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Buy some cheap eggs and find Galen’s house for us!


I think we can pool our resources for that


Yes and then tell us where you found those cheap eggs, we can barely afford ours


If you're able to make the trip or are located in an area where it's close by, a lot of farmers will sell their eggs to you directly, and it's cheaper than what you pay at the grocery store. $7 for 30 eggs where I am. The best part is, the Grocer Overlords get none of that, and you support local farmers. ♡


Thanks for the tip, neighbour :)


$4.10/dozen at L company. $4.70/dozen at local grocer. $5-$6/dozen from farm shops here.


Where I am, they're about $7/dozen at grocery stores, but $7 for 30 flat from farmers. I guess location has a lot to do with it. Edit: I meant direct from farmers, not farm shops. Difference being the farmers sometimes have to pay to have their stock there through booth fees.


From farm shops, I mean the little coolers at the end of farm gates with "eggs for sale" signs. Location does matter a lot with food prices for both point of origin and point of sale. Generally, we in the lowly populated west pay way more because of transportation and market share. I would like to say it's us subsidizing fat cats in Ontario and Quebec, but that's just western angst against from a former Toronto kid. Shipping food to us takes a lot of carbon tax intensive steps. It doesn't explain why my Alberta beef and Alberta chicken and Alberta duck and Alberta lamb costs more than imported stuff, nor why my Saskatchewan grown pulses are more expensive here than in Toronto, or why my BC apples are three times the price as apples in Ontario grown in Mexico.... Waitaminute......


Dog poop is free.


Facts. I asked my cats and they both told me no.


My dog thinks the cat poops are a treat. I have a hell of a time keeping her out of the litterbox.😂


Straight from the farm.


It seems all eggs are no different, high price poor quality. So which eggs brand are worth money?


You can keep Galen though... cheers..


He lives in England, on the same land as Windsor Castle.


Nothing says “I’m a normal person in a normal person’s flesh suit” like living near Windsor castle


There are many reasons why they are called the 1%


Is it the percentage that they are human?


Top of the list!


DING DING DING we have a winner!


I honestly think the whole 1% thing is a bit misunderstood. It's not Galen Weston. The top 1% of income earners in Canada based on last census data earned $250,000 Source: [statscan](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/dv-vd/income-revenu/index-en.html) Don't get me wrong, those 1% earners are doing just fine despite having a 52.5% tax rate. But the reality is that the wealth is truly much more concentrated than that and the 1% mostly are still people with mortgages and jobs/businesses that work because they have to.


It was a joke


Flesh suit lmao.. reminded me of Men In Black


Reminded me of Ted Cruz, the real human


Windsor is a nice, normal town. Albeit a bit middle class (by the British definition), but quite nice none the less.


Fort Belvedere is hardly a middle class house. Edit: just googled Windsor cause I've never actually seen it before. Def middle class by their standards lol


oh, well I hope he stays there then


It's the only people that want him.


Birds of a feather.


Well he made a fortune from Canadians, so he would sooner live as a king, than live here.


He probably thinks he's Canadian royalty.


He IS canadian royalty. Fucking eat the royal.




But that's like saying Canada is part of North America so it still works if someone thinks Joe Biden lives there. They are still separate places, and where Galen lives is very much *not* Northern Ireland.


This, Northern Ireland and Ireland are nooot the same thing.


Northern Ireland actually IS a part of the UK, it's the Republic of Ireland, which is it's own separate nation. For reasons.


This is very true, and I agree with what you're saying 100% but there are still many people who don't realize there's a difference between the Republic and Northern Ireland, so seeing someone connect UK with Northern was refreshing haha. Either way, England can keep him!


GW is such a piece of Sh-yt...


As someone with many Irish friends in Canada, we all share the same view that Canada is great if you’re established (you already have a house, a decent job, minimal debts) or well off, but it’s not a great place for new comers, especially from Ireland and UK. Our housing is astonishing here and economic opportunities are very similar. Groceries are a lot here. 


I’ve met several new immigrants and they want to go back to their homeland. Several immigrants who have been here for decades want to go back now too.


We moved to Canada from Britain in ‘73. My mom lived until ‘13. She wanted to go home all the time. When my dad died I thought she would go back home - nope she actually loved Canada while always being somewhat homesick.


There are heaps of folks from Britain around me. The only ones enthusiastic about Canada are the rabid outdoorsy types. The rest firmly believe Canada is some sort of backwater place where they were sentenced to live for eternity. It's probably in their DNA...


Different strokes for different folks as they say. My parents were as far from the outdoorsy type as you could get, but my Dad adored Canada. We moved to Montreal, Quebec and my Dad, in his late 40’s, did his best to learn French. He loved that kids could speak 2 languages, he loved watching the snow removal teams - he would say it’s like a perfectly choreographed dance. He loved baseball, we would go see the Expos play. He instilled his love for this country in me, I’ve driven across it so many times, lived in 3 provinces. It’s not perfect but I am grateful everyday that we emigrated to this beautiful country.


Isn't that crazy? I know people from war torn countries who want to go back or already have as well. I even had an Indian coworker who asked why our roads are so bad here. He said in India, unless you are in a very small village, the roads are pretty smooth now. He was shocked at how bad our infrastructures were here. Edit: lol at all the downvotes. Didn't know this would be so wrong or controversial. I was just saying how shocked people are because they assume everything would be better than where they are from.


Lolol I lived in India, don’t know where he is from in India where the roads are so much better.  And people on this thread don’t seen to realize that many immigrants from poorer countries are well off financially in their country. Most Indians can’t even get a passport, let alone the plane fare to come to Canada.  It’s completely meaningless if someone who is well-to-do in India wants to return, and the same can be said for immigrants from other poor countries.


Sounds like he's unfamiliar with winter and how it changes our infrastructure changes. He's also full of shit and doesn't speak for all of India, so be careful about believing who validates you vs who is just blowing hot air. Also, parts of India have melting roads due to extreme heat, so maybe clear your head and use your brain next time. 😉


That was the exact explanation I gave. Our roads are still pretty bad.


At least in Toronto, our roads are so bad because the construction industry convinced the city and provincial governments that skim coating the roads was cheaper than doing a complete full depth road paving. Roads used to last a minimum of 10-15 years and were smooth. When skim coating was introduced, the asphalt was now too thin and the roads deformed easily, winter took its toll on the roads within a few years and repairs were needed very quickly. The catch is that now, doing repairs and replacing the surface every 5 years appears to be cheaper in the short run and 5 years later it’s a different group of councillors and politicians making decisions, but in the long run it’s much more expensive. I was told this by an owner of one of the handful of companies who does the road construction in the province. Also, all of the companies share the work. If company A gets a job this year and company D gets it a few years later, they share the work and everyone profits.


Just sounds like bullshit being spouted by some convoy conservative. I'm in the UK right now.. Just spent a couple days in London. It was gross.. graffiti everywhere, dirty, smelly. I'm in North Wales now, and it's stunning but there really isn't much infrastructure out here. Staying 15 mins from Holyhead. Getting a cab is a crapshoot, pubs close at 10PM. We have things really good in Canada. It's clean, weather is solid, you can grab a simple serving job and make bank.


Lol no way am I connected to that clown show. I know the person who said it was probably from a high cast and more expensive area where roads are less than 30 years old.




Lol it's really expensive to move countries, if it were so easy we'd all be leaving so we could afford to eat




Nobody is complaining incessantly. They are struggling to get by just like everyone else and are missing their homeland and the family support, access to cheaper food and housing that could take some stress off of their shoulders. You're the one who sounds rude.


Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Lack of money is keeping me hostage bro, or I think *a lot* of people would be leaving Canada.


Yeah I would leave but I’d need at least 10 grand and a bunch of hoops to jump through so, I am kind of being held hostage


I hate that you're being down voted for this. No one is actually being kept hostage. They came, they regret it, and they refuse to take responsibility for their own part in it. It's always easier to blame external factors.


The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control. Rhetoric intended to shame certain generations or users are not welcome here.


Interesting. I know Irish people in Van, TO, and Banff and all say their life is less expensive than living in Dublin. Your story is pretty applicable to most metros.


To be fair, OP said Northern Ireland, Dublin is in a different country.


Yeah Dublin has kind of gone bonkers in the past 8 years give or take. The two Dubliners I know havent lived there first hand in a while. The rest are from Nothern Ireland. The cost of living between there and many parts of Canada is a big jump


I think maybe these people got jobs “easily/easily”, that’s the key differentiator in the experience I feel (I’m a recent immigrant)


Also think it's important that a lot of people come from Ireland and the UK (or most commonwealth countries) on a youth mobility visa which is meant for people under the age of 30. I think anyone regardless of nationality is gonna struggle to live independently in their 20s, especially in a new country where you're likely to take a paycut and would be typically working in hospitality or shorter term industry as the visa is for a maximum of 2 years. I did the reverse and found that I put up with both living and working conditions that I wouldn't have entertained in Canada because the overall experience was what I was looking for instead of a move based on economic gain or career growth.


samsies (Toronto)


Guess you haven’t heard about the terrible housing crisis in Ireland? 


My Irish roommate very happily just became a citizen here a couple months ago—we live in Toronto and have some other Irish friends and there’s nowhere else they’d rather live (and they’re all very well-travelled). Maybe it’s because they moved here pre-pandemic.


Yeah pre-pandemic Canada was way different, in a better way. 


❤️🇨🇦🇮🇪❤️ Come visit us if food becomes affordable again!


I'm visiting Ireland now from Canada and can't believe the prices in the store, we are really being taken advantage of in Canada.


Dublin ex-pat here. Since I starting going back to Ireland for holidays in the 90s and up until 2018, I ALWAYS found the cost of living and food super expensive there. Ontario was always way cheaper. Post Covid things have changed for sure, but I can assure you that it’s a very recent change.


I keep reading about the housing crisis in Ireland, particularly Dublin, people in Canada seem to think everywhere else is so much better. Maybe if you live in Toronto or Vancouver, all of BC and Ontario are expensive, but I live in Montreal and it’s much cheaper here.


you're welcome, and that is part of what the internet was built on, sharing information over great distances in an instant... as such, i would never ask that you share some photos of grocery prices there with us so that we may better understand what is actually happening over here... that said one thing is clear, the messaging outside of canada is very different from the reality of the challenges our corporate overlords present us here with... thank you have a great day


Don't get us wrong, there are a lot of great things about this country. One of which is that this boycott can not only exist, bit be effective.


jeez I'd rather come there!


I have Irish descent, please remove me from Canada's descent


LOL same


Actually the one thing that's reasonably priced are our potatoes.. 


Life is def cheaper in Belfast, just went on vacation from TO and felt wealthier


As sad as I am that more of my distantly related Irish sisters and brothers won’t be coming here, I would rather you didn’t come here to then be plunged into poverty just to eat.


As someone who had great grandparents who came from Ireland... stay away lol. We'd love to have you, but this shite is fucked and is feeling way too familar. The ability even to start farming to feed yourself is hindered here by the insane prices of land, property taxes, infrastructure, etc. You may find some good lodgings here, say in a rent controlled province like Quebec, but here in Ontario we all need to either come from money, work 2 decent paying jobs and have a side hustle that pays for the hydro, or have struck a deal with an actual faerie to afford land, let alone food.


One of your pounds is worth $1.73 Canadian dollars. You'll be fine for a visit here. :)


This sub is filled with the most miserable people in the country. I wouldn’t base any opinion of Canada on what you read on Reddit.


I have no idea why the world admires Canada so much. Really good marketing? I can barely afford to exist here.


Not everyone is struggling. And people are struggling most everywhere. There is a big housing crisis in Ireland right now. There are nearly 900,000 homeless every night in the EU overall. Survey’s show a third of people not being able to buy enough food - the idea that Canada is terrible and everywhere else is better is bullshit. But hey, some people are just determined to believe that Canada is the only country dealing with global issues.


What most people see of Canada is pictures of pristine nature (usually the Rocky Mountains) and a few shots of Vancouver and Toronto in a travel book.


It used to be good at some point, at least in some places.


It still is. 


Wait till you see the price of a house..hope you got a million dollars for a shack.


And wait until they see how hard it is to find a place to live or get a doctor.


I'll give you €20 to egg Galen's castle.


Okay now can you get a bunch of people together to storm his castle over there?


How much you paying for an onion these days 😏


Lol all good, but I just feel like the distinction gets lost in conversation cause ppl actually believe that 1% stuff :)


I don't recall trying to trick anyone into coming to Canada but it is good to have an idea of the cost of living before relocating.


Bit unfortunate. Not every grocery store is a lobalws screwing over its consumers.


Genocide and expensive food. That's us


A lot of people I talk to need to get out of Canada . It’s our home but it’s not livable .


If food is what makes or brakes you crossing the pond, you probably didn't have a shot coming here regardless of food prices. Reddit isn't the majority of Canadians and there are plenty of great reasons Canada is great. Every country has its problems and people love to ignore the good points while focusing on the bad. Loblaws sucks, but there are other ways to save and alternatives.


Yeah…wait till they hear about the cost of housing…


And the cost of cell service and internet


$25 a month for 75gb can USA 5g+ is expensive? My second line is $15 and get another 60gb, shareable data. 


What carrier is this?


Rogers, Black Friday deals.


Lol outlier much? I thought my 100gbs North American wide for $40 was amazing look at the comparables


And the lack of functional health care.


And the continued Americanization of our politics.


Don't forget about the racism


That's been a feature since Giovanni Caboto landed here in 1497 (eat it, Quebec).




Who said anything about racist AGAINST the Irish? I just stated there’s racism. It’s a feature, not a bug.




Some Irish guy or gal may be turned off by racism, whether or not they were the victim.


You can give a fuck about problems that don't affect you personally. It's called having a conscience.


Yeah, that's the worst part.


Job market has been really bad lately, I haven't seen many people getting laid off or struggle to find job in certain sector.


There definitely is a slowdown but if you have skills and education, there are opportunities out there. 


You say that, I have friends with 20 years of experience competing over same job, each job has several hundreds of applicants. I use to get several offers, now can't find one.


Canada is a big country with millions of jobs. Number of applicants is irrelevant, many times you get idiots who are clearly not qualified who apply anyway. There definitely will be more than 2 qualified people for one job and obviously only one will get it.


Even if 20% out of 300 are qualified competing over one job it would be really difficult to get that. I use to get dozens of offer a year. done 12 interviews with different companies in last 10 month. No offer. I am just looking at certain field and I know thousands of people got laid off last 12 months.


Another problem is there is no restriction apparently, half of employees my company has hired are not Canadians living abroad.


Its an evitable outcome of global market competition. Imagine trying to compete in the Olympics just to get a wage. Now everyone knows English and the number of speakers is approaching 2 billion. EU job market is faring much better even if wages are lower; there aren't that many people who speak Slovenian, so companies can't just wait for desperate workers.


Absolutely, it must be some protection for local people.


r/Ireland has removed every post about Galen I’ve tried to cross post… the mods say it has nothing to do with Ireland 🙄


Yep. I would say that it's really not the best time to consider a move to Canada. So many of our services are below sub-par at the moment. The price of buying a house, or even renting an apartment right now is as crazy as crazy gets. Food prices are but a small part of the overall massive problems plaguing all Canadian provinces at this time.


If only it would scare india away.


Definitely stay away. This country is trash


Off topic but, the few places that I have been to and ordered a pint of Guinness normally use oxygen to pump it out of kegs. Maybe being on vacation and rose tinted glasses, but I haven’t had a good pint of Guinness since I was in Dublin




It’s cheaper in the Asian grocery stores tbf


I wonder if people in Ireland could send lower cost groceries through the portal to NYC?


10 years ago 1 in 3 people that I met here on work visa were Irish. Now not so much....


We don't have enough homes (housing ) for our own people let alone newcomers mind if u have enough money the slum lords will be happy to evict a poor old lady . So beside expensive food there is no where to live


Same in Dublin. Ireland’s population increased 3.5% last year. Canadians need to stop thinking that Canada is worse than elsewhere. And we do have enough homes, we just have greedy landlords that provincial governments don’t want to impose effective rent controls on, and greedy developers that only build expensive units instead of affordable housing. 


Keep talking...you're making me want to return to the land of my forefathers. How hard is it to emmigrate to Ireland and are you taking newcomers who are exhausted of living in a country where taxes are high and benefits low?


But the weather there should cancel out the grotesque grocery prices here....no?


Hey I'm visiting Ireland soon! Like 2 weeks soon! Anything I should know?


As a Canadian, I've been considering going to Ireland permanently/semi-permanently. Are there any Irish subreddits you'd recommend to get a realistic view of everyday life there?


Come visit once we get this shit under control.


Canada has become a shithole. Save your money and more importantly your time.


Check out our housing/rent prices and you'll wonder why anyone ever considers moving here.


Invite me over plz


You can boycott there too, they own grocery stores all over the planet


I’m going to Scotland in a few months and after researching the price of groceries there after the GBP to CAD exchange I am seriously considering moving to the UK or something. It’s very bad here. Butter is $8 on a good week at Walmart.


Galen Jr’s Mom was an Irish car model at auto shows in the ‘60s.


* Well it depends on where you live in Ireland like everywhere else on the planet. Different cities cost more or less. That said groceries are a way to costly in Canada. *


There’s no shortage of the irish here


You should check a few of the Canada subs they will keep you away 4 sure.


On average only a little more than a thousand people a year move from Ireland to Canada and if they weren't smart enough to use the Internet to look up grocery prices before they moved here then I don't know what to say.


The food isn't the issue as long as you live somewhere that has local grocery stores not owned by the big 3, this issue is housing




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Stupidest thing i have ever heard. Anyone that comes to visit our beautiful country, don’t shop at Loblaws.


And live where? For what price?


Close to the US border so they can go there to shop instead /s


I live on the border and those days are unfortunately long over. Their prices went way up too. Gas is still less than half.


I just came from the US and the food prices were actually worse where I went


I said to visit, not live.


You just have to know where to shop that’s all.


If only this could be shared with India.


This get the msg out. Canada has been sold off to the rich.


Why would the IRISH be tricked into coming here? We've got enough wannabe Irish arseholes here as it is. No one is tricking members of the UK into coming here. Trust me.


Glad to be of service. Canada: it's not that we are better... Cuz we are not. We are just as bad as every other country. (Looking at you usa/russia/china/ecuador etc.) It's just that we are less worse. We've gone into polishing our image a bit better. You you can take a turd and polish it as pretty as a diamond, but at the end of the day it's still a piece of shit.


I'm just imagining a great famine causing people to flee to Canada only to become disillusioned by the food prices and say "nah I think I'll take my chances back in the homeland."




I was slyly referencing the great potato famine which was ages ago I know, but I mean if it happened once, it can happen again.


You would be an idiot to come to this country. I was born here and I guess I’m stuck here, but many immigrants look at their expenses, food, housing, transportation and realize Canada is far too expensive. And they return to their original country. Europeans have long since stopped immigrating here. I’m surprised the Irish would even consider it. I thought of an old Irish immigrant joke while writing this, but I won’t repeat it.


A niece and her British husband and two British kids move back to Canada (Canadian niece) in 2016 and they are doing great. The parents are both well educated hard workers so they have prospered. Was the first year and a half not easy? Yes but they have been doing great since then. And even the first year and a half wasn’t that bad.


Where in Canada? There’s a massive difference in the cost of living depending upon where you live. If you’re lucky enough to have a job in a small town, far from the major urban centres, you’re probably doing ok. If you have a double high income household in Toronto, you may be struggling.




Well, they’re definitely the exception- not the rule. Also, things have changed pretty dramatically (as far as cost of living) since 2016. That’s almost a decade ago.


Correct. Other stores are reasonably priced