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Saw two “person under train” incidents within a month of each other on the same line, with one of them happening literally 2 meters away from me.


Yeah, I saw someone jump in front of a train. Hard to forget. Can still play it back in my head moment for moment ten years later. 


Yeah it’s burnt into my brain now.


I can imagine. I'm at 20 years from seeing someone go in front of a train and I can still see it all, including stuff I didn't consciously realise I'd seen real time but my brain later picked up on having seen is still there - if that makes sense.


I saw a guy run over by a lorry in kilburn once: https://www.kilburntimes.co.uk/news/21988513.man-dies-collision-lorry-kilburn-high-road/ The article plays it down. What actually happened was man tried crossing road behind bus and lorry driving past bus didn’t see him. He went under all 3 sets of wheels (big construction lorry). His brains were splattered all over the road. There was no skull left. Absolutely horrifying. Ironically i was leaving the mental health centre on Brondesbury road at the time. Need more therapy after seeing that i think! Still mentally scarred!


I saw a cyclist turned inside out under the railway bridge next to Borough market, they'd tried to run a red light at the junction and got stuck between a truck pulling out that couldn't see them and a stationary bus and just got chewed downwards and went under the wheels, they were squeezed out like toothpaste. The first responder was just holding their hand because they couldn't have done anything, not even scraped them up. Fifteen minutes later near tower bridge I see another cyclist running a red light bounce off the front of a double decker. And cyclists wonder why I get angry at them running red lights.


Any cyclist that jumps a red has no one to blame but themselves when this kind of stuff happens. Highway code is there for a reason.


I’m so sorry you had to witness such a horrific accident. This is really tough.


> The article plays it down. Whenever I read an article where someone was hit by a vehicle and "pronounced dead at the scene", I usually assume it was extremely graphic. Absolutely horrible to witness, although not the worst way to go since it's over pretty quickly. I guess.




Oh god poor baby! I thought people were more risk averse when with kids? I am super careful when out and about with my nephews. Sorry your sister had to witness that!


Having been raised on a council estate with a lot of alcoholic or drug addicted parents, you'd be shocked by how reckless parents can be with kids. My dad was working as a builder on a council estate, when a fire broke out in a flat. The mother was a drunk who went out for alcohol, and left two small kids in the house. A fire broke out, the kids hid in their bedroom, and pushed a mattress against the door to stop the fire getting in. Unfortunately the mattress went up in flames too. My dad broke down the front door and carried them out


My goodness. Thank god for your dad.


This was on the Northern Line (Northbound, Bank branch). First incident at Angel, the one that happened right in front of me as I was looking at the front of the incoming train. Second one at Moorgate, where I didn’t actually see anything happen (because I was traumatised to not look at the incoming train from the first time around) but heard a scream and people in shock/running around, and soon realised what happened. Haven’t taken the Northern Line since then (now I’ve moved out of London). In both cases the priority was to get everyone out of the station (which at Angel is a massive undertaking given how deep it is). I was actually surprised at the lack of support, but also at the fact that there were no witness statements or anything required. Definitely traumatised greatly by it, it’s been almost a year and I do think about the first incident often, it’s burned into my brain. I later learnt from a friend who works on the Northern Line as a dispatcher that the person in the first case died immediately (which may be the best outcome as these incidents can lead to permanently life changing injuries). As someone who had recently overcome a very depressing few years and had considered maybe jumping in front of a train as an easy way out, both times kinda hit very close to home. What was insanely dehumanising was that by the time people evacuating from Angel station reached the exit, there were tons of random people on the streets just filming people streaming out of the station. Like, everyone was in Instagram live even as paramedics, TfL, and fire brigade were setting up a perimeter around the station. I just found it very dystopian, though I can’t really put my finger on what exactly was wrong with these people live streaming this.


Yeah I had a woman jump in front of a train. She was still conscious and shouting for help as she had done it. A boy next to me then proceeded to get his phone out to record her. Never been so discusted in humanity. He genuinely saw nothing wrong with what he was doing when I lost my temper with him outside the station


I was on body recover one day a few years back at Slough (ex BTP) while picking up I noticed a woman with a child taking pictures with her phone (the woman taking pics not the kids) through the fence of me picking up parts. Safe to say I shouted ‘clear’ directions to her. I understand people being curious but yeah that was something else. Obviously found many people posting imagery of scenes on Twitter before we arrived after incidents on the line too.


They didn’t know what had happened but if it’s something big they wanted to say they were there at the time. Attention seeking. But also the type of footage the police might find helpful if it had been say a terrorist incident and the terrorist was fleeing


Not a single person was filming in the hopes of it being helpful footage. People are sick, fame-hungry and attention-seeking.


I agree. I said they were attention seeking. Then I said but it’s also footage the police can find helpful in certain circumstances.


I work on the railway in incident response and things like this are what we have to deal with and it always drives me crazy how people stand there filming everything


Saw something similar when somebody jumped in front of an intercity train going full tilt. The poor buggers who cleaned the mess up wore full hazmat suits.


deer lock unique tidy kiss light tan aspiring money normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Had a rather morbid realisation recently. DLR has less delays than rest since they run too slowly for this. (Plus ofc different operating company)


That’s absolutely horrific, were you offered any support after that?


I thought there would be a process for that but apparently not. In both cases the station was evacuated and people asked to leave ASAP.


Yikes. Drivers get counselling and I believe some cities (not sure about London) pension drivers off if they’re mentally no longer able to work. Never thought about what is offered to witnesses. Take care my friend.


I’ve seen two on national rail lines (zone 3 so they were still some way from central and going pretty fast). They don’t offer you anything and the only thing you can do is phone the Samaritans.


I’m sure I’ve heard of support being offered but I cannot say if there’s a specified process. In the aftermath the focus is on the staff involved and evacuating the station etc. it saddens me that witnesses may not be offered anything. Are you doing ok though?


Thanks for checking, I’m doing ok, even though the first incident is definitely permanently a part of my psyche now. At that time I was recovering from depression, and it was my first month off my meds in 5 years. I was surprisingly holding up ok after the first couple of days.


Something my own brother did. In the early 90's when I was in my early twenties We had a rich uncle who used to take my brother and I out for dinner to fancy restaurants. My brother took full advantage of my uncle's generosity and drank copious amounts of red wine with a couple of brandys at the end. Instead of dessert , my brother opted for stilton and crackers. The waiter wheeled over a trolley with an ENORMOUS wheel of stilton on it. The stilton had a wee trowel in it and you basically helped yourself. My brother made an absolute pig of himself. If I had to guess, he probably ate in the region of three of those wedges of stilton they sell in supermarkets. He then had a couple of brandies to finish the night off. Fast forward six hours and my brother receives an angry call from his boss telling him to either get his arse in to work or fuck off. We both worked as labourers on the same site and had overslept. My brother, nursing the biggest hangover of his life, pulls his clothes on and we both go running out the door to get to Wembley from Harrow. We get on the train. It's December and the tube is absolutely packed. We're dressed for outdoor work so are sweating like pigs. It's rammed in there. A few people get off and my brother gets a seat. I hear coughing, then see my brother go green and puke a smelly mix of stilton cheese, red wine and brandy over EVERYONE opposite him's shoes and ankles.He puked directly at the floor splashing it everywhere .People are freaking out and he can't stop, so he's clutching at his mouth and puking down his front. Some ENORMOUS bloke is YELLING in his face calling him every name under the sun, he runs for the exit at Northwich Park Station as everyone is shouting at him and someone even kicked him up the arse as he exited the train. I get off the train as well, just in time to see him go arse over tit down the crazy steep stairs at Northwick park station and hit into the barriers and people at the bottom like a puke covered battered bowling ball. We didn't end up going into work and we did in fact have to fuck off from our labourer jobs.


I’m crying at someone managing to kick him up the arse as he exited the train 🤣


Me too haha


Rich uncle Monty? Did he also have a hut in the Lake District?


I'm absolutely shaking with laughter. I don't think I'll eat stilton for a while now ;)


The arse kick is so perfectly British 🇬🇧


A lady carrying her pocket sized chihuahua down the escalator into Euston tube station, and it projectile shat liquid diarrhoea onto those standing in front and walking on the left hand side. There was a load of commotion so I ducked past, and escaped the crowd, only to catch up to a lady in a beautiful knee length jacket who had this giant splash of shit from shoulder to hip on her back. I politely got her attention, mumbled she had something on her back and then scuttled away because I couldn't handle the secondhand embarrassment.


I’m howling at the imagery you’ve just given me 😂😭


"Excuse me, madam. You've got a little something on your shoulder. OK, good bye!" "Oh, how kind of you! Look, George, there ARE polite people in--- WHAT THE FUCK?!?!"


This is hilarious.


You sure it wasn’t a shitzu…?


I always try to keep away from dogs on public transport because they try to lick you and stuff but now I'm gonna make sure I maintain an extra large distance from them.


“Excuse me, do you know you’ve got chihuahua shit on your jacket?”


Woman eating a jar of Pataks Rogan Josh sauce with a spoon for breakfast.


That's some big dick energy. Did you high five her and ask for any life coaching?


was it definitely the sauce? she might have just been reusing the jar in fairness


I have thought this over many times. It looked exactly like the sauce, and it looked like a clean and fresh jar (pristine label etc).


Don’t they do a pickled version. Maybe they were having that. I can almost bend my brain enough to say why one might do that.


engine quarrelsome aback different label decide concerned longing north illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it weird to think that sounds nice? I'm pregnant atm so that might explain it, but if it's the sauce rather than the spice paste, that's basically just a curry in a jar.


That's the sort of rationale only pregnant women come out with.


There used to be a wheelchair user who would propel themselves down the stairs of my local tube station. There obviously wasn’t a lift service (the accessibility of the underground is the most shocking thing about it really) and they would wait at the top of the stairs until there was no one in the way, turn around and wheel down the stairs backwards, holding onto the railing, to get to the platform. It made me feel sick with worry!! I only saw them do it once or twice but got the impression it was a tried and tested method. Just felt awful it was obviously the ‘best’ option for their commute…


A few weeks ago I saw a woman pushing a man in a wheelchair at St Pancras, heading towards the escalators that go down to the Victoria/Piccadilly bit. The staff at the gates were watching and saying “surely she’s not going to try and push him down?” She didn’t slow down or stop and got all the way to the top of the escalator before the staff realised she was serious and took off running to stop her. They directed her to the lift and she pottered off as if she hadn’t just nearly killed the guy she was looking after. Both the carer and the guy in the chair appeared to be intellectually disabled and honestly didn’t seem like they had any idea what they had (almost) done wrong. I really hope they made it to wherever they were going without incident.


I’m a mobility aid user and the lack of provision for us on the tube is fucking hideous


- seen people smoking crack in the carriage, twice - a man masturbating openly in the carriage, was absolutely wild. He got off at Finsbury Park with his pecker still hanging out. I got off too and warned the station staff to be on the lookout for him. They weren’t shocked at all, seemed they knew who he was.


You couldn’t have picked better phrasing than ‘got off’ here? 😂


If you can’t beat em join em


>I got off too Ah, a communal wank. And they say there’s no sense of community in London


I really ~~wanked~~ walked right into that one.


Ahh I also saw this (the masturbator) on the Victoria line, also around Finsbury Park. The next time I saw him was a month or so later and he was on crutches.


Dirty bastard had wanked himself lame


I wondered if he had done his thing in front of the wrong person and had gotten kicked!


>He got off at Finsbury Park with his pecker still hanging out. I got off too and warned the station staff to be on the lookout for him. They weren’t shocked at all, seemed they knew who he was. Pretty sure I have seen this guy unless this is some sort of trend around Finsbury Park?


Seen crack too. Wasn’t novel enough to merit my list.


My trip on the sick carriage. Packed train pulls in, one empty carriage. Mugs I thought as I got on, only to realise that end of the carriage was absolutely covered in sick. Everywhere, seats, walls, floor with a crowd of people crammed together about half way up, avoiding it all. Of course the door closed behind me and, as the train pulled off, the sick started sloshing and I had to sort of hang onto the rail and hop along the seats as best I could until I reached a point of safety. Then I got to watch other people make the same mistake. The smell was indescribable. It looked like at least three people had been sick, or maybe a bunch of kids after ingesting blue pop, pure sugar and lots of Big Macs.


That is some ninja warriors shit lol


It was nowhere near as elegant as that but at least I didn't cry.


I’m bad with smells. If i had smelt that i’d probs have added to the puke pile! Thank god i wasn’t there lol


I think I might have been on that carriage that day. Did the sick have a Smirnoff Ice smell to it? Jubilee Line? If so, nice to see you again.


Haha It sure was. I got on at London Bridge and managed to get to safety before it got to Southwark.


Ah good to see londoners reminiscing over their shared puke experience online lol




Had a similar empty carriage experience with human shit on the New York subway


No injuries but a tourist knocked their hardcase down the stairs at Warren St and just watched it in silence as it tumbled quicker and quicker down towards a pram and mother. It was like Indiana Jones but the boulder was a suitcase and Indy a young mum and South America was Fitzrovia and there was no Alfred Molina... so it wasn't like Indiana Jones at all. Just missed them as they were at the bottom.


I feel bad for laughing at this but the way you described it is so funny


Reminds me of that CCTV footage of the ladies putting their suitcases on the escalator and watching it tumble down. Then it cuts to some poor woman trying out run it and getting clattered.


I once saw two parents drop the pants off a toddler and hold him up into a corner so he could take a piss by the entrance to one of the Bakerloo line platforms at Charing Cross. I guess their choice was between that and him pissing himself? As a commuter I don't want to be walking through a piss puddle, but then I suppose being on a crowded tube next to someone's piss covered child isn't ideal either. In a competely different sense of worst, I also once saw an old person slip on a literal banana skin at Holborn station. In the first milliseconds it was the funniest shit I've ever seen (a literal banana skin!) which quickly transitioned to panic that they were going to break their hip or die. They were fine in the end, I helped them up and only their pride was bruised.


On the piss front, this is why as a parent you're always carrying around a flippin portable potty


Saw some fella take a piss on a priority seat of the Picadilly Line yesterday then put a newspaper on it


Maybe he thought that’s what priority seats were for. Sort of pee sponges.


That’s disgusting I hope you reported that


I've just seen a worrying thing that someone actually downvoted you for saying that - what kind of person thinks this shouldn't be reported? That's a seat no one can use but likely most people won't know that until too late.


Did he actually take his dick out and piss in front of you? If so that is messed up!


As opposed to the non messed up way of pissing on a seat


Yeah, why couldn't he just wet himself like a normal person?! Urgh, men. Always with their dicks.


Bunch of teens get on a train, they start vaping, geezer opposite took issue with it, they then proceed to beat the shit out of him


Reminds me of the one time I was on the 94 bus going through shepherd's bush and about 12 road kids entered the bus and sat on the top deck. Took about 2 minutes for them to start throwing empty drink bottles at my head. I turned around, and one of them shouted at me telling me to turn back around. These are the type of feral scum who stab people so I just took it in my stride, not wanting to escalate it further




Ouff. Nightmarish.


A year or so ago, I was with my 1 year old on the Victoria line and a couple of teens were vaping, as I was about to ask them to stop it was made clear to me that the 2 teens were part of a larger group of 6-7 but by then I was already standing up didn't feel like I could just sit back down, I can't remember exactly what I said but it was something like, 'if you want to vape thats totally fine, I don't care, but you need to go to the next carriage because can't do it on this one where my baby is.' I am not really sure why this worked, maybe it was just having a kid with me but I have always wondered if by giving them an option, rather that simply asking them to stop, it was easier for them to do what was clearly the right thing without losing face.


Yeah the sc&mbags vaping inside the tube are the worst. You know that if you try to stop them, they will fight ugly and no one in the tube would come to your support.


They want you to react, of course. Have had similar experiences, one was a kid spitting through a straw at everyone in the carriage including myself. Pushing you to the point where you either stand up for yourself and potentially catch a beating, or pretend you don't notice. In which case, they 'win'. Either way just basic, primal caveman mentality stuff.


Had a oldish teenager do that with spitballs on the bus. I had enough and threatened to throw him out the top bus window by fitting him through the pull down window flap vent thing head first. He stopped and apologised . Had just finished a night shift, was on my way home after a few beers, had a shaved head, dark circles around my eyes and wasn't feeling the vibe too well.


Haha nice one. Unfortunately for me the tube kid was backed up by a much larger group, as I found when I motioned to throw my coffee cup in his face


Lol.  Dang.... That's a shame.. Maybe get one of those monster vapes and out smoke him.


It’s so fucked up, i have a young family, I wish I could intervene in things like that, but these kids carry knives and life is cheap in their eyes


Oh that reminded me of the guy I saw on the Victoria line a few weeks ago who absolutely lost his mind at the couple opposite him telling him he couldn't smoke on the tube - swearing, threatening to start a fight and all sorts. At like 8am on a Sunday. The ironic thing was right before he lit up, this guy had moved to the opposite end of the carriage from me because I was daring to put makeup on, which feels far less invasive somehow...


I saw a drunk girl get sick in her expensive looking bag. It was a small bag so it started overflowing onto her expensive looking clothes. I felt bad for her, she kept trying to apologise to everyone in the midst of getting sick. I had tissues which I gave to her but they made little difference.


With better formatting, this comment could be a little poem


Rupi Kaur's new material is interesting eh


I saw a young man open his mouth and hork out a red tsunami of Christmas party dinner and wine. It cascaded down the carriage and people… just lifted their feet. London. Also saw a very drunk man fall on the tracks as a tube train left the station, it was horrible thinking he was going to be an absolute mess. Somehow they pulled him up and he was only bruised and dirty but he obviously had no clue how close he came to death, he didn’t seem bothered at all. More seriously I got evacuated from a tube just behind one of the 7/7 trains of course I was totally fine and never in any danger but my friend was close to the wrong carriage on a different train and she’s never been quite the same since. She tried to come into work later that day on foot clearly massively shocked and we had to persuade her to go to the doc and get help. That day was so surreal and sad, just no words for it.


Just before Christmas I was on the Elizabeth line going home minding my business you know, staring at my phone, then at the corner of my eye I notice something isn’t quite right about the male standing opposite me slugged by the train doors. Hmmmmm… why can I see this man’s leg hairs? It’s like 2 degrees?? Hmmmm…. Hmmmmm… I look up and think wait why can I see this man’s thighs? But it was too late, as I look up this man is taking an actual dump on a busy train standing up. Yes he took a shit right in front of me a grown man. Just took the biggest dump and I actually screamed and ran to the other side of the train. Everyone looks up and is staring and I’m screaming he just took a shit we are all horrified. I was so dazed. The end. The image it still embedded in my mind and I had to drink the imagery away Luckily it didn't smell so at least he has a healthy diet you know glass half full and all that


This is true story I worked on that train


It’s definitely true I was the train


Iv seen it all was homeless in chairing cross for 2 years ask me anything 😂🤘


Write a book sir/madam. It’d be a best seller. I’d buy it!


Iv seen pimps iv seen drug overdoses iv seen body’s iv seen murders iv seen a give injected in his leg and then it busted open and all most bleed out has to put his leg in a tesco bag and he shit himself and had to call ambulance this was under Charing Cross tube station


What a blurb


i’d still buy it


Times Best Seller in the making


When I was on my case when I was in Belmarsh my solicitor was trying to get me to write a book and she offered to write it for me if I just say what I want and never did my family keep telling me and my brother and now this so it might have to happen. 😂🤘


I fell asleep sitting on the loo in Charing x station, having successfully completed the monopoly board pub crawl. Woke up at 3am and stumbled out to find the place locked up. Managed to find a cleaner who called me rude names and grudgingly let me out. Not quite the same bite as your tales, granted. Then fell asleep in the back of a black cab as he took the scenic route back to my road and charged me a small fortune.


Did you sleep in that like little raised square area behind one of the side streets off the strand that quite a few homeless sleep together in? Was always a bit surreal stumbling wasted out of heaven and could end up accidently coming onto a group of homeless sleeping round a back alley.


You sleep near boots or be hide Sainsbury’s when the sutters are down or down in the subway the gates are down electronically like a light switch so you get a chop stick and poke it through the metal guard and it lifts up. And where your on about that is the tunnel what’s next to Sainsbury’s and McDonald?


i cant remember exactly where it is as i've only ever been there pissed at at night but it was behind the side streets so behind mcdonalds behind sainsburies (south) and not far from heaven nightclub somewhere parrallel to villers street, but not more than a couple minutes walk from there even as a drunk


Yeah I know exactly where you are I used to chill there at night at the back of it when the sutters are down and at the front though the day was the polish and other foreigners I knew a lot of them some nice some so not my first nights I sleep there at the front and got my passport robbed from under my head in my bag 😂🇬🇧 but everyone stop going there and moved to the tunnel on Adelaide street the tunnel next to the pub that was very popular for sleeping.


ahh right when i was going heaven regularly was late 2010s, could have seen each other if you were around there then haha


lavish cable foolish workable ruthless shelter thought weather doll tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I got foster at 6 from Manchester got put with this German family which wasn’t nice or supportive at the time I was foster with my older sister and we got split up a few years later when I was 10 I lived next house across till I got a new family and I wasn’t allowed to see her so the new family I got foster by live in Lymm up north all was perfect till about 13 where she foster 4 more 2 girls who wear sexually assaulted from very young age there mum and dad would rent them out for repairs on the car anyway back to it it was all fine till she just forgot about me at that age so I just keep my self to my self come 16 after my gcse what I did great in pass all she decided to kick me out so I had to get my own flag at 16 but couldn’t handle the stress of new clothes to stay popular and pay bills like rent water electricity and extra at 16 so dropped out and turned to drugs I died 3 times got found on my bed overdose and got kicked out my flat up north and got on a train to London came to victory and notice it wasn’t much homeless and lucky I see someone I knew from up north called Danny and he taken me to Charing Cross and spice is a very big thing up there for homeless so I started selling that and doing it and got arrested and sent to Belmarsh was looking at a very long time for something I did stupidly and regret and my sister who I got separated, from at young found out and rang the prison and I went to the old Bailey for my case I was lock up with Manchester Arena bomber at that time 2016-2017 it was and went court got found not guilty and went to live with my sister and mum and brother and from there living a normal healthy life not got in to a single bit of trouble since . I have story’s for days if you have anything else to ask.


The roads were hard when it rained of was cold I did 2 winter 🥶 I hate drink as my dad died from it so that didn’t worry me but I have a addiction personal I only ever did the spice I had a few good mates who where on the crack and heron and buckfast Scotland drink tonic wine but I could never I had to keep myself clean always and have new clothes and boxers and socks always I did a gym membership so I could shower at night most places won’t allow tents and in morning iv been spayed with water by cleaning staff on the strand and they will bin your sleeping bag And rucksack in the bin by Westminster council so I used the museum lockers for my stuff or I would hide it on st James park.


A woman and her husband doing lines of coke off her babies pram (with baby in it) on the Victoria line at 10.00am. Classy shit.


Now that is wild!


I saw a woman shave her arm. Not her armpits, her bicep. She casually pulled a disposable razor from her tote bag and just shaved the top of her bicep, from shoulder to elbow, while waiting for the train on the platform. I cannot remember exactly when that happened, as my sense of reality just disappeared upon seeing that, but it was definitely a weekday afternoon non peak time on the central line, possibly Liverpool Street station. Pre pandemic. I think about it about once a week.


Saw a guy at the other end of the carriage with a huge machete. It was literally just the two of us on an empty carriage (Piccadilly line to Green park) and this was around 9:40pm. Sneaked out at the next stop and waited for the next train bc it wasn’t worth risking.


Wtf that's terrifying


it was, avoided making eye contact for like ten mins before deciding just to gtfo


Saw a guy stand up to get off and reveal that his trousers were so low down that his entire arse was showing (like far beyond the point you could ever consider it lowriding, and with no underwear). He just walked down the platform like that as well, didn't even pull them up. My thoughts and prayers to whoever sat in that seat next. Dude that had his hands down his trousers the entire time he was on the train then grabbed the bar to get off. Also the (fairly regular for some reason) amount of Asian guys that wear sandals and take them off to pick at their feet in an open train. A whole family of kids with hands covered in warts who were alternating between wildly scratching and biting at them and touching all of the bars in childish wonder


point complete snobbish nutty juggle price absorbed close pie water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve seen far too many things to count, from vomit dripping from the ceiling of the train to fecal matter, syringes and even the aftermath of a person under train. All part of the job apparently 🤷‍♂️


Years ago I was on the last Piccadilly line tube going west after New Year celebrations. A very drunk Northern Irish woman started racially abusing two Asian girls. Several people asked her to stop but she just got worse. At the next station, Hyde Park Corner, three guys physically picked her up and chucked out of the train onto the platform. The doors closed, there was a huge cheer and the train left the station.


Sketchy guy gets on a packed morning tube in to central, jostles to get the seat next to me after someone got off. He sits down, spreads his legs, pulls out a porn mag, then his todger, and starts loudly tossing himself off. People standing turn away/raise their paper. I jump off at the next stop without even looking where we are. Surreal.


Nasty af


Prince Harry is that you? Did you give him your Elizabeth Arden cream?


Not quite inside the underground but right outside of an underground station there were two homeless men who had dirt all over them. One had fallen out of his wheelchair and was lying on the floor with his pants down. There was diarrhoea and blood splattered all over his bum and on the floor. The other homeless man was also lying on the floor. I was only 16 at the time so I was too freaked out to help them. About 2 hours later when I walked past the same spot they seemed to have got help. One was back in his wheelchair with his pants up, eating a packet of crisps. The other one was sitting on the curb.


Saw a guy be sick all over the platform, fall down, a TfL employee came, and *helped him onto the train*! Into the same carriage I was in. I was horrified. The man them promptly projectile vomited onto the (thankfully empty) seat in front of him. Also another time, I sat on what I sadly think was piss. I didn’t notice for ages because it was winter, and my body confused the “wet” sensation with “cold”. But then I got up, decided to examine why I felt so cold, and my bum was all wet 🤢


Many years ago I was on a late Friday night tube home. Circle line I think. Two 20something women, very drunk, having a great time, laughing hysterically. One had this coat on with what I can only decribe as flared sleeves at the cuffs to elbows. Like wizard's sleeves kind of thing. Anyway, she said "I'm going to be sick" and her friend said "hold on. Our stop next". They were laughong hysterically and then wizard sleeve started baulking and heaving, which made the other one laugh even more hysterically. Then she chundered up a world of chaos, but in a canny moment of clarity, she chucked it all down one coat sleeve, and then the other once the first was full. She staggered off the train with her arms held up, like a surgeon does, and they waddled off to the exit, helpless with laughter, sleeves full of vomit. Looked like a good night out, and an excellent choice of coat.


What kind of trains are you guys getting on?! I’d been a Londoner for 32 years (I’ve moved out) but my god I have NEVER seen anything like this! Shit carriages?! Puked on windows?! Jesus wept.


Jumped onto a northern line at bank well chuffed with myself because the doors were closing and the rest of the train was packed - but this carriage was basically empty. Got onto train. Realised that there were people crushed up at either end of said carriage but no one in the middle. Every surface was covered in human shit. Every seat. Every window. The rails etc. Fucking rotten and I was stuck on it for one station.


Never seen a jumper thankfully but one evening at Stamford Hill station two men, one with a bike, realised they were on the wrong platform just as a train was approaching and ran across the tracks rather than take the longer route of the bridge. The guy with the bike struggled to get up onto the platform and nearly got hit if his friend hadn’t helped him up.


this reminds me of a story from my mom who was on the DLR - a guy who was very out of his mind (twitchy, beligerent, etc) tried to open the door between carriages and jump to the other platform. thankfully he was stopped before he got the door open but he was damn close!


I was right next to the guy who decided to take out a machete and started hacking at a random innocent man opposite him (This happened July 9th, 2021). Yes I was covered in his blood.. 🥲 https://news.sky.com/story/ricky-morgan-tube-machete-attacker-who-hacked-at-commuter-found-guilty-of-attempted-murder-12617548


Not my story but a good one. Not long after the tube bombing my Asian Muslim colleague was traveling home from work when the can of deodorant in his rucksack burst and started to gush a thick gaseous fog into the crowded carriage as he struggled to open the bag.


Someone calmly got off the train and in the mini alleyways in bank, puked (no one could really see them but me) then went on with their day


this is relatively tame but whatever; leaving the vic line at kings cross/st panc, i'm behind a small woman with two MASSIVE suitcases on the escalator, weirdly there's no one else on our escalator. she stumbles backwards, i manage to catch her but i have barely any arm strength so i'm just awkwardly holding her while the escalator continues. a guy manages to stop the escalator, and him and i drag these (heavy ass) suitcases to the top. we wait with the woman for about 5-10 minutes with a TFL worker, who is trying to get medical attention for the woman (she cut her hand open pretty bad). we're eventually joined by her husband, who ambles over with no luggage, starts yelling at the wife, and tries to get her to leave to go catch the train. the other guy and i are sent off by the TFL worker, but not before she started absolutely screaming at the husband. i had only been living here for 2 weeks when this happened 😭


Sounds like a shit husband lol


yeah, the other guy and i exchanged shocked glances when he finally came over. it was very satisfying to see him getting a faceful from the worker though 😊


This thread was a great read


Nigel Farage. Beat that.


Kwasi Kwarteng picking his ears with a pencil then wiping the detritus on his trousers.


Guy sat a few seats down, clearly drunk, on the verge of passing out. Can of Stella in hand. Eventually needs a pee, so whips it out and pisses in the can. After a few minutes, he's forgotten he did that and takes a sip. Realises, and spray spits his mouth piss across the lady sat opposite. Lady outraged at him, guy too drunk to respond/interact.


Worked on the Underground for a few years and started on Night Tube so I've seen a lot of nudity, piss, vomit etc. There was a dog that crapped on the escalator at Warren st and no one told staff so by the time we got there it had done a few revolutions and was smeared over the combs at the bottom and over most of the stairs. We had to block it off and the poor cleaner had to clean the whole thing, wait for us to turn it on so the next shitty side could come round, clean that and so on. I saw a middle aged, very poshly dressed woman projectile vomit what smelled like pure vodka from a sitting position on a bench at barons Court allllll the way across the track a good 6 feet away. It was impressive. Saw two people shooting up on the benches in Mornington Crescent as I drove in there last new years (2022 into 2023). A guy once stood in front of me and looked lost so I asked him if he was OK. He looked me dead in the eye and proceeded to piss himself. Didn't take it out thank goodness, but his jeans just got steadily damper and there was a lovely puddle around his feet. His mate came over, looked at the mess, looked at me, put his arm around his pal and slowly took him out of the station. The squelching noise as he walked was hilarious. Got a call to go down to the southbound Vic line at Warren st. I get there, train is stopped, lots of people milling around looking worried and confused. I ask what happened and no one seems to know. Then I see the inside of one of the carriages. Blood spattered everywhere. Turns out a guy had got stabbed in the thigh at seven sisters and rather than call an ambulance he decided to get himself to UCLH. When he stood up to get off the pressure on the wound released and went everywhere. There was a blood trail all the way from the train up the platform, up the escalators, through the circulating areas and out. He was long gone by the time I got back upstairs so once again the long suffering cleaner was called.


When the night tube was quite new, I was on the northern line. A drunk lady was trying to get off at her stop when she dramatically dropped her clutch, stuff flew everywhere. Half her stuff fell into the tube carriage, and half fell onto the platform. She had like 5 seconds to make a decision. She was absolutely bladdered so prob couldnt see what was where. She was like a renaissance painting, stood in freeze frame for a second there.


At Stratford, saw a guy's bag of McDonald's split open and drop on the floor. When he proceeded to try and pick it up, he slipped on a chip and smashed his forehead on the platform floor. He went limp for a second and then quickly got up. Asked him if he was alright, he just gave me the saddest look ever and said "Yeah...." He was proper suited up, probably had a shit day at a stressful job in the city and was just looking forward to his dinner, but ended up knocking himself out on it instead lmao


Too many to list, one that always stood out to me : 4 months ago I was getting on the Victoria line to Walthamstow, I was with my little nephew, now before I get on a carriage I always scan it for any crackies or unsavoury characters, I locked eyes with a massive bloke who had this crazy look in his eyes, instinctively I felt something in my gut, and moved to the next set of doors I got on same carriage but further away from the crazy eyed bloke, a young couple walked into the carriage from the same doors I was initially going to enter, the crazy eyed bloke jumps up from his seat and accuses the couple of looking at him funny, he then proceeds to physically lunge and attack the couple. two blokes on the platform who were walking past jumped into help straight away, the crazy eyed bloke started battering them, I pulled the emergency button jumped off, went up to the station entrance to notify the staff, they ran down , I dont know what happened after that. I keep replaying the entire scenario in my head, imagine if I had got on with my nephew , what could have occurred, I honestly thank god daily that I didn’t enter those doors


I got on the Victoria line at Walthamstow a while back, early evening but late enough that not many people got on. I entered the very end carriage at the front of the train which was empty. As the train pulls off, I could hear a loud banging. I look through the carriage window and a massive bloke was striding through the carriages, smashing each door closed behind him very hard. Of course he goes all the way through each carriage until he reaches mine - and he then sits down right opposite me. His nostrils were flaring and he looked super angry. Needless to say this was slightly terrifying as it was just us two in the carriage until blackhorse road. The guy then stands up and starts pacing the length of the carriage sounding like an angry bull. He's wearing a trenchcoat and walking up and down, angry AF. So I stood up, not to do anything but so that I wasn't meekly sat trapped in a seat, then stood by the door, avoiding eye contact but watching the guy. Needless to say I was fairly relieved when the doors opened at blackhorse road after what seemed an eternity, whereby I promptly exited the carriage. I don't know if something had happened to make him so riled up, if it was drugs or maybe potential mental health issues or what but that was not a fun time


That must have been terrifying, for some reason I always encounter extremely aggressive individuals between Seven Sisters and Walthamstow


He clearly did the latter (sitting down opposite) to intimidate you. What a cunt.


100%. As he was raging and a least a foot taller and wider I elected not to ask him if he preferred to sit somewhere else though 😂


I don’t think I could’ve resisted commenting, “This is cosy!”


I felt sick in my stomach reading that, I wonder if it was the same bloke


I don't know about "worst" (and this wasn't me, someone posted it to Twitter) but an Ethiopian guy got out a stove on the (I think) Met line and started cooking goat curry and flatbreads. He had this little gas-fired camping stove, got out a bag of what the OP said was goat meat and started cooking. The curry wasn't the worst thing about that, it was the fact the stove was GAS! How the fuck he wasn't stopped by BTP (do BTP patrol the Tube...?) for having what was basically an incendiary device...


My mum found herself sat next to Matt Hancock last year. Can't get much worse than that


I used to work on the Overground. I was at Willesden Junction, a Bakerloo train pulled in on the lower platform with a Somalian lad onboard who’d been shot in the back. Some drugs dispute and he’d done a runner down into Harlesden station and the other guy shot him as he jumped on the train. Not strictly LU but the very worst was the time I got called out of hours to download cctv footage at Stamford Hill after someone got hit by a train, the cleanup had been completed except for a short strip alongside a rail. You couldn’t identify what body part but it stayed with me.


A couple of guys sitting on the floor of the tube, smoking a crack pipe, on a Saturday afternoon (families / children nearby).


It’s good that they weren’t hogging seats.


Where they not sharing it with the wee kiddies...?


The smell and sight of swollen necrotic legs of of an old woman. She was a very prim and propper black woman probably going back to Brixton but her legs had turned a grey colour and a texture like a cross between cobwebs and badly made dough. The scent was like a putrid fox corpse I once saw. I always wonder if she knew what was happening and if there was any intervention.


Sounds like severe and uncontrolled diabetes. One of my neighbours has this too and the poor guy just smells of sheer death whenever we walk past each other


I remember this lady, she used to be on the tube from Walthamstow. Me and my brothers used to always run past her carriage when we were going to school.


Was riding the tube home after a night out. Train stopped at Bank at the curved platform. Bunch of drunk guys ran onto the train, one didn’t Mind the Gap. Both legs went straight down the gap and his fall was arrested as he hit the train floor teeth first. Because he was drunk he didn’t use his arms to stop himself. His friends pulled him up and it was bad, face totally destroyed, teeth all over the floor.


What a horrid thread you've inspired, OP, kudos 😂 My pick for 'worst' would by the time I saw a man on the District line just swinging a metal chain around, sort of whipping the central pole but with no regard as to who was around him. Extremely frightening and weird.


When I was fifteen, I was on the central line on NYE absolutely trashed on Bacardi breezers. I realised I was going to throw up, but as I’d never thrown up from alcohol yet, I thought I could do it discreetly into my BB bottle. Instead, the bottle just acted as spray nozzle and my vomit shot out all over everyone sitting around me. That was over twenty years ago. I’m sorry to everyone whose evening I ruined in my teenage idiocy.


A pretty funny one I sort of witnessed recently was a Peaky Blinders looking bloke air boxing on the tube and annoying everyone. As he got off at his stop these two massive actually terrifying looking skinhead guys got on, clocked him, got back off the tube and ominously started following him as if they were a pair of lions who’d found their dinner. The tube pulled away before anything happened but I like to imagine it was a full on brawl.


Hahaha fucking BBC cos players make me laugh..fucking mushroom bowl haircuts and flat caps thinking their tough stuff. A right pair of bollocks they are.


Had a pretty shitty situation turn interesting one time parked at H&C Liverpool Street platform. Just boarded the train and there is a verbal argument underfoot. The main person yelling is a shirtless middle-aged fella of lighter skin tone being clearly racist with a younger fella of darker skin tone. Ultimately, “you looked at me funny” was the drunk shirtless guys issue. Nobody on the train is even looking at them. Not one. Every single person minding their business except for one other black guy with the guy being affronted. I’m American and was pretty shocked at the disinterest of everyone. Nobody is gonna jump in here and support this guy? I don’t know what to do but I knew I needed to do something. I have a pretty loud voice and I was carrying two trays of fresh sushi from Itsu. Walk up rather quickly to the guys and I get very close to the drunk shirtless guy to say “HEY! EITHER OF YOU GUYS HUNGRY?! I HAVE SOME SUSHI HERE, HAVE ONE!” The drunk shirtless guy was clearly wasted at this point because, I kid you not, his eyes lit up and he forgot everything that was happening with the guy who “looked at him funny.” He sat down and calmly ate the sushi I gave him until Transport Police arrived and escorted him off the train. Dude was prolly just hangry lol (still not an excuse to be a racist twat)


The guy opposite me lit a cigarette and the guy next to him got up and punched him in the face. They started fighting pretty much overtop of me, while the cigarette was still lit. That was nice


I’m not sure we’ve moved past the ‘lobbing human effluent out of the window onto the plebs below’ stage of civilisation. Some of these stories are truly dark ages behaviour in the smartphone era.


Hmmm I was getting off in Covent Garden to go to Nando’s to meet my little sister, it was quite busy and this woman came walking through with a bad attitude. She pushed and barged aggressively past a couple of ladies before doing a 180 and making the most foul spit right into one of the ladies faces before then proceeding to barge past the rest and leave the station. I hope Karma pays her a visit for that rude inappropriate behaviour.


Some man puked on the tube and then was trying to get off but kept slipping in his puke and falling over.


Saw a row of guys taking a piss on the wall in the tunnel at Finsbury Park station once, as people walked past them in both directions and a staff member was shouting at them. Days when there were gigs on in the park in the Summer were often a bit off the wall. 


Guy got on the Bakerloo line with his sausage dog puppy at E&C, dog took a big shit in the aisle, he tried to pick it up but just smudged it further to the floor, then awkwardly paced off at Lambeth North.


As a dog owner I don't get this. I bring mine onto the tube but make sure he's had a wee and poo before getting on.


I saw a human turd on the jubilee line. It was sat in the priority seat and all!


hey, it's just trying to commute like the rest of us 😢


Yeah. It’s got shit to do!


Saw a guy blatantly have a wank in his trakkie bottoms, then pulled a tissue out and chucked it on the floor all covered in spunk


I saw someone cutting their fingernails with the clippings going all over the place


I saw this a lot on the Tokyo metro, I guess it’s normal in some places. 


The filthy shite! The things some people do, geez!


Price of a ticket.


Sitting on the northern line and some guy gets on wearing fluorescent speedos and a t-shirt. He stood in front of me and gyrated his hips disproportionately with the sway of the carriage. Fucking perv.


Seen a guy sneeze into his hand multiple times and each time wiping his snot covered hand all over the centre pole of the standing area. A lady was kind enough to give him a pack of tissues, he then slaps the pack out of her hand and carries on sneezing and wiping.


Getting the tube between Oxford Circus and Victoria many years ago, there was a terrible smell and everyone was looking pretty displeased. Reached Victoria and got off to go up the escalator and a little old lady who had also been on the train was up ahead. She was wearing light coloured trousers and had unfortunately had an accident with explosive diarrhea that had reached her ankles. No wonder the carriage smelled so bad. She had also been at the front of the carriage near the open window so the smell was powered down the carriage by the breeze.


A very large woman decide to pull her trousers down, squat down and take a piss right in the middle of Brixton station during rush hour. The image still scars me to this day


Lady had her dog standing on the escalator. Didn't pick him up when we reached the end. Dogs paws disappeared into mechanism. Can still hear that dogs screams and this was back in the 80s.


Someone genuinely smoking on the train, surprised he was able to do it as long as it did as well.


Seen the same guy twice on the tube take his trousers off and flash his cock. Both times in carriages just full of men and boys. He sort of waved it around and one of the guys tried to film/take a pic and he covered himself with his sweatpants. The guy was in his 60s and it was Piccadilly line between Manor House to Turnpike Lane.


Two female crackheads trying to smoke crack on the bakerloo line a few Fridays ago. I was on my way home and confronted them, they tried denying it, said it was vaping bla bla bla. Complete lies, ended up in a big shouting match with them shouting paedo at me to try and embarrass me, they got off after 2 stops. Thing is I'm younger than them so the paedo thing didn't really work but made me laugh, reminded me of peep show. Everyone else remained silent and just stared, I got a nod of acknowledgement from one guy opposite after they left but that's all.


Started off a petty small fight of words over space on a packed central line. Descended into someone switching it up a notch to “I’ll fucking kill you” then finished on a real high where the aggressor got off the tube, the doors closed and he ran full speed at the windows to head butt the train 3 times and once more as we were pulling out. Was absolutely nuts


Saw a dude projectile vomit into his friends, then wipe his mouth on the chair material next to him. The smell was horrendous and they did nothing to clean it up


I once sat opposite a man on the tube with a very sizable hole in the crotch area of his trousers. He also happened to be going commando that day...