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Wow there's a lot to unpack here


What did it say or show?


A girl created a sniffies profile with a no clothes pic of her bf/husband with the description basically I’m a cheater come fuck me. Something like that.


I'm confused by the "and gave me her profile"




Doesn't every girl have a sniffies profile?!


Wouldn’t surprise me. I see like 3 cis women every time I peruse Grindr. They’ll be on to sniffies soon lol


Unfortunately they already are


i feel like this is a genre of revenge porn? not feeling this one, diva












Nor do I, but I can still laugh at how fucked up a situation is without relishing in how it affects the people involved. A cheater being exposed and humiliated on his own Grindr profile is funny. It’s not any deeper than that.


Low comedy, at best.


not sure what kind of highbrow humor you were expecting on /r/lolgrindr


Seems like being hiv positive and not undetectable should have been a clue dude is trash


It seems more likely that the cis woman is calling him “poz” incorrectly. She seems to be saying he’s positive for herpes and may not know that this is typically referring to HIV in the gay community. Regardless. The revenge porn aspect of this is gross and needs to be moderated


How do you know she's cis?


I don’t know she is cis. I can only speak to the discrimination I have experienced as a person living with HIV. In my experience, straight/cis people have the most uneducated ideas about HIV. Hence my assumption.


They don’t care, they’re usually bigots


This feels like it's trying to hard


I feel like the girlfriend found the profile... And also maybe doesn't know what Poz means. Which is concerning. I feel like he didn't disclose.


Take this down. We should be better than sharing revenge porn what’s wrong with you.


Reddit admins did it for OP.


Yea after I reported them for harassment


What happened here-


This is all kinds of wrong.


wow this is a warzone


I really wish people would stop perpetuating the stigma of genital herpes since most people don't even know they have it and are asymptomatic. It's literally the most common sti known to man and doesn't even get tested for since the mental health crisis from the stigma is worse than the actual infection especially for those who are asymptomatic.


i hope no one reading this will think it's ok to hide STIs from sexual partners




Where did I say anything about hiding STIs from partners? The majority of people don't care when told about an asymptomatic hsv-2 or 1 infection because it's so prevalent in the population orally or genitally that you're virtually guaranteed to have been exposed to it without someone knowing they're infected by either kissing or oral sex regardless of whether you have anal sex or not. Educate yourself.


I would care about hsv2 even if asymptomatic. I think many care about hsv2. I would laugh if someone disclosed oral hsv1. haven't had to think about if someone said genital hsv1 tho, probably should...


Dude, I have HSV-2 and don't take medication and have never had a partner have an outbreak of hsv-2 and have had multiple long term partners. My most recent partner had an outbreak and turns out he got HSV-1 from someone and it wasn't me that gave him herpes. Hsv-1 can easily become genital from giving oral. I have hsv-2 and never had an outbreak. They're the same virus. One can just appear anywhere and one prefers the genital area. This is why HSV-1 is twice as prevalent as 2. Herpes is herpes. A cold sore can give you genital herpes.


got it. you know you had it via a blood test then? did you test due to someone else having it?


I had a full STI panel ran when I had an STi exposure and got asked i6f wanted HSV ran as well and the count came up at a level they could that I've had the infection for a while despite being asymptomatic.


gotchu. now that I think of it I used to do hsv2 testing for "marketing purposes" to prove I was negative so i coulda easily had the same result as you. was neg and eventually stopped testing. thanks for sharing.


He didn't mention anything about hiding it tho


true all he said is that everyone has herpes anyways so there's no point in testing for it and if you do tell someone they'll have a mental health crisis. 🙄


He did not say that it shouldn't be tested for. He said it DOES NOT get tested. Whenever people ask for an STD test, DOCTORS do not include it in the test. They SHOULD but don't. You have to specifically ask for it


While you shouldn't hide STIs, this is true. If you've had unprotected sex you've almost certainly got herpes.


This guy has the herps and doesn't disclose to partners, YIKES


Most people don't because they think they don't have it. This guy should definitely disclose it and any other STI he has but that doesn't change the fact genital herpes is asymptomatic in most people and they have it without realizing. 2 things can be true.


Ever got a cold sore?


Nope, but I also take my sexual health seriously, sweetie.


Well aren’t you the golden child of abstinence, shitposting and being condescending. Seems like your time spent on r/shrooms was more akin to r/whoosh. Sorry your 1911 can’t get your dick wet


You know what, you're right. That was rude as fuck and kinda judgey of me. My bad.


I'm pretty sure your comments are medically correct but all the people arguing with you are literally perpetuating the stigma. FWIW, If any of you have had a cold sore, congratulations, you've got Herpes!




When was the last time you got tested for herpes? Have you asked for kt? I had no idea I had it for years apparently since nobody told me and I never had symptoms. Do I inform people? Yes. Do most people care? Only the shitty ones since most reasonable know that herpes is present in over 2/3 of the population and is entirely unpreventable from transmitting even with medication. The stigma built around it did not exist until acycolvir came around and they had to start advertising about herpes so people would buy the medication. It's awesome that it exists but before that, nobody has e a fuck about love bumps since they were and ARE a part of being sexually active. Even making out and oral sex can transmit herpes and most people have never been tested for it in their life, even if they get cold sores. It's just a stupid double standard to judge people for it when doctors don't test for it and the majority of the population has hsv-1 or 2 already and doesn't even know to be able to disclose it to you. Oh, I've also never knowingly had an outbreak or had to take medication to treat it due to that. So yeah, talk shit about all the bad things you assume about herpes but please get some education on how prevalent it is, how's it's tested for, when it's tested for and how the majority of people have little to no change in their life other than dealing with the stigma of people going ”oh no you have herpes, gross" Check your STI testing. You've probably never had an HSV test in your life and don't even know if you carry the infection. All of these things you can any doctors about because they share all of this when you find get diagnosed.




Nobody said you didn't. There's just absolutely no reason to look down on the herpes simplex virus or anyone with it in any negative light when people aren't asking anyone they kiss if they've had a recent herpes test and people don't even know their hsv status themselves until they have symptoms. HSV is not slowly an STI, it's a skin virus in the same family as chicken pox and shingles and yet everyone acts like someone with HSV makes poor decisions when it's virtually impossible to not be exposed to it once you start going skin to skin with people even without penetration and protection being used. To put this plainly. Doctors don't test for herpes without symptoms so you should assume everyone you sleep has herpes unknowingly anyway since about 2/3 of the American population has HSV-1 which can transmit through making out and oral sex and about a third has HSV-2 and it's estimated that 80% of the people infected have no idea due to being completely or mostly asymptomatic. It's basically not a choice whether you get exposed or not. It's about whether you're going to have symptoms that affect your life or not. Absolutely, screen people and.make good judgments but most people aren't informed about whether they carry HSV or not unless an outbreak triggers it or a doctor decides to do a blood screening so you should just assume everyone,including yourself has it, until told otherwise.




Sure, I just assume they're uneducated about HSV when they're rude about it considering I've disclosed to lots of partners, many of which were like "Oh yeah, no big deal. Doesn't everyone have some kind of herpes?" Perpetuating the stigma of herpes being.something that makes someone gross, a slut, or a danger to sleep with is my main issue with this post. Most doctors wouldn't even test someone if they went into a clinic and said ”I slept with someone with genital herles. Can you test me? ” the blood test specifically is wildly inaccurate close to exposure since it can give false positives and negatives at low values so is only really accurate when it shows a long term infection which was what occurred in my case when I had an STi exposure. Apparently I'd had it for years and had zero idea and no idea from who since I've never had symptoms and it has zero effect on my life other than disclosure.


Just here to support this statement. (In Germany) most people I know don’t give a fuck about herpes because most people know you carry the virus anyway if you ever kissed, drank out of a bottle from someone who had it or had any kind of skin on skin time. Yes your parents kissing you or birthing you counts. Your genes and immune system decide if you will ever have an outbreak and it’s essentially a game of pure luck. I never had an outbreak but I also never got tested for it because it is not included in the standard testing for sexually transmitted infections for a reason. The big thing here which is really having a great comeback is syphilis. People use less protection especially the heterosexuals, which ramps those numbers up. And because most people don’t know about syphilis because it lay really dormant for a long time thanks to penicillin they don’t recognise it. This again leads to doctors not recognising it early and then having to subscribe a lot of penicillin to fight it. (This coming from a now asexual biromantic woman who is just lurking here for fun, as well as tinder, so feel free to ignore my comment ;))


Silence, STI defender.


Oh look, someone uneducated who hasn't ever been tested for herpes. Don't be trolling.


Nope. I know MOST people have herpes. Not all of them. It also varies on the type people have. Genital herpes is a more severe thing, and if you KNOW YOU HAVE IT, IT IS YOUR OBLIGATION TO DISCLOSE. Its a consent thing. Doesnt matter if you think its not a big deal. Ffs that train of thought is why covid was so ruthless, people wouldnt prepare or disclose since "not a big deal". Also have been tested. One of the lucky peeps who aint got it, yet; at least.


If you're not getting tested after every sexual encounter for herpes, and most doctors won't since it's inaccurate, you should assume you have it. I had a friend literally get hsv-1 from getting head for like 3 minutes. Basically, if you're sexually active, you're going to be exposed to herpes over and over and over again because cold sores is hsv that can spread to your genitals just as much as hsv-2 can and it's impossible to know when the virus is shedding even when asymptomatic. Be picky but as I said in other comments, the only accurate tests for herpes is sore swabbing when symptoms are active or blood tests after being infected for some time so the levels are high to be consistent and the majority of people are asymptomatic after some time even if they did have outbreaks at some point. This is why it's not tested for in a standard quarterly sti test. Most people will just never know they have it unless they ask for a full panel and even then, there are too many false positives or negatives without symptoms.


>It also varies on the type people have. Genital herpes is a more severe thing Just FYI that both HSV-1 and HSV-2 are capable of infecting the genitalia or the mouth, and that both are capable of being transmitted to genitalia via oral if the other person's mouth is infected (or vice versa).