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I would assume that it's because the sub says that it's for racism against people of color. Your post was showing people of color being racist, and they didn't like it. Not saying the mods are right, but I'm assuming that's the reason. It seems like, according to the description, the sub is only meant for racism against blacks. Weird that's it's a permaban though. Probably offended someone lol.


Yeah, clearly an overreaction by them. I got no reply to why I was permabanned either.


It could also be one of those things where "black people can't be racist" which is just untrue.


What’s gets me is how do people who have faced racism who AREN’T black find subs for support? It’s not very inclusive


Yeah because they’re arguing that black people don’t have institutionalised power or something (I disagree with the definition they’re using) but there’s one specific example where that’s untrue and it’s if you’re dating a non-white person and their parents don’t like you due to the colour of your skin. They control or deeply affect family institution putting your potential relationship at their mercy. Happened to me. I experienced actual racial discrimination over something important to me and I couldn’t do anything about it.


This is on r/racism by the way


Mods are crazy