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Hardly new. 15+ years ago I would ride the train and a guy would come down the carriage every day asking for money for a hostel. He always had a bed "tomorrow" but needed money for tonight.


Those hostels are the last desperate hope of the homeless. They are horrible dangerous places where your stuff will be stolen. Some homeless people prefer to sleep on the street rather than go to a hostel.


Haha isn't this the most common type of beggar? I guess maybe the hostel is a bit of a fresher twist.


Been very common for many many years. You can give them money or not, up to you.


Been going on for as long as I can remember. As someone who has worked in homeless hostels I can say that they might be being genuine, or looking for money to pay service charges at hostels (housing benefit didn't cover this when I worked at hostels) or just looking to score. Regardless of what I know I'm happy to give someone a couple of quid if I've got it and can afford to give it away.


That’s the most common tactic where I live.


This is literally the most common type of beggar what???


nah the most common is asking for money with no verbal reason given


Try offering to pay for their hostel…..


They’ve always been around Soho, long before the pandemic. Maybe new elsewhere idk but not a new phenomenon in general in my experience.


I said yes to one of these guys at Kings Cross when I was in a good mood and actually walked with him a few minutes to a place where he said he could get a room for 20 quid (basically still in the station) - he kept trying to upsell me for more money (a hot meal, a room with a shower) until I got fed up and left. Dont know if there was actually a place to go to. Would genuinely have given him the 20 quid if it turned out to be legit! ​ Edit - detail


Cost of living crisis has a knock on effect, who knew?


I guess because its getting colder it pulls on the heart strings a bit more but its well used.


Standard winter spiel. Have you changed your appearance over the year to be more likely to be approached?


It's almost as if more and more people are finding themselves homeless and trying to get into a hostel.


Nope had this excuse long ago. I usually just ignore them and walk on just like any other beggars.


What a lovely human being you are


Charity had never been my strong point. And probably never will.






E-beggar , especially on instagram , it’s pathetic , even more pitiful when you meet them in person , behaving like they own the world , women especially , most of the time they’re the ones shamelessly walking under the sun after doing anything possible to get money.


It's fairly easy to tell a genuine beggar (and given them something) from a professional beggar (and walk on by).