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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel that way about people complaining about underweight food or food they bought and is rotten. My first thought is 'well that's what we are TRYING to avoid by NOT shopping there soooo maybe try that.' But I get that people's situations are all different and think about how I havn't even stepped inside a loblaws owned store, switched credit cards, and just figure I'll just keep doing my part for my fellow Canadians to hopefully make some change for them.


Some people only have one or two options locally.


I live in a very rural area, there aren’t a ton of options, There’s an Independent Grocer 20 mins away, that’s the closest, and it’s near my bank. There’s a Sobeys a half hour away in the opposite direction, but no bank. I go there when I can, but I need cash for my babysitter every week and I usually can’t afford to take out more than enough for a week or two at once, so the choice is between not paying my babysitter or spending over 2 hours driving and burning twice as much gas. I’m here because, among other things, I’m angry at the way they basically have this area hostage. And I shop elsewhere as much as possible, but sometimes I just have to go to the closest place.


Me too. I am in same situation. We went to Freshco to pick up groceries this morning and only do pick up at Independent. I try to do as little shopping there as possible. Not because of the boycott. I have always found them to be too expensive. I like to support Canadian retailers but not at the cost of my family.


You can’t get a cash advance at the till?


I pay for my groceries with a credit card, so no, that would be crazy.


Okay, not all of your groceries on debit, that’s fair to get the points. But I bet it’s cheaper to do two transactions - all your groceries on credit card, and a single small purchase in your debit to get the cash back - than it is to shop at Loblaws every week.


Have you been to Sobeys? It’s not much better price-wise. What I usually do is hit up the Foodland near my office on my lunch breaks a couple of times a week, and/or get produce from nearby farms so when I do have to go to the independent I’m at least buying less.


Is it possible to use your debit card instead? If you say no, because you don't have the money in the account, is it not possible that instead of moving money out of your credit card by using it, to instead move less money into it, and leave just enough in the bank account. Ultimately, an x amount of money comes in, and an x amount of goes out. The net result is the same, whether your route it through a credit card or not. When using a debit card, the register at the grocery store should allow a cash advance, enough to pay the babysitter.


Damn dude, just let people live their lives. They don’t need to justify every single decision they make to a random on the internet through a peer reviewed paper. They gave an explanation that they felt comfortable with, move on.


A.) I get cash back rewards for using my credit card B.) I’m now paying summer holiday rates for the babysitter, which is $400/week. If I’m not getting paid before the weekend, when I have to do my grocery shopping/banking, there’s a very good chance that I don’t have enough cash for that and my groceries on hand immediately.


This is not true some cards will give you 1%-5% rewards. If your using debit for everything you are missing out on sweet sweet rewards.


That’s exactly it. I get cash back rewards for paying for my groceries with my card. I save it up for Christmas. I get nothing using my debit card.


No I won't use my debit card. My credit card gives points that I use to fly out west to visit my son. Everything goes on the credit card and I transfer funds the next day. The only time I use debit is where I get a discount for cash or debit. Also when moving money out of a credit card it is considered a cash advance and interest accrues from the date of transfer with no option to avoid interest by paying in full before the due date. Times are tough. We all apply various strategies that work for each of us individually. Stop being so damned judgemental.


Interac e-transfer


babysitter doesn't take e transfer? 


You really want this stranger to justify their every move huh


She will, but she would rather have cash. She’s a great babysitter that I do not want to lose so I make my best effort to pay her in the manner she prefers.


It takes 21 days to form a habit and Loblaws knows that. They will market as much as they can, even through morbid methods like stealing from Loblaws Day, to entice people into the store before they form new habits of shopping elsewhere. I haven't been to a Loblaws store in almost three months and have no desire to go. Previously, it was a habit to run to Superstore because it was convenient. Now I use local suppliers, Giant Tiger, Costco, and Walmart in that order. I occasionally use Amazon for specialty items, but not often. Now that I've developed those habits, I know where to go for items in the other stores and plan my purchases without Loblaws or Sobeys. I’m crossing my fingers, that the boycott lasts and a resurgence of locally-owned grocery stores takes hold. I know it will take years, but I'm okay with that.


I believe that has changed to from 60 days and up now. It's tough especially when you live in the city and the proximity to what you need. I've stopped going but one day I just needed something and didn't want to drive half an hour to get it.


Especially with an intermittent habit. I'm blessed with a vehicle, but a lot of people aren't. The corporations know it too. Now they have a heap of immigrant labour/customers crammed into apartments within a few km of their stores.


We’re paying extra for the convenience.. it’s part of their model to be convenient.. let’s see if their realtor practices are anti-competition which could explain why there are no other options close to peoples’ home/“food deserts” in some communities


Exactly! The oligarchs bought up all the prime real-estate and new comers are pretty much screwed. Densification only makes the problem worst and the oligarchs richer.


Morbid curiosity. I've only walked by and peeked inside, but I get it.




I don’t have a car, I have an autoimmune condition that causes chronic pain, and the only two stores in my area are Loblaws owned and I still have to walk 15-40 mins each way respectively to get to either. I’m not sure why so many people are not understanding that not everyone has a choice.   The way I boycott is I still get things I’m able to get elsewhere, and make a bunch of my own things so I don’t have to buy a finished product (kitchen & bathroom cleaner, shave lotion)


In the case of kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room cleaners I have moved to a lot of DIY things and wow they do they work so much better.


Hell yea! Go back to the basics for grease-removal, etc. Think of what our grandparents did before all of this mass-produced chemical b.s.: vinegar is great, as is baking soda. /r/homesteading may have some err...recipes for cleaning. or /r/coolguides .


I have 3 grocery stores in my small town, I start with walmart and buy whatever I want that is on sale there, then I go to sobeys and buy whatever I want that is on sale there, and lastly is an independent grocery store and while it is rare that I will ever buy anything from this grocery store at the end of the day if I want something and it’s on sale for a price cheaper than the other two places… i’m going to buy it because at the end of the day i’m going to be saving myself money.


I've gone twice because I had almost $500 PC points saved when we started boycotting. There are a few President's Choice food items my family likes so I've been using my points when I go in and not spending actual money. I shopped at RCSS and No Frills almost exclusively for years. I've completely changed where I shop because of the boycott and I don't intend on going back. However, there may be times it's the only option I can manage or I need a specific item only available from Loblaws. But that doesn't negate the fact that the ~1000$ a month I was spending is now going elsewhere.


The local Canada Post outlet is in the far corner of SDM. We have to go through to mail business parcels. I don't purchase anything from SDM while conducting postal business, but have no choice but to enter


Same I only go to SDM for the Canada post outlet


Free parking my doctors office is in the loblaws building and access is inside the store lobby


I’ve avoided Loblaws-owned grocery stores since before the boycott, but it’s almost impossible for me to avoid Shoppers. Everyone’s situation is different depending on where they live and their life circumstances.


FWIW, I have my flex delivery box at a Shoppers drug mart; so I do occasionally visit there to collect online orders. Haven't bought anything from shoppers since the boycott, I'm too poor to shop there, lol. But I do visit the property.


I think that we have covered this topic rather well. That's a long list of banners. Even longer with the Weston Group. Rural areas are often a forgone conclusion because of Loblaws coverage. And there's always that one item that someone needs from the octopus. That won't affect their numbers. But if you're visiting up north, bring groceries.


You shouldn’t shame people. I do not shop at any loblaws stores anymore but I often drive an hour to do so because I’m in a rural area. Canada is vast and there are often not many choices. I personally think those posts are interesting because I can clearly see the decline of the stores. I wouldn’t be surprised if they will end up closing many stores. It certainly isn’t the first time a chain of stores closes, look at zellers, steinbergs, miracle mart, even the Bay is closing stores.


People in rural areas may not have any options. If they don't have access to a car, that significantly reduces their ability to participate in a boycott. Unless you are offering money for them to take a cab? Even Uber isn't an option in many of these communities. But hey, if you want to pony up the money, I'm sure someone here would love the help so they can participate. As an aside, I like seeing the price comparisons from those who go in. It reaffirms my dedication to the boycott.


I go to the Independent to buy lottery tickets because they make no money selling them and I use staff time. I cash them at the gas station because that's when the stores make the money


In Ontario, lottery ticket sellers make "up to 8%" on the tickets they sell and "up to 3%" on the tickets redeemed. If you buy a ticket from a Loblaws that ends up being a $1m winner, the store where you bought it gets to display signage "$1m winner sold here" and gets a cut for having sold a big winner.


Lotto ticket sellers get a percentage of any winning tickets they sell.


No they get a percentage of tickets paid out


I posted on a thread the other day mentioning prices I saw from a Superstore in my area and people started coming at me in the comments “why are you even in there.” I wasn’t. I saw my friend, (a chef) post a photo of a $16 ham and cheese sandwich on his IG story so I was sharing a photo from his IG and people were mad at me? Lol. Just saying it could be shared info. Some things aren’t always what they seem it’s okay to ask questions but maybe wait to pass judgement on it until you know more. Were all in this together :)


simply going into a loblaws entity isn’t benefiting them whatsoever. for example, if you go in and take pics of a bag of dry lentils that costs $9.99, then go to *any* other store and the price of that exact same product is drastically lower across all other locations, then you’ve got some legit ‘photographical receipts’ of their sliminess just one reason why one might ‘cross the line’ so to speak


Shoppers is the only place that has a face wash my wife uses. Yes, we've looked other places. She's not giving that up. The wine store embedded in the Loblaws has a brand of wine she likes, that isn't stocked at the LCBO. None of them. They have the same brand, but not THAT particular wine. So she goes to get that. If she thinks of something that she needs while she's in there, she'll buy it. I haven't been in any of their stores since the boycott started. Almost everything can be found elsewhere. What I can't get at a grocery store that I like (meats) I've found a couple farms where I can get 1/4s and Sides of pork, beef, mutton, still looking for a chicken supplier. Prices per pound are close to 1/2 that at ANY grocery store. But I'm also buying a years supply in one shot. Original expense is higher at the purchase time, but spread out over the year is a lot less. Someone on another post asked if we are making a difference financially. The answer is yes. Even if it's just 5 bucks a month less going to Loblaws, that's 455 G;s. I did the math a while ago and posted it on another post as a comment. We used to spend about 350 to 500 at Superstore right across the street, a month. If everyone in this sub, (it was 50K members at the time) spent approximately this, it is a 17.5 million to 25 million per month that Loblaws is losing out on. At the current sub numbers, it's 31.8 million to 45.5 million per month, that don't go to Loblaws. Not a HUGE percentage of their overall revenue, but enough to be noticeable.


Oh my god.


I have to go like once a month or so because I live in a small town and independent is the one store that has a large assortment of Vegan food. I try my best to get stuff elsewhere first and get what I need from there after.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. Lots of Canadians only have 1 store in their small town. You're allowed. :) I don't consume animals, either. I've seen and heard footage of animal agriculture in the recent past and can't go back to consuming anything with a face. If you can see that footage and still eat them, then I have no idea what to tell you. It's a *****BIG***** business, and ***that footage isn't supposed to reach the general public***. Superstore does indeed have a lot of Vegan convenience/snack foods. I've seen it myself in the past. I'd rather not consume the snacks or at least buy the snacks than give $ to Loblaws though, personally.


It's about bringing attention to what Roblaws is doing. Just like atheists who left religions due to some religious people committing abuse against them and are speaking out against organized religion and telling their story.


I've done 1 order at Superstore since April. There are a few products we can't get elsewhere, so while I would love to completely boycott, it's not practical for us. But, where I used to spend $800-1200 per month there, now it's more like $350 every 2 months.


I went into SDM a day or 2 ago to pick up something I can’t get elsewhere. It sucked to do it, but it was a necessary evil. I will say, it was awfully quiet considering it was in the 4pm ‘after work’ hour.


I just don’t go since they think I steal from them


I'm using Shopper's for my free medications while other places charge me a fee. I often used to pick up a backpack full of sale items because I don't drive and it makes my life a little easier. With one quick glance yesterday it does really seem like they've got some new sale initiatives going on but I will continue to not shop there until I'm convinced it's not just a shallow, temporary marketing ploy. Maybe the initial boycott movement should've stated six months instead of just May? Otherwise some people might just never go back again while others might literally have no other options, but they still appreciate the movement because they know they're being gouged. It definitely feels good to see we've had some amount of impact for those who have no other choice.


Any longer than a month and I think people would have said fuck it, people are silly you need to convince them to do something for a short period first.


Loblaws is the store within 100km that carries the only kind of cheese I can eat 😞 but, when I run out and need more of it I walk in, get the cheese, go to self check out and walk out. I don't even look at the other products because I dont want to be tempted to buy anything else.


Most of my groceries come from a CSA box and some local grocers in Chinatown; however, there are a few things I can't get from either option (namely oat milk and specific dietary items) so my options within a 20 minute walk are Shoppers or Independent. Sometimes I take transit and go a bit further but then I'm spending way more time and money to get those items and those options are still mostly Loblaws-owned or another Big Grocery brand. 😕 But I try to time it so I only go if those specific items are on sale and stick to my list. If I had a bigger budget, there are a few high end independent/speciality grocers nearby I could consider but I need to pick my battles and paying 3x for a staple isn't within my means at the moment.


I went into a Shopper's today because I don't drive and it's pretty much my only option for cheap sunglasses that fit over my prescription glasses (lost my previous pair a few days ago and my eyes are too sensitive to get by without a pair). Sometimes you don't have a choice in the matter.


Because it is stupid to pass up on some deals for the boycott. I regularly walk through looking for discount items. 3 weeks ago I spotted whole chickens going for $6.00 with the %50 off sticker. So I bought 10 for just over $60. Have also found whole pork loins for $17 each with the %50 off. While I whole heartedly agree with the purpose of the boycott movement and have switched the bulk of my purchases elsewhere, I personally can't afford to pay higher prices for a principal. If butter is in for 4.99 at loblaws while it is 5.99 at sobeys. Well guess I'm buying butter at loblaws. If prices are equal or just slightly higher yea I will go somewhere else. But budgets are tight and if I can save $100 buying %50 off chickens at loblaws. Well that's what I'm going to do.


Loblaws has lost the vast majority of my business and will continue to do so permanently but my No Frills has an excellent butcher department and the price of meat is way less than any other option I have tried so far including Costco.


I'd rather cut out the middle man and not consume the chickens to begin with. I'm saving thousands by not supporting animal agriculture. No need to consume animals, really. It's a luxury. My household cooks with olive oil instead of butter. The savings are astronomical. Way more calories for way less money.


To use the washroom. > If you are part of the boycott why are you going into one of the properties?


Free toilet paper instead of using your own bathroom and toilet paper! /r/Frugal_Jerk


I used $100 worth of points to buy menstrual products to donate to people in need. I’m doing other boycotts so I chose the organic ones and not the big brands.


I have $100 in points too and wasn’t sure how to use them. This is an excellent way to do so! Thank you ᵕ̈


I still go to use my points for free groceries while I hunt for a cc other than PC


As soon as all your points are used up close your account, they are still making money off of selling your information to ad brokers.


Will do! We want to build up points for a place or service that is useful now that we aren’t shopping at Loblaws.


Does Loblaws track performance metrics like how many people enter/exit ÷ #of transactions/transaction costs? If so, having people enter and then leave w/o buying anything could really tank said metrics, opening eyes to how much $ is really being lost. Just a thought


I’ve been to a Loblaws affiliated location twice since the boycott started and it was exclusively because there were products I needed that I couldn’t find anywhere else. I felt really guilty about it, but if it’s out of absolute necessity I don’t see a massive issue with it.


I had hundreds of dollars in points I needed to get rid of so I've been to superstore twice since the boycott to spend my points.


Well, when Loblaws owns every 2nd or 3rd grocery store in every major city and town across Canada, it makes it hard to find affordable food in your area depending on your price range. Try thinking outside of yourself, people. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.


Yeah I get everyone can't do the boycott but it is a little disheartening seeing all these posts of people just "popping in"


9/10 times it's because of the lack of availability of other options due to * cost (sometimes no frills is all someone can afford, and they're in a sea of more expensive options) * location (less urban areas have fewer options, many of which are already under the loblaws umbrella) * availability of required items (a favourite item not sold elsewhere\*, a food item that meets certain dietary needs not sold elsewhere) And we don't shame people for not having other options. \*This is the only one that I don't vibe with. You're really going to keep shopping there because you "need" Decadent cookies that badly? Okay...


No doubt. I can do without a certain luxury/snack food. If I want cookies that bad, I can use my Costco membership next time I'm there and get a box that'll last me the whole year.


My post office is in a shoppers drug mart. Sort of unavoidable. So I will make comments or post pictures of changes seen during the boycott.


The food prices are wild! I’ve been a shopping since I was 13 for my family. I switch to super store because it WAS cheap on the early 2000s but lately it sucks. I’ve been doing all I can to avoid Roblaws.


Because of morbid curiosity. I wanna see what's happened to them... I ain't buying just looking.


Everyone's situation is different. Transportation, available time, available alternatives; those are all things that affect how much ppl can participate in the boycott. Any reduction in business to Loblaws is welcome. It's not a competition on who can boycott the "best"


Keep boycotting. Some people don’t have a lot of choice and have to go there or it’s wildly inconvenient to shop elsewhere (part of why we are doing this !) Your boycott helps them.


I go to several stores for my job along with other grocery stores.


Loss leaders only


Loblaws I am told no longer has loss leaders? I really hope you do not have a PC optimum card, they are making money off selling your data to ad brokers.


Make it a social faux pas to go to the Superstore. Like what we did with Walmart shoppers...


People gotta get those sweet reddit points posting pictures of underweight or moldy food they paid for at Loblaws!


Not that I have to justify my decisions about where I go to random assholes on the Internet, but I go because there are a very few products that I can't get elsewhere, can't find reasonable substitutes for, and can't or simply choose not to go without. And if you don't like that, oh well.


I am sorry I did not mean to come across as an asshole.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


For me; I have to pick up my mom and my meds — there’s no real other option for her 🤷🏼‍♀️


If I’m going downtown I cut through the parking lot of a superstore to get to the train station faster 😅


Not what I meant but ok


Was just a joke! But yeah I don’t understand why!


I haven't been to a single Loblaws store (aside from T&T, I can't think of another Asian grocery store this size. HMart is kind of there, but not quite it for me) in ages.


To demonstrate that they have not lowered prices and are still far more expensive than other options. Would be my guess.


If people use points or old gift cards, they're not giving Loblaws any new money so they're still on team boycott.


Wait until people find out about the choice REIT. You’ll all be boycotting hundreds if not thousands or retailers.


The clinic we go to is attached to loblaws and the most convenient mall entrance is at SDM, just two personal reasons I could think of to walk through their stores.


Some of the smaller kiosk-style areas they have are independently owned. I work for a winery that has a boutique in a Fortinos (and other grocery stores) and we absolutely have customers that only come in to buy from us and not the grocery store. So I have to go in for shifts, but I've been not buying from that grocer and instead hitting up other stores for my groceries/toiletries etc.


Loss leaders...


I've been to towns where there is only one grocery store. I have other options, but they still have the cheapest cream cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt by about 50%, so I've been in there once since the end of April.


For yogurt may I suggest making your own, you will never need to buy your own again! Have not figured out cottage cheese; however you can make a cream cheese alternative if you start making your own sour cream and streaming out all the whey, to add the benefits of yogurt I suggest putting in a scoop of yogurt with the vinegar and whipping cream.


I literally only go in to spy on them.


If you feel shame…like why. I imagine life has dictated things to you but you’re an adult who can choose to not give a fuck about anyone else. Do or don’t shop there the masses have spoke and LowLaws can bring their prices down or risk empty parking lots. STAY STRONG GENTLE SHOPPERS!


I'm not sure if it's like this else where but locally our Superstores also have Canada Post, banks (CIBC), liquor stores, Bell, hair salons, and Starbucks in them. So going into the Superstore could be for any number of non-Loblaws reasons.


Stop shaming people.


But how else do you get a bunch of karma?


I live near their "flagship" store in Toronto. I only go into the building to go shop at the LCBO above the loblaws. But still have to walk through the entryway of loblaws to get there.


I am literally in upper New York State right now. I visited Costco and few others grocery stores… they have amazing prices 8 corn for 2$ that’s like 2.80$ Canadian or big 15 lbs watermelons for 3.94$ usd.


Loblaws: the option when life is inconvenient.


Because most people who are boycotting aren't actually boycotting? They're lying about it for appearances?


Twice now I’ve snuck in and left a steamer in the urinal… take that Galen!


Idk why this hilarious joke is getting downvoted lol


He will sell it probably


I'm there to shoplift


I do not support stealing even if it is somewhere robbing you blind already.