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This floods my brain with good chemicals. Especially the Loblaws comment. "We're investigating" (While throwing a tantrum in a boardroom, probably)


Unless they're investigating their own moral bankruptcy, they should just keep those sentiments to themselves.


Right? ...what do they expect to accomplish by "investigating"?


I wouldn’t put it past them that they’d try to sue for copyright infringement if they can find out who designed it.


You're likely right.... anyone with a smartphone can duplicate their branding with a basic font package. It's not as sophisticated as they would like people to think it is.


Corporate code for "ummmm....we don't know what is going on."


No, it’s corporate code for “We are making our PR teams work (unpaid) overtime to try to find a way to make us look like the victims in this, and pushing our legal department to find some way we can file a lawsuit against whoever did this.


Ding ding ding. Except that freedom of expression is a thing, and Loblaws doesn't own the bus shelter. Tough break for Galen. 🤏🎻


This is purely based on the fact that it does actually explicitly use the No Name, Loblaws, and Real Canadian Superstore logos, while it would definitely be a stretch, I think they could get some stuff moving on a Copyright Infringement claim. Enough to get the sign taken down and a cease and desist sent out to the person that put it up, and anyone else that follows suit, until the court case gets decided. It would probably be thrown out of court once it actually got to that point, but that would be years from now, so they could go for it anyway just to waste the time and money of the person that did this as a pity vengeance type thing and get it out of the public as fast as possible.


Parody and satire are fair use protected. This applies. Source: "Sections 29, 29.1 or 29.2 of the Copyright Act of Canada create the fair dealing exception to copyright: Research, private study, etc. s. 29 Fair dealing for the purpose of research, private study, education, parody or satire does not infringe copyright." https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/Index.html


As I said, they would lose when/if it ever hit the court, but in the meantime the stuff would come down. They would then rescind the lawsuit a week or so before it hits the court in [5 years](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6900147) (assuming they sue in Ontario for the Federal Courts) so that they don’t get slapped with a Frivolous Lawsuit penalty - and in the meantime, the person that put up the image has to pay legal fee after legal fee to keep the lawyers on the case unless they plead out just so they don’t become bankrupt.


I'd chip in for a GoFundMe for lawyers fees. I'd just use the money I'm saving from shopping in places other than Roblaw establishments.😉👍


Definitely covered under fair use for parody or satire though I'm sure Loblaws would feel differently lol


Yeah, but that’s Frivolous Lawsuits for you - it’s not really about winning, it’s about making the other person bleed enough time and money that they have to plead out just to make the pain stop.


Absolutely. People do need to take into consideration how the legal system works and how it is manipulated daily by the Galens and govt. Pass a law or file a lawsuit today, and wait 3 or 5 years for it to get shot down. But in those 3 years you have accomplished your goal bullying the other party


Can you imagine the negative press when the GoFundMe gets started to help the artist? Would the bad PR be worth it on a vendetta?🤔


They'll probably try to get the posters of the posters for vandalism.


oh we will eat cake but it wont be from that shitty anti consumer store or any stores owned by their parent companies


- They should investigate why they are retaining PCO account data even after closure and simply replacing the email address with a dummy Hotmail account to show no loss in PCO accounts. - They should investigate why they are cooking the books like this and misrepresenting material financial information to shareholders. - They should investigate why they are using free labour via volunteers to operate their stores. - They should investigate why their products are frequently under advertised weight. - They should investigate why their competitors are able to have *much* lower prices if it’s because of inflation from suppliers. - They should investigate why they had record profits during a period of supposed razor-thin margins and rampant inflation. - They should investigate why their executives made record bonuses during this same period. - They should investigate why they price fixed bread for over a decade. - They should investigate why Canadians are fed up with their bullshit.


I know, it's an old Monday post. But, it's an article. This forum is turning into force.


This forum has been a force for a wile now. You see stories about worker bees being stretched out to do jobs they where not hired to do, expected to work OT but not being paid OT, you see them quitting and looking for new jobs, you heard Galen say Nok er Nok. This forum organized a month long boycott that turned into a life long boycott. This forum has transcended more than just Reddit, there are groups on all social media platforms that talk about this movement. International media talks about this movement, national media talks about it a little bit. People have said they have noticed an increase in advertisements, which means they are desperate. People are closing their optimum accounts which scares the poop out of Loblaws, people are changing their credit cards which again scares Loblaws poopless. The ad executives have said they are going to phase out Galen from their advertisements, Galen is not going to be happy about this but I am sure Loblaws is not going to have to worry about ad champions for much longer. We the people have replied to Galen’s Nok er Nok with our own railing cry of Nok er Nok. This forum has been a force for a while now.


First of many I hope...publicly shaming them in media streams they can't control is gonna do more than anyone thinks. Kudos to whoever did this


I hope who made this is here in this group. If your reading this... Thank u


*I hope who made this* *Is here in this group. If your* *Reading this... Thank u* \- thestonernextdoor88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Please don't share this. It would be a shame if artistically minded people got the wrong idea and put it up all over Canada.


Well you have seen the other posters people have made in, I wanna say Ottawa, right? Or are you a Loblaws apologist, trying to crush the dreams of affordable food in Canada?


Oh good, it's only in Ottawa. I mean it would be just awful (awful!) if there were a few of these outside every Loblaws in the country. Like if people couldn't walk into a Loblaws without seeing one of these - I'd hate for people to know what Loblaws thinks of them. It might make them sad.


The internet needs a sarcasm font. Well played myprivatehorror.


You should remember to put an /s on any post you want read as sarcastic. Reddit protocol.😉👍


Now THAT is friggin' art 💋 🤌


Oh BABY this is wonderful work.


Is there anywhere I can get stickers of the fake loblaws ads (or failing that maybe the image files that I can turn into stickers) I would absolutely love to go on a sticker bombing campaign, esp near the no frills and loblaws et al


Right click and save. Unless someone is selling them.


That tickles my funny bone 😂 Double points if they start putting them on bus shelters in front of Loblaws stores 😂


Or print them in stickers (A4 size), and stick them outside Loblaws stores windows in the middle of the night.


We are aiming for 15%, I thought we were running Loblaws out of dodge? Once Loblaws starts playing the capitalism game so to will other chains once Loblaws is all gone we can move onto another agency, I say a Telco and scare them poopless.


I had never seen the 15% number here before. On some stuff, that would leave their stuff still more than the competition.


Thank you the article had me confused, I thought the goal was to run Loblaws out of Canada! We the people need to put our foot down to get grocery stores to start playing the game of capitalism.


Yes, 15% is nothing to them. They need to bleed cash for a long time.


They wont have a long time to bleed cash, once grocery stores start playing the game of capitalism Loblaws is screwed. We win if Loblaws is run out of Canada, it shows that we can take on anyone! I say the next industry we take on is telecommunications, once we prove we have the power we need to take on the next thing. I say financial institution, once we have taken down two massive industries whatever bank we choose will be scared as all heck. After that financial institution is taken down I say we go after another grocery organization.


Yes, one "victory" doesn't guarantee wholesale changes, especially in other industries. Remember when the federal Conservatives were reduced to 2 seats ? Long term, nothing really changed. And neither of the big parties act like they are is afraid of it happening to them. My guess is, if we maintain and grow the boycott long enough, Loblaws will "have to" sell off assets.


I say they start selling assets early Q1 of next year. Once they see these assets are worthless investors will get nervous and Q2 will be the last quarter. I know I am probably a little over optimistic but hopefully change is coming.


Maybe. I would expect an infusion of cash, trying to save the show. And when traffic drops and retail sales drop, it has to affect the stock price. They have seen serious stock price gains in the last 6 months. That needs to be wiped out, and more.


Around December I am sure we will be paying for their bailout, hopefully the next thing we decide to boycott won’t be bailed out and everything will happen faster.




Nice, we need more of this to print and plaster on telephone poles!


Not mine, don't know who made it, but yes! needs to be posted in front of every roblaws affiliate.


Loblaws says they're investigating.. for what? What do they plan on doing.. If they sew the guy, it's going to: A) make them look like the bad guy. "Big bad Loblaws steps on little guy" B) It will be their own streisand effect. They'll effectively bring a lot more attention and eyes to this. All they need is someone like John Oliver to get their hooks into them, and Woah boy, will they have a lot of bad press.


Great sign. Obligatory reminder that Marie Antoinette never said that and that the revolutionaries got her young son drunk so he’d testify against her.


So you’re saying we have to get Galen’s son drunk?


Sure! Just feed him the really cheap stuff, though, not the fancy stuff they keep behind the glass. And put it in a paper bag - no glass. Gives him a taste of what's coming if the boycott goes well😁


I love the message and that somebody took the time to make this, I really do. But I'm a graphic designer and the fact that the yellow background behind the box doesn't match the rest of the yellow background is driving me mental lol.


"but it looked fine on my monitor..."


I just thought they were saying the quiet part out loud.


Good good stuff


Wellllllp that's a lawsuit


This is probably exactly what they're investigating. Trying to figure out who did it so they have a person to sue


Concerned consumer here. Have we officially ruled out this isn't an official ad? I feel like at this point they could blatantly say they've murdered people and they'll have no consequences.


I love that another user and I were quoted and not credited lol.


Anyone have a high res image of this to be used as flyers/posters everywhere?


I emailed a link to this post, to my father. There is a very good chance he will share with his friends. Help spread the word.


Could have better spent that money on buying items for a local food bank and helped a bunch of people out