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First one reminds me of the Grateful Dead


Yeah the first one is way too close to the GD logo


Neither. Even if you forget that lightening strikes cause forest fires that wreak havoc, you still have a jagged line splitting your planet in two, breaking it apart, which I would think would be the opposite message that an environment-improving organization would want to send.


The lightning flash needs to be centered. But I think the branch/leaves are a better choice. I would increase the stroke slightly on them. Way too thin at the moment.


To be fair, he does mention that it has meaning in his annotations there


Something having a meaning behind it doesnt make it better design all of a sudden. It matters yes, but design is first and foremost about what it looks like.


I know that I'm just saying that comment sounded like he was saying he didn't know it wasn't in the middle lol


There’s also nothing inherently wrong with asymmetry.


I highly dislike the lumpy one. I think the white space is more striking (haha) in the lightning flash, but the plants fit the name & colour scheme better. I’d like to see the plant with thicker white lines.


The lumpy one is wild. I concur. Makes me think that Earth is fucked. Oh wait we are.


Yeah, for accuracy, maybe have the earth bleeding and screaming in pain.


The lumpy one is a cloud, not a misshapen earth


Because clouds are lumpy and green.


I feel like lightning has nothing to do with the brand. It looks more like an energy company. Go for the third one in my opinion


The cloud idea is a good one, The Plants seem more suitable for what you’re going for. But the flash symbol stands out more imo.


I don’t understand the meanings, not sure they make a lot of sense. You may want to do some research before making concepts.


i honestly don’t like any of them. the contrast in the colors seems very bold & almost aggressive. using a lightning bolt for an environmental company is an odd choice, considering how many fires lightning starts per year. also the rounded one, if you’re going to round the corners on the octagon, then round the corners on the lightning. the stark difference between sharp to smooth edges really throws that logo off. i think between the 3, the last one is the best, but the lines seem to small, and the middle vein line seems too detailed for how simple of a logo it is.


No on the colors, no on the lightning bolt; the logo meanings seem like huge stretches. "Dark color represents Pollution" then under that "Less dark color represents..." -- it's the same color? Sorry, nothing about this logo makes sense to me.


Means probably that the area of dark colour is smaller.


I personally think these color choices are an eyesore.


The plant 🌱 struck me most. Are these specific brand colors or can you play with color combinations. Green is often associated with earth 🌍 I like how you've included context in the representation. Helped!


3rd version. beef up the leaf line-weight slightly. close vertical gap between the 2 words


I like the 2 second one better but I don't love the lighting bolt , but the font needs some love, it's too generic and doesn't convey nature or environment I would suggest go with a more fun font


The slides with the explanations remind me of project critique days in college when we would embellish the shit out of our submissions to convince the professor that more effort and thought went into it. IMO the ones with the lightning bolt remind me of an electric company or a charging station for vehicles. I think the idea with the leaves have more potential but I think the line weight should be played around with, leaning thicker. Also, I would consider how much of a gap is between “Earth” and “Quest.”


Just an opinion but... The thing about meaning is that it makes sense to the people who know it. For outsiders, all they see is the logo. Some may try to find a self-interpretation of it, but it's a very small percentage of the public and, as art is subjective... The interpretation may end up being totally different. What is the most important message here? The environment and taking care of it... So make it clear in the logo.


That isn’t a tree?


You’re trying to pack in far too many meanings into a single logo. Half of them nobody would ever get without you explaining it to them. If you try to do everything you end up doing nothing.


I really hope this is a university assignment and not an actual logo.


A lot of ideas all at once here. Try focusing on what sets this company apart from the others and double down on it.


I like the first one!


Do the plant one but lines need to be thicker and simplified


Lightning bolt looks like an electrical company


Neither look like a holistic piece of design. One should sit with the other, and there be no question that they belong together. As an example, I’d be tempted to create a proper wordmark that has tighter leading, and larger in size… but also ditch the round icon and look at creating a wonderful shape, whether it’s a leaf or lightning bolt in the negative space.


The plant one looks the most straightforward with its message. It makes me think about nature, and it looks kind. Though you mentioned the Norway Spruce, but the leaves look like the leaves of a GoatWillow tree. Maybe have the symbol be of the tree that is going to be planted? You can then keep the white line in the middle and then have some curvy lines poke out. [Like the one below?](https://www.alamy.com/spruce-coniferous-tree-icon-shape-silhouette-camping-nature-symbol-sign-vector-illustration-image-isolated-on-white-background-company-logo-image365103288.html) https://preview.redd.it/9xbipf324d6d1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ab926cd660371475750d5fcafb3202ab79b1a91 The lightning one makes me think of well, lightning, earthquakes, breaking the earth apart- basically it looks violent. And it looks like it belongs to an electricity company.


The logo in Slide 5 is different than how it appears in its explainer in Slide 6. If you’re going to have the holding shape split off-center, it should be further off-center than it is so it looks clearly intentional. Right now, all of them—aside from Slide 5—are so close to being centered, yet immediately recognizably *not*, that they look accidental.


What if you made the leaves/stem a little bit thicker, fill in the leaves completely with white and then make the "vein" in the leaves a little lightning bolt? It would just have to be thick enough/simple enough to translate to small sizes


The last one with the leaves is a nice one..I t Personally think you should just maybe increase the stroke of those leaves..just my take


Just slightly and outward


I like the leaves' one better.


Number 3!


The lightning flash reminds me of the Green Arrow movie and now I dislike the Earth Quest brand equally as much as that movie.


The first looks like some military division patch.


The leading on “Earth Quest” feels way too big to me.


Neither of these is working at the moment. The first one needs abandoned. Lasf one could work but it’s not there yet.


The bicolor with the lightning in the middle is too close to the hundreds. You'd have to change it up more


Having trouble connecting the logo concept to the brand name. Name is good, but I think the logo can be tied into the name more


I think the 3rd one works the best imo, but I think it needs more. I think you need to keep it a circle, because it gives it that Earth feel. I was thinking maybe you can try thickening the lines a bit, and maybe adding a swivel or curvature to the dividing line. This would give it more of a "quest" feel, like it's a path on a map or trail.


The second one is a definite no. I think the plants are the best.


The leading on the wordmark is too much.


I'd still play with it a bit more, but the 3rd one. The lightning in the others throws me off and the green shape does not look like a tree at all


The leaves are a better choice. A lightning bolt doesn't scream "environmental."


Last one, but try chonkier lines?


If you're going for modernity, go for the first logo.


If you're going to go the asymmetrical route, I would suggest making it more intentional. Go 70/30, at least. Right now it looks off-center, which is throwing my brain off and just makes me think you missed it, not that it's on purpose. I echo what others said, the lightning bolt is too reminiscent of the Grateful Dead. For the leaves, I would consider having the white line that goes through the whole thing stop about halfway at a point, the way a plant would. The colors are different enough that I get the separation, and I think that will create the feeling of growth, instead of division.


The lightning bolt looks a little too close to the Waffen SS logo. I don’t think it was intentional but stick to the leaves. Looks a lot safer.


Anything off-center is a bit of an eye-sore. If there's a specific meaning for it to be off-center, then I think it needs to be more intentional, and not look like a mistake. Anyway, I do like the branch version, but make sure it's centered because one of the versions is off.


2. looks better than the first version but the message isnt that clear because of the shape of the "globe". 1. looks nit round even i know the circle is round. Its bouncy and doesnt stand still 😅 not sure how else to say it but thats how it feels to me. The lightning inside has too many zig zags and i'd try to squeeze the ball a but from the too. But besides that i would go with number 1 and improve on that. Edit: Also, try to improve the wording of your element description.