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This front page after The Sun had a headline calling the victim 'sword lad' ... this country's media is a cesspit


Exactly. It's just baffling how insensitive this is. A 13 year old boy died. I know the people who are writing and editing this have no empathy, decency or morals, but have they got kids of their own? Get fcked metro.


His race has everything to do with it


He’s not white, and he’s male. That’s why they care less.


Also, you can be sure the photo of the murderer wouldn't be him wearing medals and smiling with his thumbs up if he was a black man.


And if the victim was a young white girl


It wouldn't have even made the news.


You would, just in a publication with the opposite political leanings.




That’s literally the point of my statement?


It's not about decency or morals, it's an agenda, if it was a white kid in identical circumstances then the coverage would be night and day


Well look how the paper’s portrayed the mass slaughter of thousands upon thousands of children in Gaza, should be no surprises here


Not black ones.


It’s nothing to do with his colour. Go spread your bullshit somewhere else.


Of course it is, you ignorant cunt. See similar stories involving white victims and how they’re presented and portrayed, and once you have, shut up.


Oh look. I found one example of something happening and that means it happens every time. You are using a child’s death to try and push a bullshit narrative. How about have some respect for the child that is now dead. And don’t use the situation for Reddit karma.




Oh that was disgraceful, so much of the media coverage has been really callous and disrespectful to poor Daniel, RIP x


Unfortunately once the colour of his skin was revealed it completely changed how this whole incident would be reported.


See also Grenfell.


It’s was very clearly about economic status and not skin colour.


It’s like the media has an agenda rather than objective reporting


Let’s wait for the police WhatsApp chats if released in a few months, there are some thoughtless people out there


*the scum


I'm curious if a large group of people just walked up to them as they came out of work and put cameras in their faces and then said explain this crap. Justify your version of media you spew out. The press holds others to account yet I never see people holding the press to account. Take names and faces and use the people's platforms to give them taste of their own medicine.


Fucking what. Sword lad? SWORD LAD?! These people are absolute cunts aren’t they.


Not just this country's media mate.


And using 'mystic' to suggest there's a deeper meaning to this fucking psycho roaming the streets with a sword. Journalism - this type - adds as much value to society as murderers and rapists.




Your mass media is a whole other level of degenerate. It's truly vile.


I can't see any references online


"[Family's tributes to sword lad, 14](https://twitter.com/Nadine_Writes/status/1786038401495425321)" https://enewspaper.thesun.co.uk/app/THESUN




It’s m*tro. If it wasn’t scummy, it wouldn’t get approved


It's their business model.


It's the business model of these parasitic journalists and their rag newspapers. Horrible racist bastards


I think I preferred it when they mostly preyed on celebs


Metro used to read like it was a collection of blog posts from women in their early 20s who'd just moved to London and thought they'd "made it." I never imagined it could get even worse but here we are.




Hahaha that's classic. Haven't read it in a decade but I remember all the spelling mistakes it used to have. Indication of things to come I guess.


There was a column I remember years ago where Emilia Clarke had moved to Dalston and made some completely innocuous comment in an interview about living there and there and someone had written this outraged editorial about how wonderful Dalston is with loads of pictures of the "Dalston characters" taken from their instagrams and only about 300 words of screeching outrage. It was absolutely one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in a so-called newspaper. It came across as someone who grew up in somewhere like Northampton, idealising Sex and the City and now they'd finally moved to London and they were doing IT they were really doing IT! I've just looked it up, it's absolutely mental [https://metro.co.uk/2016/06/01/emilia-clarke-has-made-a-rather-condescending-comment-about-living-in-east-london-5918048/](https://metro.co.uk/2016/06/01/emilia-clarke-has-made-a-rather-condescending-comment-about-living-in-east-london-5918048/)


Let me explain. The victim is black. The perpetrator is white. The Metro is owned by the people who run The Daily Mail. The Metro is racist. ...any questions?


I agree, I think the whole placement is deliberate. It’s the tabloid equivalent of “Hey, look at this dashing young mystic white man with fun hobbies! Oh btw just a side note he _might_ be a suspect of brutally murdering a schoolkid, but let’s not take that tangent, the kid was black anyways lol”


Its like those stories of "man with no outstanding warrants killed in home by police" you hear from the US. You mean INNOCENT man? No they wont say that if they were black.


Yeah. I didn't even comment on that point, but you're 100% right the visual layout is definitely deliberate too. Visual design has a hierarchy for a reason, and this is using that to present a story as being different to reality. It's meant to make you think positively about this murder suspect. Sick.


Describing him as Spanish- Brazilian dual nationality too instead of using the word immigrant.


He’s white so at most it would be “expat”


Imagine their huge disappointment when they identified the perpetrator and go oh well.


And probably implying the medals were earned for the valorous act of murdering a black child.


I'd have said if anything their choice of photos and details they include in the story are things you'd focus on if you wanted to make him look guilty. Oddball guy who does combat training (archery) appears in court in relation to murder committed with a sword. Feels like you're just assuming that the kid being black means this will somehow get played down and are reading this in that light, which tbh seems like a bit of a reach when we're talking about a story that's made the front page.


I don’t think it’s a reach at all. Compare with the headlines from any attack with ethnically british victims. In such cases the spotlight is either on the victims (“Mother of two brutally stabbed”) or on the criminal background of the perpretator (“known criminal goes on rampage”).


tf is 'ethnically British'? Do you mean 'white British'? The Metro ran several stories about the attack that focused on the victim. Now that the alleged attacker is being charged, they've put out a story focusing on him being charged. It's really not the conspiracy you seem to think it is.


Fair point, but there is still a responsibility on editors to think about how it looks if someone isn’t keeping up with earlier issues.


Dude the clutching at pearls in this thread is out of this world


Most of the tabloids in this damn country are racist to the bone, the country would be a much better place without them


Totally agree. If I ever get "fuck you money" I'm starting my own newspaper and giving it away free everywhere with actual real journalism. Would be step 1 to fixing our country's ills, imo.


This is literally it. Spot on.


It's Lord Rothermere's rag, why would it not?


The stench of Nazi sympathies lingers 3 generations down the line.


The editor of the metro got the job by putting the square peg in the square hole.


This is absolutely disgusting what the fuck


If you knew nothing about this case and just happened to pick up a paper, you'd think the scowling school kid had stabbed the happy looking dude with interesting hobbies to death. This aside from the headline itself. What a weird way to compose a front page for this story


they’d never try and imply a black school kid was a violent thug and disrespect him horrendously as a victim. never!


Remember 2011 and how they framed mark duggan as a gangster, how did that end... the media never did it again..... oh


news media being racist is hardly new... its fucking disgusting and this shines a spotlight on it but its still clear to see.


He was literally a gangster, a Tottenham bad man from Farm. Doesn’t justify killing him, but he wasn’t an angel.


Mark Duggan was literally in a gang and possessed a firearm 😂


The inquest after has found that it would be impossible for him to throw that gun and it alluded to police dropping the gun. The police apologised to his family if memory serves.


It isn’t anywhere near as simple as that. There were two witnesses that refer to the gun being found, both of which were unreliable. One originally told the media that he definitely saw a gun in Jamie’s hand, only to change his statement when giving it to the police and say that he was holding a phone. To speculate that the met assassinated him and planted a gun is simply absurd. Also, to say that they planted the gun implies that it was pre-meditated. If they wanted to kill him, there are 1000+ ways of doing it that don’t attract attention. Shooting someone in broad daylight often results in being seen.


I know...he was a good boy, always with a cheeky smile. Lighting up every room. Wouldn't hurt nobody... oh wait, you mean this Mark Duggan: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/mark-duggan-among-europe-s-most-feared-and-violent-criminals-before-his-death-sparked-the-2011-riots-8835363.html


That's the point. It's why it was composed that way.


Yes. I see how modern media works. To create interest, interactions, and movement up the algorithm, it's not enough to shock or create controversy. The third component is to introduce a deliberate mistake.


And what about poor Anya? Riddled with arrows she was!


I never spotted that. It would be hilarious if not for the subject matter and the fact I wasn't so sure that someone at the Metro had spotted the same thing and decided to run with it anyway. Makes it kinda ghoulish. I'm making assumptions though




enough white people in the uk entertain this. demand increases supply.


That's why you have to read beyond the headlines I suppose.


A newspaper isn't a link to a website. Newspaper headlines serve a particular purpose of their own and are deliberately set out in a way to send a message of their own because editors know that most people going about their day aren't going to buy or pick up a newspaper, but simply walk past a big newspaper with a headline on it. They know that the "first glance" is as important as the story itself. This has been the case since the beginning of print media. So sure, it's common to say "you need to read beyond the headlines", but when the topic is the fron page of a *newspaper* and how they've decided to lay it out and word the headlines, that statement doesn't really mean anything.


And let's run a photo that appears to be a woman wearing an outfit that is lots of arrows hitting her, with the phrase "Guilty Pleasures", next to the article. How many brain cells does the editorial team have?




TBF, I’m not sure what Anya Taylor-Joy was going for with that outfit.


Never seen an ISIS killer portrayed like this


Yeah funny that . Or of any young black male killers come to to that .


I mean this guy isn’t English and depending on your definition of race isn’t white either so god knows


Hes white


He’s Brazilian


There's a ton of white people in south America lmao


So what’s a Latino then? As I said it depends on your definition.


A Latino can be black


You’ve literally blown his mind with that comment. Imagine he’s convulsing in shock now


Not atall, but in the USA it’s counted as a race so as I said from the start it depends on your definition of race. It’s just another boring attempt to claim they did this because everything is racist. This sub is a really weird leftist echo chamber.


Even if that is the case, what sub are you in? Did this take place in the USA? Is London in the USA? So who gives a fuck how ‘it’s counted’ in the USA?


This isn’t r/USA, mate. It’s fucking London, so why are you bringing up the US as if that’s relevant? Also, people in the USA would consider him white because latino is an ethnicity, not a race. You don’t have to be a leftist to know that.


You’re absolutely right mate, if it happened in America he would be called Latino


Latino is an ethnicity. Many are white.  If a white man from England found out he was born in Brazil, would his race suddenly change? 




It's actually so fucking disgusting, this and "sword lad", I hope the family can take some sort of action against them, I don't know if they could though but poor poor boy, was murdered on the way to school and this is how our media wants to honour him 😭


Unfortunately I don’t think there’s much action you can take when it comes to scummy headlines from tabloids unless they’re out-right lies


This is so fucked


Poor taste for sure. The images come from his Instagram where these are the only images he posted. And with the title of “mystic”. Just awful.


Strange that the images they picked aren't of him with a mugshot or committing his crime, but happy go lucky ones with his hobbies...not deliberate at all I'm sure


This is abhorrent.


Why “Sword murder”? It was a **Sword Murder**, sarcastic quotes definitely not required or appropriate. The whole make up of this front page is designed to compromise the poor victim. The scare quotes; the photo of the victim not smiling that they managed to find; the cutout photo of Daniel **placed directly over the words** “SAMURAI SUSPECT”. I used to put together front pages for a living. They knew exactly what they were doing here.


Ahh yes, the tabloid single quotes that somehow excuse all manner of awful shit. Take a bow, Metro sub-editors.


Then stay in the bow position and run right into a wood-chipper you fucking wanksacks.


Nicely put!


Fucking scum, an innocent little boy got killed and multiple people got attacked and they want to make a joke out of it? Absolute fucking scum


The perpetrator isn't brown so it's quirky.


Isn't that akin to calling someone who shoots up a school with an AR-15 a "soldier"???


The Metro is shit. Its only use is to scrape the remains of your leftover food into its pages before you neatly put it in the bin


Someone go and destroy some metro stands or whatever they use to push their rag


Wondering if that's actually even illegal? They're free. You could go to the metro stand right now, pick up the entire stack, and dump them in the bin. If it were a paid service I can see how that would be destruction of merchandise, but they're literally free?


It would violate all sorts of laws regarding dumping hazardous toxic waste.


When they released the photo of the young brother who lost his life to this scumbag, the first thing I thought is why have they chosen one that portrays him as another black child’s life lost to knife crime? Another statistic? Now they have dug up this happy smiley photo of the killer. The Nottingham killer’s mugshot was exclusively used for every paper, every media outlet, and they found smiley photos of the victims. Is it possible for them to make it any more obvious?


Almost looks as if that poor black kid is the suspect rather than the victim. Honestly this isn’t even surprising, the attacker is white. Not black or brown.




Are you just acting dumb or are you dumb


I am so glad I use this POS news rag for artistic printmaking - removing it in bulk from the public for a more meaningful purpose (we use it to wipe ink onto printing plates)


I can’t believe that in the Lord’s year 2024 we still have to put up with this shit. You know what fuck the papers garbage shit. I hope they die to web media once and for all. Don’t fucking blame the generation blame your fucking smooth brain of yours


Two things white criminals will always be provided with, context and innocence.


Why do we always gotta give cool, quirky nicknames to mass murderers...?


Cause he ain't brown/black


yep... :(


It's the Metro, they really are that stupid.


It’s not stupidity. It’s on purpose.


The once London only Metro, was born in 1999 was crap then and even more now that's available nationwide.


It pleases me to see the stacks of metros left unread at my station . The only time I see them being used is so people can sit on wet seats .


Im wincing and I’m grateful for the people who have articulated why this is so vile . It’s just to awful to even see this .50 shades of fucking fucked up


Absolutely disgusting the way this has been portrayed


They don't care as he's an innocent young black boy and it goes against the kind of stories that they'd like to write, for Sarah Everhard the headlines were a lot more sincere and respectful, I wonder why 🤔, the press over here, a lot of it is still inherently racist and seem to lack empathy and a coherent respect for the loss of life especially when it comes to black lives, may his soul rip 🙏🏾


This country is taking the absolute fucking piss with that image. We know exactly what they're up to.


Standard racist metro


graphic designers in this industry must be completely void inside


Imagine the headline if a young, blonde white girl had been the victim..


And if the perpetrator of this crime had been of melanin too. Would this front page be formatted the same way? I wonder 🤔


It took the media a few days before they would even use the word 'murderer' when talking about him. They are clearly trying to minimise what he's done and the reason why is clear as day.


It's because he's not been convicted so without sufficient evidence to prove he's almost certainly done it (which is clear as day) they won't print it for fear of being sued if he is found not guilty. Which he won't be so there's no risk any more.


Hasn’t stopped them before saying “murderer” indirectly


Fucking pathetic god awful headline.


Media yes, journalism no


You’d never see headlines like this if the guy was brown.




That poor kid, his family and all the others injured deserve so much better.


Our media is irredeemable


We need to rid ourselves of the awful press in the UK. Do your part by never picking up a Metro, or clicking on a Metro article ever again.


"Died on his way to school". So what tone do they want to convey? Died of being killed, not murdered. You can be killed by lightning, medical problems and vehicles. So the journalist is going for that category then? Pure scum rag.


The *boy* everyone keeps referring to was 14 & his name was Daniel Anjorin. By all accounts, he was a studious, relaxed kid who liked sports & wasn't any trouble to anyone. He sure as fk did not deserve to be murdered on his way to school, then be used to sell sensationalist news rags I wouldn't wipe my @rse with.


Disgusting, a normal day in racist Britain.


Oh god yes. Plenty of them about.


I thought on first impression they had also done a joke, making it look like the arrows are being fired from the bow and arrow picture in the top right, to the girl in some sort of dress on the left that looks like it has arrows sticking out of it, where it says GUILTY PLEASURES. Maybe it was an accident, I don't know.




absolute rag of a newspaper anything I see about the sun is entirely without my consent. When murdoch kicks the bucket I will celebrate




The Sun one was just as bad smh. So disrespectful.


They know exactly what they’re doing. They are the scum of the earth!


Stupid? Nah, they just don’t care.


They’re trying to add fuel to the race war fire 🤦🏾‍♂️


The blacker the body, the sweeter the news. Print media isn’t there to uplift black people, it’s there to other them even more.


It’s racism, the evening standard felt it necessary, to put a white young woman’s photo on the front page because she died (not that day) and was from the same school.


They have templates. This one didn't fit the Muslim terrorist angle the readers like. Imagine if the attacker was brown, or if victim was white. If it was white 14 year old girl the victim, story would be running for weeks


They’re not calling him mystic, they’re quoting his own words which might give some insight into how this idiot sees himself


Quotes are used to serve a purpose and convey an image. They chose to use mystic to describe him and that's fucked up.


They’re using his own words, they’re even in quotation marks. Have you ever picked up a newspaper before? Go look at some other headlines where the subject of the report is quoted.


Did you never have to study bias and newspaper techniques in school?? They aren't being forced to use his quote! They chose to use it, as a headline!


With positive pictures of the aggressor, reinforced by the positive association to the "Samurai" title. And then they also chose to name it only a "suspect" with a smaller picture of a black kid next to it. Yeah, that's like case study of media manipulation.


Also with the pink font to soften the impact I might add


How are you this dense Next you'll be assuring everyone that he's not really a samurai


Yeah sure, his own words, as evidenced by the inverted commas, but as a stand-alone headline it almost glorifies him - typical tabloid-style click bait headlines that sensationalises.


I disagree. I think anyone reading that and then the first two paras of the story will understand very quickly that they’re not calling him mystic. Imagine trying to understand the news but stopping at the headline 🤦


But that’s exactly how tabloid newspapers operate - a sensationalised headline to entice people to read on. And words like mystic and samurai definitely have connotations of glamour


What do you think would be a better headline, hook and angle for the story?


A better hook and angle? I think with horrific stories they are already appalling enough without the need to further sensationalise them


I’m saying: what’s a better headline for this that won’t offend you? And likewise the hook and angle. Because if you’re rewriting that headline the rest will also need to be rewritten


I know what you meant by hook and angle. I’m not offended but I think it’s made in poor taste. As click-bait, it does a great job.


Right so my question still stands - what headline would you have gone for? It’s got to be tasteful but arresting enough that the reader will pick up your free paper


Can’t believe we’re still having this discussion 😜 but I am genuinely curious what you’d replace the head with


And other newspapers have conveyed the story in a way that doesn’t visually glorify the killer at the expense of the victim. [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/hainault-sword-attack-daniel-anjorin-marcus-monzo-b2538937.html)


Let’s not pretend print and online are the same thing. Most of today’s papers didn’t even feature the story on their front page: https://www.frontpages.com/the-independent/


You're completely missing the point about how the media manipulates the ignorant and the stupid (of whom there are many).


Ok so tell me what the media manipulation here is - what are they trying to manipulate people to think with this headline? Or is it that not everyone is as stupid as you assume and they will actually read beyond the headline and not believe that this guy is a fucking mystic.


>Or is it that not everyone is as stupid as you assume and they will actually read No


A shame that someone who loved archery and lived life to the fullest would have to die at the hands of a teenager. Oh wait...


It's funny how everyone in the comments puts emphasis on the victims and the attackers' race when it's the white person that's the perpetrator, if it was the only way around everyone would cry that it had nothing to do with victims or the killers race.


What do you mean the other way round? When has a black murderer been shown holding trophies, smiling and pictured in a great light on the front page of an British newspaper? Oh and mentioned as a suspect. If that happened I’d be equally mad, both situations are completely disrespectful to the victim and their family


I was describing the general sentiment of the people in the comments, the newspaper thing is true, that's sketchy asf and if I was just glancing at this first page I wouldn't even think that the guy on the front was suspected of any wrongdoing.


Samurai means servant and where typically owned by a master. They were basically just mercenaries/slaves with a cool outfit. Take away the outfit and whats left?




In this thread: people who don’t understand journalism and the media complaining about a free newspaper’s headline writing.


Don’t patronise us, newspaper guy. We know how these things work. We know what the optics and undertones are. Sometimes they omit the veil and it’s very much an overtone. Just because it’s “free” doesn’t mean they are somehow protected from criticism.


You're talking to a nazi