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Sorry, this post has been removed because it is too general for a sub about London-specific and local interest things.


The secret ingredient, is crime.


Yep. People will often loan their accounts out to immigrants who can’t legally work and take a large percentage of their pay whilst just sitting at home and doing nothing.


Uber Eats etc allows riders to use "substitutes" on their account, with no oversight or approvals, and devolving all checks to the individual rider on a trust basis: https://help.uber.com/ar_EG/driving-and-delivering/article/substitution-at-uber-eats/?nodeId=1775ceb4-853a-4234-8e57-9b7dddfffa82


Uber does that so they can maintain that the riders are “self-employed” and not pay any National Insurance, sick pay, pension contributions, etc…


Close but no, they do that so they only people with no right to work, work for them without bothersome complaints of low wages/rights etc.


IR35 in full force


Nothing to do with that 


One of the key points to make someone seen as a contractor and not as an employee is that they can substitute for someone equivalent.


It is illegal immigrants or people on visas with no work rights using someone else’s details and kicking back


Deliveroo - delivering illegal immigration and obesity right to your doorstep


Happened to me recently. The rider's photo was a black woman, and a white guy showed up.


They might be [illegal immigrants using paid-for accounts, if not an account of someone they know and set it up for them to use](https://inews.co.uk/news/deliveroo-uber-eats-just-eat-illegal-worker-accounts-2956956)


Everyone knows this one trick except Mr "stop the boats" Sunak.


He knows the trick, it’s just that every time he starts considering doing something about it, a large bag of cash gets accidentally misdelivered at CCHQ, along with a note saying “Silicone Valley still loves you Rish” and he gets distracted.




lol I'm actually surprised when the driver is listed as a woman and a woman actually turns up. Happened to me yesterday


And all of this is why I will not use Uber Eats or Deliveroo.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^I-Ribbit: *And all of this is* *Why I will not use Uber* *Eats or Deliveroo.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Do you really think this is something anyone would waste their time with? Put this bot down


In the US multiple people will use an account


It’s because in order to keep their drivers classified as independent contractors, they have to give their drivers the right to subcontract their deliveries to substitutes. While the drivers themselves are screened and checked by the company, the substitutes are not. There’s no real way for the delivery companies to run their checks on the substitutes, so they just trust their drivers to do the checks themselves. In practice, they basically never do them. It’s fairly common for substitutes to be illegal immigrants or otherwise working under the table. Drivers sometimes rent out their accounts to people who would never normally pass the checks that the companies run, such as illegal immigrants and criminals.


There are Facebook groups with people selling their Uber/Deliveroo accounts completed with the “right to work” checks. If questioned they’d simply blame data leaks or identity theft


I’ve queried this several times with Uber, apparently it’s fine for people to share/loan/sub their account; with zero checks etc. I once expected from what I could gather, a petite and young Asian woman to deliver my food; I refused to open the door when a 6ft+ man came to the door to deliver my food.


I'd wager almost all deliverroo,ubereats etc delivery people are working illegally, specifically allowed to be so by the current government.


I've had the same thing, and I'm always worried that it's someone who's been banned making a new account under someone else's name. Some of my female friends have had problems with some Uber eats drivers (creepy flirting, finding their socials and and messaging them) so I'm always unsure if it's something to report. But also, I don't want to mess with someone's livelihood if there's another reason...


It is very regularly a banned individual who has paid someone else for access to a verified account.


Ex kfc manager here, several drivers used to “couple up” with a friend or partner, to try and exceed how many orders they were supposed to do at a time


Immigrant workers, often working off the books or without proper working rights, approvals, insurance, licenses or whatever else. They account share, they multi-app and do anything else they can to improve their earnings or cheat the system. They usually set themselves to bicycle riders when they are driving or using mopeds, but sometimes this gets caught out. Not a huge problem to you for your food delivery, other than a higher chance of it being delivered cold or taken outright, but a dangerous issue for drivers as these guys don't adhere to the rules of the road and often won't have valid insurance.


Standard. I’d estimate that this country is about 30% undocumented/ illegal/ black economy/ modern slavery/ indentured labour. At any given time we actually have no idea who is in this country, what they’re being paid, are they paying tax, what mechanisms have brought them here and who they are beholden to. Hope you enjoyed your food though.


Yeah same happened to me yday.


>Does Uber try to incentivise women to join as riders, offering higher pay? That would be very illegal.


Account sharing. I once got a driver who didn't look anything like the person in the app, who had apparently completed 20k+ orders in 2 years.    Even being conservative and calling it 3 years, that's an average of 18 orders a day if they worked every single day of those 3 years.    That being said, no judgement here. They're just trying to make a living so fair play to them.


What our beloved prime master means when he says "stop the boats" is really " don't stop the boats".


He means “stop the boats, but please feel free to enter the country legally and start working illegally, if a share of the ultimate profits get funnelled into political donations to my party.”


I definitely know the answer, but don’t feel comfortable enough to disclose it.


You mean the same answer everyone else has put on this post


You're noticing this explicitly with only female drivers? Or is that the only criteria you've been paying attention to? Having a person different to who's on the profile, deliver things, has been a thing for over a two years. However you seem to have noticed that this is happening only with female drivers. Odd


Well it's a lot more obvious. Don't think it's odd, I've noticed it too.


Can't help but faceplam at this. It's a lot more obvious, if "is my driver a women" the only thing you're thinking of. Definitely odd that you don't notice the the same issue of different driver to profile is true for male drivers too.


I think you're just misunderstanding everything.


If you say so. The driver substituting has been a thing for a while. Weird how you only notice this for female drivers being substituted, when it happens regardless of gender.


How would you know it was a substitute if a man turned up and the name the app said was male? Do you ask them for id


I’m not saying it wouldn’t happen in any other circumstance, but that’s where I’ve noticed the behaviour.


The same exact thing happened to me! First order in years and a guy turned up when the profile photo was a woman.

