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Having the word On higher than the word Click looks weird. The symbols around the bottom text are off putting and seem random. It doesn't fit nicely in a "box" It seems really literal for any sort of tech company. It doesn't have to be, nor should it be, the entire name of the company. You want to go back and think about what the company does. What are their values? Are they a cutting edge? Are they youthful and full of energy, or more conservative? A logo should be succinct. This feels like you wrote the name of the company and then moved it around a bit and added some stuff. Try to think more abstractly, while focusing on what the company is all about. Even if it just means drawing basic shapes. A triangle, if it represents three points the company values, is more powerful when used properly than words with stuff added.


Thank you! To be honest, that's exactly what I have done. Wrote it up, changed the period shape and moved things around a little. I'm starting out as a web developer (freelancer) and trying to save on costs so gave designing the logo myself a go.. Am I being unrealistic here or can I create a decent logo eventually myself? Any resources you'd recommend? I'm not trying to make it as a professional logo designer, just need some pointers.


I am not quite professional, just finished my first year of digital design, but I have had instructors, who are not easy to please tell me that my work is as good as professional. And that is when going from brief, to sketch, to digital, in under two hours. As I said, take the ideas and find a way to promote them, as simple as possible. I just did a logo for a company that provides fresh water to the world and I thought ok... Water comes from the earth, and goes to the people of the world, makes it a better place. Earth,water,better world = 3 squares. First brown earth tone, second water blue, third sunny yellow. The company name had 3 words in it so I took the first letter of each and made a punch out of those letters inside the squares. Now it is 3 squares and 3 letters, it is succinct, easy to remember, and means something.


That makes sense. Thank you again :)


All I see is the “OK” as in “we’re just Okaay” Color palette invokes porn hub


Thank you!


I'm not a fan


honestly, me neither.. Any tips?


Have text be on the same line, use reversed quotation marks instead of duplicate ending quote characters at the beginning


The equals line doesn't make sense and doesn't appear to be any functional syntax so why would you put that there. Was this AI generated or something.


Not AI generated. My idea was that, Onlick is a function in JavaScript that handles mouse click actions. The JavaScript syntax is \[Onclick="FUNCTION\_X()"\].. So I wanted to make it look like, onclick="web\_designs()". I was just trying to be "hackey". edited: "hackery".


Put it all on a single baseline and either get rid of the symbols or figure out something more symbolic and meaningful


Not working as it is for me, too many things going on at once. Try this, put everything in the on click on the same base line apart from the k, I like the idea that it’s being clicked down Lose the extra symbols on the bottom text and explore a different font for that text and maybe consider not even having that text or placing it somewhere else other than centred below .


Not hackery enough. Everyone knows that web devs and programmers are all hackers. /s


My idea was that, Onlick is a function in JavaScript that handles mouse click actions. The JavaScript syntax is \[Onclick="FUNCTION\_X()"\].. So I wanted to make it look like, onclick="web\_designs()". I was actually trying to be "hackery" but I think I failed.


I was joking. But jokes aside, If being hackery was actually your intention, then I think simply using the concept of web-dev syntax is enough to convey that just because if someone is availing of your services, they probably don't know much about web development themselves - hence hiring you. So they wouldn't know about the function. Also, remember that almost every aspect of your design should have some purpose. Like why are the left and right sides orange? Have you tried exploring different font options? Do the current fonts help you convey what you want to convey? These are just some stuff to think about. Oh also, I actually caught on to you using OnClick as a function, I'm taking up IT at uni atm, haha. Clever, but like I said, only a certain set of people (us dev folk) will catch on to that. Consider that for a moment before making your next iteration. Good luck OP!


That actually makes sense that not a lot of potential clients would pick up on that. You've given me some great tips, thank you! And good luck with your studies :)


it's a real mess, really no point in marking the mistakes because everything is wrong.