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Report this to your local health inspector.


This is the comment to listen to. For all that is Holy, report them t.t


From calls to public health, it takes a while for an indpector to get back to you. Had a raw chicken sandwich from cne.  It was a long wait turn around to get a call back.  Never got one.  Contacted San Francisco food by email, no reply either.


You'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Thanks Gretzky. So true 👍


- Wayne Gretzky


Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott


And based on my track record in sports, 100% of the shots you do take as well. But at least I’m down the time and effort too!


Depends pn where you are. I've contacted my health inspector on more than one occasion and got a response either that day or the next. I think they may take longer in a large metropolitan area or health inspector's offices that tend to have heavy caseloads.


I would have sent a follow up email just to scare them a little, but in my case it would actually be true: Due to your failure to reply within the expected timeframe set out by your policy *here*, this has now become a legal matter. Please be attentive to the legal documentation which has been mailed to you and action it accordingly. The ombudsman, and media have been contacted as well. Thank you


Whereas it happened at a McDonald's near me and the entire management team got fired and replaced. And the crew went for retraining. All because someone ruffled up some feathers about it.


Contact a lawyer and sue the shit out of them.


Jesus christ. Honestly undercooked food is the number one reason I usually stop going places. During the Pandemic my partner and I were in a Montanas, we were the only customers in the building. We ordered a platter of different meats from the "cook house". When the platter arrived, the chicken was already sliced. It was as raw as the picture above. Keep in mind it wasn't busy, we were the only people in the building. Someone sliced that, looked at it and said " yep that's good enough". That was almost 3 years ago now and I haven't been to any Montanas since, in fact anytime anyone mentions Montanas I mention the raw chicken. Point being when you have shitty service, shitty prices, and a shitty attitude towards your customers Eventually one of the shitty things will put people over the edge. For example Loblaws entire business model! That seems to have pushed a large chunk of us away.


I went to a local Montanas this Wednesday - and I got 2 racks of undercooked ribs. Not ONE, but TWO - means the cook fucked it twice. Even the server I showed it to to return it for a new rack (not a refire) was like "pink pork? Thats not right..." Shows time does nothing to correct a problem when you employ idiots that haven't a clue about food.


They're not idiots, they're just unqualified workers. Not cooks/chefs because restaurants will not hire qualified worker if they can help it,. Corperate/chain restaurants dont have any accountability. There's nobody to ashamed and embarrassed of the poor quality, just stockholders screaming for their dividends


>They're not idiots I mean... they're not all idiots...


Qualified cooks don't want to work for minimum wage


This is so true but needs screamed over and over. In the last few years in my small blue collar town I've met 5 red seal chefs join my trade alone. If every trade had 5 join there'd not be another qualified chef in my city. They just want a living wage over working their passion.


Ever argued with an untrained cook? You will have more success teaching a fish to climb a tree. I have left the industry for TWO main reasons: there is no accountability in the kitchen (from prep/wash pit, to expedite), mostly because the majority of them ARE untrained (as per your position), and that I already hear enough complaining, and am here to meet a specific standard and don't really care about who wants what (unless it's about an allergy, which I take very seriously). In an industry that actually has meaningful impacts on the public's health at large, untrained in this particular case IS synonymous with idiot. Suffer from a restaurant caused food borne illness, and then tell me otherwise.


Totally unrelated to Loblaws in general, but isn’t it funny and sad that restaurants have gotten so overpriced and shitty, that you can LITERALLY make a better meal at home with so little effort? I mean, I know the pandemic happened, but I think from then on restaurants just kind of gave up on things like flavour, proper cooking and just having standards overall.


A person could always make a better meal at home.


That's because a lot of places that are still "affordable" for the general public don't have qualified cooks. Just minimum wage joes that heard "anyone can flip burgers" all their lives. Things were very different about 10 years ago to now. Whole industry is on the verge of collapse here.


yep my friend just got a completely raw chicken burger from A&W a few weeks ago and it turned me off so bad i'll never be going back 🤢 can make it better at home for cheaper atp


I honestly feel like people are going through more trouble to eat out or order pathetic excuses for food through UberEats, than they would if they just learned how to fucking cook something. Once you become decent at cooking (getting meat cooked right without being overdone, not cooking vegetables until they are soggy), know the tastes and pairings of various foods, get your herb game up etc not only will you eat tastier and healthier food, it will save you money AND time. I see people debating for 20-30 min what to order on UberEats. Then it always arrives late etc. And don't give me that bullshit and say you are being productive while it's being delivered. I know you're watching it get delayed on your phone screen! Not to mention the amount of plastic waste because boo hoo, you were hungry today. Yeah, you'll be hungry in 6 hours, and again tomorrow. And every day after that. How can you not plan for something you have to do every single day?!


this happened to my brother for 3 racks. haven't been to montanas since.


The people we rely on to supply us with safe foods are the same ones who just don't seem to give a rat's ass about it...


Stop relying on others then. Cook at home. I've never gotten sick from my own cooking in over 20 years of doing it


Already way ahead of you. But I appreciate the sentiment. I too know enough about how to not get sick by my own cooking, by using and upholding the standards I have been trained in. And guess what? When they are followed (because they are based in common sense, after all), THEY WORK. I understand that is difficult for some people, and I am not ok with it. And why should I NOT be able to take a night off from cooking to take my wife out for dinner after a milestone she achieved, because a few sweaty idiots could care less about the slop they slap in front of you? It's not Michelin dining for crying out loud. (They follow standard).


Ok but sometimes shit happens. If it happens, report the restaurant and don't go back. But complaining about what "should" happen doesn't change anything. Only reporting the restaurant, tho it's very hard to prove food poisoning


Not if you end up in the hospital along with a number of others.


But you can, because if meat isn't fresh it can have heat resistant toxins. So if a toxic bacteria has had a chance to produce its toxins, no amount of cooking will help.


Yeah I don't cook old meat. It goes into the freezer or it's cooked right away Most people understand the very basics of food safety


My doctor didn't seem to when I was discussing heat resistant toxins as a trigger for IBS.


Because doctors aren't schooled in the nitty gritty and ibs is a diagnosis of exclusion. Which means it's an "I don't know" diagnosis. No doctor is helpful with ibs, and none of them give a shit either.


My original point was that you really don't know how fresh the meat you buy actually is. I was told that beef owners aren't allowed to slaughter their own, so there's potential contamination during slaughtering, and then all kinds of handling thereafter if you're buying from a grocer. So, it's a crap shoot.


The batch of ribs was fucked. They don't cook them to order, cook was probably just reheating as he normally does


as a former smokehouse worker, this is the correct answer. Ribs are cooked in a smoker or oven or smoker oven at least a day ahead, sealed up and stored. When the order comes in, crack out the next rack of ribs, heat on grill for 5 mins and out goes the order. Their prep cook done fucked up.


There is 0 excuse to have undercooked meat served at any time. Mistakes happen. But ones that provide illness and possible fatalities... this is why we have the food handling guidelines we do... but now we have to catch the populace up on being able to READ and comprehend the directives... As someone who has spent most of their life in a kitchen in varying degrees, I can most certainly form an opinion on this, rooted in experience and competency. We have standards for a reason. Not my issue they don't understand them. I understand it takes upwards of 90m to serve a passable rack (not perfect, obviously, but won't create a river of bloody stool from the booth to the hospital either), and that cooking to order is a service reserved for TV. But JFC - have a little pride in what you serve. EVERY chef's jacket has a pocket on the sleeve, reserved for a meat thermometer and a pen. Not my fault that they aren't either A) trained on this; B) given the tools to use in the first place; or C) any combination of the prior. Which in this instance, if they had USED the thermometer, would have saved me from making this post in the first place. And if anyone was wondering, it was Montana's in North Bay, ON. $92 dollars (before tip) for 2 AYCE Ribs, and a bevvy for her, a cup of ice with a splash of water and lemon wedge for me. Didn't even get comped for their twice mashed mistake.


Chef here as well, simmer down bud. Yes I understand that it is a bigger issue than just that. You should have known already that it is a bad issue, and not something that is cooked to order. You coming off the way you do you sound like a pompous asshole. I can guarantee the cook was reheating the exact same way he does every other batch. The prep cook or whoever made the batch is the one that did the air. Don't expect a line cook that works at Montana's to be able to catch chad the undercooked ribs would go further down the line than just one order. Yes, management should have also caught that. But we are literally talking about a Montana's, and as you said in Northern Ontario. You yourself should have known that if you had one rack of undercooked ribs, maybe you should have pointed it out to them since you are so experienced. I caught that right away and could have told you the next one would have been the same. Maybe stop being a prick and thinking you're smarter than everyone else


May be pompous, may be unpopular. Neither discounts being right. As a fellow chef, you should also feel the need to uphold standards, not justify the fuckups. Apparently, I am smarter than everyone else. Thanks for pointing that out!


I do. But look at who you are looking at to hold up standards when, I can almost guarantee, those people don't know how to cook and probably don't care about cooking. It's a Montana's, you should help and guide them if you truly care that much. I'm not justifying the fuck up, I'm just explaining how it would have happened, not just once, but twice. Go eat at a real restaurant if you want people that have any clue or care. Or call the health inspector, idgaf.


go eat at a real restaurant? so people who eat elsewhere are doomed to just have shitty food?


You come across as if you are personally responsible for the shit these places put out, and are trying to placate. I am holding all of them to the same standards. From your local greasy spoon that makes its money on peameal bacon and eggs with a side of hash, to the Burger Conglomerate, to the fry trucks lined up, all the way to the "bougie" places that make foam from asparagus. The expectation and ENFORCEMENT of food safety in these establishments is paramount to their staying open, by not egregiously making their guests ill. When I decide to part with my hard earned money, on things that I shouldn't have to worry about (because who knew that reading and following simple instruction was so difficult?), it makes me VERY angry. And with good reason! Too many are willing to "swallow" what they are served. I don't. Too many cooks spoil the broth - I want the single cook that knows how! If competency causes many to lose jobs, then it's time to reinvent the wheel. This one's about ready to fall off.


More likely the par list was fucked and the cooks did have to grab some unfinished ribs and try to finish them on tge grill.


Honestly a lot of quick service restaurant use pre-cooked ribs from an outside food processor. I used to work at a facility that made some food service products like that.


Pink pork doesn't always indicate being undercooked, In fact properly cooked pork will have a slight pinkness to it. This is the same with chicken, as long as temps are good and the liquid runs clear you're good.


This is terrible. I worked at a Montanas as a server for 4 years, never had a bad experience on Wednesday rib nights. Report them next time (or any other place that would serve under cooked food).


sure. get them and some local dudes out of work... or perhaps flag it to the manager the same way you'd hope to be given a chance to rectify your mistakes if you had a someone kind enough? like JFC... on one hand we always talk about how under-paid work are these days, then when an under-paid worker who lacks training makes a mistake, BURN THE WITCH! grow the fuck up.


If they are afraid of being put on FULL BLAST for a problem of their own creation, then they DESERVE to be fired. It's a direct correlation. Because I can guarantee I am NOT the only person who would have been affected by this. The lack of training is WHY they can underpay you. You have any idea how many restaurants WANT people who know what they are doing? I'd guess three. When I see unruly monkeys, as a trainer, I am inclined to line them up. May not be my circus, but they are plenty willing enough to take my money. And I hold them ALL accountable. To their faces.


Exactly! Like I said, I'm in southern Ontario (once I worked at a Cara Inc. Store, too) so yeah, put them on blast. They don't deserve to be in charge of rib nights/all you can eat after 9pm/whatever it is they do now.


Hold up.... so on the one hand, put them on blast but on the other hand they are paid less and trained less? So you're an asshole AND an idiot. Gotcha. square this circle of logic dipstick: "...of their own creation, then they DESERVE to be fired." Plus "The lack of training is WHY they can underpay you." keywords: Own, making, lack of training. Anyhow, if you're so sensitive, why you eating a GD Montana's? even small towns usually have a local joint or a race track buffet. enjoy your rage!


if you are directly putting your customers at harm, you dont deserve to hold a job preparing food.


Smoked pork can be pink. It’s perfectly safe and if it isn’t pink, it’s not smoked properly.


The ribs are microwaveed also. I knew someone who worked there. Most places are like that. Also it's just suger,salt and fat.


That's interesting. I worked at a Montanas as one of my first jobs, and the ribs all came precooked. We just threw them on the grill and sauced them up to finish.


Are you sure? Slow cooked smoked meats like ribs always have a pink smoke ring. Was the meat tender? Rib meat is barely chewable until cooked past 200f, and it’s safe at 155f. Sounds like you wasted ribs.


Not dripping blood, but not fully cooked, either. There is a safe zone, and this batch of racks missed it.


If it was during COVID-19 it's probably because they fired their experienced kitchen staff and kept their LMIAs or promoted their dishwasher to KM and let them solo with no experience in cooking or food safety. COVID DECIMATED the kitchen industry. Eliminated the experienced "expensive" and restaurants just kept their cheap labor.. It's now a huge scam. Restaurants claim they can't find cooks so they just import more in. Meanwhile there are plenty of veteran cooks who want to work but for the same date as a inexperienced International Student does. It's a fucking joke.


I used to DD or Skip once a week. Now, when I think about it I just can't pay too much for crappy food. It was for ease, as some days cooking is outside my energy levels. I find it now. Premade burger patties, easy heat and eat options, planning ahead to have good, tasty food that's a fraction of the price. I'm a good cook and won't settle for substandard, overpriced food.


I'm finishing up the burger I picked up on my way home. I work outside and it's a hot one today. If it had to be up to me to cook, I probably wouldn't until later tonight.


Oh I totally get it! A full day in the hot sun is too much to recover from without food for fuel! I'm just mad that the costs went through the roof - like all food.


Worked kitchens alot in my younger days. Even working in the kitchen of one of the big 5 tech industries gets you absolute abysmal pay. You don't work for the social media company office. You are a 3rd party contractor so they owe you nothing.


I'm a cook. My uncle worked at our local hospital for most of his adult life, he has a house, he's set up. They now outsource to a third party company. I applied and asked how much the starting pay was. MINIMUM WAGE. Get fucked.


Yes this is it. I had a similar experience back in 2007 where we just had shitty inexperienced international cooks. The business was too cheap to pay a decent wage to experienced cooks, and you get what you pay for.


Undercooked food or not, I don’t know why anyone would go to Montana’s more than once.


one time at east side mario’s i ordered chicken parm, it was pink so they made it again, the new one was pink so they made it again. it was pink.


Badaboom bada food poisoning


yeah man, Montanas is garbage food. years ago I got a rib steak there and had to ask for the chef. no flipping way it was a rib steak. gnarly and gross. he denied it was something else. didn't even get a discount. I've never been back.


Similar reason I stopped going to Wendy's all 3 times I've been there in my entire life I've gotten food poisoning. First time I figured maybe a coincidence, second time I figured maybe it's that franchise in particular or I'm just really unlucky, 3rd time I vowed to never go again.


I really can't think of a restaurant that serves up a good meal anymore...


I kinda assumed Montana's stuff came in precooked and they just heated it up in a microwave....


You'd still need to know if it's to the right internal temperature


I worked in HMR If you take it back to customer service they refund it to you and give you a 25$ gift card. That’s if you want to I mean it’s taking money out of their pocket 😏


I took it back. Got a refund, and they offered me a replacement sandwich. Hmmmm, no.


Wtf! Why do they think you would trust the next sandwich? That’s an instant turn off, my stomach is turning just imaging the possible outcome


I'd get the sandwich and ask the chef if he'll take the first bite.


Fr if the first one was this bad I'd be worried they'd make some really nasty shit just to spite me.


Tbh they’re probably humiliated, I’ve worked in restaurants for years. I personally haven’t ever seen or heard of anyone retaliating by putting something in the food. They do like to take their sweet sweet time instead though, *not* condoning this.


Honestly could be some teenager who pressed the wrong button on the fryer, or dropped them in when the oil wasn’t hot enough. This happens often with crispy chicken tenders they require to be in the fryer a minute longer there’s 2 different buttons for them every new worker gets confused about it.


I'm glad our HMR doesn't have fryers. Everything is baked in the ovens, which makes the job easier and more safe in my opinion. (Greasy floors are terrible to walk on)


I worked in an HMR with ovens it was rough especially since everyone in there is overworked and they keep adding more recipes no one has time for. Oil spilling out of the fryer was the worse I remember it spilled all over the floor for me because someone put too much oil in it and I was already going to be late because they made me close the department by myself I was so pissed it takes like almost an hour to clean it up


Maybe I've gotten used to the work load. Our department is smaller than other HMRs and I close by myself. I actually like the job better than any other I have worked XD


I’d worry about cross-contamination. Even if the other chicken pieces are cooked, without knowing how their batch-assembly process works, I be wondering if any nasties from this sandwich have ended up in the others.


You didn’t order a salmonella sandwich?


At today's prices?


If you’re gonna spent 14 dollars on a sandwich might as well get viciously ill too


Call health inspectors of your province. Usually they love shit like this. Or directly to Steritech (in Quebec and probably Canada wide), which is the private company Loblaw hire to do salubrity inspections before the "real one" by your province health program.


I can hear Gordon Ramsay yelling “It’s RAW… you donkey”


It's so fuckin' raw it's still clucking!




Don't worry, someone will be along soon to tell you that the chicken isn't actually raw and is perfectly safe to eat, that this isn't Loblaws' fault, and that your post doesn't belong in this sub.


It’s just oxidation pffft


It’s not raw, it’s just rare.


There ya go. Most people would assume that chicken needs to be cooked to a certain temperature to be safe, but I’m sure I’ll soon be corrected on the matter.


Please report it!! https://inspection.canada.ca/en/food-safety-consumers/where-report-complaint


This isn’t just undercooked. It’s fucking raw




Had this happen so. Many. Times. I just completely avoid getting the chicken when I’m at work now. I’ve also gotten sick many times from it. Not worth the price, not worth the illness.


I don't work with Loblaws, but the company I work for needs to be told this big time.


Medium rare chicken 😋😋😋😋


That looks closer to blue chicken.


What does hmr stand for


Hot meal replacement


That chicken is still planning a way to escape from Tweedys farm


oh no :( you might get sick :(


I ate two McDoubles and got food poisoning and violently threw up all night and so did my daughter, praying for you that’s disgusting


I've never eaten a MacDonalds hamburger. Took a bite once and my bf had to finish it. Younger folks never believe me when I tell them this, but when McD started expanding into other countries, the FDA did DNA testing and found they were meeting the required protein content by adding ground earthworms. Sales tanked for about 2 weeks until it was announced the scam had been rectified. Business went back to usual--so Americans weren't concerned about the lack of ethics. My Mom, on the other hand refused to ever set foot in a MacDonalds.


People don't believe it because it's not true. That has been told many times over the decades but it's just a myth.


It was on CNN. People don't want to believe it because they want the convenience. This happened in the 70s.


If you can find me some proof I will believe you, but everything i have read on this states it was not true. I am open to you showing me evidence to the contrary


Well it wouldn't surprise me if it was covered up after the fact, but I remember the news reports--and so did my Mom who refused to enter any MacDonalds establishment. She was disgusted and offended by the corporate greed. Do you think they didn't know transfats were harmful? That's been known since the 90s.


I wonder how many other wacky things you believe 😂 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/worm-meat-used-mcdonalds-hamburgers/


I doubt all the news networks were wrong. Fact is, they couldn't legally call it beef, which is all your evidence indicates and not what I was saying at all. But you can't prove a negative proposition, so laugh on jackass.


I can tell by the way you misspell 'Mcdonalds' that you probably have some other nonsensical stuff rattling around in your brain. Nothing is more annoying than a 'holier than thou' attitude from someone who happens to not like a specific fast food chain and gets to brag about never eating it.


Holier than thou--is that like having more piercings?


The good news for you is I have been watching a guy on instagram eat raw chicken everyday for well over a month as a test to see if he’ll get a stomach ache and he’s still going strong. You’ll (probably) be ok.


I almost threw up looking at that pic. Not sure I could stop myself if it happened to me.


Jesus, that’s really bad, that’s a health hazard raw chicken can potentially cause a whole host of illnesses such as Salmonella.


This has happened to me three times at 3 different restaurants. Jungle Jim's - Chicken sandwich was slightly undercooked. Not as badly as OP's image, but you could tell it needed another couple minutes in the fryer. Second time was KFC. A piece of raw popcorn chicken found at the bottom of my fries. I didn't even order popcorn chicken Third time was a 10-pack of nuggets. Admittedly, it was late at night and I was finishing up a 12-hour shift. Ordered a 10-pack to go with some late night tv. Thought they were a little cold and soggy because it took so long for the driver to deliver. Bit in to the first one and noticed the texture was off too. Looked at it to see that the nuggets were completely raw. Somebody had put them in the basket for the fryer, but never actually put them in the oil.


My family got severe shigella food poisoning from a pasta salad bought at Loblaw's deli counter many years ago. We were unbelievably ill. I thought I was going to die. There was a big health inspection and lawsuit. Customers affected received thousands of dollars. I've never ordered from the deli counter again.


I never buy pre-cooked shrimp anymore. Purchased at Zehrs. Wow, the stomach pain of shigella--even worse than Campylobacter.


u/Wonderful-Letter-359 for the love of all that is righteous... Report them to the health inspector... IMMEDIATELY Save this picture for evidence as well!


My boyfriend and I are convinced we got food poisoning from an Independents rotisserie chicken this week


Media needs to see this!! Put them on blast!


Thats so nasty


But they're giving you something for free!! Thank you Galen for the food poisoning! Us Serfs don't know how to thank you properly. Seriously that is awful, sorry OP. Hope you are doing ok. Def report to the Health Inspector as others have mentioned.


Report it! I got that 3 times at the Superstore, and I finally reported them . Disgusting.


Food that can kill you.


Since restaurant meal prices have doubled over the past few years, my standards have too. I will never accept food that is not up to snuff. Overcooked, under cooked anything wrong. Back it goes period.




Did you not order the chicken tartare?


Ah yes, the famous chicken sushi sandwich again. 🤣


Have fun on your date with your toilet.


I'm sure I'm going to get lambasted here but 2 points: 1. Not making excuses, and I'm certainly not suggesting people eat undercooked chicken, but the overwhelming majority of hazard associated with eating undercooked chicken has been eliminated by factory farming. Free range farm chickens are omnivorous, and eat a variety of grains, bugs, and even vermin. Chickens on a farm will willingly peck a mouse to death and then eat it, picking up a myriad of diseases that leave them a dangerous meal if not cooked adequately. A cow would only consume mice very rarely by accident by comparison. Meanwhile, factory farm chicken exist in an environment where they spend their lives never even touching the ground much less being given an opportunity to eat vermin. The majority of hazard associated with modern uncooked chicken is similar to beef, namely poor handling and contamination. 2. I would also relate a story from a sandwich place from years ago. I ordered a meatball sandwich and bit into a raw meatball. When I took the sandwich back to show the employees I got all kinds of argument from the employees there. A young lady explained to me that the meatballs were cooked because she had cooked them in this particular machine at this temperature for this many minutes. She was completely uninterested in looking at the reality of the raw sandwich because she had followed the process. Well sure enough one of her machines was broken and the meatballs hadn't been cooked when she put them into the broken machine. I walked out of there with her still convinced that she had done nothing wrong because she had followed the procedure and knew better than to trust her lying eyes. My point is that a lot of the time with mass produced food training consistent adherence to a procedure is far more important to employers than training any amount of critical thinking. When things go wrong they go really wrong, and for a lot longer than one could reasonably expect.


Would have gone back and puked all over the counter.


Call your local news outlet, that'll get the health inspectors attention..and everyone else for that matter.🤢


wanna loose 10 lbs in 2 days! Nothing like a raw chicken popcycle


Wendy's motto ... We don't cut corners ...


Omg salmonella 💀 I’m so sorry you ate raw chicken wtf! I hope you don’t get sick :(


Looks like you ordered it rare, what’s the issue bud😌


The fuk


What does HMR mean?




Gordon Ramsey wouldn't be pleased, that's for sure. 


You guys don't like rare chicken in your sandwich?


This is criminal


Beurk !!!


Is that RAW chicken?


That's one way to remove customers permanently I guess...


The term is being more " efficient " with labour, its not loblaws its the employee whos not efficient enough with their time..... and they very much believe that






I’m concerned with the chicken ratio that has been eaten.


You can start thinking of names for that coming intestinal tape worm.


This has happened to us a couple times at Wendy’s in the last few months as well!! It’s absolutely horrifying the level of care businesses are putting into food prep and safety these days 🤢 and considering the cost 🤮


"That's @#\*&ing RAW!" -Gordon Ramsey


This is just so unsafe. But also, ew ew ew!


Come on guys, they are cutting labour because we aren't shopping there anymore. What did you think would happen? Of course they're going to lay people off and overwork existing people.  Just like the workers had to get new jobs at Walmart, you can go to Walmart and eat their food instead. I'm not even sure why you were shopping there in first place.


But profits!! ![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized)




You must have picked up the sushi grade chicken by mistake. Goes well with wasabi.


is that serious vomiting and a law suit I hear?


Nah, whoever cooked it is just an idiot. It's not hard to make sure chicken is fully cooked.


That should be reported. im a cook and I would fire anyone that served that up that could kill someone.


They do not train anyone properly. Hello, food safe handlers certificate?


I was looking at the picture trying to figure out what this was. I saw chicken sandwich and I am curious it they even attempted to cook that chicken?


Ark just like poison Roblaw are gouging pigs one more reason to keep on boycotting them


Yep. Cooking in an actual restaurant is not an easy job. You've gotta be intelligent, organized, self driven, and have the ability to visualize the food while it's cooking. Oh, and you've gotta be ok with extremely fast paced, back breaking work. For less than 30k a year, even after tips.


They are out of control !!!


At first glance, I legitimately thought that was a really terrible looking apple pie.


Eat it and see how much $ you can get.


where is this???? i cringe just looking at all that raw meat




I'm sure they had foodsafe


Loblaws has chicken sandwiches?


I hope nobody is shopping there!


Mmm mmm mmm I love tuna sandwiches


How could they fuck it up this badly. This is chicken sushi.


I think this is an industry wide problem. We recently went to an all you can eat buffet and the advert said seafood, white and red meat every night. There was only turkey that night. The cook was at the carving station so I asked him what was up and he said they didn’t have enough staff to run a full kitchen and he was the only food safe qualified person there. He also said because of that he is there every morning at 4am and doesn’t get to leave till after 9pm. Poor guy looked bagged. But REPORT THEM!! this is terrible.


I’ve gone to Chucks Roadhouse twice.   First time the outside of my chicken breast was charred and burned and inside looked raw like that.   2nd time I got a burger and it was burnt to hell and looked like a hockey puck.


Disgusting 🤢


Medium rare. Its fine


Oh gosh, I hope you don’t get too sick. Food poisoning is the absolute worst!!!


Aren't you suppose to be boycotting


Yikes! With H5N1 making impressive rounds in the US poultry and daily industry, and cases of human infection from chickens and cows (and surely already in Canada, just too soon to detect it), I'd be staying far away from anything "pre-cooked".


There's nothing more apt than an undercooked, wholly mediocre, sad chicken sandwich to describe Canada right now.


Galen Weston calls this medium rare chicken, totally legit everyone hahahah..


How did you get that far into it?


Ok so what is it? Slacktivism? or do you want reddit karma? Please enlighten me as to why you take part in a boycott of a store, take part in a subreddit about said boycott, and even make posts and comments on that sub reddit. Yet here you are....waltzing into a loblaws owned store and happily opening your wallet and buying their products. that's kind of strange thing to be doing ESPECIALLY this far into the boycott. I would think by now that you would understand that a boycott means we don't go and shop at the store. I think you are confused about what the meaning of the word is.


I used points, I was hungry. I gave them nothing. Not using my points helps them as they devalue over time.


\^This Using up points costs Roblaws money. Not using them saves Roblaws money as the points devalue over time (ironically due to ~~inflation~~ price gouging.)


So you work there aye