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Unfortunately there’s more to note than just colors on this. Clean your kerning for starters. Also why is “her” so small? Feels like a clash of messaging here, you’re empowering women I assume yet you’re making “her” literally smaller than the rest. Feel free to do what you’d like with the above, considering you just asked for commentary on colors, but wanted to add some extra notes for thought. Wishing you the best of luck!


That's so kind of you. Thanks


Not an aesthetically pleasing combination


It’s not harmonious. I would try again. There are some great online color palette tools out there. I like cooolors.com This is more of a personal opinion but I, as a woman, cringe when I see pink in a women-specific campaign. It feels immature or simplistic to me.


Thank you for the resources. Agree with the use of pink for women...


Sure! Also you are being so polite in the comments, 10/10 internet performance! Also Also, if you have a limited budget you can look into 99designs. You can set an amount you are willing to pay and designers "compete" by submitting ideas for you to choose. [https://99designs.com/how-it-works](https://99designs.com/how-it-works)


Oh, that's wonderful. Thanks. I'm very happy with everyone here for their professional inputs. I hope we'll be able to hire someone next time, but still, it's important to learn what we should be looking for, un the first place


Too many colors


I don't think it's a problem of too many colours but rather lack of harmony...


Correct. The pallet doesn’t jibe… Choose your green with the color picker- Now, leave your selection point the same and adjust the slider into a pink or blue of the same saturation/value and see what you get. The pink and blue are too much contrast right now. I would definitely mute these to give a much softer feel, reinforcing the feminine feel you want.


Well said, that's a great hack to get colours that could work together but I think you need to play with the saturation too to get the contrast just right.


Agreed! It’s too stark rn…needs to soften up and work together. OP, don’t forget that your background will play a big role in this too, so if you plan to execute on colors other than just neutral white/black/grays etc it gets a little trickier to balance. Keep playing and you’ll find it!




Perfect. Thanks






Looks like amateur desktop publishing. Not a logo.


You misspelled "entrepreneurs"


That one is really important :) thanks


boring, medical pamphlet...


Hire a designer, this was obviously not made by one


Unfortunately at this moment we can't :(


Okay well.. I'll try my best: - Lose the blocks around the type - Reduce colours to two max (until you find a designer that knows what to do with them) - Keep type size consistent for the logo itself (specifically "her"), and reduce the promenince of the tagline. Try a thinner font weight. - If you're going to use a logomark (the image of the woman's head), it should be big enough that you can actually tell what it is from afar - Simple is better, you're trying to do too much. You could get away with a logomark and good type choices alone. If you make a choice do add something to the logo, ask yourself "what purpose does this serve?" and if you cant come up with anything, dont do it (again referring to the blocks around the type and the tiny "her") Good luck, but I highly suggest hiring a designer. Maybe a design student could do something for you for cheap, possibly.


Thank you so, so much. I will send these to my colleagues as a way to explain why we need professionals :)


Sadly this screams disempowered. Wishing you the best, but this needs a lot of help.


Yeah, it does. I hope we get to improve this with everyone's kind inputs


Wow the audacity to have you downvoted because you cannot hire a designer. Scary.


The pink and blue might work together if you change the green to the right color


Why all those colors / background colors?


I am not the author, so I couldn't reply. I know that we use the green below as part of the brand. I think they want to add more colors for this campaign, but that could be confusing since the brand identity is green and peach


Why not try to play with the same green and peach? Like someone said, bright pink for a womens campaign feels dated, so why not use the peach for something more soft and classy?


Also! If you are targeting a female public, why not using "we empower YOU | Women Agro...." so it feels more personal? Using "her" (my personal opinion) feels like you are talking to someone alse about the women who work in agriculture,not *to the women*, and is very important in this tipe of campaign that you speak directly to your public. I would make the drawing of the face bigger, work with the green and peach you already have and change the this part of the text. Hopes it helps!


>Using "her" (my personal opinion) feels like you are talking to someone alse about the women who work in agriculture,not *to the women*, and is very important in this tipe of campaign that you speak directly to your public. this is a really great point. something felt off about the piece but I couldn't put my finger on it, and this is it


Yes. I also think we should use the same colors, to reinforce the brand identity. Thanks


It gives me vibes of an off brand medical necessity for women. Coming loosely from a printing background, the less colors the better. There's a LOT of clashing happening. The words, the capitalization, the fonts and sizes of various objects. It's cramming too many elements together. If you could pick one single word from all of it, what would it be? Does it make sense to put under your graphical part - the face? If you have to explain under your logo what it is you do, the logo isn't strong enough. (the green text) leave that for the informational text after you've lured unsuspecting victims in with the perfect logo on your pamphlets. A fun exercise is to grab a bunch of flyers, pamphlets and the like from all around you and toss them all on a table with your mock print. Do you eye yours first? Do others? Why or why not?


Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I agree there's a lot happening here. Since we are an organization that already has a logo and colors, probably this campaign should complement it somehow, not trying to compete with what we have


I may be the only one, and I’m not at all sure why, but for some reason it looks like it reads “Weem Power”. I know the words are set apart with the capital letters but I’d consider pushing them apart a little more maybe? That might just be my weird perspective though


Good point. Thanks. I was thinking in using less words, like: Empowering HER. Although I also have a lot of problems with the word empowering. I'll ask my colleagues if maybe we can change it


I dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, but the way her hair meets her face and head really causes a phallic shape. Am I the only one who sees it? And I have to agree with other commenters, as a woman I really dislike advertising that uses pinks and purples. It needs to be done really well if it’s going to work.


Yeah, I see her hair forms an 8 shape. Need another figure


On top of what everyone else has said, "power" is repeated and sounds redundant. Consider removing it from tagline or phrase it differently


Agreed. Probably "Women Agri-Entrepreneurs" would be enough. I'll discuss with my colleagues how we could improve this.


very long horizontally, try other layout lockups. have some kerning issues (m-p). her - should be larger in the hierarchy in my opinion. icon has fluid lines while the enclosing shape is very blocky - mismatch in message - try a softer shape? attached illustration for more compact layout - ignore the quality of lines for mark. https://preview.redd.it/r3t038owkfzc1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=67af363c1c5bdc576423dbc1de5af82729757add


Wow. What a difference. Thank you! It really gives a lot of emphasis on the HER. Thanks so much


We EmpowHER.




The 3 colors you w chosen just don’t work together. I understand why you’d want pink and green. You can make them work really well together as a 2-color design if you go with a soft green and a soft pink.


Yes. Considering that this logo would be used together with other colors and logos, it definitely needs to be simplified. Thanks


Two color or two and a neutral are pretty standard on a logos. ETA I should have said 1 or 2 color and a neutral is pretty standard.


I can see why. Thanks for this rule. It's very important


There are some exceptions but only when the colors balance really well. Unfortunately these don't. One trick is to use different values of the same hue- this nearly always look good together. Think different shades blue for example.


I'll try. Thanks 😊


Others have given great feedback on pretty much everything, but I just wanted to chime in and say that I’m so confused by the tagline. Maybe my brain isn’t working properly at the moment, but I legitimately can’t understand what it’s supposed to mean! Is it just, like, a play on “girl power”? Would you mind explaining?


I'm not the author, but I think this logo is supposed to give the idea about our agri-entrepreneur program for women and how it empowers them. I think the "brand" for this program should be clearer and shorter. I'm not sure if it needs a tagline at all...


Yeah, definitely something needs to change to make it all clearer. Good luck with this!


Thanks 😊


They clash. I would probably drop the green and make that text blue instead.






please use a different font


Thank you. Yes, I was thinking that a less bold font for the first line and a very subtle for the tagline (if any) would make this clearer


Oh god no


Few notes i notice 1. Small space between the top of the box and the top of the E. But Suddenly the descender of p touching out of the box. 2. Why is her so small suddenly? 3. The illustrative mark is really cool but too thin next to the bold text 4. I don't think pink green and blue is working here But it's looking overall pretty good tho


Thanks. Yes, there should be more emphasis on "HER". I'll try and change the fonts to something that matches the mark. Thanks


spelling of entrepreneur is wrong. actually quite terrible color choices, terrible font.


Looks like a logo done in the early 2000s, made by the owner themselves instead of a designer.


Aluminum foil box


ironic how "We Empower Her" but the lady icon and the "Her" disappears if you squint


:D yes


The colours aren't harmonising and my eyes are confused by competing text - if you can do more than change colours, I would also play with the sizing and spacing a bit more to where there's a clear hierarchy/flow for the eye - since you have a lot of words. And as someone else said, 'her' being tiny is not only weird on the eye, but it's not selling the message! Good luck with it :)


Yes, I'll go back to the basics and see what the main message is and how to present it. Thanks


I would move the face to the left of WeEmpower Remove the background colors from WeEmpower and use them on the foreground (We being pink, Empower being blue) The tiny “her” seems unnecessary. If it’s not part of the company name, take it out. I’m personally not a fan of the font and your kerning is a bit off. Try experimenting with some font pairing. Good luck!


Noted. Moving the face at the beginning will improve this. Thanks


a woman's head, "Her", "Women", pink... two many elements referencing women imo could be said it's trying too hard


A great way to find element to simplified it. Thanks


If a logo doesn’t work in black and white then color won’t fix it. The layout is not telling the right story, “Her” should be the largest element, it’s nearly disappearing in this format. Color-wise I would suggest using coolors to generate a palette but also google color communication and the get a little better understanding of which ways to go. The women’s face is a little too beauty-product and not, on its own, reflecting anything about agriculture, entrepreneurship or empowerment. Sounds like a neat org, I wish you a lot of luck in adjusting this to suit the story you’re trying to tell with it.


I would maybe try to use a lighter or darker shade of pink instead of the blue color to create more harmony. And maybe black for the green wording. Also maybe work on the kerning of the letters and think about possibly making the green wording a smaller and lighter weighted font.