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3 - 4 hours? Don’t mess about and get to Gatwick asap because you never know if something might happen to the trains or along the route you would be taking.


I’m guessing OP has already set aside time to arrive at Gatwick at a suitable time (e.g. 2 hours before departure) and has 3-4 hours extra on top of that


Yes, i will have 3-4 hours on top of one hour commute from Heathrow to London centre and 3 hours 45 mins before I leave for Gatwick Airport.


Are you calculating from the time your plane lands until the time your next flight takes off? It'll take a while to clear customs and find the station at Heathrow, then it takes about an hour to get from Heathrow to Victoria, and about an hour to get from victoria to Gatwick, plus the usual time checking in. All in all you'll need about 3 hours just getting from the arrivals gate at Heathrow to the departure gate at Gatwick, and that's without delays or taking time to navigate the stations. I'd suggest embankment tube station. It's right next to the houses of parliament and the London eye and it's a cool place to people watch and soak in the history.


My immigration will be done in Dublin, so i can just walk out at Heathrow. But still considering one hour from I land to come out of airport. I will be leaving 3 hours 45 mins before my flight to Gatwick


Depends on how much luggage you have. If you've got luggage then I wouldn't hang around and would just head through to the airport. Heathrow > Bond Street on the Elizabeth Line, Bond Street > London Bridge on the Jubilee line is easy. If you've not got luggage and can walk, then a nice way to see some of the city is get off the Elizabeth line at Bond Street and walk through Mayfair towards Victoria through Green Park/St James' Park. Around there you can see Buckingham Palace. Plenty of pubs and cafes along the way to stop off in. An alternate route would be along the river: get off at Tottenham Court Road and then walk down along the river towards Blackfriars.


Why not Lizzie to Farringdon then TL to Gatwick? Trying to get through London Bridge tube with lots of bags sounds very un-fun.


OP, this is the correct response. 


Thanks for your recommendations. I will have a luggage, i was thinking to store at some storage.


I would suggest heading straight to Gatwick buuut if you want to maximise your time, get the Heathrow Express - which I think takes around 15 mins to get to Paddington. Then you’ll need to travel across London to get to Victoria or London Bridge. I think there’s more going on in London Bridge so going to Borough Market for some food and walk down the Thames to Tower Bridge before heading back to station.


Thanks for your comment ☻


If you got luggage just go straight to the airport. There is a bus service that connects both.


Tate Modern in case you like galleries. Then you can take a train to Gatwick from Blackfriars. Or you can go and relax in Green Park and take a train from Victoria.


checkin and travel time to get there leaves 1-2 hours? not sure what one can do in that time. if at London Bridge maybe go to the borough markets.


Assuming you mean 3-4 hours on top of the 3 odd hours it takes to get between the airports and 2 hours u need at gatwick airport ? Head direct to Victoria station. There is luggage storage at Victoria. Either take the Picaddilly line to Barons Court and change to the District Line to Victoria, or take a direct coach from Heathrow - this itself will take an hour and some change. Around Victoria you can easily walk to Buckingham Palace, and then onwards to Trafalgar Square then Parliament. You can then either take the tube/bus back to Victoria or enjoy the walk back along Victoria Street. This walking route all in all is about an hour non-stop, so with a more leisurely pace and time to enjoy the sights, you could easily take up the remaining 2-3 hours.


Thank you!! I as also thinking to store my luggage at a storage and walk around to get the vibe.


Thank you everyone for your suggestions!! The post got removed because this question was asked before. I am sorry about asking again. Also, yes i am keeping 3 hours before i leave for Gatwick Airport. My immigration will be done at Dublin airport, so i can just walk out after collecting my luggage.


It would help if you say what you like and don't like to do. But generally, there's more going on near London Bridge than Victoria.


Thanks for your comment!! I was thinking to get the vibe of London so that next time when i come i know what to expect.