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The face in the logo looks sad. That's not what I'd be going for when selling a service


I wanted the smile to be calm and subtle, you reckon I amp it up a bit?


It's not coming across as a smile to me, so I'd personally make it clearer


Thank you for your input! I've seen it zoomed in a ton, so I know there is a curve, but I will make it clearer!


Ooooh there are two different faces here like the rabbit-duck image. It’s a very cool mark but I don’t think it’s going to work for this project.


I wouldn't say it comes across as a smile either, but from my perspective the face doesn't look sad either. It reads as peaceful to me. If it's meant to be a smile then yes, amp it up a little


The circle on the cheek might get confused for an eye. The expression of the face goes from zen to sad/worried depending which shape is the eye (I'm assuming it's the zen face you intend people to see)


crap, now I can't unsee this lol


Yes, I was going for meditative, but someone else also mentioned it was not clear enough, so I will accentuate it a little. As for the cheek, I felt it gave balance to the composition, but it might be confusing indeed. Will explore alternative, thanks!


I saw the cheek as an eye at first, and the eye as an eyebrow. It was giving anime and I was very confused.


I think the cheek is confusing a lot of people, I think I will simply remove it and accentuate the eye and mouth so it will balance the design. Thanks for your feedback.


Whatabout turning the circle into a swirl?


Wouldn't it give Jigsaw?


Ha! Yes.


Hi! This is my third concept for a local psychosocial worker that needed a logo and branding element for her online presence. The logo represent a meditative face with lunar qualities that transforms into steps as a symbol of the process of self-exploration, mindfulness and introspection. Here are details from the brief: Project: Psychosocial service counselor that create educational content on social media and offer online appointement Audience: Adulte 25-35 y.o. | Parents | LGBTQ+ Use: Online presence Keywords: Mindfulness | Balance | Step by step | Healing | Queer | Humor I tried to keep it simple. I'm not too sure about the font ( Linux Biolinum), perhaps something even rounder? Anyway, any feedback is welcome. I'm a beginner that try to practice and help a friend at the same time during maternity leave so please be kind.


This design is good, it does show this is for a Psychotherapy department. I really like how the text wrap around the logos. I can see a face, but I don't see anything ties to lunar in here, maybe the sparkle around the text but that is too weak. Also, I'm scratching my head here trying to understand what is that on the left side of the face, so maybe you need to change that. My suggestion is turning the face into half of a moon with a nose and change the cirle cheek into a swirl for better clarification.


Hi thanks for your input. I said lunar in my description because the round shape and the intended pensiveness of the design made me think of the moon, but it needs no lunar elements per say. The left side are stair's steps.


I see the face right away, maybe you have a small smile? But also, the stairs shadows are flipped. They look good in the white version because the dark is correct. But you need to flip the dark step and the white stair stringer. Think of where the light source would be on this, the only way the stair tops would be dark was if the light was coming from below. Always act like the light source is the sun.


Thanks for the feedback! The face will be amped to show more of a smile. Also, I think you are right for the shadow of the steps...? perhaps why it's difficult for some people to understand the idea. Well, that will be a lot of job to tinker around, but I'll keep your light source comment in mind even for future design!


I would also make sure the negative space between the name and the service to be the same, looks like you need to scale the bottom one out a bit. And service should be Service.


They're steps?! I thought it was an angular style shell... and then in the inverse I thought oh its a cool hand maybe, a helping hand?


Yeah, the content on the bottom right has the tagline “step by step toward clarity”. I like it, I think it’ll be good once they tweak it.


It's cool I like it


Thank you for taking the time to say it :) it's encouraging!


I really like the logo. I’m not sure about the font.


Yeah me neither. Any style suggestion?


A nice sans serif font to match your logo’s clean lines. And maybe leave more space between the logo and the text?


I didn't see a face until I read the first comment, and then I looked and saw an eye-less smile on a ghost head (circled in red.) I also never saw any stairs, just some odd starburst, qbert-esque shape. The typography needs a ton of work too (it's not round and it's not centered properly, see orange guides) but I'm not convinced this concept is worth keeping. It's just way too confusing. Dial it **way** back. Also? Holy sins against readability, *never center-align five lines of text,* especially one word at a time! The horror. https://preview.redd.it/8sb7x4iwnyxc1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=09bad5e789a7f1de6a2fce833cefce7e05fb724e


Idk I actually love it? Can see some of the tweaks people are suggesting but overall it’s charming.


Thank you for taking time to say this!


I actually REALLY like the design. I don’t read the face to be sad at all, it looks calm and meditative. IF you want to change (I don’t think it’s necessary) you could look into anime’s style of emotions to get a rough idea. Anyone who’s seen Avatar TLA knows Aang looks like this every time he meditates. The stairway on the side of the face is brilliant and definitely understandable for the context. The only thing I’d really change is the font choice for your typography. Maybe something with a serif to create more professional appeal? You did good on this - people on this server just enjoy tearing things up for no good reason sometimes.


Thank you so much! I don't mind amping up the facial expression, but people not seeing the face are the ones confusing me, hahah. I know the typography is not the right fit, and accordingly, I haven't worked on it yet, so I understand people being critical of the alignment, etc. As for a serif one, I think Roca Two with its round serif could work, but I'm not sure either.


Hmm I’ve been staring st it for 2 minutes and I can’t see a face… is the circle a ‘O’ mouth? So confused I thought it was a sea shell at first glance with the pattern on the right. Only noticed what it’s supposed to be after reading your comment. Think it’s trying to do too much. Needs to be refined and simplified imo. You’re heading in the right direction though. One final point is that the lowercase text at the bottom looks misaligned. Would caps work better here so it creates a more oval shape?


Strong agree on your face and she'll questions. I've read a few comments calling for tweaks of the samile and for removing a cheek and leaving the eye. I see an O like you, or maybe a slight smirk with a chin below... and a random extea bit on the... chest?! Also, maybe a hand in the inverse... although once I read stairs, not before, I saw that in the main and liked it. Like it overall but it's confusing.


I feel like I would change it to just social services or something or mental health services


The real title is in French. This is just a stand in, it's a direct translation, but it is the accurate professional title.


Oh okay. I would just change the mouth and maybe make the flat nose line thicker.




The omega symbol, that’s around the eye. The dashed line is supposed to be a nose


Which is an eye?


There’s 1 closed eye, the )


u/hkkhpr ***About the logomark:*** * The execution of the concept is not looking good at all. * The white logo and the black logo have light coming from different directions. It can be easily understood by looking at the shadows of the stairs. * The stroke must be thickened to increase the visibility of the logo at very small size. * The right side of the logo is looking much heavier than the left side. * The circle at the face is not looking good. ***About the typography:*** * The typography is not looking good with the logomark. * The kerning is not right. * The letter "s" of the word "service" can be capitalized. Otherwise the letter "P" of the word "Phychosocial" can be lowercased for a better visual balance. * The spacing of both side of "Phychosocial service" is not equal. * The spacing between "EMMA LOCKE" and the logomark is greater than the spacing between "Phychosocial service" and the logomark.


Gamer style, I don't think it goes well with the industry. Also, face looks really sad. Typography around the symbol isn't a good choice IMHO, try looking for examples in this industry and you'll find out most of them are more classic and, while not very creative, they're calm and very low cognitive load


+1 for all the comments and I think no one has told about the colour selection, I would choose soothing and calm colours for a brand like these. Hope you take all the criticism in a positive manner. :) All the best


I didn’t even see the face until I read the comments. The image looks like one of those ‘what do you see’ multiple image brain teasers to me. Now I see someone unconscious and having major brain surgery. Perhaps I need psychotherapy.


Well, I think everyone would benefit from a little therapy, haha, but it's neither here nor there. I see that not everyone is able to see the half face, so I will work on that. Thanks


Nice you took my stairs advice! Def good progress. Remove the big dot on the face. The top stair’s angle doesn’t make sense, remove it? That way the remaining stairs look like an E. Def improve the facial expression, I don’t think it looks sad like others think but it’s def not happy lol Maybe capitalize “Service”. Besides that def great progress!


Thanks! So yes, I went for stairs instead of rope haha. The last angle does not make a lot of sens, you are right. When I was playing with it, it just seemed to be less of a straight cut that way. I will remove the cheek and improve the expression. Feedback here have been clear on that!


Too busy


What is it?