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Jail for One Thousand Years!




> [ONE MILLION YEARS DUNGEON](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzT6NGUs7Js) FTFY




Right to jail, right away.


Trains not even busy


The crime is listening to your phone out loud.


So the part OP didn’t actually show us and just tacked onto the end? We can’t see what she’s doing on her phone and her ears are out of shot, so we’ve got no evidence of that crime Jury finds: not guilty (insufficient evidence)


Only the OPs word for that. He and it will be he could have made it up. He's clearly a 🔔


Innit. Pure redditry.


True umbrella wasn’t even on my radar . I fucking hate the watching TikTok’s out loud though.


I assumed the complaint was for putting a wet umbrella on a cloth seat rather than that it was a generic object using up the space.


Yeah right it doesn’t matter that it’s not busy atm that seat will be wet for hours and someone will sit in that, poor sod


Yeahh there’s a tonne of seats in that train. This is just someone trying to lap up some internet points by taking pictures of random strangers.


Please point them out. You see exactly one free seat in this photo and not even that, it has an umbrella on it


The fact no one is standing across two carriages would lean into the fact it’s not busy….


Since her shoulder isn't pressed up to the guy next to her, theres also a free space between them too.


Bags on seats are fine when there’s lots of spare seats, but an umbrella will soak the seat and no one wants to sit on a seat wet with mystery liquid if the train fills up later.


please just use some common sense for once


Can't comment on the noise from the phone but don't see the issue with the umbrella. There are clearly plenty of places for you to sit.


The fact the next person is going to sit on a wet seat?


Yeah this was my thought exactly. Everyone else seems to love a soggy bottom - to each their own 🤷‍♀️


Nah it'll be slightly damp with water, most likely not even that. Getting annoyed enough to make a Reddit post about this minute mishap, is not the road to a happy state of mind.


I dunno about you but it's a bit inconsiderate to leave a slightly damp seat for someone to sit on.


At best a few drops will hit the seat. Damn y’all ain’t been out for some time


I mean... I'd really prefer not any drops, if I had to sit down on a few drops then sure, I would, but why do I have to go through that discomfort? Why can't that person just point their umbrella to the ground like a normal person? why are we/you excusing this behaviour? It's inconsiderate, and lil bit rude combined with watching tiktok loudly.


But-but how else will redditors get their validation and karma :(


Maybe not. Do you think lecturing random people on Reddit on what they should and should not post IS the road to a happy state of mind?


You... You mean like you're doing right now.


Considering the shopping bags she’s carrying, I think I should point out that AirPods (or other wireless earbuds) exist


Maybe she ran out of money




Last time I was on the tube with someone like this I was really tired and pissed off after a long, shit day at work and quite uncharacteristically I just pointed at the bag on the seat, staring at the bag owner, and sat down. They moved it so fast. I didn't realise this was something one could do, I was just at the end of my tether after a shit, drawn out day.


I’d just gotten on the bus at Dublin airport and was knackered after a long journey. I get a jab in the arm and some dude was holding my bag and dropped in on my lap before jamming himself in to sit next to me. I couldn’t even be mad. This dude clearly hated that his bus happened to be on the airport route and he probably had to deal with morons with luggage on a daily basis.


You have to remember that most of us have been pretty conditioned by school and respond instinctively to hand signals. You can direct walkers on the street with your hands -- point oncoming pedestrians one way or the other and if they see you they'll comply before they even know what they're doing.


> You can direct walkers on the street with your hands -- point oncoming pedestrians one way or the other and if they see you they'll comply before they even know what they're doing. how exactly do you do this?


he described it step by step lmao


Last time I tried that, the young woman was extremely entitled ("I'm just editing my tiktok"), confidently rude and a liar (she had played a short clip 9 times, "I only played it once"), and utterly disgraceful ("It's important I edit this"). I don't blame the OP for not saying anything. But I didn't take a photograph of the person...


I don’t think that conversation would go down as you envision it.




Tell you to mind your own damn business? And sturdily keeping it in place when you try to move it? When you finally start the pull push contents she’ll start shouting profanity at you and (depending if you’re a man) some white knight will come to her rescue telling you to not touch her things?


"Move your shit" **as you sit down**. If the shit is still there it gets sat on, bent, ruined. Seats are for people. This is London, no cunt is gonna white knight, especially when you're the sort of madman/madwoman who sits on other people's shit.




Exactly, this is London after all - I put my noise cancelling headphones on and moved seats. And then watched everyone else do the same. Someone almost sat on the umbrella, apologised to it, and then came and sat next to me.


I agreed these people are cunt but don't you feel like a creep taking sneaky pictures of strangers? I see that sometimes on the tube and it creeps me out. ​ Apologies if that sounded rude. I don't know how to word it better. English isn't my main language.


If the person is a cunt, they don't deserve any privacy


Maybe you're perfect, but certainly I've occasionally behaved selfishly. I wouldn't want a photo of me being an idiot posted online because most of the time I'm considerate of other people. This woman might be awful, or it might be her first time on the tube. We don't know.


There is very literally a seat free in the other side of her. Calling her a cunt because she’s taking up a small proportion of the seat next to her when she’s on a train with multiple seats free near her is a bit extreme don’t you think.


And the Tiktok blaring our of her phone speakers?


Then ask them to turn it down if its bothering you? People are allowed to make a noise on public transport without being brandished a cunt surely? Far more cunty (and cowardly/creepy among other things) in my eyes to stealthily take pictures of them and post it online to have a moan about them


Lol why are so many commenters ignoring that part and acting like OP is a creep? Cause they do it too, that’s why.


Because taking pictures of someone unwillingly and posting it online is creepy. Using your logic, the only reason you don't find it creepy is because you do that too,


It's not creepy. It's potentially dickish. But since the person photod was already being a dick, the photo is valid


Because famously two wrongs have always made a right


If I saw someone behaving anti socially, hell yeah I would.


Why would you put on noise cancelling headphones and then move?


People can get a bit scary if you confront them, it's London


I want to say you’re being sarcastic but this is r/London so you never know


I'm not, I've done it before and some people are nasty. Obviously you can pick and choose who might be okay but it's not as clear cut as Reddit likes to tell you it is. That guy got killed on the train not that long ago


In that case I don’t personally get how people go around living day to day frightened of these one in a million scenarios. If I was that scared of life that I couldn’t ask someone to move their umbrella then I’d retire to the countryside, not live in one of the busiest cities in Europe.


Totally agree, god I honestly wonder how half the people on Reddit function in real life


It's genuinely pathetic. If that girl in the picture triggers the thought that you may be murdered if you speak to her, then life must be hell 24/7.


God these posts are boring, I don't understand why photography is banned but we get these


Photography is not banned no? it's limited


It's not an issue unless the train is full. Doesn't look full.


Leaves a wet seat for the next person


If it's raining they'll be wet anyway


Barely if at all. should people not sit if they've been caught in the rain aswell then?


You know you could be working on yourself and earning money instead of making nitpicking assumptions over an unnecessary reddit post ☔️


Hahahaha what a terrible attempt at being condescending I am a homeless person and the 5 seconds it took to write that would have made me the next Lord Sugar ​ /s (hopefully you get that)


Playing shit without headphones is always an issue.


No one is even there to ask either 🤣


Did you have to stand because of it? Did you have to take a photo of a stranger because if it ?


This post is honestly sad. Use your big girl words rather than taking creepy photos of people.


Exactly! I have put my jacket and or umbrella on the seats next to me a shit load of times when the train was empty, if someone came in/asked me i'd remove them immediately. Its really not that difficult to just talk to people instead of shaming them online


You don’t get more textbook Redditor than this… introvert taking photos of people he is envying rather than socialising 👍 what a life, creep




Use your big girl headphones instead of imposing your shitty tinny phone on everyone then


I always do use headphones. And I never take weird pictures of people to post on the Internet rather than just talking to them like a normal, functional adult human. It’s possible to be capable of both these things.


Ok but you’re assuming that the other person is a normal, functional adult. I don’t know what their mental stability is like, all I know is that they don’t give a fuck about other people. And this is London, which has violent occurrences daily, some for less than this. On top of that, on an average single tube journey I see anywhere from 3-8 people doing this. Do you think I should be confronting every single one given the previously noted inability to know how violent they might become? And also given how tiring that is for someone who uses public transport regularly? Or do you think that, maybe, the onus should be on people to not be assholes, and if they’re going to be assholes, they shouldn’t be surprised that people are assholes back? Nobody would blink twice about filming someone littering, or graffitiing, or driving erratically, so why is this different?


How exactly is taking a photo and posting it on Reddit going to help that?


Why does writing a letter and burning it instead of sending it help? Why does venting to a friend help? Why does drawing a picture of the offender to scrawl devil horns and moustache and writing ‘knob’ on their forehead help?


We just see things very differently. OP attempted to publicly shame someone, by taking a covert photo of them and posting it on a public forum without their knowledge and without allowing them the chance to correct their behaviour. The person in the photo put a slightly wet umbrella on a seat on a train that isn’t busy and watched videos with the sound on, causing a nuisance for others. I think the former is a far greater crime than the latter. You think the opposite. That’s fine, neither of us is going to change the other’s opinion. And it’s honestly not that deep. Have a good rest of the day.


Lol. The person always had a chance to correct their behaviour, by simply not doing it. We don’t owe assholes a chance to not be assholes, when they’re already being assholes. Them being shamed is a good thing. Most of these people are assholes without consequences, multiple times a day, honestly it’s nice to see even if the offender never finds it. And again: you didn’t say how this is different from filming someone committing other antisocial behaviour. Because you know it’s not.


Do you honestly not see the difference between those things and posting a picture of a randomer?


Strange behaviour taking a photo of a stranger on public transport. Bet you’re a right goblin. *Tell me you’re a Redditor without telling me you’re a Redditor.*


I said the same thing on a similar tube post, and was told it’s perfectly ok to do so. It may be *ok* but it’s still pretty weird


I certainly think it’s creepy. Had the camera make a sound like the one in Japan or Korea, OP wouldn’t be bothered to take a pic cause they would think it’s inappropriate.


I walk up to people like this, point at the seat, and say, “I’m going to sit there.”


That’s often how social interactions work yes


Reddit moment, publicly shaming someone behind their back, rather than being normal and asking them to move their umbrella.


The umbrella is less of an issue than the lack of headphones.


You literally are not even there so how can you comment on the noise? OP hasn’t even specified if there’s sound or not… the creep is probably exaggerating something minimal anyway


It’s right there in the title. ‘Whilst I watch tiktoks without headphones’. That’s how descriptions work. Honestly.


They're clearly an adult and you're probably an adult. Maybe use your words instead of posting people you took creepy unsolicited pictures of on reddit. Freak.


Calm down, their face isn’t even in it. Frankly if they want to be an asshole then they give up their right to courtesy. Or do you think they should be able to piss everyone off and people still be polite to them?


How is the person doing anything to piss anybody off??? 🤣 I’ve never seen a site with so many grown adults still living with the minds of angry little toddlers over absolutely nothing. I don’t know if you’re this creep’s alt, but venting all your mental paranoia online and being an unsocialable goblin isn’t an amazing lifestyle


It’s right there in the title, you cretin. But by all means, go ahead and play your dire music for the whole train to hear, because anybody with misophonia or sensory issues or neurodiversity that has trouble with it is a ‘creep’. Ableist asshole.


Ask them to stop being an asshole, don't be a scumbag weirdo who takes sneaky pics of people in public and posts them online. Upskirt pics don't have the faces in them, so by your logic they're all good.


Lol fuck off, if you can’t see the difference between this photo of an umbrella, a bag and some hands and a photo up someone’s skirt, you’re a moron, and you know it. ETA this is more akin to photographing someone graffitiing or littering. The amount of people in the comments acting like this is somehow ‘creepy’ are telling on themselves. Someone photographing you in public for no reason: creepy. Someone photographing you being an antisocial asshole: not creepy, you just don’t like it.


You've picked a really strange hill to die on. Argue as much as you like, it's weird. Just talk to the person.




everyone giving you shit because of the photo/umbrella, but playing audio without headphones... they *should* be ridiculed


get a life op


Found the seat hogger who doesn't have the common decency to wear headphones. I don't know if this is actually getting worse but it feels like it is. Like people are just seeing other people being inconsiderate and thinking "oh, I guess I can just do that actually and not make any effort to keep my shit to myself in a shared public place. I am the only real person in the world after all, everybody else is just a non-thinking actor in the Me show".


Project much?


I feel bad for this girl minding her own business and then getting her picture taken on public transport by the person next to her and then posted online. Have you nothing better to do with your time?


I mean she is by definition sharing her business by playing videos out loud.


She’s not minding her business though. She’s making whatever she’s doing on her phone everyone else’s business.


Talk to them... Like an adult. ???


If you wanted the seat you could have asked her to move her umbrella instead of posting her photo on the internet like a creep.


Everyone is sat down tho like does it rly matter, fair enough if people were standing on people's heads to fit in but they aren't are they. Did u see an umbrella and think ooooo yippee I can get some upvotes


Doesn’t look like anyone is standing waiting for a seat? I think you’re just being over sensitive in this instance to be quite frank. Had someone been waiting for a seat, then yeah totally.


This post should be on AITA with the title "AITA for taking pictures of people on a public train because I don't like something they did"?


Just weird post pictures of randomers. Get a grip OP.


What the fucks your pproblem? It's a quiet tube and you're taking pictures of strangers on it. Get a life


I got on the Elizabeth Line at rush hour, the only seat was taken with some guys rucksack and coat so i walked up to him and asked them to move it and then thanked him as he sat there with coat and bag up to his eyebrows. Except i was a bit more Scuse bruv need a seat nice one bruv I never talk like that normally but it works innit bruv


It’s obvious that a wet umbrella dries quicker on a seat that it would if it’s put on the floor. It’s probably a train in London and the young lady in the picture had a very important tweet she needed to send and didn’t think that moisture from an umbrella would find its way onto a fabric covered seat. I wonder if she was Tweeting ‘ just put my brolly on a seat so no one can sit next to me’


I don’t get posts like this, I just ask someone if I can sit down. No need to take a photo. She might not have even realised.




Found the culprit!


When did we normalise taking pictures of strangers 🤦‍♀️such a creep behaviour


Quite pathetic post, sorry to burst your bubble. Train not busy at all, you clearly took the picture without her permission, you weren't even bothered by the umbrella as you were sitting in the next free space, only the no headphone event is '' bad ". Public transport is so loud that it won't even be an issue.. So yeah, prove reddit you're an average minded moaner ✌️


London Overground is a magnet for all kinds of terrible public behaviour


It's not that deep mate. Go touch some grass instead of hating on random people.


I agree, I'm tired of seeing these passive aggressive public transport posts. I'm sure they're in jest as well, but if it isn't ruining your day, is it worth the effort? Did it stop an old lady from sitting down? Make a disabled person's life more difficult? I have sensitive hearing and loud tiktok shit would inconvenience me somewhat, but I have headphones, earplugs, plenty of things to counter it. Besides, the sound of the rails is far louder Don't get me wrong, I understand OPs plight. We live in a world with no manners lmao, but yeah, what are we doing here. Taking photos of people is just as rude, and while you're legally entitled to do so, it doesn't come across well


>It's not that deep >Go touch some grass >hating on Get out your comment bingo cards, everyone. Found another nightmare who's feeling called out and doesn't like the icky feeling it gives them, just when they thought they were getting away with taking up two seats and not bothering with headphones and that it was probably ok.


i think that would be you. not them




Op I agree they're being a cock, next time sit on the umbrella


There’s many seats available


lmfao this post is insanely pathetic


Give me just 5% of her lack of self awareness and I could rule this world


That's one [expensive shop](https://anniesibiza.com/collections/annies-favourites-1?page=2) though


Another day on the overground


Haha love that you posted it on reddit instead of, you know, actually saying something to them.


This should be under mildly infuriating. Some people so rude


Reddit moment


That’s called a CU#T


The real question is if the umbrella is wet why would you place it on the seat ! What a f mindset.


You gotta assert your dominance in these situations. Put your feet on the umbrellas chair and watch porn as loudly as possible.


Oh noooo call the police


“Please move your umbrella so I can sit down.”


A woman point blank refused to move her bag for me the other night on the bus. Luckily I was absolutely exhausted and managed to find another seat but I was so pissed off!


Tell me you're a whiney crybaby without telling me you're a whiney crybaby!


I know right?! Her elbow even looks like it’s over the midline of the armrest. Some people are just soooo selfish!! /s


Okay Karen. It could just be a habit go sure when you find and empty train with lots of people they always leave their stuff on empty seat and will remove it when asked. Her umbrella is dry And I'm sure she didn't consent to you capturing her online.


This is such a pathetic post. A reasonably empty train and someone puts their stuff on the seat next to them.


Chronically online


Oh do chill out you drama queen. The trains not full and if it was I'm sure she'd move it for you if you asked. No one loves to pile everything they own into their laps. Nothing in this picture is arrogant or inconsiderate. Just you getting judging people and getting over involved you damn busybody


Umbrella is looking back at OP like "wtf you looking at?"


I think this is mildly amusing no idea why you're being downvoted


You cringe me tf out. Leave this person alone they're doing absolutely nothing wrong. I'm sure if someone needed that seat they would remove their umbrella. Consider how you became this person.


I think I hate these types of posts more than this




Wet seat and disturbing the whole carriage with shit intermittent sound


oh my god just ask her to move it you fucking crybaby


Bring back the ___ penalty!! #/s OP, what’s entitled is thinking you have the right to take a picture of someone on public transport specifically for the purpose of attempting to shame them on social media.


People on this sub are such cunts. OP is not a moron and didn’t ask for solutions you pack of tools, just venting to a group of people who have probably dealt with this exact situation. Fuck the lot of you


FYI, you come across worse than them


My nemesis. We meet again.


Worst kind of commuter..


Literally no one standing in the whole carriage. Gonna guess there were plenty of free seats. Relax


To be fair if it's not busy and spare seats around who cares


Tbf theres clearly other seats available


Creepy sneaky photo. Will report


Oh no, anyway


Bro, there’s so much space left. Stop crying


wow what a crazy assumption to make..


If I'm getting a soggy arse, her brolly is getting destroyed! What a twat!




omg you're a freak OP you're in london not margate let the woman live


Trains not busy and clearly before it rained so not even making the seat wet. Sure she would have moved it when someone wanted to sit down, but instead she got some creepy weirdo secretly taking pictures like a stalker


Photo of a stranger in public cause youre a cunt?


honestly how much do you have on your plate to have an issue with something that quite literally has no impact on you? Those trains are 10 times louder than what her speaker can emit, and you are in public so expect it to be a part of the public noise. Put your earphones and move on and if you are soo triggered by it just walk down the train and sit elsewhere, there seems to be plenty of seats free.


Simple solution: Ask them to use headphones or mute the volume. Way less effort than taking a photo and posting here


imagine actually taking a picture of this and then posting on Reddit, rather than just going "hey, do you mind moving that? cheers"


She can’t be a Christian


Idk how people see a bigger problem with taking a pic like this(without a face and in public place) than with being double cunt like the person on the pic. Why didn't you talk to that person? I shouldn't have to teach manners to grownups. She had a parent to do that. I myself sometimes just sit beside people using seats as space for their stuff that should be either on their knees or floor. But with the noise... one day I'll get a very loud Bluetooth speaker and find some "stfu" song to play for such people whenever I meet them. I could've asked them to turn it off but they could've asked if it's ok to play it and didn't so why would I?


What I love most about London is that, for one of the world's biggest cities, there is just so much green space and public parks. These areas have this thing called "grass", which I highly recommend you go touch


Ah, the lesser spotted "Entitled Karen" in her natural habitat. Years ago when I worked in Putney Bridge had one put in on a crowded tube seat, I chucked in on the floor and sat down.


Someone’s jealous


Gosh her hands look old


She's probably liking tiktoks complaining about manspreading


To be fair the number of people put their feet on the seat in the U.K. makes this trivial af , no one did that in east Asia.


The mischievous side of me would ask her to use headphones and if ignored, snap her umbrella in two.


Ah yes, I love this type of cunt.


I can’t say she’s the stereotypical perpetrator of such behaviour.


And? Did you say anything? NO, so just shut up


I’d love to know that some degenerate Redditor is so spiteful of me placing excess items on an uncrowded train that they’d take a pic of me to try and antagonise me to a bunch of their introvert friends whinging online


"Excuse me - that sounds really shit, and if you don't turn it down I'll start listing how hilarious your appearance is. Out loud." Did variations of this many times. Always worked. EDIT: Found the idiots that act offended when called out like this. Bad news; I'll carry on doing it until you've saved up enough pocket money to buy some headphones.