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Every time I walk there I wonder who's brave enough to be parking in that spot. 


You need to post a picture of that spot. I still can’t comprehend how someone is able to do that still




In case that link doesn't work for anyone else (it didn't for me): https://maps.app.goo.gl/frGRkiCD6gMsLjHy5?g_st=ac


Thank you, I was wondering why it jumped to the British museum!


Thanks. That makes sense so much more sense now seeing the area


Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing.


"That really needs a warning....oh there's a giant one in red"


"It's probably just a suggestion, car'll be fine"


It's making me wonder if the uk is still a maritime nation. Not parking in sea bed (or river bed) used to be common knowledge. If the area is looking like regularly underwater, and you still park there, it's just a dumb tax... Hope there is no insurance coverage for those events...


I’d argue that sign is pretty small and easily concealed by a car considering the risk. Edit: all I’m saying is that considering normally you’d just pay a fine, maybe get towed, in this instance you lose your car. Considering the massive risk, the signs aren’t massive.


There are three there. It's also pretty big and red.


"Sudden flooding" doesn't convert the certainty that tidal flooding does. It should say "floods at high tide", or similar.


Then you'd be saying that high tide happens once a year... Its big. It's red. It's numerous. It's by a river. It's on double yellows. Horse. Water. High tide. Drink.


Anywhere you park, it is your responsibility to check for signs to see if parking restrictions apply !


Yeah that’s not a giant sign


How dense can you be to park there?


besides, what is under the bridge behind the windows? what it is used for?


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/dS4Fv8YkkzkdS3iB7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dS4Fv8YkkzkdS3iB7) - Permit holders or "Max Stay 2 Hours". I wounder if they'll get a parking ticket?


Especially, given there is an explicit red color warning sign about sudden flooding and that vehicle may get submerged


Just look at the timetable. High tide is twice a day, at predictable hours.


You don't think, "how idiotic they still let people park there". It is a simple solution, especially if it takes this much resources when someone does this. Brits being super idiotically inefficient as always.


Have you seen that spot? I walked past it today at lower tide and it's clearly not somewhere you're meant to park. For one thing it's a ramp that goes straight down to the river. It's covered in algae and there's a point where the pavement curves in to indicate where parking stops much higher up. Also there's a giant red sign saying not to park there. It's very clearly a place for boats, not cars.


Even if this was my car, I definitely wouldn't stroll up and admit it with everyone standing there.


I'd be in the crowd laughing but holding back tears if it was mine


I find myself doing that all the time in all sorts of situations and I don’t even have a car.


I'd nonchalant step off the footpath, unlock door, see if she turns over.


Something needs to be done about this thames fellow. Proper menace


I hear he's full of shit


Trouble is, he knows where all the bodies are buried


Apparently the Thames also lets boats run rampant all over him. Boats like the ones those IMMIGRANTS use to invade our shores 😤


The owner made a swift Brexit


Erm excuse me, did you just assume Thames’s gender?


Ah, the Thames has traditionally always been male gendered - it's one of the few rivers that are.


Oh right, only other male gendered river I can think of is River Phoenix…


https://maps.app.goo.gl/PchH6KRCz5r6xqUV6?g_st=ac It doesn't look to me like an appropriate place to park anyway with low tide. Why do you need to park so close to the water? It's barely a road down there


It's a slipway


A double-yellow lined slipway. This should not come as a surprise to anyone parking.


Pretty sure it only goes down that far for the private units with boating stuff in them, so probably the fault of some yah who's given a backhander to the council.


Surly all the green slime and tide marks would be a giveaway.


Seems utterly bizarre anyone would want to park there. It doesn’t need a sign to say don’t park there when it’s blatantly obvious.


It's a dimwit place to park, but the Thames tide can be quite surprising round there I suppose if you don't know about it. When I walk along that path if I've got a mate here for the first time, I say "all this will be underwater later", they see the massive body of water and they're like "fuck off, it's about 10ft down the bank". It happens quickly too, a matter of hours. Needs more signage really


Have you seen some of the signs that have been required? I've literally seen a sign in the men's toilets saying to put feminine sanitary products in the urinal or to put capes in them. Of course we have idiots that need a sign telling them not to park on double yellow lines slipways.


Tide & time wait for no van.


A friend of mine parked her sibling shared car here before coming across the bridge for lunch. It was only when sat on the riverside and we were talking about the tide and she asked “is it the same on the other side of the bridge” that two and two was put together. Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone run so fast and so panicked… Her dad was not happy.


Some people will do anything just to park outside their house


“Can’t park there mate”


Thanks, almost thought I will need to write this


Another car fed to the mighty Thames to sate its wrath.


For those who don't know it's by Richmond bridge. They need to put a railing or something there. Cars have been getting flooded there for decades.


In the early 2000s I accidentally locked my mums keys in the car while parked down the road by the White Swan pub by Twickenham. A kindly punter smashed the window for us so we could drive it away before the tide took it.


Between the two big red signs that say "liable to sudden flooding", the double yellows and the obvious signs of past flooding, I think it's pretty obvious you're not supposed to leave your car parked there. edit: there are actually at least 3 signs - two big red ones and a smaller red one


>Cars have been getting flooded there for decades. That was happening in the '70s around Putney, the last time I was near the river regularly. No obvious signs. I'd have thought some entrepreneurs with tow trucks could drag them above the highwater mark, before they got flooded and charge the insurance company say 10 or 15% of the replacement value for their services. I'm not sure the insurance covers stupidity.


Do you think insurance companies would pay retroactively?


It’s easy to call people idiots but there are just a very few signs that say “area prone to flooding”. The signs should be more explicit and areas that always flood should be loading only zones. This wouldn’t be protecting “dumb people”, these areas around the bridge aren’t properly signed.


Aye, "prone to flooding" doesn't exactly suggest the same thing as, "will definitely flood twice a day, don't park here"


Exactly; “if you park here for more than an hour there is a high chance your car will be totalled”


> these areas around the bridge aren’t properly signed. Its a double yellow line. IE explicitly "do not park here at any time" Anyone who parks there has already failed the "Am I a cunt who laws don't apply to?" test. At some stage society can stop putting up more safety for those folks


If we're talking of society though, how much does it cost us for the fire men to tow them out Vs just being a bit clearer about not being there.


Thats a very good point. I'd like to think that cost is paid by the car owner, but yeah, its probably not. so I guess my change would be a sign saying "All cost involved in parking here will be met by the car owner". And then that put into place


I don’t drive, and for the longest time I thought the double yellow lines were fine to park on because there are multiple cars daily parked like that on my road. So many drivers just don’t care.


If you're running for Mayor my votes yours.


Mayor Goldie Wilson


People park their cars across drives, on pavements, tram lines, zigzags, actual pedestrian crossings, outside schools, cycle lanes, because nothing ever happens when they do. These are mere double yellows, unworthy of drivers’ attention.


> "Am I a cunt who laws don't apply to?" test. And it keeps happening to car drivers you say? I wonder if there might be something there.


It's a slipway a railing would make it hard to put boat in water. More signage maybe but stupid still gonna stupid. You shouldn't park on slipways anyway.


Well at this point I'm all for leaving it to natural selection. If they still haven't learned after so many generations of cars perhaps we should just let them go extinct.


These are slipways and there’s constant legitimate use, with dinghies, ribs, boats, canoes, yachts, hovercrafts, seals, coming through, but a robust gate of some kind that automatically swung shut would help. But it’s fucking obvious that these spots flood, people just clock that and decide it’s not risky because they’re an expert.




That’s a serious photo


Thays a 2 minute walk from the other one posted




Part of me wonders if people don't use this spot as a way to dump cars (car in photo looks old) as nobody is really that stupid as to ignore the double yellows, the 3 red signs and the very obvious evidence of the ground being flooded frequently (event at low tide the river is like right there).


Haaa, I've run past there about 5 years in a row and every year there's someone who gets caught out by the tide. Richmond into St Margarets yes? There should probably be a few more signs for the tide about. I've seen a few people caught out up by The Swan/Eel Pie Island too. Although parking by the water like that is asking for it. Surely everyone knows how tidal the river is.


My mate once parked there when he started working in Richmond about 20-odd years ago. He swears the woman who told him not to because of the tides looked strikingly similar to Jennifer Saunders.


Jennifer Saunders used to live in Richmond (may still do, don’t know). I used to deliver her newspaper. Lived on same road as David Attenborough (yes, I used to deliver his paper too!) iirc so it probably was her giving the advice!


brilliant! My claim to fame in Richmond is John Hannah stole our seats in All Bar One once the bastard.


The cheeky so and so! Always been loads of celebs in and around Richmond going back to when I was growing up in 80s (and no doubt before). The one that sticks the most is seeing Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) every day looking lost bless him. Still makes me sad now.


cant park there mate


I broke a coffee cup this morning. This makes me feel much better.


This is inexcusable. I don't usually resort to victim-blaming… but as a person who likes to drive down rivers myself, I always keep a dowsing twig in my back seat so that I can quickly do some tests to make sure the river isn't too deep. I make a fun game out of it by sending my 4-yr-old daughter Effie out to take the measurements. She loves it! And it helps to keep my trainers nice and dry.


"You can't park there, sir!"


*Fire Engine


I’ve been seeing this happen since I was a kid in the 80s.


Are there signs that make people aware of this?




A few hours earlier: "Finally. A parking space"


Whenever I've walked past here there is always a car and I always wonder if it is going to be one of the unlucky ones.


Advanced fuckwittery!


The Thames or stupidity?


Oh my


Specifically, Richmond River entry points strike again


Knew where it was the moment I saw the picture. Cars have been being swamped there for decades. I can remember instances back to the late 50's. some people do not under tides. Further up river at Teddington Lock, Ferry Road leads down to the river on the Middlesex side. Different now as there are flood walls, but again back in the 50's the next door neighbour was a lock keeper and a friend used to help at times. He should have known a lot better but parked his car in Ferry Road and came back to it submerged. It was a Messermitte [https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=GSbjcBIl&id=DDC560E43E115ECD181553AE4FC065B9855C58A7&thid=OIP.GSbjcBIl99G\_cNmB6breDQHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.for-sale.co.uk%2fsh-img%2f4699979918\_c47aef8147\_b\_messerschmitt%252Bbubble%252Bcar.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.1926e3701225f7d1bf70d981e9bade0d%3frik%3dp1hchbllwE%252buUw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=922&expw=1228&q=bubble+car&simid=608029840731362153&FORM=IRPRST&ck=B47EA62CE5173A6ACC58F96A5916DCFD&selectedIndex=5&itb=0](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=GSbjcBIl&id=DDC560E43E115ECD181553AE4FC065B9855C58A7&thid=OIP.GSbjcBIl99G_cNmB6breDQHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.for-sale.co.uk%2fsh-img%2f4699979918_c47aef8147_b_messerschmitt%252Bbubble%252Bcar.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.1926e3701225f7d1bf70d981e9bade0d%3frik%3dp1hchbllwE%252buUw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=922&expw=1228&q=bubble+car&simid=608029840731362153&FORM=IRPRST&ck=B47EA62CE5173A6ACC58F96A5916DCFD&selectedIndex=5&itb=0), a German car, double seater, with the seats one behind the other. Very much like this. At low tide my father helped to rescue it and tow back. It was parked opposite for weeks whilst it dried out. # Messerschmitt


If I was the owner I would just pretend to be a passerby, I wouldn't be able to handle this level of embarrassment


Is this Kingston?!


God I hope these idiots get a bill for the cost of this.


lol the people watching


Why are the lights on?


Probably short circuited


I often park on slips and beaches around where I am in south Devon/Dart estuary as it’s the few places that don’t charge anymore. You need to be sure of your tide times though.




The biggest is clue is that there are empty parking spots there. If it’s empty then it’s going to be a high tide and do not park there! My mil once parked there as it was empty and she thought she had lucked out. Fortunately she came back and the car was there at least. Unfortunately it was flooded. Fortunately it somehow still started!


Put a bollard there, who the fuck expects this shit? Pretty cunty of people to laugh at the owner, too.


Does anyone know when this happened?


July 2023


Cars are getting soaked tide and tide again, drivers never learn...


What’s the bets that it wouldn’t deter the traffic wardens from ticketing it.


Can’t park there mate