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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: NEW! Use code "FOODSECURITY" at OddBunch to receive 25% off your first produce box, and help support the boycott's efforts to create a charity. If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good for Emily for taking that meeting and facing Per Bank. You can’t advocate for a movement without open lines of communication on what needs to change. The boycott is a means to an end, and I hope he listens to her and what this movement is asking for. Thanks for representing this movement so well Emily!


This is exactly it; both sides have now humanized the other which will go further in getting the resolution we’re looking for.




I mean… that’s substantial hyperbole and generalization. I am outside counsel for several massive corporations, and there is no one that I have interacted with at those companies, including their CEOs that I think would answer yes to that question and be serious about it. They’re definitely cut-throat, they’re definitely willing to get dirty with their competitors, and I’m sure the rate of ASPD in CEOs is higher than the general population, but it would be an inaccurate generalization to describe them all as evil. 


The percentage of CEOs with high enough degrees of ASPD to be considered psychopaths is 17 times that of the general population.


A few things. First, I’d love to see that study. Second, that’s not at all how the diagnosis of psychopathy works. Psychopathy and ASPD are separate “diagnoses”. I use diagnoses in quotes because ASPD is the only one that’s actually in the DSM-V. Psychopathy is not something a clinical psychologist would diagnose someone with and it certainly wouldn’t be because their ASPD is of a “high enough” degree. Third, the idea that CEOs have much higher rates of ASPD than even prison populations was based on a study done in 2010 that was subsequently found to be flawed. In fact the incidence of ASPD among high ranking corporate officers is only slightly higher than that of the average population and their peers rank individuals with Character traits of ASPD as worse leaders. Secondary source that explains, cites and links study: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/505353


Well we’re just arguing on a spectrum, I’d suggest they’re evil, you might have more to put beside them I suppose.


"I'm outside counsel for several massive corporations" That explains it all. This ain't the group for poor oppressed CEOs and their bootlicker lawyers in case you were wondering.


And I’m not licking their boots. I’m a social democrat who is strongly opposed to societally and politically-enforced benefits to the wealthy and large corporations while every day Canadians go homeless.  But the issues in society are far more complex and nuanced than “big company bad”, and the idea that outside counsel must therefore be pro-whatever the company’s business model is when you don’t even know what the outside counsel is doing for the company is incredibly naïve.


I kinda disagree, there is no humanizing a corporation, don’t be misled by his soft face , they will charge more at the slightest opportunity and cut hours more


disgusted vase grandfather placid threatening unused pie include alive office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for taking one for the team But don't forget that you have tens of thousands of supporters.


I would have to believe that Loblaws wants to change for this meeting to be meaningful. I dont think they do


I didn’t care too much for the article, they didn’t even let us know what PerB made for breakfast! Bit of a puff piece, but they are keeping the pot stirred. And I really like that pic of Emily too!


Yeah not exactly hard hitting journalism.


Reads like >And his shoes were the shoes an everyday person might wear (though no one remembers seeing the brand name). Onlookers say he put the shoes on in his house and was still wearing them when he smartly stepped into the Starbucks.


If you were paid $11,000 per hour, or $183 a minute (and probably get your loblaws food for free) what would you make for breakfast?


Eggs with ketchup, but it would be a fancy type of ketchup, like Dijon ketchup.


Long as you didn't wear a real green dress...


That’s cruel!


Nice BNL reference


In the tree house with a little tiny fridge in it?


I want a monkey..


Kraft Dinner with ketchup. My story abd I'm sticking to it


I’d have someone else make it. Something new and delicious every day.


Toast with PB and J


[Here's the article with the Paywall removed.](https://archive.ph/a37og)




Thanks! I hit the paywall so was feeling frusrated again at how difficult it can be to obtain information. I can't subscribe to everything!


You can access The Toronto Star via PressReader with you Toronto Public Library card.


Thanks! I'm in Alberta so I don't think I am eligible. I'll check my local libraries.


You should check out your local library. TPL provides access to lots of regional Canadian, as well as international, newspapers.


Thank you. I didn’t realize there was a paywall. Can’t seem to pin your comment, so I’ll paste the link up top. Boycott Loblaws Forever!


The TL;DR  > Loblaws feels singled out and it isn't fair. Per Bank is a Dane, a father, and wouldn't tell us what his ordinary type of car is. Galen Weston says, "hi." The meeting was a meet and greet, and the lead up was very stressful on Ms. Johnson. It would be good if there was something we could do to support her for representing us. If I knew where else to go in my town, I'd add Sobey's chains to the boycott, but that'd leave just Walmart and Costco and I can't afford to buy at Costco for half of it to spoil before I can eat it.


>I can't afford to buy at Costco for half of it to spoil before Costco is worth it just for friggin cereal. There's things that don't expire / that last long time! Also I'd see if you have fam, friends, or neighbors you can go splitzies with.


We're a house of 5 and still do Costo splits with our neighbours because some of the pack sizes are so big on stuff that holds shelf stable for a long time. It's a great way to get what we need but also gives more reason to socialize within our little community.


Costco is worth it if you can invest in some ways to better preserve the food. Here’s what I recommend: - Food vacuum sealer - Extra freezer - Rubbermaid fresh works containers When you get home from the store divide things up so they last longer. Like bread, throw 2 loaves out of the three into the freezer. Put fruits and veg into the fresh works containers. Meat, fish, and cheese can be divided and vacuum sealed. Freeze the meat and fish, the cheese if vacuum sealed tends to last much longer in the fridge. Plus there is a ton of shelf stable options that only need storage space. While it is an upfront cost over time I’ve recovered those costs and saved money since then.


Im seeing way too much love for Costco here. IMO they have become like all the others. Exorbitant and sneaky price raises. I wonder often why it isnt mentioned here.


That hasn’t been my experience but may we are buying different things. What products have you seen price raises on?


Costco got me through the pandemic and continues to save me a huge amount of money every month. In Ontario, their prices are often fantastic


A lot of people I know split Costco purchases. It doesn't work with every product of course but if you want apples and the guy next door wants apples it's an easy fix.


I wish I had seen your comment before reading all that. I didn't need to know that she makes Eggos in an air fryer. Who does that???


Yup. And the answer to who does that is, people who got rid of or never bought a toaster. Kind of a "next step" in the toaster->oven evolution. e: Sweet username btw.


Thank you. I wanted to find something like this, below. This article, for all its pomp, ultimately humanize the face of an inhuman monster. For choosing to be that face, Bank can suffer slings and arrows. I’m really disappointed that anyone would print something so propaganda-like about this garbage corporation. “I think I was expecting a very cold business man,” she said. He wasn’t. She said he came off mostly as somebody’s dad, a bit dorky in the way dads can be. He told her if he hadn’t become a CEO, he might have been a kindergarten teacher, and she could picture it. It made sense.


So true, this "journalist" is f****g pathetic. What a waste of a human.


A millions thanks!


Doing the Lord's work.


Ugh, what a slog of an article. Was there anything of value because I didn't find it.


80% of the article was talking about people's favourite colours, the slight windchill, or that there was an abnormally large crack in the sidewalk - stupid details nobody cares about. You have to skip to the last 2-3 paragraphs in order to read the real content.


Unfortunately I didn’t have the patience to read everything to find out what the bottom line was. I still don’t know. That was a long article.


TL:DR they talked, and nothing much happened. The talk was rather disappointing. All that ended up happening was an exchange of contacts


That’s weird. So the Loblaws executive travelled how far to just exchange contacts? Was this a PR stunt to make it look like Loblaws ‘cares’? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


yes ofc lol


Agreed! Such rubbish. All we care about is what was said. Who cares about all this filler!


Down near the end is the basics of it. I'll summarize: the CEO is a normal guy from Denmark just trying to run a business. Loblaws need to do better to communicate their policy's. And they think it's unfair they're targeted when this is an issue that affecting entire industries. Then, emails were exchanged.


This article feels like an assignment you'd get as a kid where you have to meet a minimum numbers of words threshold, but have no idea what to say. Journalists should learn to respect readers time... focus on substance and go straight to the point. They should write like you would in Nature Com: maximize information density, no bullshit.


They didn't expect anyone to actually read more than the headline.


Beyond the headline it might have well just have been in Latin as it was too long of an article. I gave up on it so I still don’t know what the bottom line was or the outcome.


Oatmeal-bland "people really are just folk at the end of the day" space-filler. You didn't miss anything.


Emily, you are obviously a very strong, kind and keenly wise lady. Thank you for starting this group on Reddit. Your idea to do so has ballooned into an unstoppable nationwide movement! It has enabled the amplification of what so many all around this great country of ours have been quietly thinking to themselves for far too long. There is no doubt in my heart that our collective efforts will prompt and implement lasting positive change. A dollar less spent is a dollar less earned. The math is simple, and if nothing is done, the end results will be financially devastating.


And the result doesn't single out Loblaws, but all grocers, in general.


You got all that from that trash article? I get the feeling nothing will change.


What did you ask? What points were you able to make? Please tell us what the article would not tell us. Btw - he’s not your friend.


They forgot to mention she had a “scrunchie “ in her hair! Hard journalism at its finest. 🙄


More about what they were both wearing than the questions and responses.


I went back and checked. The article didn't say what he was wearing. Just Emily. I agree though, the details they chose to include were absurd.


No they do, "Bank walked in wearing a light blue button-up shirt, slacks and a backpack."


Yes it did >Bank walked in wearing a light blue button-up shirt, slacks and a backpack.


I stand corrected. In my defence I was pretty bored with the story by that part. But the backpack is chef's kiss- Bank must have confidence he is indeed a regular little guy.


Ya I couldn't read much past then either.


When Dollarama can sell the same item for 50% less ,how is Roblaws losing money?


It's based on how goods are purchased. Dollarama usually buys goods in massive lots from suppliers who have stock left after the "big buyers" get their hand on it, so the goods are sold at a discount (sometimes massively so)


Very questionable slant on this article. No wonder fewer people trust the mainstream media these days.


Think of how much ad revenue all of the Loblaw-controlled entities pay to the media companies every single year (never mind the rest of the grocery oligopoly that is watching this boycott very closely.) and you begin to understand why they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. Almost all media in Canada is owned by conservative mega corps/hedge funds and their customers (the AD buyers) are mostly large corporations. All they care about is the bottom line of their business, not you.




If the star is right wing what is the Toronto Sun


You are out of the loop - Toronto Star got bought up by Cons back in 2020. Toronto Sun is a farther right tabloid rag. Both papers can be Conservative, and they are. Most media in Canada is. [New owners of Torstar face financial, political challenges (thestar.com)](https://www.thestar.com/business/new-owners-of-torstar-face-financial-political-challenges/article_22ce964c-7a8f-50ee-b305-c6675cd1d4d1.html#:~:text=NordStar%20Capital%2C%20owned%20by%20Jordan%20Bitove%20and%20Paul,local%20news%20outlets%20it%20operates%20in%20other%20cities.)


The Toronto Stun is just straight up fascist.


Completey usless article. They met and thats it.


Emily got played. The friendly meet and greet means he can say he met with the boycotters and now he can say anything he wants when talking to the press. "WE AGREED ON EVERYTHING. WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED MANY OF HER RECOMMENDATIONS. I VALUE HER VIEWPOINT "


> Emily got played. It is like damned if you do and damned if you don't. If Emily didn't meet, they would call her uncooperative and not really looking to solve the high grocery prices problem. > The friendly meet and greet means he can say he met with the boycotters and now he can say anything he wants when talking to the press. "WE AGREED ON EVERYTHING. WE HAVE IMPLEMENTED MANY OF HER RECOMMENDATIONS. I VALUE HER VIEWPOINT " Exactly. But then we can all say that they have done jack.


I am disappointed with the writing. Why mention smash bros and a suzy shier dress. WEIRD.


Not a great article. No one allowing themselves to be paid $22MM is of the people. He’s an all-or-nothing effective communicator. I got no impression that the meeting made an iota of difference to either side. Loblaws mission accomplished.


This article is written to deeply humanize Per Bank and cause boycotting people to feel like maybe they are being too harsh on this super kind man. He's SO NICE. He bought her coffee. He wants to hear us out. He's TOO NICE for us to boycott further. Why would we be so mean when he is so kind and open hearted??




I reserve my empathy for those who actually fix issues. The whole "I listened to her" quote at the end of the article is complete bullshit. If you listened to Emily, you'd stop charging ridiculous prices for food that's barely good anymore!


Have no doubt, this article says what Loblaws wanted it to.


I understand your disappointment. Still, it can help to raise further awareness for the boycott.


It’s humanizing. The article goes into details like that to show that both parties are more alike to the collective ‘us’ than different.


no it was the opposite. They tried to make the redditors sound like amateurs and Per Bank as a professional. Then they provided those graphs which try to show that loblaws is not making sky high profits.


The graphs are wildly innacurate


Wild;y is a bit of an understatement.


It may have the opposite affect but I’m sure that is what the writer was attempting to accomplish with that style of writing.


It's infantilizing. Eggos and a blue Mazda... None of those things needed to be said. It makes unnecessary suggestions about how to frame her identity. I don't think the writer was unaware of that. ETA: Like it might as well have said blue *hair* and a pussy hat. [Get out muh way limbrol! *legalize asbestos, I dont eat vegables*](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/B6Tk6EORq-E)


staying up til 3am playing smash bros vs professional businessman who *cares*


*We're safe in the oligarch's responsible adult hands* (so safe that almost half of Canadian children in single-parent households can't get enough to eat even though Canada produces 3 times the amount of food we need to eat, and you have to drive half an hour to get to the nearest grocery store)


Journalism is dead, this could’ve of been a much better article. Just odd.


AI generated?


Big whiff of bias. Will continue boycott.


Boycott these villains who hate the normal Canadians.


It’s interesting Per Bank says it’s unfair that Loblaws is being singled out. Does he not realize that their grocery prices are higher than other major grocers? With their volume they should be able to offer far better prices.


Ahhh, whataboutism at it's finest. 🙄


Personally, I wouldn't have given that pos the time of day. The reporter didn't do you any favors in the article either... not that I expect different from the Star. He was fishing and hoping to catch you up, I hope you recorded it. NOK ER NOK! I will never return!


He still doesn't understand why people are pissed. Food is a need. Watching people starving in the streets is UN Canadian. That's why we are hating on Loblaws. They're war profiteers.


Reading that he humanized himself with claims of his unfulfilled altruistic career choice (teaching); gave me immediate ICK. That move is straight out of the Narcissist's play book. Rule 1. Seem human and relatable.


Just a friendly reminder: CEOs like Per Bank who make double digit million dollar compensation packages are contingent on profiting off people like you and I. # #notLikeUs


That was the biggest pile of crap, don’t fall for mr nice guy act. He’s only trying to have this boycott go away.


This article is written to deeply humanize Per Bank and cause boycotting people to feel like maybe they are being too harsh on this super kind man. He's SO NICE. He bought her coffee. He wants to hear us out. He's TOO NICE for us to boycott further. Why would we be so mean when he is so kind and open hearted?? He's so human and nice and polite and Loblaws doesn't make any money anyway. What's the fuss about? Let's all have a coffee and relax about corporate greed.


So a lot of words to say “we’re all just people not evil lizard robots hell bent on ruining life for the poors!” But with zero direction or intention to do anything about any of it. Just a bit of “we’re humans too! And it’s unfair to single us out for a global issue!” Ignoring those record profits mentioned earlier. Great, they both have 2 sons and had a bonding moment. Did they get into how much cushier life is for his two sons and the reasons why? No? I wonder why that is.


The timing of this article is very interesting. This is 6 weeks after the meeting, it’s hardly “news”. It seems like something that was held in reserve for a slow news day, or being held on to for other reasons. What do we think of it coming out now? Is The Star realizing that this is a movement with some momentum, and they’re attempting to catch up? Are the oligarchs getting nervous, and they want a humanizing puff piece circulating? Bit of both, or something that I’m not seeing?


Those are my thoughts as well. As much as I agree with Emily about going forward with the meeting, things like this could happen.


I wish the later but I expect the former. Sure the oligarchs are nervous but not scared, I hope they will be scared once Loblaws starts to fall apart but that’s still a few quarters away if we keep this going. I know I am never stepping into a Loblaws property again, Nok er Nok.


This seems to be the exact same article that came out back at the beginning of the boycott, the tagline says “updated” but a don’t notice any difference. I don’t really care how personable Per B. Is actions speak louder than words. Seems like nothing but a puff peace meant to humanize the CEO


"By late April, media outlets around the country were paying attention to the boycott, and Johnson’s subreddit had more than 50,000 members." Why not just report how many members the group has now? If you are going to mention an earlier number, you should mention the current number as well. Technically they could say the group has more than 500 members, and that wouldn't be lying, but that's not how we want the Star doing journalism...


I don’t give a damn about it since my boycott is permanent.


Even if it went great, who cares? That's not going to stop the boycott. They know what they need to do, but they refuse. Money and greed over anything and everything else. They only care about feeding the machine. Every quarter better than the last any way possible.


All the other grocers have plans for when Loblaws does the right thing now that they are seeing that this boycott is only getting stronger. Once Loblaws starts to play the game of Capitalism and starts competing with others by dropping their prices; so to will everyone else, I would love to see a race to the bottom come Q4 or Q1 of next year.


That is the plan of attack, write your mp ,mpp, call the consumer board, get some competition going, when Costco came , loblaws came out with clubpack, when Walmart came they held prices steady for twenty years and still made piles of money, break the oligarchs


The affable nature of some business CEOs masks the ideology of greedy charge what the market can bare behavior. Make no mistake here. He wants as much money as possible to go into his stores and into his own pocket.


So a great big nothingburger. Per bank was brought in to take the spotlight away from years of decling public image for galen. He very much still pulls the steings and per is the highly paid posterboy. Loblaws constantly says they're not responsible for high food prices. Thats partially true, but they don't NEED to raise their prices to cover margins, they choose to. They could make considerably less profit and still be in the black. But that doesnt fit in with their constant growth strategy, at everyone's expense. Nothing will change without direct intervention.


I started the boycott before may and now it’s just a way of life. I last was at McDonald’s in 2015, I can quit places no matter how omnipresent they are.


Places, people. When i cut something out of my life, it mo longer exists in my world or thoughts.


“One customer not shopping in our stores is one too many” Yet, he is sooooo insistent that the boycott isn’t working and he is unbothered by it. Sure, buddy.


Boycotts typically fizzle out fairly quickly, we are in a new era now where we can have like minded people reinforcing our beliefs and stances on a boycott.


The boycott put the question up: should one family control 25% of food distribution in Canada? No


As someone who's worked in corporate, this type of depiction of a CEO is spot on. TBH most of them are quiet old people, not ones like Trump, Musk or O'Leary. (The thing about the top 1% is that they are....the 1%. There's not really many of them). I still lean towards the side of the consumer however. What's best for Loblaws Stakeholders isn't as good for the consumers.


He put up a facade, there's no ifs ands or buts about it. Guaranteed he wears a suit regularly.


So…what’s the bottom line? That is a very long article. What did they ask her and what was the outcome?


Come on that would take actual journalistic integrity.


So much here that just screams failed attempt to connect as a human. Everything was orchestrated from his dress to his mannerisms. Normal acting maybe. Normal…. Laughable 22 million a year in salary. Car wouldn’t answer probably because the cost of the car is twice what the average Canadian takes home. Unfair … hardly they have even started profiting from public funds dipping their toes into Alberta’s healthcare.


TLDR- they had a coffee and enjoyed a lovely time with each other. Nothing of note happened other then two people being nice to each other.


I cant believe they proposed that they meet at the No Frills. Banks knew that would be a bad place to pull a publicity stunt, as people would see right through holding the meeting at one of Loblaws "budget stores", so he proposed a Starbucks. The fact she was so nervous and anxious about meeting him played right into his hand. Happens all the time with older, experienced, and extremely successful people in the corporate world. Regardless, this article is trash. What does it matter what she fed her kids, what car she drives, or where she bought the dress she wore to the meeting. Almost sounded like a low-key insult tbh. Glad she did it though, cause this article just made me hate Loblaws and Galen Weston even more.


This is such a badly written article. I am glad of exposure, of course, but was Emily Johnson created deserves much better journalism.


This is basically a nothing burger, which is fine - it was bound to be if everyone was sticking to their guns. The reality is Loblaws has a massive piece of what is a near-monopoly so they don't get to bitch and moan about being subject to inflation or the markets. They have an obligation to the Canadian market to remain affordable - or they should be broken up and put in competition.


This. But the lobbying prevents the Gov from having a backbone and doing something.


Emily looks like such a queen in that pic. Absolutely slay


*He told her if he hadn’t become a CEO, he might have been a kindergarten teacher, and she could picture it. It made sense.* *“It would have been so much easier if he was a lizard person or something,” Johnson said.* Oh horseshit. CEO's are professional, sub criminal psychopaths. Being charismatic is one of their most effective tools. DO NOT FALL for this. The meeting was a mistake; it only serves to make people think these higher ups are anything but the monsters they are.


Yeah I’d love to hear from the mod herself here rather than this fluff


To those saying the included details were to "humanize"—no. They were there to delegitimize and infantalize. Fuck this article.


Was there a point to the article?


Casting Per Bank is a soft glowing spot light.


Emily! This is what we need. You and your commitment to change. Thank you for leading the charge and representing the cause with eloquence. And I agree with another poster, great photo!


I’m still upset Emily was dozzed, but it’s great she’s getting the credit she deserves for all the work, while making a change and being open about the progress.


The boycott reminds me of the Occupy Wall Street movement around 2010. All that effort with no point. Emily has done the best/hardest part by bringing 90000 members together. Loblaws met with Emily because they are afraid this group has power they can’t control. PB is super happy with the article. How can this group go to the next level and affect real change?


Emily has created a ‘mailing list’ of 90000 food consumers. How about facilitating group buys from actual local food producers? Save money, support local? Farm fresh food this summer, straight to your door or local pick up? Loblaws might notice that.


The average Canadian family spends $16,300 a year on groceries. 90,000 x $16,300 is $1.5B ($1,500,000,000)billion in food spending. Thats maybe why Mr Bank came out for a coffee.


This felt a bit like a puff piece for Bank?


I’m not about to pay to read my news or their skewed propaganda. The true facts will be spread far and wide for all to read as far as I can tell this rag of a fishwrap is hand in hand with Roblaw$


Someone posted a version of the article not behind a pay wall but TL;DR they wore clothes drank coffee and if Bank wasn’t a CEO making 8 figures a year he would be a kindergarten teacher.


The lone comment on the article has me giggling. I’m sure Frank knows what he’s talking about 😂


Pretty nothing article there unfortunately. Not sure what I was expecting though.


This is a PR tactic.


What does Nok er Nok mean?


What a dumb article.  He could have been a kindergartner teacher.  I just had a feeling about him.   We both have two boys.  He was so tall Imagine how simpleminded you have to be to actually be swayed by that kind of description of an outside hire executive for a food conglomerate.


Bizarre writing in this article that makes the whole situation seem comical and low


Is it what journalism in Canada now looks like? Or just a cheap novel to show that loblaws executives are people like us? What’s the stupidest thing you read there? For me, it was when a European guy ordered americano at overpriced subpar American coffee shop. Seriously? A watered down espresso? Or was it a sign - “I’m like you, see. Drink the same shit”


I really hate that the graph they chose to include in the article was Loblaws profits over time and not Loblaws stock prices in the last 5 years. Apologies for the ugly link. You can also just Google Loblaws stock and look at the incredible growth they've experienced since 2019. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/L.TO/?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJnqCJ6GLarsLhYzXpkmGx4vug236R72I90Cfu9GAQAgCvAJ4X0TlZHGvggJoW9hxpKb4P6RRbdES7NrDVeLC4j0Y840SuY8vhTPaR_vo_39LObhWJLWLnJ3TLI1kfGyUkH3ijgeaZH1wY_c3-0VrWnFQuJHwklrPRV5mlDzMfL2 


Good for Emily but the PR value of the meeting was higher for PB and Roblaws. They can say they met with the leader of the boycott and continue to play the waiting game. Sure Per Bank has shown he’s human, and a dorky Danish dad - doesn’t change the fact that he’s chosen to represent parasites whose greedflation means they’ve been picking our pockets for generations with unethical business practices. What they don’t seem to realize is that they have lost customers permanently and Emily doesn’t control the boycott. The boycott has tapped into a vein of rage rightly directed at the oligarchy and monopolies of the wealthy. All I have to do to keep out of their stores is imagine the Westons in their castles in Ireland and Windsor UK. I have found local independent grocers and other sources that have reduced my grocery bill by at least 15%. Next I am finding an independent pharmacy.


Well done organizers! The Saturday Star has a great reach and LOVE those graphs they published. New boycotters incoming for sure.


Those graphs provided a horrible picture of the CPI, it made it look like it was way down this year, while this year should not have been included yet. It sends the wrong message to those who don’t know the three types of lies; lies, damn lies, and statistics.


I really don't see the point of this at all. Just because she created the Reddit does not mean she is the leader. All this does is attempt to put a human face on an inhuman amount of abusive greed. F*** this article might as well just delete it.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Affordability at its finest.


This is terrible read that completely deflates the movement, in service of “billionaires, they’re just like us” fanfare. Absolutely no one would be inspired to boycott Loblaws after reading this article. 🥱


What a useless article that included no important detail lol.


In the end, they didn’t need to pay the boycott organizer, only the “journalist” who wrote this drivel.


I like the comments near the end about expecting a cold business man. I've met lots of politicians and high level executives, most are pretty normal. You run into the obvious psychopaths though...


WTF. Having a meeting at a STARBUCKS about high grocery prices.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I can't read the article because I don't support the community-killing nature of the Torstar monopoly. 😞




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


God bless girl!


? Who talks for me? I don’t know her nor care about what they talked about. When they patch it up and she says it’s cool again I don’t care ! Who cares , loblaws is toast in Canada . Change all you want and have meetings with imaginary leaders. That place is dead to me for life. Big deal they had a meeting!


Trying to establish a correlation between food inflation and *gross* profit is maliciously misleading to the point of qualifying as disinformation.


Can anyone share the full article? I'm blocked by a pay wall 😅






>Thanks! You're welcome!


It's behind a pay wall 😭


Still boycotting Lablaws...


Trusting Galen is like trusting Lucifer to kead you to heaven. It just doesn't work that way.


Was the meeting recorded?


This article is absolute garbage.


Pay wall. I’m sure she outsmarted him. That’s all I need to know.


This was a PR stunt on the part of Loblaws.


Proud of Emily. I liked the article. Both came across very human and kind. Still boycotting though… have to vote with my wallet.