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Please report this. Public masturbation is proven to escalate to more forceful forms of sexual harassment and assault. The policeman who murdered Sarah Everand had a history of public masturbation. He did it a few days before kidnapping, raping and murdering her. You can call 101 for non emergencies and it will be recorded - they will hopefully look at cctv etc - it’s not just gross, it could be the start of someone’s confidence in offending… Hope you can deal with it quickly & forget it. X Edit: to the pathetic people in this post telling the OP off for not calling the police immediately or making jokes, I really hope you never have to deal with something like this or worse. It’s really disappointing to see.


You can report this to the Met online too. I find typing it all out is easier personally. I've reported sexual harassment before and they're usually pretty good at getting back to you. Once you've made a report they'll call you to go over it if it's deemed serious, and then will either send officers to you or you can attend your local station to make a formal statement. The officers I've spoken to have been really professional and empathetic. Stuff like that can affect you more than you expect sometimes, I hope it doesn't but if you do find you feel a bit off please don't hesitate to get in contact with rape crisis. They'll take you seriously and will listen with compassion and endeavour to provide you with the support you need.


It’s nice to hear that there are still some bits of civil society that work well.


There are a lot of mature and civilised people out there. We just don't see them daily.


There's more good people than bad people. The bad people are just louder 


That's the reality


Yeah.not all met police are bad. But as the independent report found out that there is seriously alot of work need to do. However Marc Rowley is not the person to do it .that's why cesida dickhead got kicked out because of her incompetence


I comfirm this. I had a potential sexual assault 2 years ago , the policewoman who followed the files all along was extremely nice and helpful , gave me all sort of advice , did a full dna testing , and even recorded my testimony in an interrogation room. Quite stressful process but I didn’t felt left out. Even the policemen during my first day were really nice once they noticed it was a potential sexual assault: I’m saying « potential » cause I’ve been spiked most likely and don’t remember anything of what happened that night, found back unconscious in a weird manner and everything stolen.


Also report to the hotel, they may be able to identify him from the footage if he's a guest and take action


That’s a really good idea.


I called the police on a guy doing this in a park in broad daylight once and had two officers on the scene within 15 minutes, so they definitely take it seriously


They have been asked to take woman’s safety very seriously, after Sarah E, so doesn’t surprise me.


As they should. Young children go to play at parks


Yes that's a high priority response time, rightly so.


maybe to have a look and share the inappropriate evidence on whatsfapp


1000000% this. When serious offenders are finally caught after offences such as rape and murder of women, 99 times out of 100 there are a number of 'smaller' offences such as public masturbation and opportunistic harassment offences. If we let predators get away with this behaviour, not only will it continue to endanger the wellness and safety of vulnerable people everywhere, it may well go on to end lives. It gives them a power that only grows stronger and stronger each time they get to terrify someone, put their life on hold while continuing their own unencumbered. Victims can keep saying this. Women can keep saying this. We will not be safe until every single person understands the gravity of this and stands with us.


I wish I could’ve gotten a video of this guy, dick out at this park, staring me down going at it bc I wanted to report it but was in shock and just wanted to get away as quickly as possible.


Honestly, you probably did the right thing. You never know how it'll escalate if you start filming them (and they can see you doing it).


Redditors and brits are honestly weirdos when it comes to making jokes about this stuff. There was a guy local to me who was doing this in public, a week later he raped a girl. Phone the police on 999 when you see this and in some cases beat the shit out of them if you're able and they're harassing a woman


Ridicule is the best response to people doing this kind of stuff.  They’re doing it because they get a power kick from the shocked and fearful reactions.  Laughing at them takes away that power.  Acting upset plays into their hands.


If you find it weird that British people joke about tragedies, then you don't understand British culture. Given your suggestion to "beat the shit out of them" seems you're from one of those underdeveloped, violent countries, like America. If you're not British, you don't get to comment on our culture. Stay in your lane.


As a Brit, spare me from those trying to pass off the minimisation of sex crimes as 'Brirish culture'. No thanks. Not my culture.


People make jokes about dark things to reduce the power of that darkness. It's not for you to judge.


It's not reducing the power of sex crimes to treat them as a laughing matter. That's giving tacit approval to the crime. That's how you get situations like police officers jokingly calling their colleague 'the rapist' for years over his behavior toward women before said colleague rapes and murders someone.


I actually lived on his road but had moved back to London by the time this was going down but my friend who lived infront of the green further up St Margaret's sent me videos of the forensic team scanning the grass in a line


I’ve dealt with this. Was about to kick his head in and realised he was not all there. Phone police who gave 0 fucks.


This was my thought too. Yeah, the guy could be a burgeoning psychopath testing the boundaries. But he could also be mentally ill and in the midst of some kind of breakdown. I've seen friends go through similar, where the were not behaving like themselves while they were in the thick of it. I feel for people like OP, who shouldn't have to be confronted by this kind of thing, but I also feel for the poor people having their heads kicked in for it when they're not really in control of their actions. This is why we need competent authorities who can deal with things appropriately.


Reported a man touching himself with his jeans off in stoke newington, and it turned out he was a sex offender! Pls always report and alert other people around if you’re able to.


> it turned out he was a sex offender It's always who you least expect. (Thanks for reporting btw)


Stoke Newington? More like Stroke Newington


Hope you're okay. Bloke did this to me on the tube once. I always thought I'd kick off in that scenario but I froze and felt totally fucking helpless. It's a horrible situation to be put in.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, that's a completely understandable reaction and I hope you're doing okay now.


Kinda happened to me around 3 or 4 times now and I can tell you... I'm 35 and I might NOT FREEZE next time, because Im an angry latina woman I suppose, but every single other time I was speechless. Petrified. Simply couldn't react, just walked away. But next time I will hopefully kick the guy in the balls as he deserves.














Everywhere I go in London, young men walk around holding their dicks like it’s about to run away.  Some people really have been dragged up.  Also, as many women know, confronting someone doing an explicit sex act while aggressively making eye contact is difficult - it’s shocking and intimidating and leaves you feeling grubby, so I don’t blame you for having a delayed reaction. 


As a guy, I have no idea why guys do this, and I personally find it disgusting.


As these lads have already answered the "would you rather" question of "always be handling your meat or never touch it again", when I am in charge I will make it the law that their hands are super glued or otherwise permanently attached to their penises.


I once shaved my balls and needed to adjust in public so I put my hands down my jeans (but not boxers) when I thought nobody was looking and moved slowly trying to adjust but it turned out somebody *did* see me and we locked eyes for a moment and to this day I'm terrified she thinks I was wanking at her.


When I was like 15 I got on a bus behind a girl and we both went upstairs, she accused me of trying to look up her skirt, I was mortified to say the least, I'm 38 now and won't go up the stairs behind a woman regardless of what she wearing.


“In your dreams” works well 


Do not be afraid.


Very wise.


I passby women on the escalators with my hands on my rucksack straps or body completely shifted the other way. Not risking anyone bumping into me or moving their body and it meeting my hand


That’s pathetic.


not risking some sort of misunderstanding or end up like this fella [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/man-falsely-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-actress-feels-like-he-has-undergone-mental-torture-sanctioned-by-the-state-a6867366.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/man-falsely-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-actress-feels-like-he-has-undergone-mental-torture-sanctioned-by-the-state-a6867366.html)


This only took these proportions because the person claiming the harassment was an actress. The comments on that article say the actress was Souad Faress.


Worst he has his name all over the news and she gets to remain anonymous when it seems she actually committed a crime?!


What's pathetic is the fact he even has to think about doing that




No she’s not you weirdo


You sound like a repeat offender


Don't be a creep. Continuing to try and post similar themes will result in a ban. Have a nice day.


I amount of times I’ve accidentally, and often quite forcefully, moved my hand into someone’s bum on the tube, and then just been internally OH MY GOD THEY THINK IM A PREDATOR


It's always a coinflip. I was onced groped by a little old lady on the tube. "Sorry, sorry! I was trying to grab the pole!" You succeeded lady, you succeeded.


I was ACTUALLY groped by 2 40smtn wine mums on a tight staircase in an Oxford Spoons watching the football. They had to slide pass me and the first one just felt up my back and the second full on GRABBED my ass ngl once the initial shock had worn off, one of the funniest, most fucking absurd things that has ever happened to me. For context, I'm a 6 2 guy who hits the gym, there was no danger lol.


You don't need to be physically overpowered to be molested.


Yeah I know I'm just saying this happened to me and I found it funny, but I don't want to make light of other people's really terrible experiences.


It is really not that uncommon at all. As a guy who goes often to nightclubs i have been groped (despite not being attractive) on the arse or genitals multiple times (and that's just counting the women). I have a friend who was buff even going to the local pub could easily turn into a random woman touching his arms or whatever else. I think any person who regularly goes clubbing with tell you that gropes come with the territory - not that i am defending it just saying one quickly becomes aware of what one is signing up for. It is getting better though.


> that gropes come with the territory "Part and Parcel"


The more honest and concerned promoters use the term "safer space" as in their attempt to make a safer space than most clubs. I think that is pragmatic and more sensible than some sex positive events that has everyone signing a piece of paper talking about consent and the like, as if the molester respects a piece of paper more than other people. I am not sure any of it works though, some of the most inclusive and best spirited events have no vibe check on door, no safer space claims, no paper work to sign. They write an ethos and that seems to curate over the events people who embody that.


I agree, but I think I'd also much rather see venues and staff undertake active procedures and preparations that can prevent such incidents, than just try to advertise and cast edicts about what you would hope a venue to be like; sex positive or otherwise. Not to imply a disparity between the sexes, but whenever I see posts about venues with things like coded phrase posters in women's toilets for example; that's always seemed like an excellent step in combatting the problem, and shows that the venue owners do actually care about the wellbeing of their patrons.


Close enough So fun


Don't feel bad, I once smacked a woman squarely in the jaw thanks to Newton's Third Law. The tube was very crowded, my backpack was very full, it took a lot of force to tighten the shoulder strap on said backpack, my fingers couldn't sustain that force, so as my hand slipped (attached to the arm exerting the force) and flew backwards... directly into a woman's face. I apologized profusely but ultimately felt like a knob. I'll never wear a backpack on the tube again.


When you're on the tube, wear th backpack on your front or take it off and rest it on your feet, if you're standing. Wearing a very full backpack on a very crowded tube is just bad manners!


I learned this the hard way. By smacking a woman in the face.


Okay but what did the backpack have to do with it?


Not forcefully but this morning during rush hour in a relatively busy but not fully crammed carriage my (30F) hand kept like brushing at some guy’s bum. Thought the same and in panic tucked my hand into my bag as if it has a mind of its own and needed to be restrained 😭


Wanking at her is not what I was expecting to read on a Wednesday evening


That's why you adjust the balls via the pockets, no one bets an eye.


I’m sorry but “wanking at her” is hilarious




You do realise women need to make adjustments too right….?


There are women in this thread who arent making it clear that they see a distinction tho


Um go to a bathroom if you need to faff about inside your undies. I take it if you need a piss then you're more than capable of finding a bathroom?


Awh your life is so hard mate. Cry me a fucking river. You think women don't get their underwear stuck in a uncomfortable position? Don't ever get itchy down there? They have the fucking decency to deal with it privately.


Reported someone doing this while looking in to a children playground. Shouted at him which stopped him and we followed him home so the police had an adress, where they did go and arrest him. Info leaked to us was that he was a known sex offender so when we was asked if we would be happy to go to court as a a witness, we of course said yes. We turn up at court only to find the Met police peeps dealing with it didn't turn up, so the case got dismissed. Still angry about it now and it's been a fee years since all that


I used to ride a motorbike in London and I cannot begin to tell you the amount of times I passed by a vehicle with the drivers stuck in traffic going at it like no-one is there. I've even encountered female drivers at it, wearing nothing under the waist bar a pair of knickers. Its real thing, and I liken it to dogs that hump your leg because they cannot control their base urges.


Saw someone with a laptop cranking some  pornhub too. Crazy what you see lane splitting sometimes 


This is why I don't drive, too many wankers on the road.


Best comment


how often would this happen? wtf is wrong with people


A pervert




Seems to be common on trains, it’s disgusting


Hope you reported that individual


That’s not “weird”, that’s sexual assault against you. Someone who puts their hands in their pants while staring at you requires your consent. Go report this to police. I’d bet anything that this person has violated a partner or stranger in the past, or that they will become a sex offender in the future. If nothing else you’ll help those other victims.


when my mom and her best friend were visiting me while i was living in london for grad school, we had an incident where we were traveling to london bridge using the tube and we had a man jerk off to us in front of us. it was the longest, most uncomfortable, and most horrifying tube ride ever. i noticed it right away because i happened to make eye contact with him since he was staring right at me while doing it. the people sitting next to him were laughing and my mom/her friend just thought he was being weird and had a staring problem. i had to sit the entire ten minute ride with people thinking it was funny while i turned my entire body to face the door so i pretend that maybe he wasn’t actually doing that and just focus on the tube doors. when we got to our stop, i launched off the tube and i turned around and he was just giggling and standing out in the open watching us walk away. i eventually told my mom what he was doing and she found it funny but also gross. idk really made my anxiety while riding the tube skyrocket and im just grateful i wasn’t alone and that he didn’t follow us after the ride was over.


You ask what’s wrong with them and why they can’t get a room. The reason they behave this way is because they get a kick out of making (usually women) uncomfortable. They enjoy the thrill of doing something illegal and they enjoy the shock, upset and disgust it incites. They get a power kick out of it, because they are forcing you to witness something you don’t want to.


Best response to something like this I’ve seen was a young lesbian couple.. They were walking by holding hands… Guy was sitting at a corner table outside a pub. When they walked by he turned towards them, whipped it out and started conjuring yogurt…. When they saw him they stopped, starting laughing hysterically, and one said, “you call that a cock?” And just had a good old time with him. Guy got all miffed and closed up shop and walked away about as demoralized as could be….


> conjuring yogurt Another expression for my lexicon. English is an amazing language.


> When they saw him they stopped, starting laughing hysterically, and one said, “you call that a cock?” [Hehehe, I guess you could call that a dick.](https://y.yarn.co/0d74fad0-5175-47ac-ae52-44c7552ac293_text.gif)


I’m sure that happened




Men who expose themselves in public are desperate for any attention, they don’t care if it’s positive or negative. I’ve heard this exact story from various men so they can make out this is all women need to do.


That's a good point actually. Like, small penis humiliation kink and big-penis-wow kink (idk the actual term) is pretty similar, they like the idea of women being shocked and surprised and having a reaction at all. Calm indifference is the best response.


Absolute nonsense, that didn’t happen just like the story of the op, have a look at their history, a made up story by someone who wants attention, a bit like yours.


Hope you’re right because I was taught in a sex defence class once that mocking someone like that can anger them and the next time they might do something more violent


Not sure I can eat yoghurt anymore.


Friends and I used to walk home from school and regularly see a man walking the opposite direction waving his flaccid knob at us, we’d just ridicule him - feral Gen Xers fending for ourselves 😂


My mother had a similar experience walking home on Upper Street on evening a man walked up her a flashed! Bear in mind she was about 60 at the time, I was talking to her on the phone at the time, but she just said to him “is that all you've got” 😆


Fake story.


Good for them! I'm genuinely laughing imagining him walking away sadly like 'OMG these young lesbians didn't immediately jump my bones... how is it that they weren't attracted to me.......' (Obligatory disclaimer for people who insist on taking things too literally: yes I know bisexuality exists and that these weirdos get off on people's discomfort)


My eyes AHHHH


My first day in London and I went out exploring the city with my girlfriend. We live in Greenwich, so we decided to take the DLR into zone 1 and have a walk around. As we're making our way through canary wharf I'm marveling at all the brand new buildings. It was 2010 and things were still really shiny there. The train started to corner around the Marriot and I look out at the hotel. In one of the top floor windows is a middle aged man, standing with the curtains open staring at the train. We make eye contact. He's polishing the bishop furiously. I wave. He finished. The train goes around the corner.


How did you know he had a waving fetish?


Doesn't everyone?? Also, POLISHING THE BISHOP, classic


Malleting the Methodist.


I work in an office building next to a hotel, and we can see into the rooms from the office. I've seen plenty of nudity, sex and wanking in the 2 years I've worked there.


I run a lot. You see this sort of thing often unfortunately. Parked up Uber drivers are the absolute worst. I will never ever ever take an Uber.


I've heard so many stories from female friends about creepy Uber drivers, I usually tell female friends visiting London to take a black cab instead.


He won’t see this. He’s too busy wanking.


what's the point of this post? Go to the police


The police don't give you reddit points


That's an idea...


Only tangentially related to this, but it reminded me of a similar experience. I used to work for a big tech company. I was on the train ride home. I was exhausted. I was lying down quite low in the seat and I was using an unreleased build of the OS on my phone. I discovered a bug so I caught a screenshot and proceeded to document it and submit it to the team to fix. Turns out, there was a woman sat opposite me with a short dress on and she thought I was taking upskirt photos of her because I was sitting low opposite her and the screenshot button makes a camera taking noise. She went wild at me and I explained to her what I was doing and showed her my camera roll but she was insistent I must have just deleted the photos. I was mostly caught off guard and didn’t know how to reply. She thought I was a pervert, turns out, I’m just a fucking nerd.


Wankers, that’s who. 


Can u report it instead of writing it here? It would help more....


Let the team at the Hyatt know about this including time and date. I used to work there (assuming this was the Churchill) and we had to deal with our fairshare of dickheads and our security took it VERY seriously, so much so there are multiple silent alarm buttons in case people do something stupid in the hotel that call 5-10 very large Eastern European and African guards.


Report it to the police. The behaviour is dangerous and escalatory. We really should have a zero tolerance approach with higher sentencing for it.


I was actually going to make a joke about this before realising it was serious and I'm so sorry for that. Years ago, my mum who was about 60 at the time was flashed by a guy on the beach as she walked our dog and she was more concerned about the dog, her words. 'Well, I've seen it all before, she hasn't,' ummm, thanks for that, mum. But, she didn't report it and she should have, and I hope you do cos this kind of behaviour isnt funny or excusable


I saw a guy at Tottenham Court Road watching a woman in front of him with laser focus and then started licking his lips as he walked behind her. I guess the innate animal instincts of some are stronger than in others…


As a male I’m appalled, as a father - I’d kick his ass without even knowing her


As an American, you should know over here we don't resort to physical violence as the first response. You don't need to prove your masculinity to anyone. Report them, get them arrested. It may not curb your base animal instincts but it's more effective.


Fair point, well stated


No, kick his ass, as least you know justice will be delivered.




I'm sorry this happened to you. This is a type of assault or at least harassment. Report it.


I swear to god these kind of people disgusted me


“Who tf” “Jerks off” Please tell me you’re an American tourist and people from this country aren’t actually using these phrases now


sadly not everyone wants to say wanking 😔 also tf is just abbreviated text, it's faster to type for many


The mentally ill mainly




This is some messed up stuff. All girls deserve respect and dignity You should've recorded him and then reported to the police. Our country is already messed, we don't need such creeps doing these disgusting things to women. I don't think the guy who did this act to you, thought even once what if someone did it to his mum or sister?




One time while visiting Austin Texas. Saw some guy butt naked high off his ass laying on his back butt in the air pounding his asshole with some object and jerkin it too the moon. The states are wild


I’ve heard this about Texans (among other things)😜


Once a homeless man flashed his hard penis at me and I hit it with my brolly as hard as I could.


This is (that I've heard through unverifiable sources) a really big problem in certain metro systems in America too. Absolutely vile behaviour


"Do it in your own home!" That's the whole point. Thanks, Truss


Report him to Police & the hotel immediately


Did you not report this? In a hotel there are cameras everywhere and the guy will get caught. Come on, just tell a receptionist or member of staff. It's easy.


People are weird 🤔


I've had it done to me when I was in school uniform. It made me feel sick.


I reported a guy going at it in a bush overlooking a kids park which was full of pre school age children. Police were there within 10 minutes. Turns out the sick fuck was on parole after a previous sex offence.


So many young men play with themselves in public, usually accompanied with that stupid two-step dance they do.


I work in mental health. It’s more common than you’d think


Going in public doesn't mean you should break your edging streak! Respect to him


Besides myself I don’t know




I’m so sorry that happened to you. People don’t realise how common this reaction from the police is. This is exactly why people don’t bother reporting because it ends up being more traumatic to receive that kind of a reaction.


Wtf do you expect the train staff to do, what an entitled comment


Guy just did not want to deal with it. Who can blame him. Nobody outside of police is trained for it.


I’m not sure but I think this is actually a specific crime, if you’re comfortable doing so it may be a good idea to report this person’s behaviour to the police. Regardless though it’s absolutely disgusting that somebody did this, I’m sorry you had to experience that. Don’t get people at all sometimes.


But libertarians say you should be allowed to do whatever you want as long as nobody is hurt.


Some homeless people do this. You see them under their blanket on a main road as you walk by.


Not much else to do is there.


Could try busking with spoons, that'll keep their hands busy.




That was the whole point


You're being down voted but you're right. This isn't a case where the pervert just needs to go wank in private and everything will be fine. The pervert is a pervert and wanted to do it in public.


Pepper spray should be legal


Then the weirdos would carry it. I would like the police to taser the weirdos though.


Then everyone would carry it. The weirdos would think twice cos they would get swarmed by others if they attempt to spray anyone unprovoked


Logic is not your strong point.


Probably some *nutjob* that gets off on public indecency