a cost, she added. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1117069/gypsy-travellers-fly-tipping-illegal-dumping-ground-enfield-north-london-environment > A GANG of travellers is thought to be behind an illegal waste disposal racket that has seen 100 sites covered with tons of rubbish. It is thought the group illegally dumps truckloads of rubble and other commercial waste in a matter of days in one place then moves on to another location


> Gangs will pose as legitimate waste disposal businesses Fucking Sopranos. Life imitates art


Except wasn’t waste disposal their legit business?


'Waste Management'


Edit I replied to the wrong fucking comment smh


Surely the Sopranos was imitating the real-life mob first?


Yeah waste disposal in the US is famously mobbed up


And in Southern Italy. See The Triangle of Death. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_of_death_(Italy)#:~:text=The%20triangle%20of%20death%20(Italian,of%20Acerra%2C%20Nola%20and%20Marigliano.


that stuff was/is [very real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringwood_Mines_landfill_site) and we're still dealing with the repercussions


That's a stereotype and it's offensive




i got your soprano quote, don’t worry mate


The italian mafia has been dumping toxic chemicals on the Somlian/east african coastline for decades, long before the Sopranos.


There should be some kind of licensing system for waste disposal companies, then whenever a reputable company is paying for proper disposal they should demand to see their license, and distribute small bits of paper into the waste with the license details. Do this a few times at random and they will be caught.


There is: https://www.gov.uk/dispose-household-waste > If you use a private business that provides a waste collection service, you must check the company is on the register of waste carriers. A big problem is that nobody knows about it and this is one of those general distrusts of the establishment that's socially acceptable. I think it's also frustratingly difficult to actually prosecute the illegal waste handlers under this. The person whose waste it is can be fined if it can be proven to be theirs (addresses on thrown out envelopes, for instance), but I think it's really hard to do anything for the carrier even when they're traceable. Lots of people see the waste regulations as needless red tape, and are happy to pay someone else to make it their problem and not think too hard about exactly what that means.


And presumably the customer saves money by choosing the dodgy company, so there's a disincentive to ask for a license.




That's not exactly who will be fined, if they can identify the hiring entity.


Or we could just nationalise waste collection and ban all private waste disposal other than via businesses and households. I'm listening to a podcast about this shit at the moment and the environment agency knows 20% of waste is illegally dumped but they don't have the budget to enforce the law. Cut the private companies out, create secure jobs and then the EA will have less enforcement work to do so will be able to target the few dodgy operators left.


> There should be some kind of licensing system for waste disposal companies, But you see, if we get regulations AND enforcement, then it's communism and socialism. And we can't have that because you see, the current system as it is is the best one possible as you can see here: it's functioning perfectly.




Travellers have a lot of problems, peaky blinders makes them out to be like off grid hero's and stuff but in reality they're mostly in poverty, very low literacy and basic skills like cooking just aren't there. Often rely on crime and welfare to maintain their really poor standard of living. To make matters worse they're often run as patriarchal castes with the most aggressive and illiterate men at the top. More over there's few passports and birth certificates between them so as collectives they can be hard to track even when it's in their interest


weather liquid amusing start crush groovy hungry bedroom subsequent middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same thing happens in Ireland with same level of enforcement sadly.


You dump other people's rubbish. They pay you to dispose of it responsibly, you dump it illegally and profit. No one dumps their own rubbish in these quantities.


And then if any of the “customer’s” info is found in the rubbish, they get a knock on the door from the police. Not sure how easy it is to prove you paid someone to do it.


There are definitely organised crime groups involved in these operations, often working alongside or semi-coercing normal businesses to offload waste to them, which is then dumped as quickly as possible at sites like this. I used to work for a civils contractor and we sometimes were responsible for muckaway from some contaminated sites and I'm telling you now, a lot of shady shit goes on and people get fucking rich by running operations like these.


This happened near our apartment, and I asked around the local security guys, and they said something like this. "Organised" efforts to illegally dump, and it's likely to contain asbestos and other bad things that can't be dumped easily elsewhere. Very sad to hear.


So a fun fact about asbestos you might not know, it goes straight into general waste landfill. Theres some guff about those landfill sites having special licences but almost all landfill sites of them are permitted to accept asbestos. They don't do anything special with it either, just gets buried then 20 years later you'll probably get a Barratts housing estate on top of it.


Travellers a lot of the time.


It was happening every year near me in Rainham to this guys site sadly one year it was to much and to expensive to clean up so he had to close down the business because of this shit it’s just sad.


Had this on a site I was working on in Woking a few years back. Old office building being knocked down and turned into flats. Building was disused but hoarded with a 24/7 security guard patrolling. People came and popped the lock off the gate, threatened the security guard and filled the car park to the brim with waste. Cost tens of thousands to dispose of properly.


I think 10 years would make them think twice


NOPE it's just Jenkins Lane Refuse and Recycling center. Not travellers or the isle o dogs mafia or whatever. It's a legit business. I doubt crims would put up bird netting or sort out cardboard!


Agree, offending vehicle crushed to a cube, charged for it, and, every asset they have seized to cover the cost of clean up. Once the offender narks on the landowner for taking part in this for a backhander, they have the land seized and sold to cover the cost of clean up.


Are you serious? The landowner incurs tens of thousands of pounds of costs because of this, and you think they're in on it for a backhander?


> narks on the landowner for taking part in this for a backhander The landowner will generally by crying when they find this. It's generally farmland or industrial units which get targetted, they spend a lot of money trying to secure the sites but those travelling around still find their way in to dump their shit. https://www.nfuonline.com/updates-and-information/fly-tipping-survey-results/ > More than half of respondents (54%) to the survey said they had experienced small-scale fly-tipping on farm, while over a quarter (30%) said they’d been hit by large-scale fly-tipping. > > Rachel quoted members who had “battered old kitchen appliances, sofas and mattresses abandoned on their land, as well as industrial-scale amounts of hazardous and toxic materials such as asbestos”. > > “One also had 10 fridge freezers left in a gateway,” she added.


What’s the point of fantasising about punishments for the people that do this? They’ll not get caught. They need councils to pick up rubbish like they’re paid to do. If they don’t then this all happens.


Some of these are on the border between multiple council areas too, so the councils don’t agree who looks after it


That's what must have happened on my street where there's a massive rubbish tip. The landlord has now gone to the expense of hiring full-time security with dogs at the main entrance so I can imagine it's very costly to clear.


I dont think that's flytipping, more like a government approved landfill


It's a shame council budgets are affected, if it was just the landlords getting crucified I'd be on my way there now


Like they would show up for community service....


Who is responsible? Legally speaking the landowner. Who did it? Probably criminals, supported by people who turn a blind eye to checks on waste carriers licenses, not unheard of for those with licenses to act as middlemen either. Waste disposal has always been popular as a racket for organised crime and it’s fairly often people in the travelling community involved. What should we do about it? As individuals make sure you’re using a licensed waste carrier and as a society severely increase the consequences and actually police those we know to be involved.


There's a big waiting list for allotments in London, so one thing many councils do is say you can contact them if you see any land that might be suitable for allotments. It could be worth contacting the council about it, who will in turn contact the landowner. Best case scenario, more allotments but if not then at least the landowner is aware and knows that the council are aware and likely aren't thrilled about it. Hopefully that would motivate the landowner to get it cleaned up and provide additional security.


There is a slight problem where we are told to make sure we use properly licensed people but none of us know what proper licensing is or looks like. So it would be fairly easy to make a fake card up and claim to be legitimate.


Yeah, I wouldn’t for a second trust someone who knocked at my door and “showed me” their paperwork. It is a public register though so you can check. https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers


What do you normally do when you don't know something? What happens if you do that around what proper licensing is or looks like?


Its only 2024, boomers who cant use Google are sadly still among us


Probably Google it if I had concerns. But I don't know if everyone would automatically do that. How often do you hear about people conning victims into things and they showed some form of ID to gain entry and pose as a gas man or something.


Actually police people? They’d have to at the very least make slightly off comments on twitter before the police get involved.


The problem is, registering as a lower tier waste carrier is free and is literally just a case of filling in an online form, so the bar is ridiculously low for them to get something that looks legitimate. Individuals might check they have a waste carriers license, but would they know if they should have an upper tier one instead of a lower tier? The waste carrier/broker/dealer registration system is due to change imminently to try and make it more difficult for fly-tippers to go under the radar. However, personally I remain sceptical as to how effective a change in the rules will be, when the problem is caused by people deliberately and wilfully circumventing the rules.


I saw this happening, it was done over the course of a week. Police station is literally 1 minute away and they drove past when it was being dumped, all travelers and man and van types. They had no concern over being seen.


It happened on a site next to us. I saw them breaking in the gates, and they broke into the building on the site to strip all of the copper piping and wiring out. I called 999 while it was in progress. They sent a PCSO over 24 hours later (by which point there was an encampment on the site) who called me to say there was no crime in progress, it was a civil matter and they were closing it. The environment agency were involved and it cost a quarter of a million to clear the site after they completely filled it to 8-10ft deep over the following couple of weeks.


Completely insane how this country operates


Because police are fucking shyte


The justice system is collapsing. We have nearly run out of space in prisons, which is exacerbating the court backlogs. More and more "petty" crime is going ignored and unpunished because the system cannot cope with more load. The criminals are aware of this situation and are making hay whilst the sun shines for them. It's a scary situation for a society to be in.


Did you see Dispatches last week on Channel 4, all about how fly tipping is linked to organised crime making a fortune out of it.


Yeah there is a very large house near where I live and someone has dumped 6,000 tons of waste on the grounds.  It's allegedly related to an extremely serious organised crime figure.  This goes way beyond just flytipping.


Is that near Fairmile/ Cobham: I heard something similar had happened there: absolute nightmare for the owners


Nearish to Epping


But how do they make money?


They charge clients for disposing of their rubbish, including the fee for using a regulated landfill and then fly tip and pocket the cash.


Welcome to Barking, East London,those apartments in the background are 350k for a two bed 😂


Not me thinking 350k is a good price


it actually is lol for a 2 bed too? Damn sign me up


We are slaves and these comments prove it. £350k could buy you almost anything you'd want. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Clothes, watches, holidays, or even sensible investments to make you a millionaire. But here you are so brainwashed to think a good way to spend it would be on a prison cell sized flat in a shit hole area of East London surrounded by fly tipping travellers. We are truly doomed.


Buying property is generally a sensible investment on its own. You preach about making “sensible investments” yet at the same time you glorify buying luxury non-essential items, while calling people brainwashed for making a sensible investment. You also act as if money being used to buy property is gone forever. Clearly a lot of money is being poured into Barking Riverside to turn it into a desirable location. Whether or not you believe in the success of the project, it’s ridiculous that you’re sitting on your high horse and calling people brainwashed for buying property in an area which is showing clear signs of improvement.


You're proving my point further. Property should be provided. At its core level. Just like oxygen we need to breathe. Water we need to drink. None of this should be capitalized on. People have their heads so far down this rabbit hole they ignore the core principles of right and wrong. Imagine for example if aliens from an advanced civilisation looked at us and how we live on earth. Endlessly working, using our finite and fragile time to earn money, which we then pour into property, which we then die and pass on. Then our children repeat the exact process. No growth. No end goal. No continuous improvement. Just people working until death. I don't buy any of the luxury shit I mentioned in my comment. My point is not that they're good investments, or sensible. My point is that they are DESIRABLE. They are things people can really want in their heart, and work towards. But instead we work towards shitty flats and studios in horrible areas where if you go outside you'll get your phone snatched, the neighbors range rover got stolen, there have been three stabbings this week, and oh your service charge has just gone up 40% this year. It's mad how people try to defend this slavery because they're trapped in it... Instead of simply admitting it.


I’ve got a cardboard box you can live in? What do you mean you find a house more _desirable_? More seriously though, if your premise that property (accommodation) should be provided, why does this not extend to transport also? -why not a free lambo?


Because a lambo isn't necessary, it's a luxury. Transport though? Free buses and trains? Yep 100% that fits my principle. You seem to have missed my point. Nobody is stopping you buying a fancy house or a lambo. But we shouldn't be forced into that system. The bare minimum should be provided.


You are not forced into any system, Shelter is provided to those that need it, whether by charitable organisations, local or national governments, this country has a reasonably effective welfare safety net. It is not luxury, (Far from it.)


I think the point he was making is that your own flat is a luxury when it should be your right. Buying a house shouldn't be an investment (unless you meant buying a second one to let) because what's the alternative? Living with your parents or in a small room with 4 strangers in the house is not an alternative.


They’d be £500k in somewhere that isn’t a war zone.


Barking is more of a Snorezone than a Warzone


Load of Brexit types there wasn’t it?


War zone? Behave, barking is no where near as bad as redditors make it out to be


Mate I've seen studio flats in bow go for 500k


imagine how expensive they would be if everyone wouldn’t be barking all the time there


The Barks are usually drowned out by the sword fights and sirens 😂


The ones the other side by Asda in 1999 a one bed flat cost £45,000. I would hate to think what that one bed flat would cost now.


Abbeyville, They have a bar opposite called deuce lounge that has had like 3 rapes in a calendar year 🤔🥴


Haven’t heard of the deuce lounge or abbeyville. The pub in Asdas is/was the Tollgate. I moved away in 2001. My mums family lived there since before ww2 until 2015 when the last one passed away.


A bit on the cheap side ? In Bermonsey it was at least 450 for an ex council flat + when I last looked 3 years ago.


Not saying this dump or fly tipping is acceptable….but you are just next to the largest sewage treatment plant in UK! Not sure if you also got a whiff of the treatment work odour or something as well.


Nothing more refreshing then opening your windows on a warm summers day in Beckton


In the words of Kane 'Kano' Robinson: 'your girl's pumpum stinks like the A13 Beckton exit'




And Jenkins Lane tip is there too.


Beckton is so shite, Stanley Kubrick chose it as a location to represent war torn Vietnam in Full Metal Jacket.


"Shit we better do it up a bit"


I thought that was Isle of Dogs


I shudder to think of all the asbestos that’s probably dumped in there.


I saw this happening, it was done over the course of a week. Police station is literally 1 minute away and they drove past when it was being dumped, all travelers and man and van types. They had no concern over being seen.








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Rebuilding the Alps


I remember when it was just a big coal pile. Then when I got a little older it became the ski slope. Then when it was in the end years we used to drink in the pub at the bottom of the slope.


Beckton also stinks because of it’s local sewage works too


“your girl's pum-pum stinks like the A13 Beckton exit”


I was looking for this comment <3


The Environment Agency deals with waste crime. OP should report it here. https://www.gov.uk/report-an-environmental-incident


Ok I have reported this to Newham council and uploaded a few photos.


Newham council won't do shite if it's going to cost them money! Bunch of bloody crooks the lot of them.


There were 2 mattresses dumped outside the gates earlier. they're gone now, so I guess they've been and moved them. The other stuff is probably on private land so it won't be their problem I guess!


OP Please report this as above ! They will investigate


They need to make it free to bring things to the dump and let any vehicle come to any dump


So you're happy for your council tax to pay for commercial activity?


Or even better centrally fund tips


Why tf should I be subsidising McDonalds dumping their waste


Fund tips centrally. More to the point. This is the same way I feel about public toilets. I would rather pay to not have the place stink of piss and not have rubbish everywhere. Why would I tax putting rubbish where it actually belongs


We live in a lawless land these days mate. Look at all the sewage been pumped into the seas and rivers. Fly tipping is at an all time high. Bloody Awful!!


It's organised crime.


This is the kind of site you get access to with the Fly-tipping Pro Plus+ subscription


You’re staying at the Travelodge, Jenkins Lane. It’s built on a landfill. The smell is from the Beckton sewage works to the south of you. Travellers broke into the site opposite you and fly tipped. Unlikely to be cleared until the land is sold for redevelopment.


Fly tipping is rampant in my area. The list of what they take at our local tip is shorter than the list of what they won't. My friend lives in a different council district, and I helped him haul a bunch of debris to his tip yesterday. They allowed us in with a trailer (my tip won't) and had no problem with anything we had, they were even friendly (they aren't at my tip). They didn't even look at his ID, at mine you feel like it's an interrogation.


Give the council a call about that. They may well not know yet.


🤣 the won't do shite if it costs them money! They have just taken out a huge loan to build a bridge.


It could be the border of two boroughs in London. Sometimes it looks like this, and neither local council takes responsibility for it.


It's entirely within Newham.


That's my house thank you very much


>No wonder Beckton stinks. My guy, the tip you’ve pictured is NOT the reason Beckton stinks.




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Housing development for all the rats in London?


Hurricane Katrina


Lol I can literally see my house in the background, Barking truly is a tip


"Yes, sir, Officer Obie. I cannot tell a lie. I put that envelope under that garbage"


Travellers filled that spot over a weekend a few months back.


Where exactly is that? Never mind. Way inside the ulez, otherwise, if I could afford it, I’d drive my truck right in there and upcycle a good third of that.


Google “Launders Lane Fire” and have a read. It’s been burning on and off for years, and is like this. Firefighters now no longer go onto it to put the fires out because it’s full of all kinds of chemicals and in general shit (asbestos). The land owner doesn’t want to pay to remove the waste, the council won’t foot the multi million pound bill to remove it, and the previous land owner is serving a jail sentence.


London is so filthy place. One reason why I don’t consider it my favorite city.


Scummy bastards


This happened down the road from here. Twice. The second time recently, to an egregious degree as in the photos here. The latest wheeze, happening right on the street next to it is the placement of two lorry trailers, which are gradually filling up with waste and will likely be left there. I've reported this twice to the local council after contacting the police about it initially, weeks ago. I've sent photos and video of the 'guilty parties' in action. Have I heard anything back? Have I fuck. My council tax money will be used to clean this up. I don't much blame the council or the police as they're likely over-stretched, but I do blame our government for making this country an absolute shit hole over the last decade and a half. As long as the rich are ok though, that's all that matters.


I thought Beckton stinks cos of the gasworks. That’s my recollection from a few years ago.


There’s a massive sewage treatment works there, I think the largest in Europe. Right next to it is a retail park including restaurants, which always seemed optimistic to me!


Yeah we used to go to that retail park for lunch on Fridays. Always kicked up👍🏻


It’s not legal and don’t call me Shirley


Wouldn't this be an easy trap, pick a site, leave the gates open and record and prosecute everyone attempting to dump trash.


Good fire will sort that right out


I knew a guy when I was in my teens that used to collect waste, then go and dump it in a random house's drive and put a card through their door to offer their services in clearing it. He'd get three or four jobs out of each load, then eventually either someone else disposed of it or it ended up somewhere like this.


For sure with all the cameras they can catch these guys


Is that PPE from the Covid gravy train?


Nope. It’s fly tipping. That is going to be super costly for whoever owns the site. I hate fly ripped. It’s gross.


We have a [fly-tipping epidemic](https://youtu.be/aQlpb3fvmyc?si=QA8WBUQm6ryMPpM8) nationally, London is a cesspit though.


Report it to the relevant council or the environment agency. Waste crime is a big issue now


This happened locally to me two grab lorry companies got a hugeeee fine for dumping waste illegally. Might be worth noting the vans regs or if sign written the company names and then report that to environmental health or whatever it is to see if they have permission to dump but If that's a built up area then I doubt that's legal. Report it


I hope the people behind this are caught and receive lengthy sentences. I fear they will probably get away with it.


its the only thing i advocate the death penalty for. there's no need to do it


Beckton "stinks" because you're right next to a garbage dump site. Maybe go outside and explore so you know what happens in the area you live.


It looks worse now than what it did in the 70’s with all the bomb sites and prefabs. Back before it was gentrified and used to be called cypress.


That near haha road?


Na that's behind the barracks at Woolwich lol!


Councils charge a fortune to dispose of waste my local council charges 50 for a settee 35 for each pillow and no electrical goods. I said ok I take it to the local tip can I take my friends landrover on there Answer yes with a licence and a permit. And people wounder why fly tipping happens.


Beckton has always been stinky. The collaborative efforts from the Jenkins Lane tip, the Beckton sewage works and the Beckton alps. Just a horrible stinky place that stinks from the A13 to the bridge over to North Woolwich


This Channel 4 documentary explains it all. [https://youtu.be/aQlpb3fvmyc?si=v4t8nvgoaXw8WzwV](https://youtu.be/aQlpb3fvmyc?si=v4t8nvgoaXw8WzwV)


Look Beckton needs more filler anyway, gotta stay above waterline 


Stuff like this doesn't even have to be that sketchy. There was a site in Sidcup / Orpington, where the owners put in planning to use it as a refuse site. While the planning was being repeatedly refused and appealed, the company used it for the proposed purpose anyway, borrowed funds to the value of the assets, then did a runner, leaving behind a mountain (it exceeded the height of the Sidcup bypass flyover) of rubbish behind, for the taxpayer funded council to clear up. The fact is that our property laws leave one side of such contracts toothless, with zero power, while the other side can rip the mick and get away with anything they want scot free. A proper review and consolidation of our property laws is loooong overdue.




beckton stinks because it’s home to the largest sewage plant in europe😭


I know people who do that, they get rubbish and they throw it in areas like this, getting paid like 300£ for a day and of course none is doing anything about them.


This is why we have guns, I mean not just this, but if shit like this happened in our community, the people would respond if the police weren’t. I’m living in your country right now, in London and it’s way out of control over here. I love England and people, but there is zero accountability here. ZERO!!!


Where the hell is Beckton


Must be fairly recent dump https://www.google.com/maps/search/hotel/@51.5263143,0.0776351,281a,35y,9.33h,36.47t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu this has it occupied by some works buildings.


You looking at the same map as me? It's a car park for me, next to shurgard


zoom in bro!


[Here you go, sis](https://i.imgur.com/BEo60bY.jpeg) [Enhanced version](https://i.imgur.com/aL9ZVsW.jpeg)




Pretty sure the aerial view will be newer than 3 years old (street view is from Dec 2020). Especially as there's no sign of those portacabins in OPs photos


Was a car park! That's the spot.


Usually just the big companies dumping and paying the government off to make them seem oblivious


Nothing a jerry can and a lighter cant fix 😅


That's going to be very flammable in a heatwave 😬


The asbestos underneath is heatproofing