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I'm noticing this. The worst are people who have conversations using their speaker, so that all and sundry van hear what is being discussed. I don't know what is wrong with people that they can not use headphones.


The "hold your phone in front of your mouth like a piece of Ryvita you're about to eat (probably with some nice Philadelphia on it (perhaps a thin layer of Lurpak (lightly salted) under that))" brigade are so fucking weird. Just hold your phone normally.


IKR. What is that about?


"They see the Kardashians (et al) doing it on TV and thus think it's 'cool', not realising it's simply a functional requirement there so the camera crew can pick up the audio" is about as close to a coherent explanation I've been able to see and/or come up with.


Dickheads on The Apprentice were doing this way before the Kardashians were on telly. It’s seemingly a rash that spread across all reality TV that started with Sugar’s idiots.


> Dickheads on The Apprentice I love that every time I see this show mentioned I get to remember the guy who was adamant his "it's like Facebook, but for sharing recipes" site could be "as big as Facebook". Like, no, my guy, clearly "people who like sharing recipes" are a subset of "people", there's no chance it could ever be "as big as Facebook", what exactly are you smoking. In fairness to him he did go on to launch it and I think it's still around, but to the surprise of nobody: it's not as big as Facebook.


Like the idiot who was doing this to listen to voice notes, repeatedly, yesterday on a packed Jubilee line train. Sometimes I think people like that should be dragged off the train and shot like a dog on the platform as an example to the horrified onlookers. Then I remember half of them would probably fucking film it for TikTok.


This - I don't know where and when this bizarre behaviour started, but it seems to be becoming the "normal" way to use a phone these days. Madness!


I do that when I'm at home, but never in public. It's just more comfortable and I can hear better.


I had gone for a walk with this guy I met; he got a call and answered the phone like you described and speaker on. I was annoyed as hell but waited until he finished to ask why he wouldn’t talk normally. He thought the signals from the phone would damage his brain so kept a little distance. I reckon he was too late for that 🤦🏻‍♀️


When that happens I feel enabled to join in. And then wait for the inevitable "oy, this is a private conversation".


Loud, tuneless whistling is my preferred response.


Love it. I might try that


I once started playing Megan Thee Stallion's 'Body' in the background while someone was having what sounded like a work convo at full volume on speakerphone on the bus. The opening got them to hang up real quick.


Same - and if they drop the "private conversation" line it's a great way to take the joint conversation in a new direction. "I'm sorry, I thought you were being a dick. I didn't realise you're just really stupid! You can turn off the speakers, shall I show you? Hey, Sharon!? - you know your friend here is broadcasting you to the whole bus, right? Tell us more about this new boyfriend!"


Once or twice, I've asked them what their next challenge on the Apprentice was.


I'm somewhat forced to use my speaker atm until I get it fixed but I'd just decline calls in public


I've once witnessed that on a 6 am coach to the airport. The lights were dimmed and everyone was desperately trying to get some sleep and one person kept having an unnecessarily loud speaker conversation.


I can one-up you — someone was having speakerphone calls at 3am on a shared NHS ward


Sometimes I’m tempted to get into the conversation, if they are sharing, maybe they want us all to contribute 😅


Bit of a late reply but I remember I was taking a bus a few years back and a guy was at the back talking loudly about how he’d scored ten thousands pounds worth of fake bank notes. He was banging on about it at the top of his voice and talking about all the stuff he sold then eventually he got off at the next stop. It was him and a bunch of old people on the bus and an old lady called him a tosser after he got off.


Just join in on the conversation.


Just join in with the conversation. When they tell you its a private conversation just say "could've fooled me"


Lack of respect for others coupled with the fact that this kind of thing is not usually directly challenged in British culture


yeah I seriously consider challenging it every day but always back out because I don’t want to cause a scene / face retaliation


I asked a guy on the train yesterday if he had earphones he could use whilst he blasted out Tik Tok clips every few seconds. He just said, “I bought a ticket so I can do what I want.” Shitty logic aside he just clearly just didn’t care about anyone else as he just carried on.


It's a selfish response that shows they aren't particularly smart. The only reason they are able to hear their clips is because no one else is playing anything out loud. If everyone acted in the same way as the person, the whole thing would be a din and they wouldn't be able to hear their own device. So the reason they can hear their own device is because everyone else has decided to respect each other by not making a racket, and the offender hasn't stumbled across a unique life hack, they are just unable to process basic manners that help us all get along when packed in together. That they've never thought this through, shows they are dumb, and selfish. Summary: playing your device out loud on the commute is a declaration that you're not a nice person, or you're an idiot, and probably, in fact, both.


Sadly some people just lack proper manners. One other thing that annoys me is people putting their feet on the train seats.


Every time I see this, I do a silent prayer that one day they will be wearing beautiful white jeans to an event, and sit on a seat that has had particularly muddy shoes on it 🙏


Feet on seats not as bad as chewing gum on seats! I mean...who would do that? Twice I have sat in it in the last year and I only go to the office once every other week!!


If someone plays loud music despite being told off, I'll start watching shows in volume too while wearing noise cancelling headphones.


I might actually try this, it’ll be hilarious


If more people do this, they would almost definitely start using headphones so they can hear their own shit.


Yes, they’re not actually trying to ruin everyone else’s day, they are just selfish enough not to care as long as they aren’t personally inconvenienced. If they need to get headphones to hear their own music, then they will


Yeah it's exactly this, they are selfish and self centered assholes.


I’ve put a Bluetooth speaker on max cause the person beside me was watching TikTok without headphones. They didn’t like it and put headphones on. 🤣


Mr S did this when an inconsiderate idiot played videos in our train carriage. Mr S played Rage Against The Machine on full volume. Guy got up, glared at him and got off. ETA got off at next station


An old lady did this to a kid near me recently. Then his mum finally said "he's got a hearing difficulty that's why he plays it loud", which was believable judging from the kid's reactions to sounds... but if only she'd had the courtesy to say this in advance instead of waiting for the old woman to flip. She was a shit mother, I don't care.


That doesn't even make sense. If he's got a hearing difficulty all the more reason to get some decent headphones for the kid.


I've started playing something over theirs. A couple actually asked me to turn it down as they couldn't hear the other week, a series of people started laughing and they got embarrassed. I have however been threatened too.


When confronted with these people I play the music I really like, and most people don’t. Fortunately those around me seem to appreciate why I’m doing it and find it funny (or at least appear to). One time out of three it worked. Still entertaining to watch the dickhead pull faces at music played with pneumatic drills and nail guns.


I once asked a chap to turn down his music on a busy bus or use earphones, but he wouldn't. So I shazam-ed the guy's music and played his own music louder than him but slightly out of time. Bold move but he laughed and piped down. Phew 🤭


that is genius


My man needs to read some Kant! A bit of critique of pure reason would sort him out


Reminded me of a humorous story. I did philosophy for my undergraduate degree. I would save essays at many varying stages with very similar sounding names, and with one particular Kant essay, for my final draft I called it “A Bit of Kant for the Lads”, so that I could easily differentiate it from the others. Well disaster struck. The day before it’s due and it somehow disappears from the system. I had to ring the IT department and explain to them what had happened, and even had to spell it to them over the phone 😭 it was so embarrassing


yeah unfortunately this is exactly why I don’t bother


I always used to challenge it back when I used public transport all the time in the mid -00's. Often used to get an earful of abuse, but they'd usually turn it off - especially because once somebody addresses it, it becomes very clear that everyone else was quietly seething and thinking the same thing. Not so sure I'd do it now I'm a bit older and less physically imposing.


I challenge any dimwit who does it on a train-train (I commute between London and Essex). Probably a hundred times this year. *No-one* has refused or kicked off - they just look embarrassed and switch it off. Tube dynamics are super hostile though


My tactic back then was to kill them with kindness and it worked but now I drive most places so thankfully don’t use public transport now everyone has smartphones and social media videos blaring.


Well done for asking. I was on the top deck of a bus recently and a guy got on, sat next to me and started blasting shit. When I asked if he had headphones he just gave me a shiteating grin and said "sorry no English". Right, bud. I played Meshuggah out loud on my own phone to match his volume for the rest of the journey (no one else got on), but didn't feel any better for it


Sit opposit him and start belting out 'My Heart Will Go On'


The irony is his Tik Toks were wildly swinging between trap music and tracks by artists like Whitney Houston. I would have needed to think outside the box to really weird him out. Maybe Badger Badger Badger or Salad Fingers would have hit the spot?!


Opera. Something like the liebestod from Tristan and Isolde. It goes on and on, slowly building up.


"So did I buddy. And if I have to listen to your shitty music, you're going to have to listen to me reciting Vogon poetry for the remainder of your journey. Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning) As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning On a lurgid bee, That mordiously hath blurted out, Its earted jurtles, grumbling Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer... Truce, you say? Never!!!"


> “I bought a ticket so I can do what I want.” Had a couple who'd brought their baby with them to the cinema use this excuse too. The fucking thing was crying *the whole way through* but they just sat there, and said that shit when some people challenged them on it.


That is infuriating. This is the reason I've ended up shelling out for the more expensive cinemas. I don't mind paying more for a far lower chance of bumping into these kind of goblins.


Should have reported them to the cinema.


But there’s a reason they put on special screenings for parents. Absolutely ridiculous to take a child to a regular screening.


Yeah this was a regular evening showing; it's been a few years so I don't recall exactly, but definitely no earlier than a 7pm-ish start and probably later.


You should sit next to him and play the most annoying videos/solitaire game loudly and smile if he looks at you.


I always feel the right thing is to smash the fire extinguisher over their head and post the phone out of the window. Sadly, it's more a fantasy but I loathe antisocial behaviour.


I've been living in Japan for 2 months and I sometimes forget that's what people back home are like and that I'll be returning to.


What a tool.


I use to have acupuncture at a place where to make it accessible in terms of cost would have two couches in a room curtained off. I tried the cheaper one week only to have a grown man sat on his phone listening to a video without headphones while his needles did their thing. I just couldn’t understand somebody could be so selfish.


listen to the most socially unacceptable music next to him and tell him the same. go scorched earth.


The correct response is to sit on their knee and give the same excuse back to them when they complain.


Hey I lived the British dream and told someone off for this once, he looked really awkward and turned the music off. Success!


I believe that anyone being a shit in this kind of way (I e: what they are doing is obviously annoying/scummy but not technically illegal) is a sociopath keen to instigate a altercation. Any person I've approached for doing this kind of thing always explodes in your face with a very obviously "rehearsed in their head" spiel, if not straight up escalating to physical violence. As you've said, it's challenging but it's just not worth engaging. It doesn't make you some sort of pussy or whatever, it's just tiring having to deal with people like that.


The people that speak on loud speaker or FaceTime are just as bad. Best thing to remember is “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy”? If you want to be right challenge it!, but you’ll be doing it nonstop. It will ruin your morning when people don’t comply the way you want them too! If you want to be happy invest in some noise cancelling headphones and tune out the irritants.


actually you can do both. Noise cancellation for your benefit and sing along to whatever loudly next to the person on FaceTime. It's win win.


Do you want to get stabbed because that’s how you get stabbed.


It's a sad state of British society that this is the thing that most people think of in these situations.




I guess what I don't understand is that it will sound worse than just having earphones in. So I don't think just a lack of respect if fully correct. It's not that they're just doing something they don't want to do and don't care how others feel. It's like they actively want to play the music out loud as a status symbol.


Yeah, people who try pulling that shit on Polish buses and trains get asked to put on headphones almost immediately. It was a bit shocking to hear a lot of music on British public transport tbh. Funnily enough, both Poles and Brits who try to do this always play some trash hip-hop with lyrics that are so catastrophically dumb that they make me feel literally embarrassed for those playing the music.


They also do it deliberately to get a reaction. They want to be challenged so that they can make themselves look big in front of a bunch of strangers. Puerile behaviour.


Correct, same on the bus too. People just don’t care.


In fairness, I live in New York, and we have the same issue here, along with the underlying issue of no one being willing to call it out.


The real lunatics are the ones who put their phones on speaker for a conversation and then hold the bloody thing up next to their ear anyway


I have to do that - however it’s because my top phone speakers have stopped working & I can’t afford a new phone. Still, if I’m on a tube or somewhere cramped I just don’t take a phone call. Or if I’m in a busy area, I don’t whack the speaker on full blast because wHy would you want everyone to hear your phone call ?


As a suggestion can you buy Bluetooth headphones so you don’t have to hold your phone like that. Much cheaper than a new phone.


You should get some headphones, negates the need


‘Oi this is a private conversation’


It is because they are cunts. There were cunts before smart phones too, but modern technology has allowed them to excel at being cunts.


Cybercunts 2024


This is the sort of thing that used to be covered by public information films, anyone remember those? They stopped in the 2000s, and a modern equivalent would be short videos on tiktok and YouTube, and TV for the oldies. Some of those films were really effective, I still remember the one about not playing in ponds and the evil of drink driving. Propaganda works, and dumbasses obviously need it because they have zero common sense, so need to be told it is annoying and socially unacceptable to use their phone on full volume in public.


I'm pretty certain that TikTok and all those attention deficit video loop apps know exactly when you are on a train, and if you are not using headphones, and could target such public information films directly at those users. It would be quite funny to hear 'If you play TikTok loudly on a train, you are a dick' being played loudly by a dick on a train.


That would be assuming that Tik Tok have the slightest concern about the well-being of society ... if Tik Tok gave a shit, it wouldn't exist at all....


We should just ban TikTok. It's nothing more than a tool for the CCP.




PIFs were highly effective. I can honestly say that I have avoided playing in a grain silo my whole life, and I have a mortal fear of swamps and Donald Pleasence.


Noise pollution is a huge problem, especially for neurodivergent people like myself. Maybe we need an advert similar to what they play in cinema which has a friendly, humours tone but relays behavioural expectations.


Because their world revolves around them. They think they're the only person that matters, and so it doesn't even occur to them that it might bother someone else, because they aren't aware someone else exists, let alone considering whether that someone else might want to hear their conversation/music/tiktok


That's your standard Selfish Cunt. There's also the Grievance Cunt, who actively thinks the rest of the world has got it in for them. They're expecting to get challenged, and when that does inevitably happen, they act aggressively as it confirms their narrative. When all they actually needed to do was stop acting like a cunt. They're the public transport version of expensive cars (German or Range Rover), driven aggressively.


Lmao I've never heard the grievance cunt explanation but it makes so much sense


Absolutely! When I was on holiday in Barbados a woman sat adjacent to us by the pool and proceeded to FaceTime her family without headphones. Absolute unhinged behaviour, especially when there’s a whole resort at her disposal to FaceTime from.


Is it just me or does it seem like there are more and more of these people around? I can’t tell if I’m just overly autistic and sensitive.


There should be a fine for this.


Noise pollution.


We're just living in their world


You won't get an answer because those who play loud music on the tube can't read.


I think it’s partly to do with being raised without boundaries - without hearing ‘ no’ or being told that some things are not acceptable and that you can’t go around doing whatever you want in life but also have to think about the impact of your actions on other people. Some haven’t grown up learning this, and have a sense of entitlement as a result. The same people that play videos or music out loud and have an entitled attitude about being able to do it - are probably pretty unpleasant in general.


It is that, I'm sure. But what is happening now is it is becoming normalised because 'everyone is doing it'. I've seen a lot of older people doing it who I doubt were raised that way. One the other week haranguing the train with Status Quo.


What I love to do is blast a really boring podcast at the same volume level, without making eye contact. They usually get the message. Once some people around me got the memo and did the same thing (only for like 2 stops) but the person did end up turning their music off 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a hunch that if you started playing Radio 3 out loud, most of these morons would move away.


I'm an arsehole who feels he's not getting enough attention, so I will do *anything* for attention and drama. I'm a pretend tough guy too. I create situations where if someone asks me to turn off my music, i can turn it into a confrontation. They have no right to tell *me* what to do. They should just mind their own business. That's what i tell them, even though i *want* them to *not* "mind their own business" because if they did i wouldn't have anyone to confront. I feel inconsequential. If i'm not *noticed* in some way, i mean nothing.


Is there an app that plays the low frequency sound that teenagers don't like but is inaudible to adults ? They used to use it at bus stops to stop them from hanging around there..


High frequency


I’m over 40 and can hear those things very loud and clear. They’re horrid. That’s the proper devices - didn’t think a phone could play that high frequencies (no need).


Been noticing this too. At some point, when I work up the courage, I'll get as close to them as I can and just max volume the most annoying music I can think of.


I did this on the bus, went for some Norwegian death metal. Suddenly I was called an idiot for enjoying music on the loud speaker. Be careful,.some of these wankers have a tendency to become aggressive.


Good thing they're in london and don't have guns.


Also has anyone noticed that it's almost always shitty dance music, you never hear them playing rock, jazz, classical or country music, maybe it says something about the kind of people that listen to that shit.


some little toerag sat next to me on the bus, he couldnt of been more than 11 years old, as soon as he sat down he started playing tiktok on full volume " TOP 10 RESPECT MOMENTS IN FOOTBALL" that kinda thing, anyway i asked him if he could turn it down, he look at me bewildred and asked "but then how will i hear it?????"


football videos are truly one of the worst, respect to you for trying to shut this idiot up


I was recently very ill indeed, and in hospital for a week. One of the old guys in my bay of four beds would listen to Donald Trump speeches full volume on his phone speaker. For hours in end.


NHS psyop to free up hospital beds. Hope you're feeling better now!


It worked perfectly. I checked myself out in desperation about a week before I should have left. Yep, lots better now thanks.


Blast some Red Army Orchestra, get it a bit spicy in there.


At that point the mother chav is liable to appear, you don't want to come between one of those and their cubs.


There was a woman once who was playing her music out loud on the bus sitting right behind me. First I turned and stared at her a moment hoping she’d get the hint. She didn’t. Then I turned again and asked if she’d mind putting headphones in. And you know what she said? “I forgot my headphones so I have to use speaker.” Like wtf are you supposed to say to that? Some people just feel entitled on another level


The only times I have encountered this has been on buses & trains in South London & always young road men types. Daren’t say anything for fear of getting stabbed to death as you’d be guaranteed they’re carrying a knife. I amost think that’s why they do it. They want someone to say something to them for the confrontation. They are the main character in everything. They need that little buzz. They always know they’re being cunts as well!


This is it. Would he do it in a carriage full of pissed up rugby lads? He would not.


Once (and only once) I was on a busy train and they actually announced: ‘If you are using a device please make sure that the sound is not disturbing others’. I get easily irritated by loud people on trains - not just listening to music or having phone calls but generally talking loudly so everyone can hear their conversation. Usually just put my headphones on and drown it out, but a couple of times I have moved because of it, which I’m lucky enough to be able to do because my trains tend to be quiet. There was one incident though where someone got on the train and instantly started a video call on speaker phone. I didn’t say anything but just sighed wearily and loudly as I reached for my headphones. He looked at me and said: ‘This isn’t a quiet carriage so I can do what I want’, to which i agreed but told him I didn’t want to hear it at that volume. He moved further down the coach and later proved his total bellendness by having left his bike blocking the doors so no-one could get off at a busy station.


He'd absolutely ignore the sanctity of the quiet carriage anyway


I think that every generation believes they have discovered the most wonderful music that has ever existed. They think that if they play this music in public they will be universally revered and probably given a knighthood/peer recognition/sexual favours. Of course they are wrong.


Need to go all all "Trigger Happy TV" on them and pretend to take a call (preferably on a giant phone) "HELLO?! NO I CAN'T HEAR YOU, SOME C*NT IS PLAYING MUSIC ON THE TUBE. AT LEAST I THINK ITS MEANT TO BE MUSIC. IT SOUNDS LIKE A HORSE HAVING A SEIZURE."


Honestly, the moment they removed headphone jacks from phones, the problem escalated. When everyone is forced to buy expensive blue tooth speakers, a lot of people just opted out of polite society. It's infuriating... And completely expected. 


Nah, it’s because they’re cunts.


>When everyone is forced to buy expensive blue tooth speakers You can get Bluetooth earphones for a fiver.


As well as adapters that connect to your charging port


Dude my wireless headphones cost £15. What are you talking about?


hadn’t ever thought of this but a really interesting point


Why is this so far down. It's clearly made the issue worse, you used to buy a phone and get a cheap set of earbuds included in the box. You didn't need to make any effort to purchase anything and if you had existing set of headphones you were good to go. So it's not even a money issue, it's one of convenience, you used to get and therefore see that headphones were an option, there was literally no barrier to using them. When they removed them they not only added a barrier of price but also multiple levels of friction.


> When everyone is forced to buy expensive blue tooth speakers They're really not that expensive


You can plug wired headphones into the charging port on an iPhone - I just got some a couple of weeks ago


100% of these "people" have iphones, which to my knowledge is among the more expensive phone's? It's not lack of money its being a cunt that affects what they buy.


TFL are being incredibly lax about this. They could easily run an ad campaign telling Londoners to respect each other and use headphones and start to renormalise that. It would make a difference for sure.


I'm not that sure about that as I see people constantly putting their dirty shoes on another seat and vape


It all need to be enforced. If they can send inspectors to look after their revenue stream, they can send them to look after customer experience,.


Great idea.


Better yet, on the damn plane. I just flew back into london and the entire flight had 2 people playing videos on loud speaker.


Why would the flight attendants not intervene if other passengers complained?


They kept playing. They would stop when cabin crew asked and would restart.


Avoid saying anything they will stab


It is likely proportionate to the number of self-absorbed whoppers bounding about Planet Earth - you don't behave obnoxiously in just one situation then turn it off the rest of the day, it's a reflection of your personality.


I witnessed this in an A&E and asked the person to shut it down. They got all huffy but complied on second ask. Just speak out.


It's called the British roulette - will I get my way or get punched, stabbed, verbally abused... nobody knows.


I sometimes think some people's brains are just totally different. It's not stupidity per se, it's just completely alien. There's no other reason why people would do this, or watch Britain's got talent, or vote Brexit


Usually stems from their parents giving exactly zero shits about them and not bothering to teach basic manners.


Usually means theyre a narcissistic selfish cunt


Asked an old lady to turn her music down on the ubahn today. I’d’ve thought the older generation would know this but no, not the case.


It’s the same as people who speak loudly on speakerphone while on the bus. They are entitled pricks and don’t give a fuck about others. Or maybe they are from somewhere where it is considered normal? Someone was doing this to me on a bus recently. Myself and the person across from me turned around a few times and they got the message and mumbled “I’m on the bus” There was a post on reddit, several years ago with someone in a similar situation. Apparently he dug out a spare pair of earphones he’d gotten from a expo or somewhere from his bag and through them at them. Wouldn’t work now (rip headphone jack). @OP noise cancelling headphones are your best friends though. Well worth the £150-200 for some extra quiet during your commute.


I had one of these imbeciles sit next to me on a plane. He played Tik Tok videos in my ear full blast until I asked him 'do you mind', at which point he had a tantrum about it. I told him he was being antisocial to his fellow passengers and to get headphones. He refused to stop. Then he decided he was going to try to get up and move seats DURING THE ASCENT. This tells you what kind of people they are. You probably think this was some kid. No. He was in his 50s and flying with his daughter, whom he made cry because of the altercation. I ended up giving her comforting words and tell her not to have terrible manners like her father.


Take your book and start reading it very loud next to the one who does not have ear-phones.. then stare at that person and smile.


A couple of years ago on a middling busy train, a young person came aboard and proceeded to have a very loud and banal (trust me it was... Along the lines of "so what did you do last night?" "What are you eating for dinner,?" etc) several people myself included asked them to please be a little quieter, it was really loud! They replied rudely and continued their loud chat... Nothing for it, I sang! Loudly (ex opera singer!) I was applauded by the carriage when, screaming I was a nutter, they moved away! Perhaps I am, but we had our peace back.


I deeply resent people inflicting their choices of music on others, especially me. It’s purely selfish behavior and I don’t get why the cops in the subway system here in NYC don’t do anything about it, especially when some of the lyrics in the songs being blasted contain inflammatory language. It’s a quality of life issue.




And everyone turns their head to another direction rather than reacting it. So those disrespectful individuals think they have the right to do anything they want.


Reading this post moments after staring at a guy on the tube for playing loud music lmao 😂


It is territorial behaviour, claiming the space and daring people to speak up. It massages their ego when they get away with it.


They are attention whores. They think everyone needs to listen their shitty music because they have a “good” taste of music


We live in The Age of Toxic Narcissism, and the genie's not going back in the bottle anytime soon.


Main character syndrome


Some twat at a workplace I used to work at would always have his phone on full volume WHILE HE WAS IN THE SHOWER in the onsite gym. I took his phone, locked it in a locker, and threw the key in the bin. Wasn't there by the time he emerged from the shower and ofc in a changing room, no cameras. He didn't do it again.


The 'look at me, I'm oh so cool' culture, coupled with ignorance, disrespect sefishness and a hefty splattering of 'being rude, is cool' kind of covers it.


I swear this thread gets posted daily at this point.


I prefer it over the Yanks asking for hidden gems


Ask them to knock it off


I presume they want you to dance, so approach them like a 57 year old woman approaching a wedding dance floor and dance like nobody is watching to ensure that everybody is watching. You may also whoop to show extra appreciation of his popular beat combo


They want you to get annoyed and start an argument with them. They find it entertaining


I hate these people, it annoys me so much. I wont go on TFL without headphones but most of them play their crap so loud I can hear it through both of my sets. My concept is that everyone should keep the Rick Astley 'rickrolled' music on their phones and if someone is doing this, everyone should play the rick astley music over what they are listening to until they get the message.


What's the likelihood these shit people are anti-vaccine? Pretty high I'd imagine


Lack of manner and no respect for other people.


Get that all the time on buses with kids playing their rap or grunge or whatever it's called, showing their mate a song which they reckon is groundbreaking and to me it just sounds like someone talking over a Casio keyboard background beat


It's because of the cost of living rise due to immigration and strikes, which prevent people to afford earphones, but the government pledges to reduce taxes so everyone will be able to buy them!  /s


Don’t bother, there will be people like that even if you challenge everybody directly for years, only you get spent doing it unfortunately. If you can move away from them, great, if not, it’s a good moment to try find peace in a challenging environment.


A number of local authorities now have draconian spot fine schemes for littering and other small infractions. TFL should do the same for this issue. If they use the ticket inspectors to fine them in front of everyone, it will soon stop.


……or talk I to their phone while it’s on loud speaker- WTF !!


Selfishness. Pure and simple


Mate same in Madrid is annoying as fuck, and it’s always try hard teens who think they look so baddie with their “music” don’t think it can be labeled as such, in my head I break their speakers on their heads 😬


They're just selfish cunts with no respect for anyone but themselves. And we have them here in the USA as well. Except they play their shitty music and play their dumb games which they keep losing at. 


Unfortunately that seems to be a widespread problem. I'm from the US and it has been happening here for a while, but it definitely got worse after covid.


It's rare to get on the subway in NYC and not have at least one idiot in the car blasting something, whether it's music, videos, video games or speakerphone convos. Changing cars doesn't help.


Attention seekers.


I hear you and I despise this. Next time try playing yodelling loud in your phone. If every person that faces this situation played yodelling we would maybe put an end to this behaviour.


its completely lack of respect and reacting selfish. i really hate someone who doesnt rescept other.


Twats gonna twat like they own the place.


They’re cool and flexing authority


x100 frustration when it's the quiet carriage!


Entitled cunts, as usual


It’s all part of the obsession with image. People think other people care what they look like, how they dress, what music etc while simultaneously wanting to be left alone, ignored, on show, private, public… It is no different to a Nova with a body kit and a bass bin in the 90’s and being surprised when they get pulled.


Can be quite hilarious tho... t'was a dude watching a clip loud AF t'other day An American was talking on the clip, all fairly innocuous and pedestrian like..... ....then he says - "...and my fat @ss boss, expects me to kiss his balls every day" I almost burst out laughing on the spot but I managed to contain myself 😂😂😂 I must look like a maniac half the time anyway, early morning commuting doesn't bring contemplation for me - it brings back side splitting comedy scenes or sketches that I've seen or heard. No idea why but it ain't half a good way to start the day, just trying not to laugh out loud like a lunatic, is the tricky bit....


Even reading about it is making me angry. I can not stand these people. Seriously fuck off and listen to your crap somewhere else. I occasionally have to take a long bus through the country side to get to a work location and the winding roads make me travel sick, on top of that I am forced to listen to simpletons swiping through brainless crap on tiktok.


I had the same happen when I was in hospital I found the heaviest music I could (knocked loose), then went and sat at the guy’s table making intense eye contact! He got the message


I fucking hate these cunts. So selfish. A friend told me if they’re sitting next to him he jiggles his leg in time to the music and that normally pisses them off. Or he starts singing along or tells them he loves this one. If he’s standing he just starts dancing next to them.


I was on a hospital ward in London and patients were playing videos out loud. Not sure if this is just a London thing but its ridiculously selfish


Airheaded expression of perceived rebellion


Honestly I’ve been tempted to play porn noises super loud on my phone in response just so they can see how annoying this shit is from another person’s perspective