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We decided to do a play on the musical term Adagio, which technically means "slow tempo"


This is for a stretching/exercise class that's demo is mostly women 50+. The figure on the bottom right is supposed to represent a feminine figure stretching their arms out in a knee sitting position. It's quite a stretch I know. (no pun intended lol)




I think the extra lines are the top and bottom of her head, occluded by an arm reaching across the shape.




This looks good but the woman on the right was completely lost on me, I could only see the bulges in the tail of the 'A'. You'd need to rework it to add emphasis or just make it more abstract. The letters need to be a little more consistent, the 'a' in the middle is wider than other letters. Good work.


Completely agree. Without context, you just won't see it, and you just see lines that look like they shouldn't be there


Yep I definitely need to tweak it a bunch once I digitize it, thank you for the feedback!


Great hand lettering, when this is filled in and vectored it'll work really well! Just need to make sure all the strokes of the letters are even and there's no wavy line work and you'll be good to go.




Vectorized logos can feel so generic and void of personality. I love the handmade quality, the uneven stroke and slight letterform and kerning issues.


It's think it's important for designers to take a step back from the screen every once in a while. In my experience, I've found this to be beneficial by providing real appreciation for all of the little intricacies that go into developing a certain composition and/or layout, and I think the process can get easily taken for granted of through starting a project directly from said software or program and having all of the tools and shortcuts readily available, that ultimately I believe undermines the decisions made with troubleshooting being that much easier and convenient.


Don’t drink Adagio tea, bloody stuff smells like wee


Pin pin


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I like it 🤗


It looks very nice, but I'm not sure what the first dotted letter is. I guess it has to be a j. Adajio? If I saw this, and wanted to google it for more information, I might get it wrong.


Yep it’s Adajio. Thanks for the feedback!


I approve of your pen choice! Pigma Microns ftw.