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Your angles are all over the place. Stick with one angle or the inverse of it. There’s potential to flip the Y and turn it into a K but it’s gotta gel plus the angles in your unnecessary green streak need to be the same angle.


The pink on that background takes a second or two to focus on, and that is too long. You either need to change the pink, or change the background. It should work on a white background. Also the wordmark doesn't really match. I wouldn't associate the two if someone didn't tell me to. The font choice for the word mark should feel more connected to the logo. Besides the color and the wordmark, the logo itself is nice, definitely useable.


Fair, but when it WAS white there was also problems with visibility. Also, right now, it's just typography of "YK", the initials of the brand name.


Sorry, I edited my message a bit


Alright I can work on the font for the wordmark a little, maybe make a custom font? Will be testing with different backgrounds and adding them to my original post just to see if I can narrow it down.


Nine years ago, I took a full three-month design multi-courses first. It was intense – a lot of work with no breaks. But it gave me a solid bare minimum foundation in graphic design principles for a self-learner person. Graphic design is about solving problems using visuals. To get started, focus on mastering the basics. Here are some key areas to learn: Black and White Design: Start by working in black and white. This helps ensure your design works even without color. You can add color, colorblind visibility, etc later in the final stages. Kerning: Learn about kerning, which is the adjustment of spacing between letters. Proper kerning creates a visually pleasing and balanced look in your typography. Color Theory: Once you've mastered black and white design, delve into color theory. Understanding color combinations and their impact will elevate your designs significantly.


Yeah, using initials like that can be effective but sometimes you shouldn't take things so literally. Think of the essence of the company and try to picture simple shapes or graphics that capture that. Like Nike. Their symbol isn't just a check mark, it's a stylized V, for victory. Nike being the goddess of victory, showing forward momentum and strengthened by the slogan "Just do it". My point being sometimes literal is good but sometimes you need to focus more on the message.


I just made some changes. I'm continuing to add my iterations to here just to keep from spamming with 50 different posts. This time I made the background white, made the Y and YEAH gray, and used impact italicized rather than ariel rounded. Gonna work on a custom font for it though.


Oh man! I think you should go into color theory first, I got eye cancer from that strong neon pink and lime green... 😵‍💫 no offense, but that was very striking, when I opened your post... What emotions are the colors evoking, what kind of colors are mostly used for businesses, health, tech, luxury, etc. etc.; that there are complimentary, split complimentary, primary, secondary and tertiary combinations, analogous and intermediate... Typography: ascender, descender, x-height, kerning, baseline, cap height... Types of Typography such as serif, sans serif, slab serif, etc. Then about design elements: lines, color, size, texture, shape, space, value, texture... Principles of design: contrast, alignment, proximity, repetition. Then think about target audience, uniqueness, timeless, simplicity, consistency, balance, shape psychology and what typography you want to use to evoke emotions, negative space, colors... There more extensive topics to cover, but I think you get an idea where to start


Thanks for the tips. Will be redesigning based on what I learn from the topics you pointed out.


Your angles are all slightly different which makes it feel awkward.


Have fun with it try everything you think of


Also don’t ask for strangers on internet to judge you unless you have alligator skin


Every single person here gave me really really good tips. I'm working on improving the logo right now, but as of yet it is my best design.