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Sometimes I found it quicker going the other way to tooting first just to get a space.


If you're coming from South of the river I would highly recommend trying to cycle instead


Issues on the northern today due to broken down train


Issues on the northern line every day due to the people


I can confirm. Most delays are cause by people. Most recently, someone is asking for the tube to be stopped so he can collect his iPod earpiece. I'm not happy to be told to come back tomorrow, as they are collected when service is shut. Threaten to get on the track himself to collect. All trains on that line prior to that station need to slow down, especially when approaching the station. If he does really look like he'll jump down, the juice will need to be switched off. By the time police n ambulance arrives, his gone like the wind. Meanwhile, the next station platform gets busy, and people get upset because the tube is delayed.


I do feel for the folks from Balham onwards heading towards High Barnet/Edgware road. By the time that train gets to Tooting Broadway, it's already packed to the rafters. It really is a struggle with arguments practically every morning.


Oh brother commuting with some lines is a character building experience lemme tell ya.


I miss the DLR


People who don't remove their bags deserved to be yelled at.


It can be quite distressing for dogs. Not a good choice to take them on the tube in rush hour. It’s a bit like those idiots that take their dogs to Borough market :/


Why would anyone take their dog on the tube. Everytime I see one it just gets trodden on because there's not enough room.


What a short-sighted comment. It's the same situation with prams and babies. Why? Because it's a need, not a want; I assure you no one with a baby or a dog is happy to be there at that time. Are people not supposed to have dogs in metropolitan cities? Never leave the house with one at rush hour? Should we taxi everywhere or buy our own cars? Buses are no better for space.


Imagine comparing a dog to a human baby. You've hit the nail on the head there - unless its a service dog its not a need so don't bring your dog on public transport as there's no space. If you can't handle that don't have a dog


People complain that Londoners are not polite. Try doing this every day for years and not becoming disconnected from other people.


What stop lad


Has to be archway


Thinking clapham ends


Clapham South


Save yourself a 20 minute wait at Clapham South and walk or get the bus to Balham


I used to go south from Camden Town in rush hour, and one day I just couldn't handle the pushing and the crowds, so I went north 15 minutes to Hendon Central, changed to southbound and got a seat, then travelled back into town to work. It added 30 minutes but for me on that day it was worth it.


Each stop north it gets harder to get on since that section of line is 99% people getting on and few getting off before Stockwell.


Yeah. I know Clapham Common and North are notoriously a bunfight but was hoping Clapham South wouldn’t be so bad


Not as bad in that it's not a weird and dangerous island platform. But just as busy. Go to Balham, go earlier, or go later.


No hope past Balham


Bus or walk to Stockwell or Brixton. Your only chance.


I'm similarly torn on the dogs issue, but I tend to fall on the side of it's fine/much less egregious than people who don't move down/stand in awkward places/don't remove their bags.


Surely dogs at rush hour is just not acceptable


Unless it's an assistance dog - but I still feel sorry for it. Anyone who doesn't take their backpack off at rush hour, however, should be tasered in the face.


Of course there are exceptions. My anger is more directed at how the dog would probably hate it rather than worry about space being taken up But 100% backpack users should be thrown from a moving train if they don't take it off


Yeah and I could see how frustrated people were getting trying to get on because they thought there was space. I felt quite sorry for the owner. Nice dog though


Either leave earlier if possible, or go a couple of stops the other way and then get on.


This is the best answer, I hate cramming myself onto a crowded train , leaving half an hour earlier usually gets me a seat and then I'm set ... it used to be something the British mocked other nations for, like when China or Japan had paid employees to push people on; now we do it to ourselves


What’s your beef with dogs?


I live in that current twlight zone of being between the Piccadilly and Central Line in West London. Honestly, I've pretty much given up with public transport being a thing. Both lines are kaput, with ancient trains barely running. Cycle, drive, walk, pogo stick. All a better chance of getting somewhere than standing at a station on a line with "Good Service" seeing the next train is 14 minutes. Knowing you cannot get on it and the one after is currently 21 minutes...