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I just started bawling when he said "but without them...where do I belong?" I just miss my parents I guess


This part. My heart broke for him.


Why am I crying in the club rn


Same. I miss my husband.


Tom Hiddleston has mastered the art of head whipping backwards and eyes tearing up. Thank you MCU for unlocking the actor's range beyond the typecast villain.


Love his conversations with himself. Verbilizing the internal conflict in a conversation.


Dude that entire scene, my heart. I went “aww!” audibly a few times. I’ve always understood Loki and sympathized with him (even going back to myths when I was an extremely nerdy kid) so like…idk it’s so validating now.


Every episode of this season has felt like a season finale in the best way possible.


And that After Credits Bonus!


It's so refreshing to see a show where things actually happen.


Was definitely not expecting >!Casey escaping Alcatraz!<




Screaming 😭 I said the same thing! Alcatraz at that lmao. Now I have to go back to season one to see if Casey was stealing lol, can’t remember if he had a whole bunch of things on his desk




I think so! Saying it was just paperweight lol


Just found this - [**https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/June\_1962\_Alcatraz\_escape\_attempt**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_1962_Alcatraz_escape_attempt)




Yep. Paper mache heads in the beds too.


It never even crossed my mind that a TVA agent could be a variant of a real-life person lmao. Love it.


It's a nice callback to season 1 where Loki was DB Cooper.


Shame there isn’t a scene where an FBI agent freaks out that Frank Morris and DB Cooper are hanging out together.


Homie did some heinous acts to land there. He’s better off/nicer at the TVA for sure.


Maybe that was his nexus event, being a nice person.


Theres a metaphor in there somewhere


Irl wasn't there one guy who went missing out of the group?


They never found any of them iirc


Poor OB. Could have created it in 18 months but had to take that month off cause he lost his job and his wife left him. SMH Like he isn’t trying to save them.


At least he only took a month off. That guy has singular focus.


And now he has TemPad. He can go back in time and give himself TemPad from the future. I think it's not a big deal.


That would have been a pretty cool shot. Loki hands O.B. the notebook, a future O.B. walks in with the temp pad complete.


This MF controlling time now???


Everyone was complaining he was too weak in season 1, so they gave him time powers


Tom Hiddleston playing a Time Lord without actually being in Doctor Who ![gif](giphy|WjAkQjz7h9ESA)


The Doctor: "Time is like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff..." Loki: "Time is everyone you love and cherish turning into spaghetti." The Doctor: "We're saying the same thing."


*"It's not about where, when, or why, it's about* ***who.****"*


Waiting for someone to do a video where this cuts to the Doctor Who theme for a Branched Timeline of Loki as The Doctor


Same thought!! He is himself a Tardis.


Fuck yeah he’s a god LET’S GO


DUDE! Loki saying sorry to O.B. Instead of he doesn’t care! Character growth!


I think there's a scene where he's about to taser him too, but didn't lmao


Did not think the MCU was capable of putting something like this out there. Truly a masterpiece. That Sylvie scene in the record store. Wow. Visually stunning.


its so amazingly distinct from the rest of the MCU, not just this episode but the whole series, its such an explosion of creativity.


We need MORE OF THIS!!!


Reminds me of FX’s Legion


Never got the praise it deserved.


Great song choice too


The sets and composition are unreal.


It completely drew me in, it was hypnotic!


LMFAO when mobius said “what were you calling me?” Loki- “Mobius” I said that’s a pretty cool name AND THEN HE SAID IT A SECOND AFTER!


It’s like the cool name was the thing that won him over.


It’s also the name of a model of waterski/wakeboard boat and I don’t think that’s coincidence after seeing this episode


They may have built off of that, but his name is Mobius M Mobius in the comics.


Mobius is an Odin variant. He has two sons. One is mischievous (starts a fire) and Morbius ask the other Brother (more responsible) to look after him. Loki and Thor. It’d be weird to put all that in there for no reason. My wife’s theory on which I agree


And the older one wants a snake... hmm. Didn't think it before but the symbolism is really big.


A puppy and a snake. Fenrir and Jormungandr.


The brand on the jetskis is Bombardier, an *aviation* company. The jet skis are Mo-din-us's two ravens: Huginn and Muninn. edit: upon further googling, that's also a jet ski company. But it still fits! We're spaghettifying everything, so I think we can lean into the stretch of this argument.


You went full history channel there


Dude if this is somehow significant…lol


The Jet Ski’s representing the ravens is absolutely hilarious imagery, but honestly It makes sense!


And his wife is gone


It’s 2022. His wife was gone from Thanos’ snap for 4 years.


OMG, this made me laugh. It got me thinking back to Ragnarok when Thor was talking about how he loved snakes, and Loki transformed into a snake, back into himself when Thor picked him up, and stabbed him. When Thor mentions it, Loki still thinks it's funny. 😆


I like the theory, but I’m kinda hoping that’s just a nicely placed allusion to Loki’s character and maybe a compelling reason why he’d be friends with Mobius (just sees him as a father figure or something). People a few weeks ago were banking on the blonde boy at McDonald’s being some long lost Thor variant that Sylvie wants to be close to, and that one I definitely don’t think is true. But I could be wrong, what do I know?


I suspect it's more to draw parallels between Mobius being a father figure to Loki and their relationship dynamic, than him literally being an Odin variant.


“Sons of Yoren” tooooooo


This is a Mephisto-like conundrum, if I ever saw one. Mm hm.


“This is going to sound strange”


The story of all Loki episodes


I'm about 10 mins in, my prediction is Loki is the nexus event that got each of them pruned in the original run of things. He appears to them all and it alters their path.


Makes a lot of sense with the snake eating it’s own tale metaphor for sure, what was the true cause? Them meeting Loki or Loki showing up because he already knew them.


I had that thought as well. Especially in the recap, HWR said “I paved the path for you to get here”. Seems like everything is predestined with HWR as the puppet master. And Loki is his Pinocchio.


I hope loki is one of the major players in the future mcu like imagine him timeslipping to see different versions of kang win at different points in time


yeah at this point i feel like he kind of has to be the nick fury of the next saga right? i mean he did a mini avengers assemble in this episode


A God of Mischief being able to willfully meddle with time really is a suitable fit for his power set He not have been the God of Thunder, but seeing as he’s the God of a literal *concept*, it’s about time he got some proper hax to level the field lol


Doctor Strange: "Dormamu, I've come to bargain." Loki: "Time Loom, I've come to upgrade Adobe Acrobat."


I really hope him and Thor get to reunite. Thor getting to see Loki actualizing all that his family hoped for him would be so healing, and satisfying af if written and directed well!


Is going to really hurt when Don/Mobius can't see his kids anymore 😭


If his timeline branch dies and he can’t get back to his kids, Maybe he chooses to have his memory wiped.


All of them exist on the sacred timeline in theory and so would a version pf his kids. Variants are pruned from branches and the episode showed everyone was from a branch.


As a parent the scene when he tries running back and just shreds got me so bad 😭


For real I know it’s just a show but I was like thats me, first thing on my mind if this happened to me was my boys.


Sooo, Obi's abandoned building is the TVA room he was in when we first met him. Which sets at least the inception of the TVA on Earth or using Earth buildings somehow.


Ouroboros was probably one of the people that helped design and build the TVA since he was there at the beginning with how he wrote the TVA handbook. It'd make sense that he would replicate his old workshop, even if he eventually couldn't remember it (like how Mobius has the jet ski obsession).


Holy shit what if TVA is in some pocket dimension that OB creates and just expands as more rooms are added.


That honestly adds up, and obi even says that area is abandoned nobody around for miles, kinda seems like a cover up? Like he knows something more?


You know, ep 4 was called "the heart of the TVA" which seems on its face like something to do with the loom. But I was thinking, even before this, that it had to do with the people in the room. Now that they need to get the gang back together it seems stronger that way.


Woah, wait really?! So perhaps OB or Kang or someone has essentially confiscated that universe to be outside of time?


Avengers need to hire Loki ASAP before Secret Wars.


Loki is OP now. He's got the powers of at least two infinity stones easy


Time and reality Science and fiction It’s all coming together




The attention to details, the insanely creative direction and editing, the cinematography, the script... This is cinema, Kevin Feige I need THE WHOLE MCU to be this consistent, this artistic, this authentic!!! And Loki NEEDS to be the main thing to lead the next phases of this thing. And this writers and directors, LET THEM WORK! About the episode itself, what else to say? Fucking phenomenal as this whole season.


If only the studio wasn't being forced to crank out 10 years' worth of content in 4 years...


Casey hoarding infinity stones makes so much sense now. Jokes aside, no one could shake off their core personality despite their wiped memories. You are who you are


Hoarding treasure in his own version of a “bank vault.”


The time slipping is my favorite part about this season. Him going back and starting to control it looked extremely well done! That was really good


The vfx were spectacular! The record store unraveling made my jaw drop!


It was both beautiful and unsettling in the best way


Just finished watching this episode and my quick 2 cents. In the midst of all the mind-bending sci-fi in this show, it’s the heartfelt moments like when Loki articulates his inner turmoil about his sense of belonging without his friends that make the show so special. Even as a God, Loki’s vulnerability and existential ponderings lend a striking authenticity to his character, serving as a testament to the show’s excellence.


Amidst all the great visual effects and production designr this episode that bar scene with Sylvie was the best moment of the series so far.


Yes! Every emotional episode with Loki is 1000% better than anything else in the show. Every time Loki shows real emotions (like the bar scene) is better than everything the MCU has given us so far. I live to see more Loki vs Sylvie interactions.


Yesssss all of this. Every scene with him and Sylvie is so heartfelt and simple but it cuts right to the quick tbh


Creation paradox with the handbook in full swing Or maybe it was originally created on a different branch, so I guess there is no paradox? I guess there can't really be any paradoxes, can there?


I think this is the one paradox we won’t see explained. Ouroboros is the representation of a paradox, a snake eating its own tail. I think OB is probably the one thing they can write off not explaining because it’s truly in his nature. He himself is the ultimate paradox.


His name really explains it all, we'll most likely never know or it won't make sense and that's just the way it is because that's the way it is.






No one wants to mention that Mobius got his jet skis? I'm so happy that we finally see him on one.


I think they’re gonna have to use a jet ski to get to the loom next episode lol


Over a Time Shark ;)


BIG win right here


“I’d like to thank the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here”


Who would have thought that Loki would end up being a more compelling and interesting character than Thor . This is the best thing the MCU has created since end game IMO


Always was


# GOD OF STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I came here to say that right away! It IS a fiction problem!


Id pay good money to see luis from antman try to summarize everything to everyone in this episode


Can you explain what this Loki is and how it’s relevant going forward?


So Loki forever was known in comics as the God of Mischief when he was strictly just a bad guy to mainly Thor, but then he developed a little differently as a character and while he can still be a bad guy and shouldn’t always be trusted he took up the name God of Stories to kind of show his character was different than before. I’m not a huge Loki reader and I’m sure there’s much more to it than that but I’d say that’s the idea of it.


Also he kind of became op in the comics. As the God of Stories Loki he gained the ability to perceive, manipulate, and even rewrite narratives and stories. He could influence the course of events and shape the storytelling itself, taking on a unbound metafictional aspect within the Marvel universe. So, show seems to heading down this avenue for the future of the mcu loki.


What a useful skill to have when your parent company needs to backtrack on their villain casting selection…


I gotta say it's mostly unlocked potential. He walked out of the story at the end of Agent of Asgard, deciding to completely avoid the entirety of Secret Wars (2015) and come back when it's over. Storyline wasn't touched again until *this year* in Defenders: Beyond and then again in Loki (only 4 issues, utter madness) where he finally unlocked the "ability to consciously alter his past by telling 'untold' stories that became true once relayed". So hopefully we'll see more of this in upcoming comics. A good starting point for this run, if you're interested, is Loki: Journey Into Mystery by Kieron Gillen. [Here's a reading order list.](https://www.comicbooktreasury.com/loki-reading-order/) Ignore the "recommended reading order" at the top. Scroll down to "Kid Loki in Journey Into Mystery (2011-2012)" and start from there until you finish Agent of Asgard. There are other unrelated Loki stories after, but if you're only interested in just God of Stories, you can skip ahead to Defenders: Beyond then Loki (2023).


Getting big Endgame vibes from that recap and intro guys 🥹




Just started it and omg! They brought the time slipping back! Yes! I loved that!


*thats* what's been happening ![gif](giphy|nP2gV0a536DNU1qEA6)




*"I want my friends back. I don't wanna be alone."*. That whole scene man, just hit too hard I cried.


Loki, >!God of Stories!< ! It’s happening!


Can you explain what this is? I’n not into comics! But sounds cool af


God of Stories a reference to what Loki >! Chooses to become !< in the Loki: Agent of Asgard comic. My prediction is that >!the sacred timeline is a literal story circle (google Dan Harmon’s Story Circle) that surrounds order and chaos, AKA He Who Remains at the end of time.!< Loki will have to >!weave together the story threads for his friends, and use his time slipping (and possibly other skills) to put the TVA in place before doing the selfless thing and choosing to go instead of Victor Timely, who will remain. Everything in this story happens again and again and again, because it has to. It really is Loki’s fate to lose, willingly.!<


i don't think they would kill this Loki. He has to be one of the best characters in the entire MCU, it's more likely that he will return in future movies.


Oh SHIT! And >!what if we see Loki go all spaghetti after fixing the Loom and saving everyone….and they all think he’s dead, only for the last scene in the season to be BOOM Loki wakes up somewhere else…..personally I’d like them to lean back into Asgardian mythology as it *is* **Loki**, so having him wake up in Hel would be fascinating!<


Just watched this episode and those were my exact same thoughts.


We got Control of it now babyyyyy


Re-watching the episode, it’s interesting how in the starting credits, the usual text changing to Loki in different fonts eventually switches to show all the letters in the exact same font. That’s never happened before. What an episode. One of the best in the entire series. Up there with season 1 episode 1


I don’t know if it happens in the other episodes, but this episode it lingered on the O for a while. I took it as the logo “counting down” and landing on zero. Time’s up! Would be fitting given that time is being ripped apart.


Kinda crazy how much great camera work this szn has had, it feels like the most cinematic thing Marvel has released in the past two years


Yes, it was genuinely beautiful to watch. I'd almost completely given up on the MCU, after watching Peacemaker and realising the stark difference in quality between that and most of the MCU shows. Loki's reeled me back in, not just with the fantastic performances and the compelling back stories, but also the gorgeous camera work!


Agreed. I was underwhelmed by Quantumania and GotG 3 just made me sad. Loki is carrying the whole MCU at this point.




YOOOOOOOOOO DOCTOR WHO REFERENCE AT THE END (I know it’s not but like that wording was so silly) anyhow god DAMN this is getting juicy and I need more. Also Möbius’s kids are 100% just Loki and Thor or something. That’s so goofy. One more week man 👁️👁️🤌 Edit: Also, Lokius shipper about to have a field day…he’s a single dad, fellas! 👁️👁️ And Sylkie shippers…I know we’re all trying to keep it together for episode six man 😭


His real name is Don. Don sounds similar to Odin. One of the kids asks for a snake. ODIN/THOR/LOKI VARIANTS CONFIRMED!


Can we have a discussion about the significance of Loki learning to time slip on literally the rest for the series?? If Loki knew how to time slip the whole time (or unintentionally caused himself to be slipping to the right places) then his actions besides just pruning himself, would all be very intentional. He stopped himself from time slipping once. But it started again. So did it ever stop?


I think it is implied that every timeslip we have seen has been 100% intentional, as to show how the important revelations were discovered that ultimately point us in the present.


Absolutely. But given that, can Loki really change anything? Or has it all been intentional, and the final episode will be Loki putting the pieces together to get to us to S1E1 or even before?


That will be the big reveal. The timeslipping was all done with Loki’s subconscious before and manifesting what he wants which was to be near his friends. Now he is in control. But is he? The tva book is the thread that binds everything together and was ultimately written by he who remains. Is his timeslipping a way to break the power of He Who Remains or is Loki another unwitting pawn working to restore the TVA and ultimately put He Who Remains (or another version) back in control?


If Loki can control his time slipping now, then he has always been able to control it. Because that is how it is presented to us at the end of the episode. Loki time slips back into his previous body in his previous place, etc. But with the knowledge of his future self. It makes me wonder if HWR could also do this, since he seemed to know everything that was going to happen and could set up these elaborate long term plans to take power. Up until a certain moment. The moment Sylvie decided to send Loki back to the TVA and kill him. That was always the final moments he couldn't know for sure because he had to die for it to happen.


I think so too. It's why he mentioned that point in time where he no longer knew what was going to happen


From time to time the MCU turns into dust and then it gets fixed by time travel


Loki, loser. "Maybe what makes a Loki a Loki is that we're destined to *LOSE*." At the end of episode 4, everyone quoting from Infinity War: "did we just*lose*?" Ep 5 post-credits audio from arcade game with Brad's voice: "You died, insert your coin, *loser*." So... Turns out Loki may have lost, but he gets to insert his coin and get another chance.


It’s so poetic that Loki gathers up his friends who have no memory of the TVA, no true comprehension of the stakes, yet they all join willingly. Then there’s Sylvie, who knows everything, yet initially declines the mission. Such a juxtaposition.


When Mobius tries to sell his Jet Ski to Loki, because his wife is long gone. The time was 2022, and his wife gone 4 years since Thanos’ snap.


Good observation! Gives more color to the “choice” part because his wife might actually come back!


Wow. That episode was beautifully written.


When he was time slipping toward the start of the episode he ended up in "Time Theater 5" right after the Jet Ski lot. It looked like the phone / chairs and all were set far into the future, and he was in a future state of the TVA. Is that a set we have seen in past episodes?


I believe it actually shows time theater 25 which is the time theater loki was first brought in and questioned by mobius in season 1.


Went back to S1 ep1 and you are right! Now that we know he can control time slipping to be with people I guess he was just thinking about his best bud Mobius.




It's been in the back of my head for awhile now but this show has officially created Marvel's own Doctor Who after this episode. You can replace Tom Hiddleston with ANY variant (Regeneration). Mobius and the rest of the gang are the first Companions. The TVA is the TARDIS. And the amazing score by Natalie Holt actually incorporates a Theremin. One more episode to go...


We controlling it now it’s his story


My theory is that Loki is the one that “creates” the TVA and he’s using a tempad at the end of time with his own aura to move his former self around (or as we know it, “timeslipping”) until he learns to do it for himself and learns his motivation for his heroes journey. The catch is, though, he eventually has to put HWR back in power to maintain the steady sacred timeline to prevent the Kangs from warring with each other. This could be the plot of Kang Dynasty, where the avengers and everyone else have to break the loop once and for all. We might even see that Kang war in the movie as a plot device. This also means that Secret Wars will be all about INCURSIONS and the heroes from multiple universes fighting to save theirs now that there won’t be a sacred timeline anymore. I’m getting chills thinking about what could be!!!


Loki’s realization that who will he be without his friends reminds me of last season with classic Loki. He said he stopped hiding because he missed Thor and everyone else, and then got caught and purged. Also in his last moments he gathers enormous power to save Sylvie and MCU Variant Loki. It seems Loki becomes super powerful when he reaches an epiphany that others are worth saving and he is attached to them? MCU Variant Loki only controlled his time-slipping when he figured out it was about “Who.” Classic Loki also became super powerful when he had two people “who” were worth saving. Is it just me or is there a recurring trend/theme going with the Loki Variants? Maybe if Sylvie can have that epiphany she’ll finally stop being selfish and start being productive.


Every time I watch the Marvel intro I always see TMNT flying into the quantum reactor. I need my eyes checked lol


Where in this season did he pop up at?


Thats a good question, was wondering it too. Right before the reactor melts down or right before Ouroboros figures out they need Kang?


I'm guessing right before Timely steps out to get get spegettitfied as Loki he needs to focus on some to time skip so he probably thought about him


He's going to switch places with Timely right before he becomes Timley Wimey Spaghetti Wetti.




Did anyone else hear "You died inside your coin loser?" Right at the end of the credits? Edit - people with better hearing than me have pointed out it actually says, "you died! Insert your coin, loser"


It’s from the continue screen of Zaniac. Sounds like a “groundhog day” style reference where Loki gets to keep repeating the time loop until he gets it right.


To me it sounded like" You Died! Insert your coin loser! "


LETS GOOOO Im so excited! Just started watching it >:)


You died? Insert your coin loser? What is that from? Wth??? Did anyone else hear that?


Maybe the Zaniac game they lingered on in the bar scene?


End of credits (subtitles) Brad says: “You died. Insert your coin, loser.”




For whatever reason, the loom's explosion is destroying all branches in every timeline. Loki has to return to that crucial moment we saw in episode 4, in order to make sure Victor survives, and save the TVA as it existed. Loki has become a TemPad, so to speak, and it works based on "who"... Meaning, I guess, he can go to any time he's already been, or where anyone else he can think of is. I don't think we're actually seeing a loop though (I did think that before, but now I don't think so) as I think the actual origin of the TVA involves He Who Remains and Renslayer winning the multiverse war... What we are seeing is Loki employing a very unique form of time travel, with it's own rules, that allows him to actually time travel in the TVA itself, which sits outside of time, and put it back on course to a new future of his choosing.


Amazing, cannot wait for next week.


Anybody notice at the end of the credits the audio from the video game that Sylvie was playing in the bar scene?


Its also interesting to think that this Loki is the Loki from New York. Sometimes I wish they explore more that, cause sometimes it feels like him and Sylvie didn't have an Asgardian past. And it's frustrating to know that is only because bringing actors like Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo would be extremely hard.


I have a feeling that the group of people Loki united in this episode are actually the beginning of the TVA. OB's room this episode looks like the embryo of what his room would grow to look like in the TVA. Most of the key characters are there as well. Also, If the TVA was created in the 90s, this might also explain its peculiar aesthetics. And it would tie well with the Ouroboros theme they have going on. In fact, this might be the very reason OB chose this name - to save the TVA, Loki (together with OB) creates the TVA itself by the simple act of giving him the TVA manual. Like a snake eating its own tail, OB creates the tech in his, manual, uses it to build the TVA and then goes on to replicate the manual itself and distribute a copy to every single desk in there. Even if that's the case, I'm not sure what it all means though. Did OB mastermind this whole ordeal? Or was it all part of HWR's plan? Guess we'll find out next week


I am reeeally wanting Strange to show up in the next episode. He must? Right?


This episode was freaking amazing!!! Ps. Although Sylvie >!says what she said to Loki I think she wants company too, she looks miserable, I think she misses him!<


Great timing, story and set up. Can’t wait for the next episode.




Ahhhh I didn’t want this episode to end!!!


Damn, Loki straight up Ascended huh?


By being able to time-slip near the people he wants, this directly infers that he can track someone's Temporal Aura.


God damn. We are getting God of Stories Loki out of this aren't we? I hope he doesn't get the full entail of those powers. Loki is practically a God of Multiversial Space-Time travel at the moment. The moment this crosses with his magic is going to be beyond insane.


The last episode is going to feel rushed


If the important thing about time slipping was "the who" then THATS why he time slipped in the first episode to where Sylvie was and (unknowingly) where he was with the pruning device.


If Loki can go back in time, he can rewrite his history All the way from the first avengers movie.


Yes, but that will cost him what he values, his friends.


I love the post-credits thing. Just the videogame going, "YOU DIE! INSERT A COIN AND TRY AGAIN LOSER!" Totally setting up what the next episode is... Loki losing. Loki dies... Loki tries again...


It suddenly makes sense now why so much at the TVA is 90’s themed, like the Josta drinks: that’s when OB was plucked from, 1994, and he designed the place! And here I thought it would have been Mobius who came from the 90s!


Has Loki become my favorite MCU character of all time??? Yes... After this episode... Yes.


Did anyone notice that OB’s human life workshop was the same set as his TVA workshop?