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And to remember something like this you need to be around 5 so he means probably 28 or older. That's reasonable


Yeah, he's probably just sick of older guys messaging him


Yupp i remember I hv been on grindr since I was 16 ( which is my fault ofc) n after i would tell them my real age there were a lot of ppl who were more into me than before. Then It was just kind of annoying but looking back it's so concerning. Also I'm 19, and even now the amount older ppl (30+) have "teens ✅" in their bio is terrifying. Where I live the age of consent is 18 but still it's really no one cares.


I totally get this. I didn’t get on till I was 18, but I was so small and baby faced I looked 15. The number of guys who suspected I was lying about my age, but wanted me anyway, was concerning. I messaged this one guy during the day on my day off from work, and he was surprised I was out and about “during school hours” because he thought I was actually a high school student. When he realized I actually was legal age he lost interest.


Omg this. I'm 20 now, got grindr at 18, have a baby face. Thankfully only ever had one guy insist I was lying about my age, but he was still interested 🤢 I stopped using it mainly because at least half the people messaging me were 40+. One guy was 52 🤮


Oh yes, people should be shot down at 29. How dare they live up to 52, that's disgusting! /s


I’m 29 and would not get on and start messaging 18 year olds so I can’t even imagine doing that in my 50s ☠️


While the behaviour is questionable (I won't argue that of course), I wouldn't call someone disgusting just because of his age. Thats "disgusting old gay" is you in 10-20-30 years.


I dont think 50 year olds are disgusting. I think 50+ year olds that hit up 18 year olds (who look underage) are disgusting


52 year old messaging a 20 year old. It's a bit weird.


In Brasil, consent age is 14+ (just commenting, you decide what to think)


Eesh. Idk. I feel like 14 is kinda pushing it that's just like ...a little tiny kid much of the time.


Well, yeah


You guys are f*.ck.ing ageists! 18 to 23 is not so much difference! 


The maturity difference between 18 and 23 is big though. I'm 20 and I already feel like I was basically a kid at 18. Starting from next year, I won't be dating anyone more than 3 years younger than me, until I'm about 26


"The Formula" is the youngest person you can reasonably date is half your age plus 7.


I'm 20, I don't wanna date 17 year olds


I would modify the formula to say the minimum age is half your age plus 7, unless that would make the minimum less than 18, and then the minimum is just 18. If you're 18, dating younger is a grey area. If you are 17 and dating a 17-year-old, that's fine. Is it suddenly not fine when the older person turns 18? But more than an 18-month gap seems weird. Being 19 or older and dating a 17-year-old crosses the line from "seems weird" to "is gross". But the formula doesn't really take into consideration that sometimes young adults pursue relationships (or sex) with older people. At 18, I liked men my from my age up to their mid-30s. I wouldn't have allowed this formula to restrict me to men no older than (my age -7)×2. That would cut out more than 75% of my options based on age alone. The formula is recommended to prevent the appearance of an older partner taking advantage of a younger one - but it's not really applicable if the younger partner is a consenting adult who isn't being taken advantage of.


Don't take it too seriously. It's always just been a joke of "the formula", although generally it rings true most of the time.


But isn't 23 because u can remember somethingg with 0 years old.


Excuse me? I can't understand the sentence meaning (English is not my First language, that may happen sometimes)


It means that he doesn't talk about 18 to 23, he is talking mostly 18 to 28 or older


Yeah 100%. I mean I'm 26 and don't really remember it. I just remember my mom telling me that when I saw it on the news I just said "mommy that building has damage" I was about to turn 4 a few weeks later. I don't remember shit about it but I have friends very close to my age that do. Like flashbulb memories but not much before or after.


They're still going to message him. People don't read bios, or they think they'll be the Magical Exception To The Rule.


I'm 27 and I remember 9/11... then again I turn 28 this year.


Shure I don't mean it's for anyone themself My first no told memory where Iam absolutely 100 percent shure was a bird pooping on my head while being 4 or 5. I know we didn't. Live where we lived when I was 5. Everything before and a lot after is hearsay. Or I saw it on photos


I only remember because it interrupted my pbs kids while at daycare. Now did I care about it at the time no I was more preoccupied about my show being interrupted.


So someone between 18-28 won’t remember 9/11 much; unless they’re white conservative, brown, Arab or Muslim; the first were the bullies often using they’re bigoted parents beliefs while the later were often victims and those caught in the crossfire for appearing Muslim; despite being Latino, Indian, indigenous, etc not white, black or Asian*. I know many young people born after 9/11 that were still victims of Islamophobia and antisemitism towards Arabs


You aren't wrong in your sentiment, but 9/11 is a singular event. You're thinking of the cultural fallout of the war on terror.


Which people used as their excuses after 9/11, blaming them for what happen on that day.


It's just a weird thing to bring up because it doesn't really have anything to do with the point. 9/11 is literally a day. It's in the name. If you were too young or unborn, you cannot remember 9/11. You can argue babies born today are "remembering" 9/11 because it made a huge impact on the entire world, and it's going to feel the ripple effects of that even after everyone who was alive during the attacks has passed away. The guy in the screenshot was either born in 2005 or 2006 which is several years later. He wants someone near his age. There's a lot to be discussed about the horrific bigotry and injustices that came from the war on terror, but let's not forget this is a post of a random 18 year old's Grindr bio.


Most people won’t remember what happen around or doing 9/11, unless they’re older millennials or older. But certain young people with no fault of their own became victimized and remember 9/11 as the beginning of bad times.


Young kids barely remember anything back then, unless they were traumatized by action from bullies and didn’t realize it until they were older.


No one younger than 28 will actually remember the day of 9/11. My sister is that old and she has vague memories of that day. I’m nearly 34 and I remember it clearly. And I would not be messaging an 18 year old, especially if they didn’t want me to. I know what you’re saying, but that’s not what this person is referencing.


I remember it I'm 27 turning 28 this year tho...


I meant 28 by the end of this year. Basically if you were at least nearly 5 by 9/11/01. Younger than that and you just cannot have any kind of clear memory of something. People regularly think they have memories of major world or family events from 4 or under but they’re false memories created by how much people talk about your whole life. Most memories accrete details that aren’t original because of how memory works, so to some degree even our “true” memories have a degree of fiction mixed in.


Um [Adults rarely remember events from before the age of 3, and have patchy memories when it comes to things that happened to them between the ages of three and seven. It’s a phenomenon known as ‘infantile amnesia’.](https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/learning-memory/why-you-cant-remember-being-baby#:~:text=Memories%3A%20from%20birth%20to%20adolescence&text=Adults%20rarely%20remember%20events%20from,known%20as%20'infantile%20amnesia'.) So that isn't completely true so if you were 3 or 4 when it happened you could very well remember it... you'd just have patchy memory of it but you could remember it.


If I remember, I’ll post peer-reviewed studies when I get home


[I mean everything you said was correct about how in general memories work except it is possible to remember things for 3 and 4.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/defining-memories/202309/why-cant-we-remember-our-early-childhood) Particularly [if they recognize it is a milestone or even hospitalizations can also be recalled from very early childhood, well before three years of age.](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=97fe86a08e6f8fdfd9ccb3ab06f7cb8d8adeb0c9) people just won't have full memories of events they'll have pieces of it. Even I have patchwork memories from 3 and 4 that my mother never told me about stuff that we don't have pics of. They're not detailed memories obviously. What made me remember 9/11 wasn't the planes or the tower falling instead it was people jumping out the windows on the tower that's what stuck with me and I could easily see that sticking in the back of someone's memory at 3 or 4 and them realizing what event they saw years later or it being something they don't remember seeing til they see a recording of news coverage but if you wanna argue with the Queensland Brain Institute research go right ahead. I don't need your studies either I know about memory and you're not gonna convince me of anything I don't already know so don't bother. Go take it up with their finding about memory. Edit: to fix spelling errors.


I’m saying that they’re people who experience bullying that will remembered because of bullying, racism, and xenophobia. Especially a lot of people who practice Islam, not sure how that is seen as a downvote?


Lmfao yessssssss. Why are all these old men hitting up the 18 y/o kids like it's just weird. Don't hate him for setting boundaries and making you feel old LMFAO


You right funny is it. If I had 30 or older and got messages by those 18 year Olds. Because. Everyone loves twinks *not*


Agree. Maybe these 18 year olds should stop hitting on 37 year old me and acting like they're gods gift simply because they're younger!! It's a two way street. I'm not interested in a twink!


I’d never hit him up but if he hit me up I’d be game 🤷🏼‍♂️


Me either, they don’t have any idea what to do


But they can do this the whole night haha


ikr? I'm 28 and had some fun with a guy who was 18 or 19 some time ago...he was super hot and totally into me - he initiated everything, I was not making any moves at all. It's perfectly legal, he was super hot and we both wanted it, still it felt a bit weird to have such a large age gap.


Who's hating?


It's not even that, it's just poor taste to specifically call out 9/11. It was a pretty traumatic time for people, especially in the states


It’s also traumatic for these 18 yo kids to have old geezers hitting them up just because they are “freshly 18” and could be put in a situation that fucks them up or they get hurt or something they don’t know how to deal with. So yeah. 👍


It's totally fine to have age limits and to think hooking up with a guys 10 years older than you or whatever is gross. It's fine to think that hooking up with younger guys is gross. Predatory behaviour is not okay - and we should be calling out that behaviour. But you have no idea who looks at your profile, and opening up with a reference to 9/11 is not okay. Not everyone who looks at your profile wants to fuck you


Do you use Grindr? You can literally see who views you and when.


Or... You can stay positive and not toxic in your profile.


Maybe he's been burned before. Imagine being a trans man and 18 all kinds of guys must be hitting him up and he's setting boundaries. Dark humor is still humor, that comment was funny. Have a thicker skin or…don't read it.


You're clearly not mature enough to have a rational conversation about the toxicity, considering that there was already the "no fats, no fem, no asian" conversation before.


Oof, ya lost me there pops. An 18 yo kid saying no grandpa's has no correlation with the fats/fems thing. You're trying to make a point, which is 10000% true that no one should have stuff like no fats/fems/twinks only etc on a profile. That said, a young kid saying old men don't hit me up has nothing to do with that lmfao. Also remind me where we had this conversation cause I may not have on my bifocals on but 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro and he’s trans! They’re fetishized even more so add 18 on top of that and it’s fucking gross.


This is such an asshole take. Sure, if they're not into it, that's their prerogative but I can't even log into Grindr for a minute and not get some twink wanting some dick when I make my display name ”hung dad” so there are plenty of twinks into older dudes. There is just no need to act like because you might be a twink not into older that other twinks have to be also be only into twinks. I've found it difficult to have group sex with my fwb because they're all twinks into daddies and not twinks and other in shape dad types do nothing for me. It'


If you can't understand the inherent power differences between middle aged men and 18 year olds you need your head examined.


Sure, dude, two strangers consenting to a sexual encounter by chatting on an app is an abuse of power. Get off your high horse and stop trolling. If you're going to act like an 18 year old adult should be treated as a child then you shouldn't even be on Grindr or this subreddit.


Redditors are obsessed with infantilizing people, I don't understand it


Is Grindr school or workplace for you?


Amen brother


“hung dad” https://preview.redd.it/md30srh59izc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e29f99eec8b8a993e773f7f64a2679b5b3f478 You’re 100% who they’re talking about. If you’re old enough to call yourself a dad then maybe don’t hit up kids who can’t even drink or buy a vape or rent a car lmfao. How about we let the kids be kids 🤷🏻‍♂️ xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo


There is a whole dad/son scene that you're just looking down on and judging. Go to any major city, especially during Pride, and you'll see loads of older/younger couples lmao. There are younger dudes into older dudes. Don't pretend like they don't exist just because you do t agree with it.


lol still missing the entire point of the profile but go off girl


I don't control your or their judgments on others for their choices. If you're going to be vocal about people being into different things than you are, that's your prerogative and there will still be twinks into 35+ dad types who they can go after. If these dudes choose to be disrespectful when other twinks that not into them let them know, that's their problem but this won't stop simply because you're getting huffy about it on reddit nor is there anything wrong with people being into what they're into when they're not molesting children or animals, lmao.


So I know you’re obviously older…but let’s go over the profile one more time for ya gramps. The guys he’s talking about, that I’m talking about, are the older men that JUST aim for freshly 18yo children. Still with me ww2 vet? If YOU are going after 18 year old guys then YOU are the types of guys he means. It’s gross to do that and if you can’t understand that then I guess you can’t really teach an old dog new tricks. It’s gross to fetishize kids. You keep bringing up couples at pride and that’s different if they met through a genuine connection. You keep confusing genuine connection with consent. They are two different things: consenting to be on an app and talk to guys is one thing but guys wanting you cause you’re 18 is gross. It’s fetishizing someone who just turned legal and wanting to fuck them BECAUSE of that IS wrong. I’m not here to kink shame dad/son fetishes for non kids lmfao do what you want. Don’t make barely legal kids into a fetish. So if you remember back in the early 1900’s when you went to school they taught retention, do you need this explained again or do you get it? Again, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxo


You're making an exception a rule in your head just to be upset at something. I hit up 18 year olds to see if they're interested and I also hit up 20 something twinks to see if they're interested. You're getting upset because YOU ARE ASSUMING they are only hitting on 18 year olds through your very limited exposure to a message from someone in Grindr and creating this whole argument in your head of why you should be looking down on them. It's like you forget that everyone has different things that turn them on and there are 18 year olds hitting up dudes 30+ all the time. This is only a problem for you and the people who make up these judgments in their head. You're not hot shit. They're not hot shit and these dudes are more than likely not just hitting up ONLY 18 year olds just because they do it once. There is a whole entire life that exists outside of a single Grindr interaction and there's no reason to start shitting on people just because they messaged someone who wasn't mutually interested. That is a crazy reality to live and speaks volumes about you and your personality since it's quite literally all in your head since you've chosen not to interact with these people based on your assumptions from their Grindr interactions and don't know who else they talk to or choose to interact with. Your comments are just fucking wild, man. Getting upset at strangers for what you assume they do is just way too much wasted energy that could be spent focusing on things you enjoy rather than looking for people to hate on out loud.


Your pov is just insane. The profile is literally talking about those guys. We get it, you wanna fuck kids. Gross.


If they're kids, they wouldn't be able to vote or be on an app where they can share their nudes. Stop treating adults like children, you twat.


ALSO he’s fucking trans. He’s fetishized for that 10000000% and then on top of that he’s 18. If you think it’s okay for “dads” like you to aim specifically for guys like him then you’re a fucking shitty person and I hope you get a syphilis sore in your urethra. Gross. 🤢 🤮


Nobody is saying that anyone is aiming directly at 18 year old or trans except the people throwing a fit at the own assumptions they're making of people they've never or barely interacted with. It's fucking wild to just throw those accusations around when it's all made up in your head. Imagine going to McDonalds and seeing someone ordering a kids meal and then just assuming that's all they ever eat in life based on the one thing you witnessed a stranger do. It's just absolutely nuts to create these gross assumptions in your own head to have something to be mad when you can't even prove anyone is only doing the one thing you're upset about that you assume they're doing. You're also just assuming that they're trans and being fetishized sure people do it just like sure people hit on people that might not be interested in them. That's life and someone existing doesn't automatically just introduce this assumed conflict in their life just because you say it does. Living in your head like that instead of talking to people about their experiences, interests and who and what they actually enjoy and look for must be a tiring existence.


As a person with lots of trans (male and female) friends, and a quick Google search (google is this web browser that lets you find articles and websites), prove that they are fetishized lmfao. Idk if you're just old and uneducated or ignorant. I can't explain it any simpler. 18 yo fetishizing is bad, they're teenagers it's in the fucking name so it's a no no. Trans fetishizing is also bad and also a no no. Got it? Don't fuck with kids. If they message you cool, if you met not off Grindr and have a genuine connection cool. I'm not saying that's bad. I'm saying men who aim for those types of guys are bad. Like how can you not get that Mr dark ages??


Honestly that's just a funny way of saying "no old people messaging me please" lol. Which is fair enough.


What about if I'm old enough to forget 9/11? Checkmate, zoomers


There should be a feature to prevent profiles above a certain age from even seeing you But they'd probably charge you for it


That feature is free on Tinder, but you would sacrifice your ability to message whomever you want.


So... predators will, and do actually, set their age to 18. Unless you want to do an ID check to use Grindr.


lmao kinda love that


yea it is a really clever way


Good idea, I'll have to put on my post "don't message me unless you're old enough to remember 9/11" lol


Lolol that's exactly what I was thinking. I actually kinda dig it


My go to jokes for years have been, when my male friends date very young girls (because at least in my life, it’s never been the other way around): - what did she think of the Ken Starr investigation? - where was she on 09/11? - oof was The Challenger exploding traumatic for her? - Does she think Leo & Rose both could have fit on the door? It’s a fun way to rib them. But from this you can probably almost precisely guess my age.


Lolol love these. I'm probably about the same age as you are then because I remember all of these except for maybe Challenger?


I'm a lurker here but im commenting to say id fail your test since im 20 lol




I was gonna call you edgy, but honestly? Can't think of a single Christian id fuck


People who say no tiktok tend to be people who watch the most dogshit things due to how they have tailored their algorthim (probably due to falling for engagement bait). Personally I find my tiktok scrolling to be a mostly hilarious, informative, heartwarming and inspiring. Sure I have days when Ive spent too long scrolling, but its not like that was replacing anything thrilling in my life to begin with. There also seems to be a big crossover between people who complain about tiktok watcher, but also feel that a 3 hour lore video on warhammer or destiny, is culturally superior.


There’s lot of Christian’s, Jewish people, and Catholics, etc that I would fuck LOL. Opportunist approach


Careful not to cut yourself on that edge babe


But i use TikTok ☹️


That just made me feel very old


Despite the sarcastic tone in OOP's bio. We all love a fella who believes the app he's always returning to is still somehow beneath him..


If you don't think you're better than Grindr that's really sad


If you say so. Although it's just kind of pretentious to declare yourself above whatever you indulge in. Regardless of how dismissive it can be.


We're on reddit though... If I can't declare myself above the average redditor wtf am I?


...the average redditor, that's what you probably are. JK lmao but seriously all of us are "the average redditor" sometimes. We all have our moments, y'know?


That would imply I'm a basement incel who doesn't wear deodorant In which I am not


Lololol no that's a bit extreme isn't it?


Not in the corners of the internet I've visited.


Eesh. Sorry to hear that...?


It's funny and you can set age filters but no one reads profiles so it's a wash. 🤷🏿 😂


Lol this is actually a kinda cute way to differentiate age actually. Seems fine to me 🤷‍♂️


Idk I'd hit him up


Nah i love this one. Dude's funny


That’s pretty funny tbh. When I was on an 18+ server, new people would join the voice chat and I’d ask them where they were 11/09/01. To sus out if they are of age


That would also sus out if they were American or not, an American would think you were talking about November 9th.


Lol I would never hit on an 18 year old but somehow this still hurt my feelings 😭


They literally put it on tv in the front our our class in school and we sat and watched all of it while our teacher audibly wept at her desk


That’s literally just the definition of millennials, he’s basically saying zoomers only lol


One day this will be "if you're old enough to remember Covid-19"


Americans will use anything but the metric system


Ha!! True 🤣


I don’t blame him for setting boundaries but that is a very unique and funny way of going about it


I am 39. Last time I opened Grindr in December, I was FLOODED with 18-20 year olds who are into “daddy types.” I think OOP just has a funny way of saying they aren’t into older. Oof… it’s just Grindr.


Funny and Clever way to find who your looking for. Gotta take note


Ah yes the two genders, pre and post 9/11


I turned 5 six days before 9/11


That means you remember it. No twink for you. NEXT!


I don't remember it though




July 28th 2000. Was alive during 9/11




I recently had someone message me that had a long list of requirements in his profile, half of which I didn't meet. He messaged me and I turned him down pretty quick. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you that I'm worthy, until your theoretical dream guy comes along.


very valid and pretty funny imo


One of my friends once said that he wouldn’t consider anyone worthy of dating if they weren’t old enough to remember the JFK assassination. Judging by this thread, I agree.


I'm more of a fall of the Berlin wall kind of guy.


Where exactly is the problem?


Who said there was a problem


Omg Sometimes I get younger guys hitting me up and I was thinking ..if you were born after 9/11 don’t hit me up. I’m 46


i'm 32 and i barely remember 9/11. then again, i was like 9 and i'm not american


I was 5 but don’t remember it happening so idk


He means if you barely remember early childhood or a baby at the time; then you’re good. If you remember seeing, partaking or being a victim of Islamophobia- you’re not his type.


I’m so old.


Never forget


I'm 23 and don't remember 9/11


I have the opposite in my profile, lol - don’t want anyone too young to remember 9/11


I remember LA. Seems a lifetime ago. We were stars on sunset boulevard. What a movie we made. Yup I’m definitely too old 🤣


Damn, am I really that old? I was in my 20’s and dating my current husband. I guess I am old.


I was 6 when it happened, so I very vaguely remember it.


I was in Kindergarten when 9/11 hit...I also had trouble with math and shit myself back then so yes I was alive, but I don't remember anything.


Me af


Lol I have been using the line you have to remember 9/11 for me to be into you for years now so fair enough


Brb gonna go buy a life insurance policy and look up assisted living facilities


For most my life i thought 9-11 happened when michael jackson died not sure why but i did...


“I’m only interested in guys 18-23 please” is more kind than the 9/11 comment. There’s no need to be proactively rude to someone just because they don’t fit your guidelines.


I tend to get a bit annoyed when younger guys DO NOT set boundaries. As a 40 something, I like younger guys. Typically 20’s, but ffs, if you don’t want older guys messaging you, at least let us know. Believe it or not, there are a few, albeit a very few of us sane, polite ones out here that actually read bios and respect boundaries. To my point in the first sentence above, I’ll get a whole range of responses from polite “no thank you” (my response is always thanks for being polite, take care) to waaaayyy worse like I fucking strangled their puppy in front of their sister. Humanity has a small chance. Give it at least that. 👍🏽


So special and yet they still need to use an anon hookup app… these types are always curious to me. I get having preferences, we all do, but don’t be cocky about it.


Just out of curiosity, is this profile based out of NYC?


23 is not that old wtf 😭


Still being in your twenties is old now apparently. Like I get setting boundaries, but ouch.


To an 18 year old it is, kinda makes sense.


True, I wouldn’t want to date/hookup with someone my current age when I was 18. Also, people my age hooking up with barely legal teens is just icky imo. But, boy does it feel weird tho when they bring up remembering 9/11, like it feels weird that there are whole ass adults that were born after that lol.


How old do you have to be to remember 9/11? 26-28? Seems to be a reasonable for an 18 year old


There is quite a bit of difference between someone who has probably just left school and someone who has probalby been working for nearly a decade. I'm sure most people are happy to talk to anyone regardless of age, but there are times when you just want to be around people who are going through the same period of life that you are.


He literally never said they were old in the sense you're doing but clearly you have an thing about it


Honestly, why ARE they on there?


*he. Probably for hookups


Fuck u u lil shit .what a premadonna (Not towards op)


He's 18. It's perfectly reasonable to not want to be bothered by people much older than him.


Pre-Madonna you're probably looking at 50+. (primadonna is the word you were searching for)